
Update: Information


Kenji Aoyama

Powers and Abilities:

OFA (Normal) : 15% (able to go 20% for a short while)

Kenji's version of OFA will be significantly stronger than previous users. In OFA's unawakened state, his maximum potential is 2x Stronger than end game Midoriya.

OFA Quirks:

- Danger Sense (Unlocked - 40% Mastery)

- Float (Locked)

- Fa Jin (Locked)

- Blackwhip (Locked)

- Smokescreen (Locked)

- Gearshift (Locked)

Healing Factor: (Base)

OFA (Awakened) : No Mastery

In OFA's awakened state, Kenji's power will far surpass normal OFA. 15% of Normal OFA would be equivalent to All Might 100% and 30% will be equal to Deku 100% (With quirks). The downside being that awakened OFA is far more unstable, using 5% will break Kenji's limbs like it did Deku's.

Awakened OFA Quirks:

- Danger Sense Evolved (Locked)

- Float Evolved (Locked)

- Fa Jin Evolved (Locked)

- Blackwhip Evolved (Locked)

- Smokescreen Evolved (Locked)

- Gearshift Evolved (Locked)

Awakened quirks will also have changes in their function and activation. I won't spoil it here but lets say each quirk will include Honkai energy in its activation.

Healing Factor: (Evolved)

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