
Transmigration Spell

Hiraku and Mira appeared in the church through the crescent portal, Hiraku carrying Shin in his arms.

"Mira, did you find her?" he asked, his breath easing as he gently placed Shin on the front pew.

"No, nothing. It's like the old woman never existed. I've searched the spiritual realm and can't find her," Mira responded with exasperation as she sat down, crossing her legs.

"Hiraku, is there something else you have in mind?" Lisa asked, worry evident in her tone as she glanced at Shin's condition.

"Let's try the fusion spell. I'm guessing the old woman doesn't want to be found," Hiraku said, opening the Clavis Salomonis.

"If she doesn't want to be found, then why did she reach out to us? I don't get it," Mira retorted, frustration creeping into her voice.

Lisa sat on the pew, twirling her hair and staring at the altar. "Could it be that it wasn't the old woman but the strange aura that's been trailing us?"

"What do you mean?" Hiraku asked, apprehension lacing his tone.

"I mean that maybe the evil aura used the old woman's voice to lure us out. We still don't know the true identity of the force that attacked Shin. Could it be that the same demon that attacked him in the desert is still exerting power over his spirit?" Lisa said, her gaze fixed on Shin, who lay unconscious on the pew.

Hiraku was about to respond when a loud bang echoed from outside. Startled, he moved closer to the door and deactivated the sound barrier. His third eye, now significantly healed, peered through the door. He saw a woman holding her child, tears streaming down her face. Around her neck hung a pendant engraved with the image of a dragon. The little girl she carried appeared to be in the same condition as Shin—Hiraku could tell from the faint, irregular pulsing at her neck.

"Who are you?" Hiraku asked, his voice projecting through the walls. The woman behind the church door wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"Please! Please! Zack, save my daughter! She's not waking up, I need your help!" she pleaded, her hand banging louder than before.

Lisa and Mira rushed toward Hiraku, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Mira, hide Shin's body with the concealment spell. Lisa, on my signal, if she tries to launch an attack or if there's any sign of a demonic manifestation, be ready to bind the spirit."

They both nodded. Lisa touched her forehead and began the incantation.

Hiraku slowly opened the door and found the woman kneeling on the floor, holding a little girl in her arms.

"Please, my daughter needs help. She was possessed by a demon. I tried the exorcism spell; it seemed to expel the demon, but I don't know why she isn't waking up," the woman, in her late 30s, explained briefly, tears still welling in her eyes. Hiraku wanted to trust her. He beckoned for Lisa to read them both. She approached them and smiled calmly. The woman clutched her daughter as she knelt near Hiraku, a glint of doubt in her eyes. She seemed to peer into the church, expecting someone else to come out.

"I only want to get a reading on both of you. I won't harm you in any way," Lisa said, kneeling beside her, her voice calm and soothing. The woman looked into Lisa's eyes and sensed her benevolence. She let go of her daughter. Lisa gently took the girl in her arms—she looked about ten, a pretty little girl—and placed her hand on her forehead, closing her eyes. A few minutes passed, and Lisa shook her head in approval, looking at Hiraku. She then slowly placed her hand back on the girl's forehead and chanted a memory spell to prevent her from remembering anything that happened in the church.

"Come in, please," Hiraku said, extending his hands to help the woman up. She took his hands and stood, and they all entered the church. Behind them, a dark demonic figure, covered in shadows, passed by.

"Where's Zack?" she asked, clutching the pendant around her neck with her right hand.

"He's healing on the other side," Hiraku replied, rubbing his head.

Lisa placed the child on the pew in the right row. Mira, having finished the spell, walked over to Hiraku, surprised to see a guest in the church.

"You mean the bridge between the physical and spiritual?" the woman asked with worry in her voice. Hiraku nodded.

"What could possibly have happened that he had to expel a demon in broad daylight?"

"He did it to save my friend. It was a life-and-death situation."

"A life-and-death situation? Who is this friend, if I may ask?"

"She's the one who just carried your daughter. With all the questions, it seems you still don't trust us," Hiraku replied, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"It's not that I don't trust you, but you're too young to be exorcists. You're children, for crying out loud. I mean, how old are you—16, 15?" she asked, her hands shaking slightly as she twirled the pendant.

"Our age doesn't matter. The more time we spend talking, the worse they get. My name is Hiraku, she's Mira, and the girl who helped you with your daughter is Lisa. We're exorcists, just like you. Our friend was also possessed by a demon and is in a similar condition to your daughter. Perhaps we can work together and awaken them," Hiraku explained.

"Alright, Hiraku. What do you propose we do? Because I've tried all kinds of spells, but my daughter isn't waking up. My apologies, my name is Misaki. Miss Misaki," she said, extending her hand for a handshake. Hiraku was about to shake it, but Mira gently held her hand back.

"It's a pleasure, Miss Misaki," Mira said.

Hiraku went to his backpack and pulled out Zack's diary. He flipped to the page titled Incantatio Vetita Transmigrationis.

"Let me see that," Misaki said, taking the diary. "It means 'Forbidden Spell of Transmigration.' Zack is truly a genius. How did he figure it out? Quick, tell me, what are your spiritual powers?" Misaki's voice pitched higher as she asked.

"Mira has the ability to locate anyone in the spiritual realm. Lisa specializes in teleportation and can bind demons into her third eye. Both of our powers share similar attributes, though I'm not as strong as I was before," Hiraku replied, pointing to each of his friends. Misaki looked satisfied.

"Alright, we're four here. I understand the spell in the book. According to the text, we have to sit cross-legged, facing each other in an adjacent position. I will chant the spell, and all of us will connect our spirits in order to transmigrate."

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