
Chapter 62

[1st POV]

The reception with the queen was much more lavish and grander than the first one I attended.

I noticed Luthor again, along with his assistant.

Over the past time, my relationship with him has improved.

I have received notifications from the system, not only from him but also from Killer Frost, Lucifer, Maze, Pamela, and Harton.

However, what surprised me the most was that when I checked the list regarding my relationships with others, I saw a line with the name Amanda Waller 800 (interest).

That scared me.

I had managed to miss this detail earlier.

After scrolling through the message's history, I realized it started after Los Angeles.

I can't believe I didn't get a debuff for such carelessness.

"Mr. Dinklage, it's a pleasure to see you again or should I now address you as Lord Dinklage? Or is "Sir" the appropriate word here?"

Lex smiled as he approached me.

We were on the balcony, alone. Well, I was, and Luthor approached me a little later.

"I prefer using names. Though, it's not a big deal."

I smiled in response and shook his hand.

"Then I think neither of us will mind if we switch to a more informal tone?"

I nodded.

"Alright, Isaac. I've really wanted to talk to you for a while. At first, I thought you were a simple man. But when I learned some information that the Bialya military had skillfully hidden, I was very, very surprised."

Well, he managed to find out after all, but that was to be expected from Lex Luthor.

"And what about it?"

"That a certain individual, behind a mask, single-handedly destroyed an entire modern, fully equipped, and armed unit, equipped with the latest technology and science. You know, I haven't shared my thoughts on this with anyone, no one in the USA will ever know about it, I guarantee that. However, I still want to share this with you."


I keep a poker face and listen to him.

"From my observations, this person is neither a meta-human, nor a magician, nor an alien, but still used some strange power that helped him win. I think we both know who I'm talking about."

"Let's assume that's true. But so what? You're not planning to "rat me out," I realized that almost immediately. And I also think that even if I refuse whatever it is you're offering or implying…"

"You're a very wise person, Isaac. That's what I like about you and now I'll ask you one more question that's been on my mind. Would you consider changing your line of work?"

"To what exactly?"

"Head of security for my personal guard... Officially."

"However, there's something unofficial that you want to offer me and could it interest me?"

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.

"That's what I'm hoping for."

Lex nodded and reached into his inner pocket, pulling out a business card.

"Here's my card. If you want to discuss this matter in more detail, give me a call. But for now, I think I should take my leave. I came to this event mainly because of you. I'll be leaving soon; my "vacation" is over. It's time to head back home."

"Then I wish you a pleasant journey, Lex."

I shouted after him, examining the business card.

It's quite interesting.

There is an alternative to fall under the wing of Lex Luthor himself.

However, I'm not ready to think about such things right now. Besides, Lex didn't expect the conversation to continue.

That brief exchange of words aimed to grab my attention toward his persona and the possibility of something...

In the midst of these thoughts, Queen Beatrice found me.

She was dressed in a dark yellow dress, with a beautiful golden diadem on her forehead and her long hair flowing freely."

"How's your evening?"

She asked as she stood next to me.

"Wonderful, Your Majesty..."

I bowed.

"Stop it! I'm not particularly fond of excessive flattery. Although, I have to admit, there's a certain moral in the fact that many people bow before you, and men are ready to kiss your feet..."

Beatrice said dreamily, taking a sip from her champagne glass.

"But that's all in the past. So, I'd prefer if at least you stopped this foolishness."

After a brief pause, she added, "In unofficial meetings, of course."

I've already realized, over the course of our time since our very first conversation, that Beatrice isn't as stupid as one might have thought at first.

She is still young and perhaps even impulsive but knows how to think logically.

If she weren't a ruler, she'd most definitely be a military person.

"Alright. To be honest, I'm also not accustomed to my new role."

"Don't get too carried away. It does have its advantages, of course. But my ancestors took care that the nobility wouldn't have too much power in this country back in the eighteenth century. So your role will boil down to swearing allegiance to me and my descendants, and 'appearing before me at my first request, to protect your ruler...' Although, we don't really like to participate in wars as such. The last war we officially took part in was the Israel-Arab War thirty years ago. So, we limit ourselves to politics and economics when it comes to exerting pressure on other countries."

"But I doubt that you could withstand, say, the USA in an open confrontation."

I said thoughtfully to keep the conversation going without any hidden agenda.


She burst into wild laughter, and when she had calmed down somewhat, she continued the conversation, "I think I need to explain something to you, Lord Dinklage. After all, a nobleman... correction, a hereditary nobleman of Bialya, should know a thing or two about the country from which his documents for his first citizenship are from."

"I'm all ears, Your Majesty."

I enjoyed this conversation and was finally going to learn what had happened between the USA and Bialya at some point.

She perched on the railing and started swinging her legs.

"Three hundred years ago, when the colonies declared their independence, we did not recognize it as a sovereign state due to our friendly relations with the English crown. It wasn't until about a hundred and fifty years later, during the reign towards the end of the reign of Queen Victoria that my great-great-grandfather established contact with them in the economic sphere. There were trade agreements made,which in a way existence the USA as a legal entity but not more than that. Even now, we have not recognized the USA's independence. Therefore, there can be no embassies or active cooperation, not even consulates. Although our representatives communicate indirectly and exchange notes at various conferences or informal events, and there are transportation connections. But still, you must understand what this means. For us, the USA is just unstable country with natural resources but one with a good standard of living and nuclear warheads."

"That's very entertaining and enlightening."

I smiled, "But still, I heard that in the last century, there was a possibility for the States to gain your recognition, but that didn't happen. May I ask for more information? We didn't learn much about that case or your country in school."

"Ha-ha... Yes, it was indeed an amusing case. But at the same time, it's also insulting for us. Oh!"

Queen Bee's glass cracked in her hands, and a thin stream of scarlet blood began to slowly trickle down her arm.

Apparently, this incident touches her pride as a ruler.


I stepped closer to her and took her palm in my hand.

"Impudent. Before you stand your queen, you dare to touch the royal hand without her consent."

She pretended to make a serious face, but in her eyes, I saw mischief.

"You can do whatever you wish to me as punishment. But please, allow me to heal your hand. Otherwise, there might be a scar left on this beautiful hand. Also, my curiosity has played a cruel trick on you, and I feel guilty."

She didn't resist and freely extended her hand to me.

I then used Mystical Palm Jutsu and healed the small cut in just a few seconds. Then I saw surprise and confusion in Beatrice's eyes.


"My power can not only cause harm but also heal."

I smiled and waved.

"And what else can you do with it?"

I wonder if, right now, her mind is working with more power than Batmobile.

"It's not as much as I'd like for now. The key is time and the desire to develop it."

"Hm. You're full of surprises and mysteries. That amuses me."

[100 relationship with Queen Beatrice.]

"I'm glad to serve you, Your Majesty."

I joked with a bow.

At that moment, amidst Beatrice's laughter, Pamela joined us.

"I stepped away for just five minutes, and you're already having a nice chat with Her Majesty."

"Need I remind you that you're her subject? And that I'm right here?

Oh, how tightly my hand was squeezed..."

"Well, no need to be so harsh with him, Miss Isley."

Queen Beatrice defended me, "He helped me heal my hand. By the way, I think Isaac's skills could help many in Bialya. Of course, this will remain a secret for those you don't want to trust with this secret, meaning your acquaintances from America."

Now, that's an idea!

I'll improve my medial jutsu, gain experience, and then earn respect among the locals.

That's not bad at all.

So, for the remaining half hour of our stay at the reception, Pamela and I discussed the possibility of me "moonlighting" as a local Dr. House.

Then, at home, I'd have to prove to Pamela how much I love her, but I wasn't exactly against that...

To be continued...




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