
a new friend?

Our drive back was nice, no traffic. It was a Sunday drive in all sense of the word. Which was refreshing given last nights events. What the hell happened? Gun fights, fist fights, jealous strange sexy men, drugs, and even hallucinations.

Cause theres no way I was flying in the arms of a stranger last night. That's impossible and insane. It sounds much more like drugs rather than reality.

I still can't shake the feeling I got when I first saw that silver eyed man. How my body was drawn to him. I've never experienced anything like that. Is that what it feels like being attracted to someone? No. It felt like so much more than that. I can't explain to myself.

Lost in thought staring out the window. I couldn't pull away from my view of the mountain side and woods. It was kind of keeping together, moving fast down the interstate I roll the window and lean my arm out the window resting my chin in the bend of my elbow. The wind whipping my hair like it was last night. How could a hallucination feel so real? That's the part that doesn't make sense. I can feel the familiarity of my hair blowing and lashing at the air. There was nothing I loved more than the feeling of wind in my face. As a child I used to stick my head at the window like a dog, my parents often joked calling me a dog. It's why when I asked for a brother my mother brought me home Sammy. Calling him my baby brother. I remember my first run with Sammy around our personal hiking trail. How much we both

loved the wind in our face and speed. I came back and told my mom I was a dog and ate my dinner on the ground with Sammy that night. My mom thought it was cutest thing. Seri and Sammy the gruesome twosome. A soft smile lifted in the corner of my mouth thinking about back then.

Getting closer to home I could hear the sounds of the city buzzing as the sounds of nature disappeared. I lived deeper into the mountains and away from the interstate. I always felt the city was too noisy for me having grown up in the peace and quiet of the woods outside of town. Watching the people walk around living their lives, so many clueless to the world outside of this town.

Pulling up to my long driveway excitement spread through me, I couldn't wait to see my parents and my dog. The anticipation had me ready to jump out of the king car convinced I could beat it home.

I spoke to her earlier before we left the hotel, but seeing my mom in the flesh was exactly what I needed.

Stepping out of the car, I could hear Sammy barking from behind the screen door. Of course my mother would leave the front door open. Know one comes out this way, and because mom works from home most of the time and because her work our address was an unlisted one. Which I guess made us pretty safe, but I've always been anxious and paranoid.

"Mom I'm home where are you?" I yelled

walking through the door, Sammy rushes to e jumping up and down dancing in circles, his hair flying everywhere, and tail wagging fiercely.

"Oh my sweet love, my darling daughter, you have returned to us once more." My dad said coming down the stairs followed by my mother.

"Lunch is on the table. Are you hungry? It was a long drive. Did you eat?" My mother said bombarding me with questions.

"Yes Meredith we didn't eat on the road, our girl missed her Sammy." Josie said as she gestured towards me.

I'm sitting on the ground letting Sammy lick my face and hair as I ruffled his fur while I hugged home.

"Oh, just Sammy?" My dad joked raising an eyebrow.

"No you guys too." I said getting up from the floor and embracing both my mo and dad. God I missed them. So so much. Squeezing them tightly inhaling the strong hints of lemon grass and citrus.

"I hope you had a great time." My mom said releasing from the embrace.

"You could see we had an adventure." Josie chuckled.

"Oh you'll have to tell us all about it." My dad said.

"Brooke and how are you? My favorite friend." Throwing a jab at Josie.

My dad and her always poke at each other. I'm the only one besides my dad that knows why. She got her period here and when she did she freaked out thinking she was bleeding to death. My dad heard her freaking out and was asking over and over again where she was hurt, where was the blood coming from. She pushed her legs together and started to cry. My father than realized it was her period, and he chuckled. Not at her but at his panic thinking she was dying on his watch. But she got embarrassed and has since then never forgotten. She doesn't know I know and neither does my mom, but somehow we know its out of love.

"I'm offended Joseph I thought I was your favorite." Josie pretended to pout widening her eye and moistening them with her tears.

"If I had a least favorite, you'd be one above them." My dad joked again.

"And this whole time I thought you loved me like a daughter." Josie whimpered.

"Oh I do, but as the step daughter in Cinderella." All of us laughed when my dad said that.

"Well at least it's like a daughter, Brooke you're only the best friend." Josie winked.

I snorted laughing really hard this time which made everyone laugh harder.

"Let's go to lunch before you two head home to your parents. But text them and let them know you made it safely and you'll be home shortly." My mother insisted.

My mother leaving no room for negotiations

we all complied and walked to the kitchen table.

"So tell me about your trip." My mother asked.

So I proceeded to tell her the not scary version leaving out the fact a whole mess happened in Eureka. Being sure to not skip the details about making two new friends Lucas and Naki. And then I suddenly remembered I was supposed to stop by Naki's café before we left to get a birthday present, I'll have to text her after lunch and apologize, I'm sure she'll understand she was there last night.

"Wow. You weren't kidding when you said an adventure Josie." My dad remarked.

"Right, best weekend ever honestly, thanks Meredith and Joseph for everything, coolest step parents ever." Josie added the joke in.

"You can never be genuine can you?" My dad teased.

"I am. Genuinely grateful to you guys." Josie responded truly this time.

"Wow, Josie are you being filial, I wonder what your parents would say." My mother finally joining in on the tease fest at the table.

Brooke and I sneer at my mothers joke.

"You better not tell them, they might expect it from me if they know I'm capable of it." Josie laughed.

By the time we finished lunch it was nearly dark. Josie and Brooke hug me good bye and they leave in their separate cars.

"I'm going to take Sammy on a quick jaunt

through the woods before I shower and head to bed, morning classes."

"Of course dear have fun, and be safe take your jogging bag just in case." My dad said to me before I head upstairs to change into something more fitting for evening jogs when it's cold.

After I change and hook Sammy up to his

leash we head on out on our path. The sunlight was fading behind the tree line and if I didn't make the short mile trail soon, I'll be jogging in the dark.

Sammy excited for me to be back so he can run instead of walking with my parents, his tail was thrashing back forth in excitement.

"Let's go boy." I say taking us up in speed quickly. I needed to numb mind, I haven't stopped thinking about the rude man at the bar. What thee hell is going on with me? It's not like I'll ever see him again.

Thinking that I could feel a wrenching pain in my chest. Why is it when I think about never seeing him again I ache so harshly? I've met him once and he was unbelievably rude. I must be crazy. Something is wrong with me.

Almost tripping on the path before me I center myself again and begin the run home.

After about 10 minutes with Sammy stopping

for poops on the way, the sun had just hit the horizon line.

"I prepared a dinner snack for you before bed." My mother called from the kitchen when I came in.

"Thanks, I'll be right down." Unhooking Sammy I dart upstairs to rinse off quickly. I was hungry after the jog. Checking my phone after the shower I see a text from Naki:

Naki: hey girl you forgot to stop by before you left.

I quickly text her back.

Me: I know, last night was hectic and my

friends wanted to dip out early. Sorry, maybe we ca meet up soon and I can have some of your delicious coffee.

Naki: I can always come visit you. Where is it you live?

Me: I live about 2 hours away from Eureka in Weaverville.

Naki: Oh that's not to far. I'll definitely come by this week and bring your present and some coffee.

Me: Really?

Naki: Definitely I love getting out of town and you live up in the mountains, I haven't been out there in a long time. Could I crash with you if I stay there for the night? Or is that weird.

Oh my god, someone whose not my best

friends of 17 years wants to sleep over at my house. With me. At my house.

Excitement filled my heart. I really might have another friend. In grade school I was quiet and scared of people so I didn't talk with others and because of my crazy red hair everyone made fun of me saying my mom cheated on my dad and that's why I look so different. It was rough, but I always had Brooke and Josie.

Me: Yeah, I have a guest room next time or you can stay in my room with me, I have a king sized bed, so there's plenty of space.

Naki: Awesome I'll bunk with you then


Wow I really did have a new friend.

Me: Hell Yeah! I cant wait!

Naki: Me either.

Me: Well, I have to head I have a long school day tomorrow. 4 classes, one starting at 8a and I live in the outskirts so it's a bit of a drive and I take my dog on Jog before school everyday. I'll text you tomorrow.

Naki: Okay, Night.

Me: Night.

After finishing the conversation I plug my phone and curl up under the covers and put on my favorite Disney movie Hercules and fall asleep.

Also! check out my other two books. The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and Taming Death as a Cruel Prince

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