
Chapter 78: Slaughter

"Don't talk nonsense, Jiang Zhuyun. Our Jiang family has no such person who colludes with the Devil God Sect."

A sudden voice interrupted Jiang Zhuyun's bold claims. Amid the stormy chaos, a light boat shot forward like an arrow and swiftly arrived nearby.

Gale winds, furious waves, thunderstorms—all seemed like mere illusions to this small boat, which tossed them aside in the blink of an eye, carrying a figure that Jiang Zhuyun despised so much he wished to hack him to pieces a thousand times.

"Jiang Li!" Jiang Zhuyun gripped his long weapon tightly and pronounced the name.

It was him again.

It wasn't enough to have driven him to this point, now he wanted to stop him too.

At the same time, a doubt arose in Jiang Zhuyun's mind, "How can he be so fast?"

He had set off first, and even if coordinating with his subordinates took some time, he should have been much faster than Jiang Li. Not to mention, there was the God Heluo propelling the ship with fish.

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