
Forcibly Rising to Create a Storm (4)

When grandfather abolished serfdom, he said something like this.

"Better to initiate from above than have it rise from below."

A truly relatable statement even now.

Even then, this statement struck noble society and nobles gradually joined abolishing serfdom, while grandfather traveled the country personally preaching serfdom abolition's importance.

The central high officials, social activists, progressives, landowners who abolished this serfdom with grandfather then.

Those later called 'red bureaucrats' for that progressive reform remained grandfather's loyalist forces afterward, doing everything together from imperial law revision to land distribution.

This is what I wanted from parliament.

Namely the role of 'red bureaucrats' who fought nobles opposing serfdom abolition then.

A State Duma where everyone participates very fairly and equitably. Just one group excluded here.

Major landowners, provincial nobles.

"How comfortable must grandfather have been? His bureaucrats fought nobles for him."

Naval Minister, Finance Minister, Military District Commander, central nobles all sided with grandfather, truly the best loyalist forces.

Reading records makes me want such too.

So deliberately mentioning precedent, made bourgeoisie paying massive city taxes included in Duma. Since they don't get along with traditional landowners.

Naturally included liberals and those shouting workers' rights too. These above all would lead landowner oppression holding torches and plows.

And I, young and uneducated, take role of ordering crushing major landowners, unable to resist Duma's decisions.

Truly couldn't be a better theater script.

"When major landowners collapse, foundation for land reform completes without using force."

Does everything end there? No.

When landowners, traditional ruling class and power holders for centuries collapse, Duma will surely become triumphant.

Then my remaining options are simple. What reason to keep hunting dogs after hunt ends.

"By then fine even if I push land reform. Preparations will be finished too."

No opera ends in one act. Duma's turn comes next.

This was the picture I drew first establishing State Duma.

New dog kills old dog, I kill and deliciously eat young fresh dog.

Imperial power strengthening, reform speed increase, rebellion risk decrease, capital development, agricultural product increase, middle class production etc.

Effects contained in this one plan are endless listing.

But plans start twisting immediately upon execution?

"Hmm, let's admit. Underestimated Duma too much."

Meant to let them stew among themselves just 3 years, but they grasped political physiology in 1 year.

At this rate it's Democratic-Labor alliance vs Conservative-Progressive collusion structure.

Beren just lightning strike from clear sky.

But kill old dog this year?

'Imperial subjects haven't sufficiently disappointed in Duma yet.'

Doesn't seem particularly appropriate timing now. Rather possibility Duma might replace existing power class too.

Whether purge or reform, change process demands power beyond requiring power.

"Must see it as result of trying to solve too much through others' hands."

Practically I never wielded power even once.

Establish which department, create which institution - order but just until there.

Meaning didn't fill only with my people and use to my taste.

But in this state... unsure how long can remain kind good young Emperor Nikolai.

"Well, if really doesn't work, must rename from Tsar Nikolai to Tsar Bomba and step forward."

Since autocratic ruler better than ruinous monarch.

First must see if Beren can digest newly given role well.


'Should I confess my plan was wrong instead?'

First passable proposal that could be called Duma's achievement, but proposer opposes.

No, backlash too big for this.

Even his fervent supporters might fall away and might never recover from this incident.

Might meet Okhrana on way straight back to Far East too.

Tsar wants beyond proposal's abolition, wants me becoming Duma's informant.

'Then try submitting different proposal as substitute instead?'

With content everyone throws votes to Beren passing majority without fighting... like such thing could exist.

Miracle enough passing majority as mere independent, can't hope for another miracle now.

Especially among those four parties flaunting their colors more with election few weeks away.

Then indeed one way.

"I cannot accept even one inch modification to my plan."

"Representative Beren!"

Namely opposing modification itself pretending to have firm conviction.

'Please, don't agree. If you agree I really die!'

Beren closed his eyes briefly as usual then started rampaging sparkingly.

"I knew well from start my grand plan had no business plan! Think I didn't know even that! But this was for suffering farmers' relief and land redistribution, not about how much state resources consumed or money made or not!"

"Representative Beren, isn't officials' opposition considerable? Refute their grounds."

"What do desk-sitters looking only at numbers know! Have they tried farming themselves, worked 16 hours daily in factories? I've done it all! Done it all!"

Beren raised his voice dynamically even spraying spit.

"Said increase farmland because farmland lacking. I didn't push university scholars' papers or try teaching difficult formulas! Just increase what's needed, that alone. But if that's difficult what use is my argument? Don't block problem of agreeing or not with policy feasibility and business value."

Speaking so, he sat crossing arms passing right to speak.

"Since Representative Beren has no more words, let's vote immediately. Vote agenda is for against Minister Witte's modified proposal."

Though outwardly no knight more prepared to die honorably, all sorts of calculations turned in Beren's mind.

'Fortunately they'll watch their party positions in election season. I opposed first, justification not bad too.'

Please oppose, please oppose.

The greater his hope for rejection, more Beren maintained expression suppressing anger. Hoping maximum everyone sees and opposes together.

"71 votes for, 98 against, 31 abstaining, proposal rejected."

Immediately exclamations and small sighs heard here and there.

But when chairman declared rejection, Beren stood starting to clap.

Clap, clap, clap.

Slowly clapping showing agreement with rejection result.

But tears flowed from his eyes.

First proposal passed in Duma. His conviction having to oppose personally proposal everyone was excited expecting would reach Tsar's desk and implement.

Other Duma representatives watching that whole process and result beside him couldn't dare make any sound.

Clap clap clap...

Just belatedly stood applauding his respectful appearance despite result he deemed unfair.

Of course one of Beren's hardcore supporters suddenly shouted.

"Representative Beren, this matter can pass again after election ends! Don't be disappointed! We'll help!"

"Enough! This is our Duma's decision! State Duma established by His Majesty Tsar!"

Ah, who could dare call Beren dishonorable? Though split into parties by different ideologies, no one dared think Beren putting on show.

Beren's tears flowing without wiping wouldn't easily stop.


'Fuck, I lived! Sob, I lived! Honey, I'll definitely return!'

Now even clapping hands trembling. Might wet pants with tension released.

But good.

Because lived anyway.

Beren's opposition was sincere.


Though Nikolai shows great interest in foreign wireless communication experiments since '95 and imperial Communications Ministry actively tries introducing technology, Far East remains practically isolated land.

Physically too far, even concept of receiving supplies from that Europe impossible if assuming war.

"This must be why Tsar allocated inexhaustible budget. Maximizing supply procurement capability."

For Roman, how much profitability and future development potential numerous projects spread by current Governor-General's Office have was ultimately secondary.

Most important work for him ultimately is war Nikolai predicted.

Then is it right for Governor Sergei unlimitedly increasing military district forces now?

"...Still won't reach 100,000 under governor. Real forces must come riding trains when railway completes anyway."

However many troops exist under governor, would just be for enduring initial defense.

Joseon also problem.

Though that country itself has no value if given up, can't prevent increase of various ports and landing points.

If give up Joseon, naturally Yellow Sea falls next.

"Sigh, terrain too rough unlike European military districts and climate does whatever it wants."

No matter how much spread maps changing troop deployment and trying enemy's advance routes variously, process all similar.

Enemy will occupy Joseon first and advance north to Liaodong and Manchuria. Our empire will try gathering maximum troops while they eat Joseon.

Don't care whether lose Joseon or not but not from Manchuria. Just losing South Manchurian Railway deals empire big supply blow.

Tsar said Japan will use most Sino-Japanese War reparations for military expenses.

Meanwhile empire dispersing variously into railway construction, business, support, investment, urban development costs etc.

Yet Tsar acted like no big problem if just prepare in advance.

"Why, why me of all people."

Having run for this issue in Far East nearly 3 years but seeing no answer, such thought suddenly struck Roman.

Really nothing special about himself. Never achieved war merits anywhere and knows nothing about economy or planned cities.

Can't understand why Tsar made him noble and designated him next governor here.

"What I'm confident in at most... just engineering."

The part Roman himself showed talent at most was when learning advanced engineering course in '79.

No actually his life was just engineering itself since commissioning as Caucasus 1st Engineering Battalion lieutenant.

Building something, destroying something.

Though thanks to that experience could work hard in this Far East land with construction sites opening every other day, but just until there.

Unsure if this becomes complete war preparation.

Roman tried shaking off negative emotions and focused on map again.

"Must completely abandon Joseon indeed."

Advancing half-heartedly just leads to annihilation while retreating.

Meaning Far East starts with defensive warfare from start.

What best preparations can he make here?

"...Right. Let's build fortresses."

Anyway won't happen that Roman himself commands hundreds of thousands of troops. He's just a colonel after all.

Probably main army coming from Europe will handle full-scale counterattack.

He just needs to endure.

Just this year settlers increased reaching 40,000. Even distributing land and making them farm gradually becoming difficult for Governor-General's Office.

"Seeing frontline as border with Joseon, Yalu River, should build fortress here. Rear fortress preparing retreat, fortress blocking between mountains, fortress fighting along rivers. Make with concrete, install machine gun positions, connect with sand wall trenches..."

Inexhaustible budget and sufficient labor force.

Born engineer Roman decided to just do what he does well.

That was construction.

Next chapter