
Zombie Wave (6)

"Captain, should we pull back?" the bomber pilot asked as Antonny slid into the seat.

"Not yet. Check the fuel levels!" Antonny grabbed the communicator and relayed the order to the rest of the squad.

"Less than half," one voice reported.

"Same here," another added.

"I've got 60 percent," chimed a third pilot.

Antonny nodded firmly. "We keep going. But once anyone hits 35 percent, we fall back—no exceptions."

As the bombers turned for another run, Zack glanced at them from the ground. For a moment, a rare flicker of admiration crossed his face. "Didn't think I'd see courage like that these days…" he muttered before focusing on the battlefield below.

The scene was grim. The construction site had become a final line of defense, standing between the horde and what remained of New York City. Despite the relentless bombing, only a fraction of the undead had been cleared. Over four million zombies still surged forward like a tide, tightening their grip around the defenses.

On the sentry tower, Zack's mechanical dog and spider drones fired continuously, the staccato roar of machine guns filling the air. The barrels of their guns glowed red-hot, smoke rising from the overheated metal as the swarm kept coming. When the undead got too close, the mechanical dog leapt into the fray, unleashing mini-missiles from its shoulder launcher. Each small missile hit with the force of a bomb, tearing through dozens of zombies and lighting up the night in fiery bursts.

But the horde was relentless, surging forward no matter the cost. Ego, Zack's AI companion, crackled in his earpiece. "Sir, the mechanical units are nearly out of ammo."

"How long until resupply?" Zack demanded.

"Seven minutes," Ego replied. Back at the mansion, a helicopter was being loaded with ammunition, and Zack's remaining spider drones scrambled to prepare for airdrop.

"Hold the flanks until it gets here. I'll handle the front!" Zack ordered, diving straight into the densest part of the swarm.

On the ground, Erza stood at the main gate, drenched in sweat. Her two blazing fire dragons roared through the mass of undead, incinerating everything in their path. When Zack landed beside her, she shot him a surprised glance.

"They're out of ammo!" Zack yelled.

Erza clenched her teeth, her flames flaring even brighter as she pushed herself harder. Around them, Zack's mechanical beasts dropped from their posts, moving with precise coordination to reinforce the flanks.

The horde seemed to sense the challenge. A deafening roar rose from the swarm as thousands of zombies surged forward, their thunderous steps shaking the ground. Zack smirked, activating his suit's battle mode. His armor unfolded, transforming him into a walking arsenal.

A Vulcan machine gun whirred to life on his left shoulder. A missile launcher snapped into place on his right. He gripped an F2000 rifle in his hands, while glowing pulse cannons charged in his palms. "Let's do this!" he roared, opening fire.

The Vulcan gun unleashed a stream of bullets, mowing down rows of zombies in seconds. Each shot tore through multiple bodies, splattering gore across the battlefield. The missile launcher fired next, releasing nine micro-missiles, each programmed to hit a separate target. The synchronized explosions ripped massive craters into the horde, scattering bodies like ragdolls.

Beside him, Erza didn't let up. She summoned nine fireballs, merging them midair into a massive inferno. When the flames erupted, the shockwave toppled trees, flipped vehicles, and even cracked nearby buildings. The intense heat turned tens of thousands of zombies into ash. For a moment, there was a gap in the endless tide—a brief reprieve visible even from the satellite feed.

But the break didn't last. More zombies poured in, filling the space as fast as it had opened. From within the horde, a towering figure emerged—a monstrous brute over four meters tall. It stomped forward, shoving smaller zombies aside as it cleared a path.

"Zack, heads up! We've got a big one!" Erza's urgent voice crackled in his comm as she spotted the brute from her post.

Zack's lips curled into a smirk. "Well, well. We meet again." He watched as the massive Lord zombie forced its way through the horde, completely unbothered by the raging firestorm. With a quick flick, Zack activated his thrusters, launching himself straight into the thick of the zombie swarm to face it head-on.

The moment his feet hit the ground, he steadied himself. The armor on his wrists shifted, sliding back to reveal twin laser launchers. "Made a few upgrades," he muttered, grinning to himself. "Let's see if you've been keeping up."

The Lord zombie charged forward, but Zack was ready. He fired the lasers, spinning rapidly as the beams extended outward in twin red circles. The deadly energy sliced cleanly through everything it touched. Zombies barely had time to react before their bodies were severed in an instant.

When Zack stopped spinning, the Lord zombie froze mid-step, then collapsed—split perfectly in two. The massive halves hit the ground with a heavy thud. All around him, the other zombies within a hundred meters dropped as well, sliced apart. Taller ones were cut at the shoulders, while shorter ones lost their heads entirely. The wounds were burned black, with no blood flowing—just charred marks left behind.

Even the environment wasn't spared. Nearby trees and telephone poles had been cleaved clean through, their bases melting from the heat. Zack's lasers left no room for escape. In just two seconds, the suit's hydrogen fuel cells were completely drained.

"Ego, did you bring spares?" Zack called out, tossing the depleted cells aside.

"Always prepared, Sir," the AI replied smoothly.

Zack reignited his thrusters, flying back toward the construction gate. Any longer, and he might've accidentally sliced through the walls.

"If you had something that flashy, why not use it earlier?" Erza teased as he landed, a sly grin on her face.

"Good for clearing the small fry," Zack chuckled, "but it guzzles power. I can only use it once per charge."

Before they could continue, another wave of zombies surged into the cleared area, quickly filling the gap.

Zack sighed, reaching for the massive chain sword strapped to his back. He swung it over his shoulder, leaped off the tower, and slammed into the middle of the swarm. With a quick flip of a switch, the chain sword roared to life, its serrated alloy teeth spinning at an insane 4,600 RPM. The blade blurred into a deadly whirlwind.

"Let's go!" Zack shouted, swinging the sword in a wide horizontal arc. Zombies crumpled under its path, their heads and torsos shredded like paper. Even the hardest skulls offered no resistance. It was like slicing through air.

"Damn, there's no feedback," he grumbled, annoyed by the lack of sensation as the weapon tore through enemies effortlessly. "Ego, simulate some resistance. Make it feel like I'm hitting something solid."

"Adjustments complete, Sir," Ego replied.

The simulated feedback made all the difference. Zack found his rhythm, his attacks becoming faster and more precise. He mowed down wave after wave of undead, his chain sword buzzing like a sawmill. Overhead, his shoulder-mounted Vulcan machine gun fired short bursts, cutting down zombies before they could get close.

The horde was relentless, an endless black tide rolling across the landscape. Zack stood firm, carving through the undead with unwavering determination. But then he noticed something strange—the flow of zombies was thinning.

"What's going on, Ego?" Zack asked, his tone sharp with suspicion.

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