
Arthur XXII


We eventually made our way to the Olive tower, which had a better view of the harbor, though lady Ollena stayed behind, saying she wasn't going to let me break her back by making her walk all over the castle.

By the time we got there, the two longships had broken away from each other, and my forces were well out ahead of the Redwyne fleet, the morning breeze forcing them to tack a little bit, but nonetheless allowing them to advance faster than the rest of the Cogs that made up the bulk of the vessels.

The Sword for its part, caught up to the ship which had remained in its position fairly easily, a Greyjoy ship now that I looked at it, or at least I thought that was a Kraken at its prow.

The other vessel, the one with the red sails, seemed to be running away as quickly as it could. While I couldn't tell quite how fast it was going, it was clear that its sails were full of wind and it's oars were out and turning. It was much faster than the Redwyne fleet, which was still making their way out to the harbor, and even the sword, handicapped as it was in speed by the shoreward breeze.

"That one's getting away," Margaery said unhelpfully beside me as I glared down at the ship's unnaturally full sails. I had a hunch about who exactly that was…

"Hopefully not, the cutters should catch it." I nodded toward the smaller vessels, more capable of moving along the face of the wind, which were even now tacking towards the vessel in a zig-zagging pattern. Not fast enough to catch the thing perhaps, but enough to give chase.

Then their sails sagged, all wind dying away to leave them gliding slowly to the side of their prey.

"Oh, Bullshit," I said, ignoring the startled look on Desmera's face to my side at the profanity. Margaery took it more in stride. "His sails are still full. How are his sails still full?"

Then I realized what I had said. "Sorry for my outburst my ladies. This is just… frustrating."

It had to be magic. That was the only reasonable explanation. That was probably Euron Goddamned Greyjoy out there.

Unable to pursue any further, the cannons on the lead cutter, the Prince Edric opened up, but the gunners were inexperienced, and at long range besides, plumes of water erupted around what was probably the Silence, but the ship itself seemed undamaged. At the twelve to fifteen knots it seemed to be going it was essentially out of range before the next shots went out, wide and arcing and similarly ineffective.

I wanted to curse again, but took care not too, merely gripping the railing very tightly.

I glanced at the other ship, which was quickly being boarded and overtaken by marines.

"Well. We will have answers at least." I said though it must have been apropos of nothing to the girls.

"Answers to what?" Margaery asked with a nod from Desmera as well, looking slightly less scandalized than before.

"Why there were magical Greyjoys sailing about the reach."

"That was magic? Where?" the Redwyne girl questioned.

"Did you see the way the wind acted? That ship was being carried away while my own ships ended up stuck." I glanced down at the bay. "Even now it hasn't returned yet. It's like the weather itself wants that boat getting away."

"Couldn't that just be natural?"

"With him at full sails less than a kilometer away? Not likely." I ran my hand through my hair. "We'll have to ask the other ships captain exactly what happened, once the Sword can get back into the dock at least. Right now it's stuck out there until the wind returns."

I glanced at the ship now gradually disappearing into the horizon, being carried away seemingly by the hand of God himself.

There was a man I could not afford to let get away.

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