
Chapter 40 (celestial inhale)

After a few tries, Drake thought of a different approach. Inhaling slowly, he consciously created a slow pace that could have been the rhythmic beat of an old, slow drum. Each breath pulled air deep into his lungs, swelling his chest like the sails of a great ship catching wind, pressing with soft, yet relentless, force against the reverse crystal in his heart.

With each breath, his lungs would swell, crowding the space around his heart. It was this crowding that eased the crystal into turning, its rotation starting like the first faltering turn of a millstone. The expansion of his chest in perfect sync with the steady beat of his heart was akin to music-the rhythm of breathing and pulse, each note falling perfectly in place.

There are three steps to this procedure:

The Inhale. Drake took a deep, deliberate breath, his chest cavity expanding like a balloon, softly pressing on his heart. This subtle yet persistent pressure was the spark that set the reverse crystal spinning, its motion akin to a celestial body stirring to life.

Heartbeat Pulse. At this stage, Drake's heartbeat became the metronome; its rhythmic thrum was the driver. With each heartbeat, rippling waves crashed through the crystal, sustaining its rotation alive and steady.

Breath and pulse began to weave together like dancers in perfect harmony; their synchronized movements created a seamless, perpetual spin.

The Exhale. As his chest contracted, releasing the pent-up pressure, the reverse crystal continued forward, its momentum carrying it onward. Like a top spinning unrelenting, it kept at its steady cadence, drawing mana in with every cycle of oscillation.

This was similar to the calm orbit of a moon about its planet, each rotation siphoning mana from the endless, unseen reservoir around him.

Unfortunately, the crystal's rotation remained slow like a baby celestial body still learning its path. At this stage, it took thirty long minutes for one complete turn, yielding only a modest 50 units of mana.

Inspired by the Twin Pulse Resonance Technique, along with the heavy pressure he had to bear in the vacuum room; thus, he named his new breathing technique "Celestial Inhale." While others relied on very forceful methods of re-supplying mana, Celestial Inhale had the grace of patience, allowing the technique to gather mana with subtlety, not stressing the practitioner. It was as unwavering and perpetual as the cycles of the cosmos themselves.

Driven from the sanctuary of mental strength, Drake covered his eyes from fierce sunlight that cascaded over him like molten gold. Outside, Mark and Freya waited for him, their outlines bright against the light sky. Xena, though, was like a storm of movements; her anxiety palpable while fighting against the hold of the others.

"Sister-in-law, you have to be patient," Mark playfully joshed, embracing her around her waist to restrain her.

"Let me go! All the others are already gone; he is the only one inside!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with desperation. She planted her feet firmly on the ground, her determination as unyielding as stone.

"You don't have to worry," Freya said softly, trying to comfort her. "If anything happens, there are people inside who will come to his aid."

But Xena's concern was a fire that didn't go out, her gaze nailed to the doors leading to the sanctuary.

The doors groaned, and Drake stepped out, his figure outlined against the sun. His voice cut through the momentary silence. "What's happening?"

They froze, apparently time itself, and they all turned to him in perfect sync.

"My Crux!"



Their voices intertwined with one another.

Mark and Freya immediately released Xena, and she shot forward, launching herself into Drake's arms with the force of a comet. Her bosom collided with his chest, leaving Freya and Mark to turn away, their cheeks aflame as they coughed awkwardly to mask their embarrassment.

Drake gently laid Xena down, patting her head with a tenderness that melted her agitation. "I must have made you worry," he said, his voice soft as velvet.

Xena smiled graciously, her alarm dissolving like morning dew under the sun.

Drake turned to Mark and Freya. "Sorry for keeping you all waiting," he added apologetically.

Mark waved dismissively. "Not really," he replied with a grin. "We just arrived here today, compared to her, who's been here for three days straight."

After a brief exchange, Drake said, "Let's not waste any more time. Let's grab the essentials for our departure and head out to explore the market scene."

They all nodded in agreement, and Drake led the way, his hand clasped around Xena's. The bustling business district unfolded before them, more vibrant than Drake remembered. Merchants shouted their wares, customers haggled with gusto, and goods sparkled under the sunlight like treasures unearthed from a dragon's hoard.

Suddenly, a ruckus broke out behind them. Turning, they saw ten students in spotless sky-blue uniforms with white stripes. Their presence was commanding, and the crowd opened up to give them a path.

"AREN'T THEY ACADEMY SENIORS?" a customer asked quietly of a merchant.

"Yessiree," the merchant said. "They're out here because today is one of their important days."

"But I heard they were all attacked and killed during their assessment," the customer whispered.

The merchant grabbed him, slapping a hand over his mouth. "Don't you know it's taboo to speak of that?" he hissed.

Overhearing this, Drake felt a shiver run down his spine. Pulling him aside, Mark said in a low voice, "That's the rule. They are acknowledged as the future warriors and mages of the continent."

Drake's mind brewed. What was the unspeakable event that had made the incident forbidden to discuss?

Xena tugged at his sleeve, her voice breaking his reverie. "My Crux, strawberry cake!" She pointed at a merchant's stall across the street, that overflowed with sweet delights.

They all crossed over to the other side, walking towards the pop-up shop.

Seeing them approaching his shop, the merchant stepped forward to attend to them. "What do you want to buy, young stars?" Each of these is freshly made." He said, advertising his products.

"How much do you sell your cakes?" Drake inquired. "A pack of twelve pieces cost one sliver coin." The merchant replied, raising his right index finger.

"Okay," Drake reached into his bag and pulled out four silver. "Please arrange four packs." He handed the coins to the merchant.

At the same time, at a neighbouring shop next to the pop-up shop, old books were displayed and some scattered on the floor. Freya and Mark left Mark to his purchase and assist the elderly merchant in picking up and arranging the books.

As they do, a particular book caught Freya's eye. She stood up, flipping through it. "How much for the book?" she asked. The old man glanced at the book in her hands and then at her. "You can have the book if you want."

Out of conscience. "I can't take this for free. How will you make a profit if you just give it away?" She lamented. "You don't need to worry, the book doesn't cost much, and it's been in my shop for a long time without anyone buying it." The old man assured her.

Since it had piqued her interest, she hesitatedly accepted the book. "Thank you very much. I really appreciate it." She said, bowing slightly to the old man. Then she and Mark returned to join Drake.

Seeing them coming back, Drake enquired about their detour, and they explained, showing him the book. He asked Freya if he could take a look, and she handed it to him. As he flipped through the book, he was surprised to find a familiar name. 'Battle Remedies: The Alchemy of Healing Magic.' Written by 'Tiberius Victor.'

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