
The next step

I'm sitting in the ground as the next test start, All Might call me The MVP since i took care of the biggest threat, A.K.A Todoroki and predict the first movement of the Héroes

He also congratulate Momo for her performance in the fight against Jiro, i didnt pay much attention to it, i was already thinking in what to do next

Since now the only important event is the Incident of the U.S.J i can really work in what i have planned, it's not complicated per se, but like an onion, it has layers

When i was reincarnated in this World i was given the task to change the Ending and make as much Money i can, but Alas, how could i possibly change something while i was an infant? I tried multiple times to find Toga when i was still 13 considering that she is 2 years older than the main cast and also, at 15 years old she got dropped of her house

But i didnt get to catch her in time, so, considering the posibilites, my other plan was to be recruited by the League of Villains after the Hero Killer, Stain gets capture

How come? Well, thats easy, by becoming a well know vigilante, and the reason i was delaying this it's because i wasnt confident in my skills before i enter the UA, but now that i beat Todoroki, who is suppose to be more or less at the same level as a normal profesional hero, i can really get to work

Now, i have the advantage of being capable of change my body at will, so even if i get capture my face and body wouldnt match and couldnt be a single hint that a Random vigilante is related to a innocent UA student

But since i'm a UA student and i'm going to be in open TV given the upcoming festival i have to change my fight style, while, as a UA Student i fight with threads, hiding and fighting with distance, i plan to be a close combat vigilante

How? Easy, i can just invent a New quirk, just by modifying my hands and using this to fight it should created a complete Different alias by itself

And what more perfect scenario than the Guetto i live in? Normal heroes rarely stop there, only on rare occasions and when the situation is critical do they interfere, the perfect setting for a Vigilante to raise, after the whole Stain think it will be matter of time until i get contacted by that guy Shigaraki work with

Ah~ I'm really a Genius

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After the class ended we return to the normal student Life, given that there is only a couple of classes left and is lunch break i can Let me go a little and relax, i'm a human after all

In the middle of the break i get to seat with Mei, she is in the middle of eating and drawing things that i dont even bother to understand


She keeps drawing but she looks at me for a second, it's her form of saying "i'm listening"

-Did you finish doing what I asked you to do?-

She stops everything she is doing, looks at me again, maybe she is wondering who am i, after looking at me Dead in the eye for 5 seconds she smiles

-Yeaaah, give me a second-

She search in the bag she has with her and after moving things for a while she hands me 5 little syringes

-Thanks, you are the best-

I say as i give her a yellow envelope with cash, she counts it and give me a handshake, i correspond but i can only concentrated in her smell, does she even shower herself?

Well, great minds comes with a price i Guess

-Thank you for trusting in Mei Hatsune Industry, i can't wait to make another tool for you-

She says in a sarcastic but also serious manner, i Guess she is really into this bussiness huh? Well, she is going to be my personal tool maker anyways

After that the ring bells and as i'm ready to leave i almost crashed into a girl because i didnt see her, as i stop and look at her i easily recognize and so does she, we both point at each other and say

-Ohhh it's you!-

-Ohhh it's you!-

Itsuka Kendo, the first girl i talk while entering the exam, it's weird but since then i didnt bother in search for her

-So you did made it, i was worried because i didnt see you-

-Sorry, i Guess i was too good for the B class-

As i say that she doesnt looks angry, she even hits me in the Shoulder while smiling

-Yeah right, well, don't get cocky, when it's the time, we are going to show the World that the class B it's better-

I know she is confortable with me since she normaly doesnt make that type of jokes, i laugh and I move her hair playfully

-H-hey! Don't do that!-

-Heh, sorry, it was good to see that you passed the exam, it would be a shame that a beauty like you didnt enter-

-Eeeh?! Where did that come from?!-

I don't know, that phrase come out alone, it's something that my old self never would say but considering her playful tone and the fact a small blush is forming i can feel it went well

After a little chat we both go in separate ways


After the day ends i was ready to leave before Izuku appeared in front of me, he looked at me while thinking what to say

-Um, i didnt see your fight since i was with Recovery Girl, but the told me what happen, how did you...how do you manage the pain so well?-

He says while looking at me with his notebook and pen ready to write, Where did all of that come from?

-Oh, yeah, you broke your bones every time you use your power right? Well, my case is diferent, i'm just using my fast regenation as an advantage, not as my whole fighting style-

He looks at me while taking notes but i can tell he is trying to understand what i'm saying

-To put it more simple, it's my last resort, i do not hurt myself all the time, and i think you can do that too, maybe, Instead of using full force in just one finger, you could Distribute a certain amount of force in all your arm? Like, imagine a egg in a microwave, just Heat it up, without making it explode-

I knew what i did there, and yeah, i can see his little face starting to shine as i keep explaning, i think he is good for now, he is intelligent after all

And, about that Vigilante thing....

Next chapter