

Link and the Sages walked silently across the plain, their steps firm and resolute despite the tension etched on their faces. In the distance, a massive horde of monsters stretched out like a dark, menacing sea. The sound of swords, scimitars, tridents, greatswords, and bows being unsheathed was the only thing breaking the vast silence before the battle.

As they moved forward, Link's tireless mind raced, evaluating possibilities and devising strategies. Avoiding direct confrontation and conserving strength for the final battle was his primary goal. Each step they took felt like the heartbeat of the earth, a prelude to what was to come.

He considered crafting a flying vehicle. "Perhaps an aeroplane would work, but..." he thought, the idea leaving him unconvinced. "No, it's not feasible. There are too many of us, and the Depths are still far off. Besides, once we begin our descent into the chasm, the Lynels will start firing at us. And the Gleeok... that one's the worst. With its altitude, it could attack us directly. I need another plan."

Just as his mind seemed trapped in a dead end, a roar echoed across the sky, forcing everyone to look up. A blinding flash of light pierced the clouds, revealing an imposing silhouette: the Light Dragon, its golden mane glowing with celestial radiance. For a moment, Link froze as if time itself had stopped. A warm, indescribable feeling swelled in his chest. It wasn't just awe—it was something deeper, something he felt in the very core of his being.

The group watched in amazement as the Light Dragon soared through the clouds with unstoppable speed. Its emerald eyes, ancient and profound, gazed at the heroes with a wisdom born of millennia. Its golden mane danced in the wind like a blaze of sunlight captured in the abyss of the sky. The air seemed to split in its wake, and with every moment that passed, hope grew stronger.

"It's her…" Link whispered, his voice barely audible yet brimming with conviction that struck to the bone. At that moment, a plan began to take shape in his mind.

He raised his hand, and with a flash, the Schema Stone activated before him, materializing an aeroplane in seconds, ready for takeoff. Once it was complete, he pulled several rockets from his Zonai capsules, carefully adjusting them to ensure the thrust would be sufficient.

"Get on, quickly!" Link shouted to his companions, adrenaline surging through his veins like an electric current as they scrambled to board. 

As soon as they were on, Link activated the rockets, and the aeroplane roared to life, cutting through the air with a deafening sound. They climbed higher and higher, navigating turbulence as the rockets burned out one by one. When the last rocket was spent, Link took hold of the controls, igniting the plane's engine to propel them forward. With steady hands, he steered toward the dragon, which was rapidly moving farther ahead. The wind howled in his ears, and the danger of the Depths below seemed to brush against his skin, though the fear began to fade. The sight of that majestic figure—so near, so radiant—banished all dread. 

He cast a final glance back toward Lookout Landing, where Purah and Paya stood watching them through the telescope, their wide eyes filled with both awe and fear. He raised a hand in farewell, knowing it might be the last time they ever exchanged words. 

"We're heading into the abyss! Take care, my friends! Don't let the darkness consume you!" he shouted, his voice filled with a mix of determination and sorrow. Though he knew they couldn't possibly hear him, his words hung in the air like a promise. 

Without hesitation, he turned his focus forward, guiding the plane with speed and precision toward the Light Dragon. 

Suddenly, a formation of Aerocudas emerged on the horizon, their sinister shapes silhouetted against the sky. Their piercing screeches echoed as a warning. 

The five Sages exchanged quick glances, their faces a mixture of tension and resolve. The roar of the wind and the beating of wings demanded immediate action. Link's pulse quickened as he turned his head toward his companions, his voice cutting through the storm like thunder: 

"Sages, prepare yourselves!" he shouted, steering the vehicle. The swarm of Aerocudas closed in from all directions, their cries splitting the air. "Listen! Riju, Yunobo, Tulin, Sidon—get ready for battle! I'll focus on flying the plane toward the dragon. Don't let them take us down before we reach it!" 

Riju unsheathed her Gerudo scimitars, activating her lightning ability with blistering speed. Her gaze locked onto the approaching Aerocudas, unwavering. Sidon moved to the front of the group, his ceremonial Zora trident gleaming as he summoned the power of water. Yunobo clenched his fists, transforming into a blazing rolling boulder, while Tulin notched an arrow, his wind currents ready to strike at any moment. The Sages turned toward Link, weapons raised in a coordinated display of defiance. 

"Understood, Link!" Riju called back, her eyes blazing with determination. Lightning crackled around her scimitars as she prepared to strike. She glanced at Sidon, steady at her side, and shouted above the chaos: 

"Sidon, unleash your water first! Drench them, and I'll fry them with lightning!" 

Sidon nodded, a confident smile crossing his face as his trident pulsed with aquatic energy. "Got it, Riju! Let's show them what we're made of!" 

His ceremonial trident glowed with watery brilliance, exuding both elegance and strength. Despite the gravity of the moment, Sidon's smile remained steadfast. He recalled a time when he might have doubted his ability to lead in such perilous circumstances. But alongside Link, he had learned that leadership wasn't about having all the answers—it was about trusting those around you and acting with courage. He remembered a piece of advice his father, King Dorephan, had once given him: 

"A king cannot protect his people with strength alone; his trust and love for them are his greatest shield." 

"Understood, Riju!" Sidon shouted, summoning a powerful wave that drenched the swarm of Aerocudas, slowing them down and leaving them vulnerable. 

Riju's voice thundered through the air as she unleashed a lightning strike that lit up the sky, electrocuting the creatures. 

"For the Gerudo and the lightning that guides us!" she cried, her lightning meeting Sidon's water in a dazzling display of light and energy. Tulin let out an admiring cheer: 

"Now *that's* teamwork!" 

Yunobo, ever watchful, suddenly called out: "Watch the left flank!" Spinning rapidly, he launched himself toward the edge of the vehicle, transforming into a blazing ball of fire that tore through a group of Aerocudas, scattering them like ashes. The purple smoke they left behind dissolved quickly as Yunobo prepared for another strike. 

Amid the chaos, a memory surfaced in Yunobo's mind: a conversation he had shared with Link earlier that day. He had spoken with shame about how he had been manipulated by the Demon King's puppet, feeling like a pawn in a far greater game. 

Link, with his calm, unshakable demeanor, had replied without hesitation: 

"It's not weakness to admit when we've made mistakes, Yunobo. True strength is picking yourself up after a fall—and you did. Sometimes, that's the greatest courage anyone can show." 

Those words had soothed Yunobo's spirit then, but now, in the heat of battle, their meaning struck him with new clarity. Strength wasn't about avoiding failure; it was about facing it head-on and continuing to fight—for himself and for those who relied on him. His scars were no longer a burden but a testament to how far he had come. 

The screech of another Aerocuda snapped him back to the present. The enemy's relentless assault demanded his focus. 

"I won't let you through!" Yunobo roared, slamming the ground with a fiery impact before launching himself at the enemy again. 

A fresh wave of Aerocudas surged upward from below, racing toward the vehicle. Tulin released a volley of arrows, their sharp whistles slicing the air as they flew toward the approaching threat with deadly accuracy. 

As his arrows found their marks, Tulin felt the weight of his ancestry. If he survived, his actions today would be immortalized in the winds of Hebra as an eternal song. The sharp, precise strikes of his arrows echoed his mastery, bringing down the creatures before they could get too close. A triumphant cry burst from the young Rito's chest, raw and proud: 

"For Hebra and all who came before us! The skies are ours!" 

The air erupted with a cacophony of screams, lightning cracks, and fierce clashes. Amid the storm of chaos, Link's voice rang out, steady and filled with pride: 

"Great work, team! Get ready—we're closing in on the dragon!" 

As the vehicle neared the majestic Light Dragon, the Sages moved in perfect harmony. Sidon and Riju combined their abilities with devastating precision, Yunobo barreled forward like an avalanche, clearing the path with unyielding force. Each strike they delivered seemed like a bold defiance of the encroaching darkness. 

But then, a deep, guttural roar rumbled from the distance. Emerging from the horizon was a massive, armored Aerocuda, its thick natural plating deflecting weaker attacks. Leading its flock, it hurtled toward the vehicle with renewed ferocity. 

"That must be the leader!" Sidon shouted, bracing himself. 

"Let me clear the way!" Yunobo yelled, launching forward in his rolling attack. He smashed into the armored Aerocuda with tremendous force, sending it reeling and disrupting the smaller ones in its wake. 

Riju seized the opportunity, channeling another lightning strike that shattered part of the leader's armor. 

"Finish it off!" Link commanded. 

Tulin's arrow streaked through the air, striking the weakened spot with pinpoint accuracy. Sidon followed up with a powerful blast of water that hit the creature with full force, finally bringing it down. The remaining Aerocudas, disoriented and leaderless, were swiftly dealt with by the team. 

The vehicle surged forward, leaving the scattered enemies behind. The Light Dragon loomed closer than ever, its radiant form calling them onward. 

Turning to his companions, Link shouted above the roar of the wind:

"Quick! Jump onto the dragon's back!" 

Without hesitation, the Sages—except for Tulin, who spread his wings to glide—deployed their paraglider cloaks in unison. They leapt into the air, descending with precision toward the dragon. The vast abyss below seemed insignificant as they focused on their target, their fears vanishing in the face of their resolve. 

One by one, they landed on the dragon's shimmering back, its golden mane flowing like a living flame. As they touched the radiant strands, a surge of magic coursed through them, enveloping each in a protective warmth and a profound sense of security.

As Link waited for the Sages to reach the Light Dragon, a final Aerocuda dove sharply toward the nearest horde, its talons extended with lethal precision. In a brutal motion, it snatched a Bokoblin, whose piercing scream mixed with the sound of the wind, amplifying the chaos. As it flew past the vehicle, it hurled the Bokoblin. Link, caught off guard, barely had time to react before receiving a direct hit from the Bokoblin's club. The impact sent him sprawling across the plane's floor, forcing him to let go of the controls. With no one steering, the vehicle's motor stalled, and it began to dangerously lose altitude.

The Sages, already on the dragon's back, cried out in unison:


Dazed from the blow, Link staggered to his feet, reaching for the Master Sword on his back. As he did, Tulin, perched on the dragon, fired a precise arrow. The projectile struck the Bokoblin squarely, causing it to stumble and finally tumble off the plane, letting out a chilling cry for help before vanishing into the void. Upon hitting the ground, it dissolved into a cloud of purple smoke.

Taking advantage of the moment, Riju activated her lightning power. Concentrating her energy, she unleashed a devastating bolt of lightning at the Aerocuda, hitting it with pinpoint accuracy. The creature let out an agonized screech before plummeting and disintegrating into dark smoke upon hitting the ground.

With the enemies defeated, Link regained control of the plane, his eyes fixed on the horizon. But a spark of alarm crossed his face as he noticed the glowing cracks spreading across the glider—it was on the verge of disintegrating. Time was running out, and the pressure felt like a tangible weight on his shoulders. In a decisive maneuver, he tilted the aircraft into a steep climb, dodging with deadly precision the last Aerocudas trying to intercept him. Each maneuver challenged the chaos, each second a reminder of what was at stake.

Ahead of him, the Light Dragon emerged as a majestic vision, its serpentine body glowing with an ancient radiance, gliding with the grace of a celestial river. Its presence invoked a mixture of calm and awe—but also urgency. Without hesitation, Link pushed the glider to its limits, adjusting his trajectory in a desperate final effort.

The moment arrived. With resolute determination, he leapt from the plane just as it vanished in a fleeting flash, its magic consumed. Link dived into the void, and his paraglider unfurled with a snap, a defiant cry against the abyss as he descended toward the dragon. Despite the vertigo tightening his chest, his gaze remained steady, his goal clear.

He landed firmly on the dragon's golden mane, the dragon's roar echoing through his very soul. He turned to the Sages, who clung tightly, their faces tense but resolute and focused on their mission.

"Hold on to its mane as tightly as you can!" Link shouted, his voice cutting through the roaring wind as he steadied himself on the dragon's back. "Once it reaches the chasm leading to the Depths, it will dive straight down!"

With an earth-shaking roar that resounded through the darkest corners of Hyrule, the Light Dragon began a swift descent, spiraling downward with graceful precision, carrying Link and the five Sages on its back as though they were part of its being. The chasm to the Depths opened before them, teeming with a dense horde of enemies lying in wait like living shadows.

But once again, the hordes tried to thwart their plans. As they neared the gaping hole that led to the Depths, Lynels stationed there began firing elemental arrows. Flaming and electrified arrows whizzed dangerously close to the group on the dragon's back.

"Watch out!" Riju warned, summoning a lightning bolt that deflected several arrows just before they hit. Sidon responded by unleashing a torrent of water from his trident, extinguishing the flaming arrows and forcefully striking the Lynels.

But before they could celebrate, a deeper, more resonant roar drowned out all other sounds. From the darkness emerged a Royal Gleeok, a colossal three-headed beast spewing fire, ice, and lightning simultaneously. Its attacks converged into a vortex of destruction that narrowly missed the dragon.

"This is impossible!" Yunobo gasped, clenching his fists as he looked to Link.

"Nothing is impossible!" Link shouted, pulling out his triple Lynel bow and combining three arrows with Ancient Blades. His eyes locked onto the Gleeok's heads as he drew the bowstring taut. "Cover me! I need space to take the shot!"

Amid the chaos, Sidon allowed himself a brief, grateful smile—if anyone could face this challenge, it was Link. Without hesitation, Sidon unleashed a wave of water from his trident, striking the Gleeok's wings and forcing it to adjust its flight. Riju seized the moment, striking one of the heads with a lightning bolt that blinded it momentarily, while Tulin fired arrows to deflect the Gleeok's attacks.

"Now, Link!" Tulin shouted from the air, blocking another barrage of elemental arrows with an acrobatic maneuver.

Link fired his three arrows with lethal precision. Each one struck one of the Gleeok's heads dead-on. The beast roared in agony, flailing in midair before plummeting into the void. Its fall was chaotic, crashing against the walls of the chasm with thunderous force until, with a final, harrowing scream, it disintegrated into a dark cloud of smoke, swallowed by the shadows.

"This isn't over yet!" Link called out, pointing to the Lynels stationed at the chasm's entrance. "We need to take them out, or they won't let us through!"

The five heroes prepared for battle, the Sages activating their powers as Link once again readied his triple bow. They wouldn't back down now.

At that moment, the Light Dragon began to shine intensely. A burst of pure light emanated from its scales, transforming it into a blazing star that defied the very essence of the abyss.

A beam of light shot forth from the dragon, cutting through the darkness, obliterating the monsters in its path, and reducing them to plumes of purple smoke. One by one, the Demon King's minions vanished as if they had never existed, swept away by the dragon's radiant light. The dragon's light didn't just shine—it destroyed, undoing the darkness the Demon King had sown at the chasm's entrance.

The wind howled around them, creating a vortex that drove back the few remaining enemies who dared resist. The forces of Darkness faltered and crumbled before the dragon's blinding light, clearing a path to the heart of the abyss. Yet Link knew the battle was far from won. This was only the beginning.

The Sages' hearts beat in unison with the dragon's roars, composing a symphony of courage amidst the chaos. As they reached the edge of the chasm leading to the Depths, the dragon made a sudden turn, diving vertically. Its serpentine body moved with impossible agility, and the air filled with a deafening roar as it broke through the wind.

The vertigo struck like an overwhelming wave. Link and the Sages clung desperately to the dragon's golden mane, their fingers digging into its radiant light, which seemed almost to slip away. The wind battered them relentlessly, a violent gust that stole their breath and made their bodies tremble like leaves caught in a storm. The pressure of the descent pulled them toward the abyss, threatening to tear them away from the creature carrying them.

And then, they screamed. Primal, instinctive cries that mixed with the roaring wind and the dragon's thunderous voice. It was fear given sound, a reflection of the abyss opening beneath them—endless and ravenous.

The chasm stretched out before them like a mouth ready to consume them, but the dragon didn't stop. In that frantic and terrifying descent, they had no choice but to trust the creature guiding them blindly, as the world disappeared into a whirlwind of shadows and vertigo.

Next chapter