
Are You Bragging About Your Mouth Healing?

Malfoy held up his securely bound textbook, shaking it disdainfully in his hand.

Other students also retrieved their books from their bags. For once, Gryffindor and Slytherin were united in their approach, with everyone binding their books in creative ways.

"No one's opened their book?" Hagrid looked baffled. This was not how he had envisioned the lesson. His eyes, pleading for help, instinctively sought out Harry.

Pansy sneered, "We're just students, not professors."

Goyle nodded vigorously. "Exactly."

"That thing nearly took my hand off last time—it's dangerous," Malfoy added with a mocking tone.

"Are you bragging that your mouth is healed now?" Ron shot back, unable to resist.

Malfoy's face darkened.

His mouth still bore faint scars. The effects of the Swelling Toffee had only lasted an hour, and the injury was minor enough that Madam Pomfrey's spell and some Dittany had quickly sent him back to class.

"Weasley, I'll be filing a complaint…" Malfoy growled, raising a finger to point at him.

Ron smirked. "Your dad's no longer a governor. Who are you going to complain to?"

"Is every governor your father?"

Malfoy whipped out his wand. "Watch your mouth, Weasley!"

Ron feigned wiping his lips and grinned even wider. "Thanks, but we both know whose mouth was dirtier."

Malfoy raised his wand, ready to cast a spell.

Hagrid frowned, flustered. "No—no pointing wands at classmates! Otherwise, I—I'll have to take points from Slytherin!"

His tone was weak and unconvincing, devoid of any real authority.

Ron picked up his book. "Hey, Malfoy, look! Only someone with no brains would have trouble opening this book."

Unlike the others, Ron's book was untied and lay obediently in his hand, perfectly calm.

Hagrid's face lit up with relief.

Hermione, however, facepalmed in exasperation.

The Gryffindors were at a loss for words.

While they understood Ron's point, his comment had managed to wound even his own team.

"Only someone without brains would shirk responsibility when they lack ability, acting as though it's someone else's fault," Harry interjected, smoothing things over.

Ron froze for a moment before catching on. He turned to the Gryffindors, whose expressions softened. Ron nodded quickly, "Yeah, that's exactly what I meant."

Hagrid clapped his hands, delighted. "Good, good! At least one student has managed to open their book."

"Five points to Gryffindor!"

The Slytherins glared daggers.

Points were one thing.

But five points just for opening a book? Was this another Lockhart, tailor-made for Gryffindor?

"Ron—uh, I mean, Mr. Weasley—why don't you show the others how it's done?" Hagrid said earnestly.

Ron nodded, drawing his wand and muttering a spell.

Neville's book flew into Ron's hand, its bindings unraveling.

The Monster Book of Monsters writhed wildly, lunging at Ron.

With practiced ease, Ron grabbed it, pressing his thumb firmly along the spine. The book immediately fell silent.

He handed it back to Neville, whose face lit up with joy as he carefully took it.

The other students began to mimic Ron, quickly managing to subdue their own books.

The Slytherins hesitated but grudgingly followed suit. They couldn't very well skip the lesson. Reluctantly, they used Ron's method to open their books.

Hagrid beamed. "Excellent work! Another five points to Gryffindor!"

The Slytherins' eyes widened.

"Oh, and five points to Slytherin as well," Hagrid added hastily, noticing their glares. It finally occurred to him that, as a professor, he needed to be fair.

Hermione sighed, still covering her face.

"You lot stay put," Hagrid said, striding toward the Forbidden Forest. He disappeared among the trees before anyone could ask what he was doing.

"What do you think he's bringing back?" Ron asked in a low voice.

Harry thought for a moment. "Probably Thestrals. They live nearby, and they're a good fit for third-years…"

He didn't get to finish.

The sound of hurried, scattered footsteps echoed from a distance—sharp and light, like hoofbeats.

Looking up, they saw a dozen creatures trotting toward them. They had the bodies of horses but the heads of eagles, complete with enormous, majestic wings.

Each had a collar around its neck, attached to chains that Hagrid held firmly in his hands.

Some resisted, reluctant to be used as teaching aids, but Hagrid's strength left deep furrows in the ground as he dragged them along, seemingly unfazed.

"What are those creatures?" Ron asked in amazement.

"Hippogriffs," Harry replied, his tone filled with wonder. "They don't normally live here—they must have been brought here by Hagrid."

The creatures were strikingly beautiful, their feathers glossy and their stature imposing.

Hippogriffs were one of Harry's planned future mounts, along with Thestrals, unicorns, and Rune Horses.

Hermione, however, looked anxious. "Those are classified as XXXX-level dangerous creatures. And this is just our first lesson!"

"Well, it's Hagrid's first time teaching. You have to cut him some slack," Harry said reassuringly. "To him, Hippogriffs probably seem no different from Thestrals."

"And besides…"

"Be grateful he didn't bring out a dragon."

Hermione's eyes widened. The mere thought made her shudder. "Thank Merlin you talked him out of it, Harry."

"I didn't. I really wanted that dragon egg," Harry said earnestly.

Hermione froze. "The outcome's the same, at least. No dragons in class."

Hagrid, meanwhile, approached with an eager grin. "Look, kids! Aren't they amazing? Don't crowd too close—they're…"

His excitement cut off abruptly.

The students had all instinctively backed several steps away, their faces pale with fear.

Hagrid cleared his throat, trying to sound more composed. "Alright, open your books to page… uh…" He paused, struggling to recall.

Hermione leaned over and whispered, "Page 174."

"Right, page 174!" Hagrid nodded firmly. "It's got an introduction to these magnificent creatures. Thanks for the reminder, Miss Granger. Three points to Gryffindor."

Hermione slapped her forehead. For the first time, she wished they wouldn't earn any points.

As the students flipped through their books, Hagrid began his lecture.

"Hippogriffs are proud creatures. They're quick to anger, and though they have eagle heads, they prefer to attack with their claws."

To demonstrate, one of the Hippogriffs raised its talon-like front hoof and swiped at Hagrid, tearing through his moleskin coat and leaving a bloody scratch on his arm.

"Just like that," Hagrid said cheerfully, showing off his bleeding hand. The sight made the students pale even further, retreating several more steps.

No wonder…

Their older siblings' warnings suddenly made sense. The scars on Professor Kettleburn, who had retired missing an arm and a leg, now seemed far less mysterious.

"How do we handle them?" Hagrid asked, pulling one forward. "They might look fierce, but they're really gentle at heart."

"Approach them slowly, no sudden movements. Be polite—always bow to them. If they bow back, that means they trust you. Then you can pet them or even feed them treats. I've got some dried mice and rabbits here."

"And if they don't bow back, leave immediately. They'll see you as a threat and attack."

"Alright, who wants to go first?"

The students stepped back, shaking their heads.

Hagrid softened his tone. "No one? Come on, they're not that hard to handle."

"I'll go," Harry volunteered, stepping forward.

Hagrid visibly relaxed.

Following Hagrid's instructions, Harry bowed to the Hippogriff. It returned the gesture almost immediately—this wasn't Harry's first encounter with such creatures.

Seeing Harry's success, other students cautiously followed suit.

Even Malfoy, freshly scarred from his earlier misadventures, was uncharacteristically cautious. While he avoided any accidents, the Hippogriff refused to bow back, forcing him to retreat in embarrassment.

The lesson ended without any major incidents, though Neville's clumsy attempts at stroking one nearly earned him a swipe. Harry's quick reflexes and a well-timed spell saved the day.

As the students left, the lingering thrill of danger kept their conversations animated. Both Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures had left strong impressions on them.

"Hagrid, you were a bit too bold," Hermione said as she lingered behind with Harry and Ron. "Starting with such dangerous creatures…"

"Harry even joked about you bringing out a dragon. What if that had happened?"

Hagrid's face brightened. "Harry, you really get me! I actually wanted to use Norbert. I even visited Newt Scamander over the summer to see if I could borrow him, but…"

"Hagrid, you're serious?!" Hermione's eyes widened in shock. "That would land you straight in Azkaban!"

Harry chimed in, "I agree it's a bit much. Maybe next time, try something less dangerous, like Thestrals?"

Hagrid froze, his expression turning to one of alarm. "Wait—Harry, how do you know about the Thestrals nearby?"



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