
Chapter 21

[1st POV]

"Just my luck…"

I grimaced, pulling the sword they had gifted me from my "Inventory."

I went to investigate the noise.

When I opened the door to my room, a cool but unpleasant wind passed over me, mixed with the scent of something burnt.

It seemed a trash can was on fire nearby.

However, that wasn't what worried me.

A girl about twenty was lying on the floor next to the bed. She wore a tight leather suit that made her pretty body stand out.

She wore a half-mask with cat ears, and a whip hung at her side. She had a few cuts from the broken glass, but most of the blood came from her mouth.

She was unconscious.

I put the sword away and approached Selina Kyle to check her condition.

I quickly figured out what was wrong with her by listening to the groans that came out of her mouth as I pressed on a few spots.

She had two cracked ribs on the left side, her left arm was dislocated, and several teeth and a lip were broken.

It's nothing too serious.

I carried her to the couch and removed her damaged suit with just a strapless sports bra and matching panties.

Great, let's hope I don't cross any lines here…


I bandaged her wounds and wrapped her chest where it was needed. I also applied ice to the likely areas for bruising and popped her arm back into place.

She still didn't wake up from that.

At first, I pondered what to do with this unexpected situation and how she ended up here with various thoughts that crossed my mind...

So, I decided to leave everything as it was. I simply sat down across from her and picked up a math book to pass the time.

By around five in the morning, Selina Kyle opened her beautiful green eyes and looked around, quite surprised and a little frightened.

"Don't be scared and don't move. Otherwise, all my efforts in treating you will go to waste."

I said without taking my eyes off the book.

She managed to smile and turned to me.

"And what is the name of my savior?"

"I'm Isaac Dinklage."

I replied.

"And you, I assume, are Catwoman?"

"Am I already famous?"

She asked with surprise.

I realized I had slipped.

The person who had just returned from a "deserted island" and hadn't been in Gotham for two months might not have known about her because she was new to this path.

"In some circles. Don't worry, I'm not one of the gangsters. I'm a cop. I could even show you my badge. And no, I'm not going to arrest you. I really don't care about you unless you break the law 'for real.'"

"For real?"

"You know, like killing, robbing the poor, and stuff like that. You seem to only rob 'rich kids' and gangsters."

Seline nodded.

"Well, that's enough for me not to lock you up this time."

"This time? You're a strange cop."

She said, her smile widening.

"Or did you decide to take advantage of my helpless state and have your way with me here while I can't resist?"

She stretched seductively, not grimacing from the pain, even though she should have.

I looked her over carefully, which made Selina's eyes sparkle. Then I turned back to the tablet and said.

"Well, you're not bad. However, I'm not interested."


 It seemed like I hit a nerve.

"You—you. Ouch!"

"Well, it seems the bandages have slipped."

"Admit it, you bastard! You must have groped me while you were putting on the bandages."

"Well, yeah. I needed to determine what injuries you had."

I smirked.

"Hmm… Sorry. You helped me, and I didn't even thank you."

"By the way, do those nerves have no tail?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, the ones who beat you up, they didn't leave any trace of how they got here? Just curious. I need to know if I should prepare to defend my home from someone or not."

"I couldn't steal anything because I had a false lead. However, I fought off the attackers. They didn't pursue me because they can't. I fell to you only because of the concussion and my ribs."

She grimaced in pain.

"I see. You can stay here for a while until you recover but then you'll need to leave. After all, you are technically a criminal. If my colleagues show up, it'll be hard for me to explain what Catwoman is doing here."

"Thank you."

Then I brought her a robe and some clothes she had once left at my place and prepared a little hot food.

After all, she was sick and needed to eat…

I didn't go to bed until after that because I couldn't fall asleep. Therefore, I decided to head to the precinct early in the morning.

I put on my well-worn uniform and left.

As I waited for the bus, I even thought about getting a car. However, I realized I lacked enough money for a house and a car.

That's why it was just the house.

I have to wait for everything else.

The scene that unfolded before me was disheartening because half of the building was burned and had shattered windows.

Suddenly, I was greeted by the duty officer.

"A—Isaac Dinklage?! You're supposed to be dead from explosion!"

"I just heard so many prayers and cries of 'Isaac, come back' that I had to resurrect. What happened here?"

"An attack on the precinct."

The officer frowned.

"No one died, but there were several injured."

"And who attacked?"

"The 'LoBoys' gang. A new group that has started a new war in Gotham."

"Any casualties among the civilians?"

"It's not much for now, but every day there's some kind of commotion. There was even an incident where some gang members tried to free their comrades from Arkham. But the most surprising thing is that they were stopped."

"I suppose it's not surprising that Batman and his little mouse family stopped them."

"It wasn't him, it was Poison Ivy."

'What? Did I hear that right? Pamela helped the police?'

"I'm not hearing things? Poison Ivy helped the police and repelled the attack?"

"Yes. Well, a couple of psychos did escape but she wrapped the attackers in her vines so tightly that it took over an hour to pull them out. Rumor has it that Ivy is already free. She was released officially with a certificate."

"Hm. Thanks for the information. Is the commissioner inside?"

"No. He's on a call, along with most of our guys. We're currently under martial law, so swing by the armory and put on some armor and grab a weapon. The next few days will be hot."

"I know that myself. Thanks. I'm leaving."

After that, I spent another half hour listening to colleagues' congratulations and joy that I was alive and healthy.

I was allowed to take whatever I needed.

At first, the sergeant didn't want to give it to me since I was no longer considered one of their employees but a dead hero.

After that, I arrived at the scene of the chaos with reinforcements.

The number of police officers was overwhelming, their eyes scanning the area, hoping to find their beloved leadership.

I didn't even get recognized for all the noise, but I did find the higher-ups.

Gordon, Bullock, and several other officers stood with McCoy, actively discussing something.

"Hello, need any help?"

To be continued...

Next chapter