
Flow of the Era (7)

When not many years had passed since Kuropatkin rose to Lieutenant General.

Those who liked to talk mocked the newly enthroned Tsar calling him the 'Colorless Tsar'.

An Emperor who hadn't even received successor education.

An incompetent one with no practical experience who was thrown into the military after earning his father's hatred.

Nobles said the Tsar wouldn't properly handle even one practical matter after ten years, and his weak and merely kind-hearted nature didn't suit a monarch.

And several more years passed.

While the State Duma was noisy daily and nobles still boasted the Duma couldn't threaten their power, the Tsar began leading reforms directly.

These sweeping changes were being directed by a Tsar who had never truly mastered the art of governance, who remained painfully unschooled in the complex machinery of state that he now sought to reorganize.

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