
Chapter 2

[1st POV]

"Arthur, are you sure everything's okay? I've got a feeling something not good is brewing."

"Spit it out, Isaac. Everything's fine. Even if Gordon finds out, he won't say anything because he's got his own secret. He and his partner, Detective Bullock, once trashed this very place while drunk. I don't know how it happened, but it was right after the bar opened, and the bartender who called the police didn't know they were our guys. He just reported that there were several attackers, and they were armed. So, our department didn't mess around and sent two SWAT teams. The situation was tense at that time. I was on duty that day and had to deal with those "troublemakers." but you're quite the character too."

[+150 relationship with Arthur McCoy.]

"Alright, I get it."

"Just remember, you have to be on duty soon, so don't be late."

"Okay! See you later."


[New Quest: Rookie Cop

Description: You are a rookie police officer. Get through the day without any screw-ups and improve your reputation in the eyes of your colleagues and other residents of Gotham.


+100 Experience

+100 Reputation with saved residents of Gotham and the police

+Title: "Good Guy"

[Failure or Refusal: -500 reputation with all residents of Gotham and the police.]

[Do you want to accept the quest?]


As if I had a choice. 


It's important to have a good name and good relationships in Gotham or any city. 

'I wonder if I can find out how everyone feels about me?'


Jim Gordon: 100 (Indifference)

Arthur McCoy: 500 (Friendly)

Unknown Girl: 200 (Positive)

Unknown Girl: 250 (Positive)

Unknown Girl: 250 (Positive)

Unknown Girl: 300 (Positive)

Looks like I made an impression. I should hurry to work. 

I really don't want to be late.


We have been patrolling around our assigned area for an hour. Luckily, there have been no incidents.

That's a bit unusual, even for Gotham, but it's good for me.

After the third hour, we received a call from a café nearby about a drunken hooligan causing a commotion.

'Why do I have the feeling this is just the beginning?'

[+1 intuition]

'Why am I not even surprised by this turn of events?'

I'm still a loser, no matter what anyone tells me. 

I've been reborn, have a decent body, and even have a special trait that should make my life at least more interesting. 

Instead, it seems to have made things more problematic than they were in my past life. 

Did I cross someone's path? Or did I somehow anger the creator of this world or this damn system?

[+1 Intelligence]

[+1 Intuition]

This is going to be a mess.

The café was more or less decent. 

The only thing that didn't fit the picture was the small chaos caused by this guy in a bandana.

The guy was holding a bat and shouting something about racism and inequality in the city.

Well, I can understand him. 

After all, it's not every day that a law-abiding citizen who's done time gets ignored when he starts ranting with a bat in hand especially while a little tipsy. 

The worst part is that this shamelessness is being encouraged by aggressively-minded women and children.

Apparently, one of the kids is celebrating their sixth birthday here.

"Hey, man, don't be a fool. Do you see those kids?" 

I pointed at them. 

"They're just kids. Nobody wants any trouble."

"Shut your fucking mouth. My constitutional rights are being violated here. You're all a bunch of damn racists."

"Wait a minute, man, don't rush. Why do you think there are racists here?"

"They fucking said it's all reserved tonight for these brats today. I know it's because I'm not white!"

I'm not a racist.

It's just that in both my past world and the memories of old Isaac, there were plenty of incidents with different ethnicities and feminist women who caused trouble while making everyone else get blamed. 

The worst part is that they often got away with it, while those who truly suffered were labeled as racists, sexists, homophobes, and so on. 

They annoyed me in my past life, and I am completely furious about this one. 

At that moment, a little girl cried even more, making him very angry. 


He quickly approached the girl, about six years old, and raised his bat as if to strike.

I couldn't take it anymore, grabbed the first thing I could find, and threw it at him. 

Unfortunately, my aim wasn't great, and it only hit his arm. But thankfully, he dropped the bat.

"Ah, you…"

But he couldn't finish his sentence, so I kicked him in the jaw. 

He flew back and crashed into a painting on the wall but still stood up with a fighting stance. 

Then, I went up to him and punched him in the nose. 

After that, he finally went down.

"Nice job." 

Arthur smirked and started to pack up our troublemaker.

After fifteen minutes, we went to the station and handed him over. Only after that did I read the messages from the system:


[You have gained a new skill: "Chuck Norris Kick - Level 1." Your kicks will now be significantly stronger and more effective.]

[+1 Strength]

[+1 to Agility]

[You have received a new title: "Racist."]

[+500 relationship with Gotham's Young Mothers]

[-500 relationship with all people except white people]

[+100 relationship with the Police]

Well, thanks, system…

Fortunately, the rest of the day was quite decent for us, with no calls or conflicts. 

Because of this, the system rewarded me and marked my first full mission as completed.

[Quest Completed: "Rookie Cop"]


+100 Experience

+100 reputation with saved residents of Gotham and the police

+Title: "Good Guy"]

Afterward, I look at the overall picture.

Name: Isaac Dinklage 

Health: 250

Level: 2

Experience: 196/250

Class: Hot Fuzz (Novice), Loser, Newcomer (Ordinary), Drunkard, Racist, Good Guy.


Strength: 25

Agility: 9

Endurance: 22

Intelligence: 7

Intuition: 6

AP: 10

Features: Orphan, Lone Wolf, Sociopath, Loser, Alcoholic, Casanova, Racist


Stealth - Level 1

Accuracy - Level 2 

Hand-to-Hand Combat - Level 9 

Darts Mastery - Level 3.

Special Skills: 

Cooking - Level 2 

Guitar - Level 8 

Problem Solving - Level 15

Persuasion - Level 5 

Womanizer - Level 1

Chuck Norris Kick - Level 1

5% Mental Resilience

5% Mental Resistance

15% Alcohol Resistance.

This is how my first full working day ended.

To be continued...

Next chapter