
'No fool like an old fool'. Chapter 7

Jungkook hadn't found the courage to tell his family about his engagement to Taehyung. He kept it under wraps thinking that when he would return to Seoul,they would announce it together.

His parents weren't exactly traditional thinkers and stuck on outdated moral values and ethics but it would strike them as odd that his fiancé left the next day after popping the big question and didn't get the chance to meet them properly. Wanting to avoid interrogation he kept his mouth shut.

The only one who knew was Jimin. There were no secrets between them. Jungkook was the first person Jimin confided his relationship with Yoongi, their dad's protégé and right hand and the younger was overflowing with joy at the prospect of being Taehyung's husband so he told Jimin everything.

Jimin was of course happy for his brother but something inside him was itching. He wanted to share his brother's enthusiasm seeing him in love for the first time. However, the way things were progressing ,too fast too soon, plus Taehyung leaving after popping the big question without meeting their parents…Mmm.

" He did tell you he loves you, right?" 

Jungkook was too busy admiring his ring and paid no real attention to his brother's words." Yeah..of course. Why would he ask me to marry him if he doesn't love me Jimin?" 

" That's what I'm wondering.." he lisped through his teeth, scratching his head.

" What did you say?" Jungkook stared at his brother biting his lips.

" I..said did he call you today?" 

The younger pouted cutely." No..I guess he's busy." He shrugged his shoulders, sighing.

" Why don't you try? Call him!" he urged his sulky brother, pointing at his phone.

Jungkook grabbed the phone all excited but pulled a face when he heard Taehyung 's phone was switched off." He doesn't answer.. it's switched off..maybe he ran out of battery.." 

" When was the last time you talked to him?" Jumin asked with curiosity.

" Mmmm..three days ago." 

Instant waves of worry washed over Jimin at his words. I mean a guy who is head over heels with you wants to constantly hear and see you , not go missing for three days! 

A bad sign! A really bad sign!" He's obviously swamped. He'll call you." He hugged him and caressed his hair, smiling." I'm happy for you Kook.." Jungkook thankfully didn't notice the worry in Jimin's eyes.

" I know he will." 

" What exactly does he do in the States?" 

Jungkook wiggled his shoulders." I don't know.. he's a very successful businessman." 

" In what?" 

" Don't know.. he's extremely rich and powerful."

" Is he into real estate? Constructions?Ships? Finance?Where does he live? Which state? Where is his company located?"

Jungkook stared at his brother, unable to answer his reasonable questions simply because he had no idea. He grasped how little he knew about the man he would marry. Taehyung often talked about his business but not the specific field he was involved in or where he lived. And Jungkook, too enthusiastic as usual neglected asking the right questions.

" What do you know?" Jimin asked, baffled.

" Nothing I guess.." Jungkook was fidgeting, nibbling his wobbly lips.

Jimin coughed. Seeing his brother ready to cry made him curse inside his head about him and his stupid big mouth." Cheer up Kook! I'm sure he told you but you didn't hear because you were too busy admiring your handsome man!" he joked to lighten up the mood.

" Probably! My Tae is too damn gorgeous! Too stunning! Too sexy!Too hot!" 

Jimin threw one of the pillows at his brother, making him hiss and grunt." Yeah!Yeah! I got the picture! He's too much of everything!"

Jungkook started laughing and threw another pillow at Jimin and consequently a pillow fight started!

" BOYS DINNER IS READY! GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN!" they heard a booming voice yell.

They rushed downstairs and Jimin threw himself into Yoongi's arms." Missed you baby!" 

" Missed you too love!" Yoongi replied, kissing his husband and holding him by the waist." Hi Kook! We're seeing a lot of you lately!" Yoongi commented.

" Well, my studies go smoothly. Work is great and I want to spend time with you guys!"

Yoongi's gaze travelled from Jungkook to Jimin and back again, frowning." What are you two up to?" 

Jimin scoffed, rolling his eyes." You got us all wrong! We're just spending quality time together."

" Is that all you're doing?" 

Jimin hit his husband's chest playfully." Quit interrogating us! We're not your suspects! Anyway, where's dad?" Changing the subject was one of Jimin's best qualities.

" Outside.On the phone." He walked towards the living room, taking off his jacket uniform , throwing it on the couch and loosing his tie." I'm gonna take a shower and come for dinner." He held Jimin's hand, kissed it and went up the stairs.

" Where is everyone? I keep losing them!" Jin huffed , a big tray of food in his hands, heading for the dining room.

" Yoongi is upstairs and dad is on the phone." Jungkook informed his papa." Need my help?"

" No..I can manage." Jin assured him moving to the other room.

" Jimin bring the rest. " Jin instructed his son ,sticking his head out the dining door,watching him hurry to the kitchen.

Namjoon stepped in,leaving his briefcase on the glassy side table next to the door and went straight to kiss his son." Kook baby! How was your day?" He hugged Jungkook and fondled his hair.

" So far so good dad! Yours?"

" Same old, same old. Suspects to chase. Victims to rescue. Meeting after meeting. All good!" Kim Namjoon loved his job! He was the Chief of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency. High ranked and respected. The fear of every criminal in Korea.

Efficient and diligent in succeeding, committed to fighting crime. Highly educated and extremely intelligent but mostly frank and devoted to his family. His family was his first and only priority.

" Honey, you're back." Jin rushed to kiss his husband." Go take a shower. Dinner in ten.Chop chop!" Jin smacked Namjoon's ass , groping it a little ,he got all flustered and ran upstairs.

Jin repeatedly shook his head." Your dad is such an old maid! He goes shy every time I do that! " 

" Maybe he doesn't like you doing that in front of us! Your children!" He teased his papa to get a sideway glance.

" We did more than that to have both of you!" he blew out sassily.

" Yuk! Papa, that's gross!" Jungkook pretended to puke and got a smack in the neck in return.

They enjoyed a lovely dinner but Jungkook's mind was constantly on Taehyung. He still hadn't called or texted and he was beginning to get restless, checking his phone every two minutes, stirring the food in his plate, letting out small sighs. Jimin knew and understood..noone else should.

" Kook is everything alright? Are you expecting a call?" His dad's unexpected question made him goggle his eyes, scrunching his lips.

" Yeah from a friend.For coffee." he lied,acting casual and hoping his dad or Yoongi wouldn't pay attention to the slight trembling of his voice or the looks he exchanged with Jimin.

Namjoon put aside his plate, wiped his mouth with a small, white napkin and checked his son carefully."I've been meaning to talk to you about a rather delicate subject and since we're all together.." he coughed, clearing his throat." I was wondering if you might be interested in going out with a new superintendent at the department. He was working for Interpol in Italy before shifting to us. Quite good looking, hardworking and very dedicated to his job." 

Red alert for Jungkook! All eyes focused on him.He felt trapped, trying to come up with something believable without raising suspicions.Telling them he was already taken and engaged but his fiancé was missing seemed daft. He should have spoken sooner.

" I'm waiting Kook." Namjoon noted, gazing into his eyes as if he was giving him an x-ray. "Should I tell him to call you?" 

"NO!" Both Jungkook and Jimin bellowed out together,bowled over and gulped when Namjoon and Yoongi raised their brows in question.Jin continued eating casually without a care. He knew something was fishy for a while now and Jimin was aware of everything. Whispering behind closed doors, stopping every time he got in. Jungkook was all smiley and flustered.He had his ways to find out, waiting for the right timing.

" I.. Jungkook..you should explain why..he..you know.." Jimin let out,his finger pointing at his brother.

Jungkook opened his mouth to talk. Then closed it and opened it again." I've decided to stop dating for a while..I think I should concentrate on my studies and my job and my friends who are feeling neglected,as they always tell me. So thank you but another time.. perhaps.." He timidly smiled, stuffing food in his mouth ,praying they wouldn't keep questioning him. He did think about telling he's already dating someone but that would bring more questions. 

Who is he? What does he do for a living? His address. Social security number. Marital status. Criminal record. The whole enchilada! No, better they didn't know. For now.

" Is there any possibility of changing your mind?" Namjoon asked firmly.

" No.. " the younger answered, cramming his French fries dipped in ketchup.

" Namjoon I understand what a good impression SeenHe made on you but I don't think he's what Kook needs." Yoongi commented, offering Jungkook immense relief." Our Kook wants someone dynamic to tame him..SeenHe is such an easy prey." He winked at his favourite brother and Jungkook's lips formed a silent ' thanks '.

" I won't insist.Kook knows what's best for him and I trust both my sons. Jimin made an excellent choice and so will Kook." He slouched back to his chair." What's for dessert?"


Drenched in cold sweat and with a racing heart Taehyung woke up in a state of panic, disoriented from the nightmare, unsure where he was or what was real. Because the fucken nightmares were present day and night with persistence and always with the same theme.


Naked Jungkook.

Moaning mess naked Jungkook.

On his knees, hands tied to his back, the diamond collar flashing around his neck and Taehyung's cock mouthfucking him, gagging and choking him, among other things..

He threw away the black, satin sheets and ran straight to the bathroom. A cold shower.. better yet an ice-cold shower. Before getting in he glanced at himself in the mirror. Hard and dripping precum..he was hard again.

He was constantly hard and aroused, Jungkook's face stuck in his head and unable to perform in his 'sessions'. He made every effort to continue but in vain. After three or four attempts to gain his old self back he decided to take a small break till this whole situation resolved by itself.

Because it would.

It had to.

Eventually Jungkook would disappear and he could go on living as he knew so far.

He got under the shower, allowing the cold water to embrace his scorching hot body and offer him tranquility. His fingers gently rubbed his hair, going down to his chest, arms,his flat stomach ending between his thighs. He gulped.

Fuck he was still too fucken hard. Cursing out loud, he banged both hands on the wet, cold tiles, leaning on them to catch his breath. He was so sick of this! Sick of being constantly aroused with Jungkook's face pinned in his head and a constant unsatisfying need that wanted to find fulfillment.

He couldn't get pleasure in beating and killing. Getting high by inflicting pain to his slaves. He found it dull and meaningless. Seriously what the fuck was wrong with him?

A loud grunt left, his trembling from rage, mouth, thrashing his hands on the tiles multiple times,then kicking them with his feet till they went numbed. His fury had reached another level. No man whore would control his life. 

He was the master!

Wonen were at his feet, begging to be fucked and given pain. He was in control! In absolute control! 

Pissed, he got out of the shower, wiped his body, went back to his room and grabbed the phone." Numbers 1 to 5. Now ." he yelled at poor Alexander,who was left staring at his phone. 

Checking the time he realized it was past four. He frowned. V yelled. V never shouts. Something was off with him since the day of his return. Women were coming and going from his room at the speed of light. He couldn't make up his mind. And he was tired of arranging and canceling his sessions.

Taehyung marched inside his closet, opened the secret compartment, gazing at his toys. His fingers touched the floggers..the leather whips.. the handcuffs and dildos, breathing fast and sloppy.

Slowly he allowed his eyes to concentrate on them, trying to picture the floggers lashing the white woman flesh..the screams of bliss and pain that turned him on..his hands around their necks, pressing and squeezing..and that was when he noticed it.

A leather collar decorated with small diamonds, hidden under the others..he gasped. A special order. A diamond collar designed by him the way he had fantasized it wrapped around Jungkook's neck. What possessed him to have it, he didn't know..he couldn't understand. It was a strange impulse that drove him to get it two weeks ago.

But there it was. Sparkling and flashing before his hazy eyes like Jungkook's eyes did when looking at him. He reached out to grab it but held back. He was drawn to it as if the object was humming his name.. begging to be touched by its owner.

He turned around, touching his pounding chest, struggling to reject the sweet humming bombing his senses. Unable to resist the calling, he turned again and his hand held the collar tightly. 

Jungkook's image appeared once more. Naked, hanging from a restrainer, his body wrapped in red ropes, legs spread, a gigantic dildo bombing his hole, the damn collar hugging his perfect neck..and him.. screaming.. moaning.. begging to be fucked.

Taehyung collapsed on the floor between his toys, knees bend.Impatiently he grabbed his moist cock,tugging it aggressively and fiercely, hissing and moaning from an unbearably,excruciating bliss, whilst his other hand held the collar, sniffing it..licking the diamonds and biting it. He had gone mad!

Jungkook's moans matched his own. The foggy mist in his troubled mind made him hear voices. Hallucinating, imagining Jungkook was present in the room, calling for him.

" Fuck me..master..I need you inside me..fuck me..give me pain..please.."

Groaning and pulling his throbbing cock up and down, his body moving forward uncontrollably, like a deranged man, the collar on his chest burning his blazing skin, he felt the room spinning. The world crashing down."Cum..cum for me..cum hard for master.. your only master.." he bellowed out as his orgasm was hitting him in gigantic waves. His hand gripped on the first thing he found. A leather whip. 

Biting the edge with his teeth, howling and tossing his heavy head back,he allowed the ecstasy of his release to embrace his existence as huge amounts of cum came surging out like a fucken waterfall, producing intense,mind-blowing twitching in his body.

But it wasn't enough. It was never enough to wipe out the ravenous starvation and parch he had,ravaging his soul. He kept pumping his cock, harder and faster, refusing to think. Only feel. And Jungkook was there with him, reaching his own shattering orgasm.

The distant foot clicking in the next room brought him out of his trance. Jungkook's image was fading and he wasn't ready to let go. He wanted HIM there a little longer.

" GET THEM OUT! LEAVE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" The earth shattered by the yelling of his voice, the foot clicking disappeared and Jungkook was still there. He raised his trembling hand to reach and touch the milky flesh..jacking off with ferocity to keep the feeling of completion running through his bulging veins.

It was a long, passionate night between the master and his only slave..but no one could tell who was who! 


Two months. Two long, painful months of wondering where Taehyung was.What was he doing. Why hasn't he called or texted? At first their communication was almost daily but as the days went by there were minimized to a quick call or a hectic text every three days until they stopped. He couldn't find an explanation. He couldn't understand why Taehyung had vanished. It couldn't have been work. He could have found five minutes to talk to him. 

 Was he having second thoughts? Had he regretted his decision to marry him? He wanted to break off the engagement? Too many unanswered questions..too many disturbing thoughts not letting him breathe.

Jungkook was sinking in sorrow and despair and the doubts were pestering his mind. Not even the ring on his finger could ease his worries. It felt like a heavy stone thrown upon his shoulders. Continuing his life and enduring Taehyung 's unreasonable absence were a rope around his neck, suffocating and choking him.

Many sleepless nights, tossing and turning in his bed. Dark circles covering his once starry,sparkling eyes and his appetite had vanished making the loss of weight visible. Jimin was extremely concerned about his baby brother, doing his best to cheer him up but nothing worked. Jungkook was plunging into depression and desperation, losing interest in everything. He went to university and work because he had to and spent the rest of his time locked in his flat in pitch darkness.

Jimin decided to act. After many unsuccessful attempts he finally got hold of Taehyung's company address in Seoul. It wasn't easy but he did his best for his Kook. Whatever the outcome he needed closure. So one Friday morning he sent it to him.

Jungkook was over the moon. Scared but excited to see Taehyung after months of waiting. Dismissing the idea to ride his bike, he got a taxi and in twenty minutes he reached the company. Under other circumstances he would have admired the impressive architecture of the tall building but he had other things in mind.

The receptionist refused to let him pass without an appointment and professionally advised him to get one and rudely dismissed him.

Thankfully for him there was a fussl in the building, drawing everyone's attention, giving Jungkook the opportunity to sneak into the elevator for the last floor where the CEO's office was.

Surprisingly the floor was empty. Perhaps they were on a lunch break and the secretary was absent. Taking deep breaths and just as he was about to knock on the door, two male voices halted him.

" We're not gonna get work done, so how about drinks? Let's go to a bar and get drunk!" 

Kook didn't recognise the voice but looking around to find its origin he realized that the secretary must have mistakenly left the intercom on. Trying to find a way to switch it off and with a bad feeling eating him up, he held his breath when a familiar voice spoke.

" I don't want or need to get drunk at a bar. I need you to go and leave me the hell alone."

Jungkook's smile dropped at the cold, dour tone and shivered at the sound of Taehyung's voice He had to leave. It was a private conversation and had no right to eavesdrop but the temptation was too strong.

" What the hell is wrong this time? How long has it been since you got laid? Because it messes your fucked up mind." the other voice snubbed.

" Back off Hobi. You know how I like my women! "

" Yeah! On their knees, tied and begging for pain. " he scoffed,poking his tongue in disgust at his friend's weird tastes.

'Women? What women? Taehyung is gay!' Jungkook thought and his breath hitched. His left hand started shaking and he held it with his right, squeezing it.

" For your information I had numerous sessions in Vegas. And I enjoyed every one of them."  Taehyung struck back proudly." I added more numbers to my collection. Exquisite pieces. Submissive. Eager."

Hobi narrowed his brows ,noticing his friend's eagerness to explain part of his life he had no wish to discuss before. In fact he was boasting about it.

Jungkook shook his head to make sure he heard right. Taehyung, his fiancé was fucking other women? And what the hell was a session? His body went numb as he held his pounding chest and leaned against the wall next to the door for support. Blocks of cold sweat covered his forehead and his heart lost a beat. He couldn't understand a thing!

" Fuck man! You're the weirdest person I know!" 

" Have you met everyone on the planet?" A totally lame joke on his part because Hobi didn't find it amusing.

" What about him? You've been here for a month but you still haven't contacted him." Hobi observed, heading to the mini bar to fetch them drinks.

" Fuck you Hobi! Why did you have to remind me of that.. stupid boy! That man whore! " He clenched his fists,shutting his eyes to get rid of Jungkook 's image or else he would have been a laughing stock, getting a boner in front of his friend.

" Stop calling him that. He's a person. A human being." Hobi scolded his idiotic friend,passing him the glass and gulping down the whisky.

" He's a fucken slut! A man-eater! A manipulative whore who only cares how many dicks he's gonna get up his ass! I fucken hate him! I loathe him more than anything. I wish he was dead and buried." 

And that precise moment Hobi detected something he hadn't seen in years, at least twenty. Passion in Taehyung 's eyes. His indifferent, dour, deadly gaze shone with passion. He smirked,feeling there was something deeper than hate for that boy. Deeper and stronger than his friend wanted to admit. Most likely he hadn't grasped it himself.

" No, you don't. You wouldn't wish to see him dead." he noted in certainty, watching Taehyung gripping the arm of his chair.

" I hate him.I detest people like him." he insisted with a determination to persuade himself more than others. Because he did hate him. More than words could describe. He represented his most hideous thoughts and feelings. Men who offer their bodies to the highest beater, driven by a twisted,pervert lust, ready to take advantage of people's weaknesses and emotional vulnerability.

Taehyung hated gay people, especially of this kind. The mere thought of sleeping with a man made him wanna rip out his heart,tear it up and feed it to the vultures.

" Then why continue this madness Tae? Why can't you leave him alone?" Hobi sounded desperate and gulped down the rest of his whiskey.

Taehyung took a good look at his glass, stirred a little and gorged it down, enjoying the slight burning of his throat." You know why." 

" That's not good enough for a reason. You're messing with his heart. Lying to him about being gay when in fact you're as straight as it gets." 

" I can't feel guilt or remorse or love."" 

Hobi crossed his legs,resting one hand on the arm of the couch, the other on his knee." But you love..him." 

Outside the door Kook's head was spinning. The jitters in his body multiplied and his heart just.. stopped. What he was hearing made his stomach churn in apprehension. He couldn't understand a thing. He moved closer, scratching his back on the wall in the process.

" He's my baby brother Hoseok. The only family I have left and I'll do anything to protect him. Hyunjin is my life. For him I would go to any lengths just to give him what he wants. Use any means necessary to make him happy. Tolerate that boy's disgusting touches..kisses..hugs..I would kill for him." He emphasized the last sentence, taming the anger building inside him.

" Is he that repulsive? I saw a beautiful,young man that night, not what you describe."

" He makes me sick to my stomach. Going on stupid dates, flirting, pretending I'm enjoying it.. letting him kiss me and touch me with his filthy hands..I went home every night, puking..scrubbing my body under hot water to get rid of his grimy stink till it hurt." 

Hobi lit up a cigarette,taking in the smoke and feeling about to burst. His friend's sick perspective made him grasp the depths of his agony. The traumatizing wounds he was carrying for years. Taehyung was who he was and he wouldn't change. He wasn't ready to change.

" I'm done trying to put some sense into you. How is dear Hyunjin?" 

" At the moment having a pre honeymoon in Paris before his wedding." 

" Min Joon finally proposed. I'm happy for your brother." There was sadness in his voice, thinking of that poor boy. He didn't know why but he found him kind and gentle and his heart somehow ached at the cruel way Taehyung was talking about him.

" Personally I can't stand the old fool and I don't understand what my brother sees in him. But Hyunjin adores him and that's enough for me. That bastard, after two years of dating him, decided he was too old for him and ended their affair, advising him to find someone younger and willing to have a family.Hyunjin was devastated. Crying, begging for him to come back." He walked to the window, took out a cigarette, playing with it in his fingers." They had a huge fight, he left for London and Hyunjin followed him." 

" How is Jungkook involved in this?" How did you find out who he is?" 

" One night we went out for dinner and there he was! Min Joon in the restaurant having a romantic dinner with a young boy. Younger than my brother. Holding hands, caressing each other, hugging and laughing and my brother was suffering. Because of him. Of both of them." 

" And as a big brother you decided to take revenge." 

" In a twist of fate or a coincidence I recognised his ugly face at the party, dressed as a whore. Suitable for him. Flirted, asked him on a date, showed him my wealth, used my charm to lure him and he fell for it. He found someone richer and younger than his lover. All I had to do was keep him happy, busy and away from MinJoon." he explained coldly and nothing in his voice betrayed remorse.

" Until your brother got back with MinJoon.." Hobi noted,putting out his cigarette.

" It worked." 

" You gave him a ring. Got engaged."

" No. I bought him a ring. He assumed it was an engagement ring. "

Hobi let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head as he got up."What will you do now?" 

" Meet him, justify my absence and keep this engagement going until my brother marries. Then I'll go back to Vegas and never see him again." 

" Back to your life..just like that.To your interesting sessions with submissive women who beg for pain." he scoffed. Hobi never understood Taehyung 's need for control and dominance and his involvement in bdsm. It was beyond him." Does Jungkook know about your.. peculiar taste in bed?" 

" Hell no.I wasn't gonna get that far. I don't fuck men." 

" Don't sound so appalled. I'm gay, your brother is gay."

" I don't fuck men Hoseok. Especially that man. A fucken whore. He should consider himself lucky I didn't put a bullet in his head." 



Jungkook had heard enough.

He put on his black hoodie, covering his head and face,hiding both hands in his pockets and ran.

He ran as fast as he could. Down the stairs, out of the building, into the bustling streets of the city.

He ran and ran till he could no longer feel his legs. He didn't know where he was but found a bench and collapsed. He felt his throat closing up, tears streaming down his pale face, chewing on his lower lip. When whimpers and cries were about to escape he slapped his palm over his wobbly mouth, pressing it tightly. His breath quickened, his chest rose and fell.

Empty and despaired, aching from the cruelty of his behaviour and words. The intensity of his shattered heart was agonizing. He felt like he couldn't move from the excruciating pain. Taehyung tricked him. Toyed with his feelings. Made him fall in love only to crush him. His touches and kisses disgusted him. And he found comfort in women.

He was fucking women while engaged to him. Taehyung was right in one thing. Jungkook assumed it was an engagement ring and that he proposed. He never said he loved him. Not once.

He thought of him as a man whore. Fucking around with men for money. He took a deep breath, the cold air stinging his lungs and shut his eyes. But tears wouldn't stop flowing. A harrowing pain hounded him for the lies he was fed. The fake happiness he lived. And for being an easy prey for a bastard like Taehyung.

There comes a time you wonder how many lies a person can tell you but mostly how stupid you were for believing them. The signs were there from the start. The repeated exhibit of his wealth, the cunning, calculating look in his eyes. The specific words he used talking. His reluctance to sleep with him. He didn't want to take it slow. He wanted to avoid it. Because he found him appalling, repelling a freak of nature.

Taehyung hated him.

Loathed him.

And for what?

For a stupid misunderstanding.

For his beloved baby brother. The only person he could love.

He would do anything for him.

He did. He destroyed an innocent man because of him.

Now he knew why Taehyung looked familiar. They had crossed paths before.

He wiped his tears,sniffing, recalling that night. The night that ruined his life and left him heartbroken. In love with a man he couldn't have.

MinJoon was a wreck having broken up with his boyfriend which he absolutely adored so Jungkook took him out for dinner at his favourite place. While eating and talking with Jungkook trying to persuade him to rethink his foolish decision, a stunning young man came to their table, shouting and weeping and in the heat of the moment he threw the plate of spaghetti on his head, leaving them dumbfounded.

Jungkook caught a glimpse of a tall man hiding in the back, in a dim cornet but paid no attention because MinJoon was a mess. 

Min MinJoon. Yoongi's uncle, his dad's closest friend and his godfather.

Taehyung mistook his hyung for his lover! He shook his head, laughing between cries. His life was crumbled because of a fucken misunderstanding.

Isn't life ironic?

Next chapter