
Just A Contract Bride To Be

Chapter 16: Just A Contract Bride To Be

Xavier POV

I stared at Mabel whose eyes were on me with utmost confidence.

She stared back at me intently before putting on a smile.

"I have been good Xavier, guess you have been good also, you even have a girlfriend now" Mabel smiled.

"Uhm. Mabel? Not a girlfriend but a fiancee" Laura corrected.

My lips twitched as I watch the glare Mabel was giving her.

I turned to Cole and gestured at Mabel asking him why they were here together.

"Oh! This is my girlfriend, we met while I was in Canada" Cole said with excitement dripping in his voice.

Everyone in the room was startled, except Cole and Mabel, I wasn't an exception.

Mabel traveled all the way to Canada after running off with my money, and she came back only to be introduced as Cole's girlfriend??

I smirked. "congratulations" I wanted to say but Laura beat me to it.

She was acting all high in front of Mabel and I don't know why, probably because Mabel's presence irks her.

Arianna just stared at Mabel with hateful eyes. Her gaze piercing through Mabel's skin but Mabel was too focused on me to notice her.

Mabel stared at me with a smile not giving Laura a response.

Cole eyes were on Laura and I found that gaze uncomfortable.

He turned his gaze back to me with a frown.

"I know you don't keep in touch while I was away but you never told me you got engaged dude!" Cole said getting angry but that was fake.

"Uhm. We decided to keep things low so he couldn't tell you" Laura said, a sweet smile forming on her face as she stared at Cole.

My gaze darkened as I turned to her. Our face locked and she swallowed hard seeing my face which seems scary at the moment.

The gaze told her she had to keep shut and not butt in anymore.

I wasn't asking her to do the talking but she did when it's not necessary.

She's just here to act as my wife based on our contract but she's butting in things that doesn't have to do with her.

"I know, he does things like that" Cole smiled referring to Laura.

"I'm Cole Fredrick" He said extending his hand for a handshake.

"Laura Rodriguez" She replied taking his hand into hers despite my glare.

Cole had a call which he walked out to take. He was out of the room and I'm glad for that.

"What game are you playing Mabel?" Arianna asked the moment Cole was out.

Mabel sat down more comfortably crossing her legs as she balanced on the couch. A smile escaped her lips which got me fuming.

I was sure Arianna was barely able to keep her anger in check. They were best friends yet she betrayed her by deceiving her.

"Game??" Mabel said, her face beaming.

"You are the one playing games here, by trying to deceive everyone that this fragile thing is your wife to be, I can't be deceived, you know?" Mabel chuckled.

"It's left to you to believe if you are being deceived or not!" Laura retorted.

"Shut up, I'm not talking to you, you have no say in this, you are just his contract wife to be" Mabel yelled, her voice stern that it made Laura silent.

"Mabel, you are crazy, you know? What is this shit about being Cole's girlfriend, you think he will continue dating you if I tell him what you did?" I said, my face steady but not calm.

"Be my guest, let's see what he would do, just know your grandmother will surely get to know about this girl being your fiancee only on paper, then you won't get what you need from her!" Mabel said, her voice laced with authority as it sounds like a threat.

I smirked. She is threatening me with my grandmother. Foolish her! I thought.

"You are such a bitch, Mabel!" Arianna yelled, walking to Mabel in just a flash. Before anyone could stop what was about to happen. Arianna had landed a slap on Mabel's cheeks making it turn red.

Mabel stood up engulfed in rage ready to fight back, I had no intention to stop whatever it is that is going to happen between them. All I know is that Arianna won't let Mabel get to her that easily, Mabel should know since she is her best friend or was once her best friend.

"Did you just slap me, Ari??" Mabel asked enraged, her eyes almost turning black.

"I did Mabel, and I think you deserve more than that" Arianna yelled.

Mabel made to slap Arianna back but the slamming of door stopped her making them turn to the door.

It was Cole who entered. His phone in his hands as he stared at everyone in the room.

The room was tensed, he could notice that. His gaze went to Mabel whose hands were in the air.

Mabel seeing Cole's gaze on her dropped her hands not to her side but on Arianna's dress.

She smoothened her dress gently withe ks a smile on her face. She took her seat making it look less obvious that she was pained.

"Everything okay?" Cole asked, his eyes roaming the room.

"Everything is" Mabel replied.

"Will catch up later, I have important things to do" I said to Cole, shot one last glare at Mabel then stood up from the couch.

I took Laura's hands gently locking my hand with her's as I walked out of the sitting room with her following behind me like an obedient puppy.

I took her hand roughly being out of the watchful eyes of Cole and Mabel. I opened the door to my room and let go of her hand roughly as she almost fell to the bed.

"What do you have to say now?" She asked, her gaze fierce.

"Don't you think you are being too much?? You are just a contract bride to be for goodness sake!!" I yelled walking towards her angrily.

The tone of my voice came out angrily and I could see her body shaking, her eyes widened as she falls to the bed.q

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