
UA Exam

Every time i think about how Izuku Midoriya make his way in this world without any quirk the more i admire the guy, Even if technically he is a fictional caracter, after living quite some time in this world make me realize a Lot of things

First and most important is the fact that i spend almost 10 years undestanding my quirk to ensure my entrance to the UA

Yeah, i'm 14 now, and there is only 10 hours left to the UA exam, am i nervous? No...well a little

By This time Deku is already in the process of adquiring the One for All by eating the All Might hair so it's my signal to enter the now very close Main Plot

I wasnt doing anything all This time tho, everyday for the past 10 years i been studying and training 24/7, maybe i exagerate too much but that Guy told me something i cannot make My mind around

Yeah, The Wanderer, it was a while since he come see me but yesterday he told me something that make my spine tremble

"-Even if you moderate your stake in the Main Plot we will increase the difficult of the story-"

The fuck he mean by that is something i don't know, but if he paid me a visit for that it has to be serious

Anyways, i'm going to notice it once the time comes, in other news, unfortunately muy grandma pass away two years ago, it's strange because i didnt expect to grew so close to her for the whole "i am a grown adult inside a child body" but i couldnt help myself and may or may not almost pass out after cry my eyes out when I found out

Anyways, my mother is still being a dead weight, even more now than grandma is gone but whatever, by the time she pass away i was already independent enough to make some serious money

How so you may ask?

I sold candy, like real candy, to kids in my school, turns out, is a very profitable bussiness

About my quirk, like i said before, i been training and turns out, it's a good quirk for almost any situation, if i consume enough organic matter i can modify my body to do almost any task, run faster, lift more weight, jump more, it's left to the imagination

Also, i modify my own body to other propuses, after i got tired of being a short king i just put myself to 6'1 and call it a day

With all those things and my excelent school grades i am confident enough


After i check the click again and again for the past 9 hours is finally time to go, i put a my school uniform and grab one of the sports bags where i have my training outfit,after kissing my drunk mother in the forehead i leave my house and grab a bus to the UA

Since this is my first interaction with the main cast i don't want to fuck up everything i been working for so i check myself again

Fluffy black hair, dark eyes, an almost too much white skin and a very harmonious face, not that i was born that way, I modified it and polish it with my quirk and a lot of magazine templates

My body is also made to my taste, a very fit and muscular body, what can i say, if you have the chance don't waste it

I finally arrive with 30 minutes left in the clock, Midoriya is no where to be seen but i finally see a familiar face, orange hair and a very pretty face

Itsuka Kendo

Well, i have to be friendly right?

I get close to her and when she notice me i wave my hand in a friendly manner as i smile

-My name is Akuma Matsumoto, what's yours?-

I say as I'm looking for a handshake

-Im Itsuka Kendo!-

She says with a smile as she acepts my handshake in a very energetic matter

-What a cute name, it fits for a Next to be Heroine-

I say with a little laugh as i persive a little tremble in her, i guess the face card is very powerful huh?

-O-oh yeah? I guess so, you are so bold saying those things without knowing anything about me you know?-

She says, how adorable, well, it's normal for her to critize things like that so i'm not that hurt

-Maybe i am, well, i was just hoping you luck so i can see you again in the time we spend here, it will be a pleasure to the eye-

She looks away for a second as she make a little laugh and smile back at me again

-Yeah! Good luck to you too!-

She says as i start to take my leave, man, this place is amazing, i use her to prove my confidence but maybe i'm coming back for more


After 25 more minutes of wait the room finally start to fill up, i can see a lot of familiar faces, i'm very close to Deku and Bakugou so i can hear the yap between those two, after Mic start presenting the whole dynamic i look at my photo in my presentation card and damn, if my original body see me it would cry of envy

Anyways, after Lida make his apperance and reafirm my thought about him being an asshole at the start of the series we get to the good part, we get change and i put my training clothes

A white baggy sweatpants and a black compresion shirt with running shoes is all that i need, after putting all together i go to the training ground with the group i was put with, thanks to god i wasnt with Deku, why? Because he needs to evolve by himself beating that big robot

Anyways, i was put with a lot of randoms but i notice two girls that i was familiar with, i mean, they are from the main cast for a reason, they stand out like a sore thumb, in front of me, Mina Ashido and Toru Hagakure

Even if invisible i already know how she look like so i....


The megaphone scream interrupting what was in my mind, ugh, well, this is my first real combat experience technically so i am very exited


The doors open as the megaphone indicates, since i was in the middle row i jump before the crowd push me down, of my arms two threads grab to the door and use the tensión to impulse me inside of the fake city

As i notice the eyes of everyone below me i see the first robot, in seconds a single thread moves around his waist, when he finally notice me as i safely land behind him it's already over, with a single pull the thread separate him in two pieces

The first kill is mine

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