
Chapter 72

[1st POV]

I rushed to the precinct in just two minutes.

By the entrance sat an old officer, and next to him was little Artemis Crock.

She was crying, dressed in bunny-patterned pajamas and slippers, and holding a teddy bear.

Without a word, I wrapped her in my jacket and carried her to my desk, sitting her in my chair.

I set the kettle to brew milk.


I addressed her in the softest voice, smiling, "Tell me, what happened? Why did you need my help?"

She nodded.

"Alright, I'll help, but you need to tell me what happened."

"Jade left us."

"Where did she go?"

"When mom was sent to jail, dad started hitting us more often, especially Jade. She looks so much like mom, and they would argue a lot. Jade... hm, she also argued with dad. A couple of days ago, they had a huge fight. Jade got upset and decided to run away from home. She wanted me to come with her, but I refused. I think dad is good, he's just sad because mom's in jail."

Artemis is a sweet, trusting girl. She's only ten years old and still thinks her dad is a good father.

However, I've already noticed the flyers around town with the guy in the hockey mask. He's been calling himself "Sportmaster." Moreover, his record shows murders, not just simple robberies.

"This happened two days ago?"

"Yes. She didn't say where she was going. I thought she just went out for a walk, joking about running away. But she's been gone for two days, and I'm worried... What if something happened to her?"

"Don't worry, I think she's fine. She's your older sister, she won't disappear. But I'll make sure to find her and bring her back to you."

"Thank you."

Then she started to hug me.

"The kettle's boiled. You'll have some milk now, and I'll step away for a couple of minutes to take care of something."


I moved far enough away so she could still see me and wouldn't get scared of being alone.

At the same time, I made sure to call Renee and the social services. I wasn't about to leave Artemis and Jade with their idiotic father.

I didn't want to put them in a shelter either, so I decided to take them under my custody.

To be honest, the thought of it was a little intimidating, and I'd keep this unexpected idea from Pam until it was a done deal.

A few calls later, everything was arranged.

Renee went to the Crock family's address, and social services would be involved too.

As for the little one, I decided to leave her with the duty officer.

He's the kind of person who loves kids.

It'll keep him happy and distract her from her worries.


"Son of a bitch!"

Lawrence Crock spat blood splattering onto the ground outside his house.

Before the Social Services arrived, this idiot managed to get caught, wounded, and dressed in his Sportmaster costume.

We didn't wait for him to return inside and rushed to arrest him.

He tried to resist, but my speed, two bullets in his kneecaps, and a powerful punch to his jaw took him down.

Renee quickly slapped the handcuffs on him.

Then, Social Services arrived, and they quickly found out who his kids were, and terminating his parental rights would be a matter of days if not hours.

Afterward, Harvey and Detective Raymond King arrived.

Harvey wasn't too happy about being dragged out of bed, but when he found out who we'd caught, he cheered and promised to buy me a beer.

King shot me a strange look, and then I received a message saying that my relationship with him and Bullock had increased by 200, and for some reason, my relationship with Renee went up by 100 as well.

I also got experience points for capturing him and gained +1 to Charisma and +1 to Pathos.

It was an unexpected but welcome turn of events.

Then, the apartment was searched, and we found some stolen jewelry and equipment, apparently a spare set.

After that, we interrogated him while the arriving ambulance patched up his legs.

Seeing no reason to deny it, he told us everything and would get a small reduction in his sentence for it.

I then arranged a meeting with the social services regarding the guardianship of the girls.

Then, I headed back to the station to pick up Artemis and took her, already asleep, home with me.

We entered the house closer to midnight under the surprised eyes of Pamela and Harley, who were drinking tea in the living room.

I gestured for them to be quiet and took the girl upstairs. Then, I went back downstairs and explained the situation to them.

I immediately began the search for Jade and, first thing, used the Search Map. It gave me the following information:

[Jade Crock. Nanda Parbat. Coordinates...]

I cursed under my breath and grimaced.

I didn't want to get involved with the League of Assassins right now, but deep down, I knew it would happen sooner or later.

Ra's al Ghul couldn't just forget about me or Batman.

So, I had to figure out how to handle Jade's return home.

After some thought, I took the first step in this matter and, putting on my trusty "negotiation" ring, I contacted her.

'Jade! It's Isaac Dinklage. Don't worry, you're not losing your mind. It's really me, we need to talk.'

'What the hell?! How did you do this?'

'It doesn't matter how, what matters is that the family needs to be together. And don't worry about your father, he won't bother you for the next few years if that's what you're worried about. He's going away for a long time. So I'll be taking custody of you both.'

'Even if that's true, I'm not coming back to Gotham. I'm tired of this city. Those who are weak and poor will never achieve anything there. So where I am now, I have a future.'

'The League of Assassins is not your future. If you seek power, I can give it to you. I can be your trainer. You don't have to go…'

'No! Get out of my head!'

I had to disconnect.

She was screaming so loudly that my head was splitting, and blood was already pouring from my nose.

She wasn't in the mood to talk, and I'd have to act against her will.

I'd have to visit the League in a more… noisy way.

This would show Jade my capabilities and understand she didn't need to look for power elsewhere.

I don't need a second Sasuke Uchiha.

Additionally, I could actually gain some benefits from this incident, I just need to think of a plan and accomplish it soon.




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