
Chapter 3- Are You The Girl?

After walking in confusion, I stopped abruptly in the hallway. I had no idea where I was heading to, or how I was supposed to get to my class.

Angrily, I stamped my feet on the floor. This was all his fault, if only he had apologized, I would have made it to class; or at least found someone heading to the same place as myself.

Suddenly, I saw a girl walking down towards me, she looked quite pretty. I knew if I looked half as beautiful as she was, I would most definitely be proud.

She halted her steps, when she had gotten to where I was. "Hi, you're that girl, right? I'm Kylie Simpson. Nice to meet you", she said with an outstretched hand. I stared at her blankly, 'that girl'? What could that possibly mean?

Clearing my throat, I said "My name is Selena Williams, not 'that girl'." I said, with my arms folded across my chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way.", she said. Continuing, she said "You were brave back there, no one has ever spoken to the Nicholas Carson that way.".

So that jerk has a name?, in order to ease my curiosity I asked, "Who is he? Is he some kind of celebrity or something??".

She stared at me dreadfully, as if I had said something abominable. "What? You don't know Nicholas ? Who are you and where are you from?", she said staring deep into my soul, so much so that I feared her eyeballs would pop out of its socket. 

Oh well, such an intriguing person she was. I didn't quite understand why she made it seem like it were a crime to have no knowledge about who that jerk was.

"Like I said earlier, my name is Selena Williams. And where I am from? Lol. I am Nigerian-American, my Mom's from the South eastern part of Nigeria, and my 'supposedly Dad' is from Florida, USA. What else do you want to know, Kylie?" I asked, sarcastically, while I rolled my eyes. I do that often, and now I fear my eyes may get stuck while I do that.

 "Well, Selena" she began, breathing in some air and then breathing out, she continued "Nicholas Carson is one of the most popular guys here in College. His parents are one of the wealthiest persons, in this State.

They have made numerous monetary contributions to the College, and to the State at large. Who doesn't know 'The Carsons' here in California? I guess you are the only person, girlie." She said, patting my back gently.

"How does that relate to me now? If he's a child of some wealthy ass persons, if he's popular and crap. How is that any of my business? He was rude, and I taught him a lesson.

 And from the looks of things, it seems to me that you are also one of the other girls who swoon over that jerk. Well, I'm sorry for your stress, darling." I said finally, in an attempt to get away from her. I refused to give her the chance to refute what I had said about her, it was obvious that I wasn't lying.

So what if he's rich? What if he's handsome and has girls around him? That doesn't give him the right, to speak to people whichever way he liked. He had better not cross paths with me again, because I'd do even worse to him.

"Selena, wait!" I heard Kylie say, as she ran towards me. "I didn't mean it the way you understood, I liked your bravery. I admire you, and want to be friends with you. That's the reason why I had approached you earlier, I hope you forgive my negligence to make this known to you from the start." She said, trying to catch her breath like she had ran 1000miles.

 "I don't mind being friends with you, just don't speak highly of that jerk." I said, while faking a smile, I was still upset at how she spoke of him like some 'demi-god'.

"Sure, sure." She replied, nodding her head in assurance that she wouldn't repeat sure mistake again.

"Oh, right. I have no idea where my class is at, or where my department is situated at. Perhaps, do u have any idea? I am a freshman, so you know.." I said, staring at her with hope in my heart that she'd give an answer in the affirmative.

With a warm smile, she held my hands, "Sure. I also am freshman, but I do know places here because I have an elder brother studying here too. What department do you belong to? Mine is English Language and Literature."

Wait a minute, did she just say English language and Literature?? I stared at her with disbelief, or was she kidding?

"Are you serious ?? I also belong to same department. What a coincidence!" I said, smiling, and grinning from ear to ear. And, trust me, this was a sincere smile! I had walked for what seemed like ages, and now just like that I found a 'human map' to show me around. Amazing.

"Oh, my goodness Selena. That's wonderful! We could head down to the cafeteria together, as the next class is scheduled for 3;00pm. We still have 3 hours. Wanna get something to eat?" She asked, her eyes smiling at me, hoping I said 'yes'.

 "Should that really be a question? Seeing how much of my energy I wasted on 'the Nicholas Carson', I would most definitely have to get some food." I said, nudging her to lead the way. Kylie kept giggling like some highschool girl, she's cute. I like her already, we could make this friendship work, right?.

I watched as Kylie filled up her plate with so many meals, and trust me, I wasn't judging her. No, I was excited to find someone who values food as myself. My eyes scanned the dishes available, I wanted to eat something worth eating, and only Nigerian food does the job.

 My eyes lit up as I saw steam coming out of a certain dish, it was my favorite, Smokey Nigerian Jollof rice. Sweet Jesus, I most definitely needed that.

"I would take some of that", I said to Kylie, as I pointed in the direction of the dish I had my eyes on.

"What's that? It does looks appealing to the eyes, but I have no idea what it is." She said, with sheer curiosity. It was my turn to stare at her in disbelief, what?? Who doesn't know 'the Smokey Nigerian Jollof Rice'?

"What do u mean? You don't know what dish it is? My God, where are you from??" I said laughing, throwing back her words at her.

"Oh, shut up. Tell me what it is", she said laughing at her own self.

"Well", I started placing my hands on her shoulders, I continued "That dish over there is one of Nigeria's best dishes. Everybody loves the Smokey Nigerian Jollof Rice, and trust me you'd do too. Wanna have some ?" I asked, staring at her.

"Hmm, as long as it'd taste as heavenly as you made it seem. I don't say 'no' to food, good food especially." She said, while tapping her feet on the floor, as if in confirmation of what she had earlier said.

I led her to the stand for Nigerian dishes, and asked the head chef to dish out some for us.

We carried our meals in our hands, as our eyes scanned the place in search of any available seats to occupy.

I was still looking around the place, hoping I could find empty seats, when I felt Kylie tap my shoulders gently, "Selena, look over there" she said, whispering into my ears.

I had thought she wanted to show me an unoccupied seat, where we could sit to eat lunch. But no, that wasn't what she wanted me to see. Rather, she wanted me to see her 'favorite human', the jerk I had earlier had an altercation with, Nicholas Carson.

I watched him, his hands wrapped around a blonde girl, who kept laughing at jokes that I am sure wasn't funny. They sat at a table, one occupied by six persons, Nicholas, his girl, and four other boys.

"So?" I asked Kylie, I needed to know why his existence should matter to me.

"Sorry, my bad", she said chuckling, as she ran her hands through her hair.

I simply rolled my eyes at her, as I nudged her to move over to the empty seats I had found, which was beside that of Nicholas.

I stared at Nicholas dead in the eye, as Kylie and I walked past. Was he expecting me to scurry past him? I would definitely not do that, he needed to know that I, Selena Williams isn't scared of him.

"Baby, isn't she the girl whom you spoke about?" I heard the blondie next to Nicholas say, I watched as he nodded in confirmation.

Now what? Is she going to come for my head just because I slapped her boyfriend?, I thought to myself, well if she does, I'd do worse to her. 

I pulled one of the chairs out, as I took my seat. "Jeez Kylie, the meal is getting cold. We had better not waste anymore time, it is sumptuous when eaten hot." I said, as she stared down at her plates. She looked at it, like a scientist would look at a new discovery.

"C'mon, dig in" I said, encouraging her as I took a spoonful of the meal into my mouth.

"Mhm. This is so good, Selena. Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed, as she took more spoons of her meal.

"I told you, Nigerian meals can never go wrong." I said, proudly. I was indeed proud to be Nigerian, and it didn't matter even if it was my Mom who was from Nigeria, and my Dad from the United States, I still identified as a Nigerian.

I was so invested in my food, that I didn't notice that the blondie girl had gotten up from her previous seat, to stand in front of me. "Selena..." Kylie started, which made me lift my eyes to meet hers. She did a little gesture with her hands, urging me to look up, and I did. So this blondie really wanted to give me a lecture?

"Yes, you've got some problem? Cat's got your tongue ?" I asked the blondie sarcastically.

"Yes, I do have a problem, brunette. And that problem is you." She said, belligerently placing her hands on her hips ready for a fight.

"I'd be lying if I said I knew you, or cared to know you. Also, I barely understand what you're saying. How can I be a problem to you, when we don't even know each other ?" I asked, staring at her, while placing my left hand directly under my chin.

"Girl, don't play dumb. Who gave you the right to lift those filthy hands of yours on my boyfriend's face?" She asked, as she lunged towards me.

"Oh, that. So that jerk has a girlfriend? Phew, my condolences in advance, darling." I said, as I shifted my attention back to my food.

"You had better not ignore me. I asked a question, you had better started talking." She said, as her breathing increased.

"Girl, get lost. It's not my fault that your boyfriend thinks with his feet." I said again, hoping she'd really get lost. But no, that definitely didn't work.

"Are you out of your damn mind ??" She asked, with one of her hands raised aiming for a smack, as she made an attempt to move closer to me. Seeing this, I smiled to myself. As she tried to come closer, I placed my foot in the way, which made her trip and fall to the ground. Her white shirt and blue boyfriend jeans was smeared with dirt.

"You, Arggggh!!!" She screamed. "Nicholas? What are u waiting for? Come lift me up!" She yelled at her boyfriend.

I watched as he ran towards her, and lifted her up. He asked her how she was, and she responded "Can't u see the obvious? What sort of question is that?", rolling her eyes, after getting back on her feet, she threw his hands off her, and walked away.

"Go clean your wretched girlfriend up, Mister". I said to Nicholas, smirking my lips.

"Selena, that was too much!" Kylie said, I had completely forgotten that she was here.

"No, it wasn't. She came here herself, she searched for trouble and found it. Are you done? Let's go." I said, carrying my plates in my left hand, and pulling her by the hand with my right hand.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

AriWritescreators' thoughts
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