
Aurane 3


He smirked at the smoldering wreckage of what was supposed to be one of the most fearsome and notably bloodthirsty pirate vessels in the stepstones.

They would learn not to deal so lightly with cannon armed vessels in the future he suspected, but for now, their headlong rushes had proven little more than entertainment for his fleet, and training for his gunners.

"Should we fish up the straggler's sir?"

"Fish up the fish, fish up the fish, Squawk"

Aurane glanced at the bird on his shoulder in mock annoyance, before sighing and stroking its head, prompting it to nuzzle into his neck.

"I suppose we should, the Prince said something about Gibbets. He'll probably want at least a few fools to stuff into them."

"Yes, sir."

"Stuff the Gibbets, Stuff the Gibbets."

"Hush, Polly." He scratched at the bird's head, pushing a small piece of hardtack into its mouth.

They had come around the coast of Bloodstone expecting heavy resistance from the island that held most of the Stepstone's population, but thus far there had been nothing organized. A few sorely outgunned and outnumbered pirates, but that was about it.

'We'll have to see about Salt-town soon enough though.' He scratched at his short and curly beard, looking over his map. The city sat at the southern edge of the island, the closest port to Dorne, and an infamous haven for pirates and the like.

It likely wouldn't pose a problem for cannons and his ships, but he doubted that taking the city would be as easy as shore bombardment.

He would need a proper demonstration of power. Kill off the city's crimelords and bosses before they got any ideas about making his or the Prince's life difficult.

Of course, he would have to do it without damaging the city overmuch, since it was to be the Prince's soon enough.

"Captain, we've got them. Their captain's alive."

"Oho,? Interesting." He looked up from his plotting. "Have him brought just outside my cabin, I'll be there shortly."

He placed his pen back in the inkpot as he stood to his feet. He had had enough of that nonsense either way.

As he stepped outside he chuckled to himself. Bloody Sam didn't look half what the stories made of him, a water dancer supposedly, and of great skill, the Marines had clearly roughed him up pulling him out of the drink, and he was sporting a rather blatant black eye.

"Captain Sam Waters, I take it? Or should I say, former captain, given your current situation?"

"Go die in a hole you rat-bastard."

Aurane chuckled, drawing a dagger from his hip rather quickly, and placing the tip against the sneering man's neck. "A bastard I may well be, but I only smell one rat here." He smiled wickedly as the man pulled back futilely from the knife pressing ever so lightly into his flesh. "You will learn to hold your tongue, Little sam, or your execution may be a tad expedited."

He had to give the man a little bit of respect as he hacked out a glob of spit in defiance. "It's Bloody Sam."

Aurane smiled. "That can be arranged."

A grimace came over the man's face, and Aurane chuckled once again. "First though, why don't you tell us what if anything, you know about the other pirates in these waters. We expected far more."

The man laughed.

"The Gutless Bilge rats scarpered south with their ships when they heard you were coming. They'll be halfway to the Basilisk Islands by now even if the winds against them. The ones with any blood in their guts stuck around to fight of course, but that's a rare thing in our profession."

"Perhaps they would say you lack blood in your brain?" Aurane laughed. "Or is it your cock? Didn't you get your name by killing prostitutes in Tyrosh?"

"They were worthless whores all of them." The man snarled at the insult "Mayhaps I lack blood in the brain, but then at least I'll be dying of a sword while they all die of grey-plague or some other hideous disease from the pits of Gorgossos." The prisoner grunted. "I'll take the sword thank you, I just wished I could have cut a few more of you prissy Westerosi down first."

"Yes yes, you charged straight into our cannons, I'm quite aware." Aurane nodded. "And you'll be decorating the new gibbets in Salt Town soon enough, but in the meantime, I don't want you to stinking up this ship." Aurane turned towards the bosun Gulltown Jon. "See that this man gets a nice bath under the keel."

"Aye Cap'n Aurane."

He didn't need to bother looking to know the anger in Bloody Sam, the stream of profanity was more than enough for that.

"Oh, and do try to avoid drowning him if you can. A public execution will be more useful for our purposes."

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