

"We're under attack!" Scarlett yelled as she sent the body of a rogue vampire flying. She had stopped it from attacking her mum at the last minute.

"Where did they come from?" Driguez asked annoyed as he blocked an attack from another rogue.

"They fucking followed us!" Michael gritted his teeth. His eyes changed to a bright hazel hue. These rogues were really starting to get on his nerves.

"They're more of them," Nicole exclaimed as more rogues appeared out of nowhere and surrounded them. The rogues attacked them relentlessly like mindless creatures created for the sole purpose of war and killing. They were all covered in blood, both rogue and their own. The more rogues they killed, the more the rogues increased in number. It wasn't a fair fight; they were greatly outnumbered, well…until the Shadow guards appeared.

"Whoa this is one heck of a birthday," Larisa exclaimed blocking an attack from a rogue who'd spotted her and instantly killed it. "This is amazing,"

Scarlett fought her way seamlessly killing the rogues with her bare nails while the rest of her family used their swords and Chris used his dagger. Scarlett mentally face palmed herself. How could she forget to bring her sword? Then she remembered that she hated fighting with swords. She knew how to use the weapon but she just didn't like it. And daggers…she wasn't good at using daggers so she had to rely on her bare nails.

"Scarlett! What the hell are you doing?!" Zev screamed. He didn't understand why Scarlett just stood still as the rogues attacked her.

"Get everyone out of here Zev," Scarlett said. She knew if she did this, it would just be the beginning. Somehow she just felt that if she let her demon out now, everything would change, things would happen, her life wouldn't be the same again. Her demon had been itching to see the outside world ever since her hunting spree but she always pushed it back down that darkness in her mind.

"Scarlett! Get your head in the game and fight; don't try to sacrifice yourself,"

"My head is in the game, it always has been and I'm not trying to sacrifice myself, this is where my fight starts," Scarlett said. Scarlett's scream reverberated in the air. Everyone's eyes were on her as she pulled out a rogue's heart. Her claw like nails tore every flesh on his chest and blood flowed like water from his body. Scarlett killed the rogues without thinking. As she killed, more rogues appeared; she separated everyone from the rogues and placed a barrier using dark magic between them. Dark magic that she had never once yielded before in her life, she had just created a fucking barrier with it!

"What the fuck is Scarlett doing?!" Zev yelled and tried using his own dark magic to bring the barrier down but the barrier just sucked in his dark magic amplifying the strength of his sister's magic. The other dempires tried but the pulse of their dark magic and Scarlett's sent them flying back and they crash landed hard. "Since when has Scarlett's dark magic grown so much?" Zev said. Frustration was clear in his voice. He hadn't seen his sister for just a year and ever since nine years ago since he left, when he only came on her birthday, her dark magic had never surged before but all of a sudden it was this strong. When did she even have her awakening? He doubted she'd awakened her demon but he wasn't sure and if she had just awakened it, how could it be so strong?! He pulled at his hair frustrated.

Scarlett got lost somewhere in her mind the second her hand went through that rogues chest. Something pushed her down hard, she felt herself enter a place that even she couldn't imagine. She felt that she was swimming in an endless sea of darkness. The eerie feeling her own mind gave her made her have goose bumps. A tiny difference in the darkness caught her eyes. A small flash of light, she headed towards it and it grew bigger the closer she got.

It wasn't light but like a replay of what was happening in reality. Like a projector playing her insanity to her like a horror movie. Her eyes were struggling to stay a particular color. It changed constantly from black to red and then strangely to silver. She knew the red was her vampire side and the black was her demon but she didn't have the slightest idea what the silver was. She had a feeling Gallus knew something about the silver. Somehow that girl from the cave and Gallus were related to the silver color her eyes constantly changed to. She watched herself kill without mercy as her body flashed around the place as though she was travelling through space. She could see and hear Zev screaming at her to let the barrier down but her body was already to set to kill the rogues and that was it.

'This is a very…unique way of celebrating your birthday kid' a voice came from behind her. It was Gallus and she knew it.

'They didn't plan this, it's merely an attack…' she turned to him.

"You think I know something about those silver eyes?"

"I don't think I know you do,"

"I do know something but…" he paused. "…you need to see what's in you," he said.

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"Find yourself; you know where you've been buried so deep these past years,"

"I wasn't buried anywhere, I just…it's complicated," she said. Ignoring him Scarlett closed her eyes and she found herself going deeper into the darkness. She could barely see a thing in the pitch black world that existed in her mind. It didn't take long before she stopped at somewhere that looked like the centre of her mind. It was darker than the rest of the place and the only thing that made her realize that was the silver haired girl that sat in a cage.

"I'm going to ask this one last time, who the hell are you?" Scarlett said. The girl looked up at her and a faint smile spread across the girl's lips.

"I'm Silva," the girl said. "The last surviving Draco of Dracaena…"

"…and the princess," Scarlett said as a smile tugged at her lips. "Mum always told Zev and I the stories of the lost kingdom of Dracaena when we were little, the kingdom ruled by dragon descendants, where all the super naturals lived in peace,"

"You know your stuff," a voice made Scarlett's head turn.

"Fuck! Black," Scarlett breathed out. The girl looked just like Scarlett but unlike the silver hair and eyes, she had black hair and eyes. Scarlett hugged her, she'd missed her demon so much, sitting on her bed when she was younger and talking to her demon was a time she could never forget but then all of a sudden Black stopped talking to her. She wasn't sure if anything was wrong with her but when she told Ramona, Ramona told her not to worry about it and Scarlett never worried. She just didn't know what had happened.

"Long time no see," Black said.

"I thought I lost you,"

"You can never lose your demon…I was numbed Scarlett," Scarlett's face paled. Did her mum know about this? "…forget about it, I'm glad you're back…" Black said and hugged Scarlett again. "This is Silva," Black said and turned to Silva.

"Why is she in a cage?" Scarlett asked.

"I'll explained that another time,"

"You're fading," Silva said.

"I guess you have limited time here," Black said.

"I promise I'll come back," Scarlett looked at herself, she was slowly becoming transparent.

"Gallus'll explain everything to you...but be warned Scarlett, what you plan to do is very disastrous and if your timing is wrong, it'll be the end for everyone,"

"What do you mean?"

"Be careful Scarlett and if you need any help, you know where to find us," Black and Silva smiled at her and she completely faded away.

"You're back early,"

"What…I'm still not control am I?"

"Barely but I think you should see this," Gallus said. Scarlett turned to the light and watched herself suck the rogues that were still alive dry. 'Of all fucking choices, this was what seemed logical' she face palmed herself mentally. She wasn't sure if the blood would have an aftermath but she prayed and hoped it wouldn't.

"So, while I can't go out yet, we can finally have that decent conversation you promised me," Scarlett said with a grin on her face. "But first, I want to see your face," he smirked at her.

"Sly one huh…fine," he said. The black mist spread out and in the middle, a man stood in front of her. His jet black hair in synch with the darkness around them, even her hair wasn't as dark as that. His ice blue eyes pierced through Scarlett's grey gaze. He looked like one of the fallen angels from heaven.

"This is…you," Scarlett said. "Fuck!" she breathed.

"What? Don't like what you see?"

"No it's not that, it's just… you look familiar, I swear I've seen your face before," she said. "…it's David; you look just like him,"

"David's my younger brother kid,"

"He said he's Mr. Grey's secretary…and you're Mr. Grey,"

"Mr. Grey's secretary?" Gallus said amused. 'That's a new one' he thought. "Now that you've finally seen my face, what exactly do you want to know?"

"We've met before, haven't we?"

"We have but that was a very long time ago,"

"Why can't I remember it?"

"Because you were reborn, you sacrificed your life for someone else to live,"

"I did what?" Scarlett asked baffled. She never in her wildest imagination thought she'd ever sacrifice her life for anyone, well she knew she could put her life on the line for her family and friends but dying, she wasn't sure if she would be able to. It got her thinking though, if she really had to die for someone and there was no other choice, would she?

"Not exactly sacrificing but…yeah you did," Gallus said.

"Okay fine, just how in the world did you get into my nightmare?"

"Do you remember what happened?"

"No all I know is, you were there," she said but he kept quiet. "So you don't know then?"

"I just knew I would be dragged into it but I really don't have an explanation for why I can't remember anything,"

"Maybe you weren't actually meant to be there,"

"Probably but do you have a better explanation? You possess dark magic and most of our nightmares are created by that same dark magic, your mind couldn't form a picture of whoever it wanted in that nightmare maybe I'm the closest picture it can relate to whoever it wanted to pull into it,"

"But I've never used my magic before,"

"The barrier outside is your doing, how do explain that?"

"This is the first time this is happening and I wasn't the one who did it, my body had a mind of its own at the time," she paused. She turned to the light and saw that she had finally killed all the rogues, she was unconscious and her body was covered completely with blood. It made her stomach churn and reminded her of when she saved Debbie. She also noticed the barrier slowly fading away.

Zev and Chris made their way to her first; her body was covered in blood and black veins popped on her arms, neck and face.

"Scarlett's never used her dark magic before, how can it be so strong?" Zev asked no one in particular. He took Scarlett in his arms. He was also covered in blood, they all were but Scarlett looked like she had bathed in blood. Her face had splashes of blood everywhere and her white turtle neck shirt was tainted scarlet, the white boots on her feet were also covered in blood. "Her wounds are healed but she's not waking up,"

"How did she make that barrier? Scarlett's never used dark magic before," Michael said.

"I never thought she could even yield it," Chris said.

"We'll let her rest for now, maybe it's just too much adrenaline," Nathan said hopefully.

"Are you sure she's fine Zev? A few minutes ago, she looked blinded with bloodlust, she's been having these intense bloodlusts ever since she saved Debbie, she hasn't been able to control them, I'm scared for her Zev, is this what it looks like when your demon's trying to take control?" Nicole asked.

"Her demon isn't taking control Nicole, it can't and it won't because Scarlett's will is stronger…it's been dormant for too long, ever since Scarlett was young, she hasn't been faced with the dangers of losing someone until she met Debbie," Nicholas explained.

"Demons are known to be manipulative and evil but there's something about hers that's different, it may want to be selfish but it cares and wants to protect its family," Regina said.

"What's wrong with her now?" Xander asked.

"All that dark magic has taken a toll on her body; her body isn't used to that, so it wants to rest off,"

"This happened before, when I saw her at the abandoned factory, my eyes shone silver and not black and from what happened, her eyes changed from black to red and then silver," Nicole stated.

"Silver eyes…it can't be," Ramona who had been silent said. She had done everything possible to avoid it. She didn't want her vision to happen. She thought she had numbed that part of her, how could she have been wrong? She thought it had worked because she never saw Scarlett's silver eyes again but her demon had returned and it came back with Draco. Would all her efforts would just be in vain?

"What's wrong Ramona?" Nathan asked as he turned to her.

"I'm sorry Nathan, I did it to protect her, it wasn't meant to be her demon, it was an accident…I'm so sorry, I thought everything was fine, she was fine, Nathan, I'm so sorry," Ramona cried.

"What are you talking about Ramona?"

"I'm so sorry Nathan, I…I numbed her demon,"

"You numbed her demon?!" Regina screamed. "Why? And when did you do that?" Ramona fell silent. Tears trickled down her cheeks,

"I'm sorry, I…I just couldn't bear to see her go through it all, I couldn't, I wanted to protect her, all of them, I couldn't let them suffer that way Nathan, I'm sorry,"

"What are you talking about mum?"

"I'm sorry Zev; I couldn't bear to lose you all at once I'm so sorry," 

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