
The pad master (33)

As Krista entered the girl's room after having changed into her pads, she tried placing the other 4 pads in her bag for later use.

Ymir from the corner of her eyes notice it.

Her eyes gazed at it for a second.

She wondered what exactly it was, it did feel just a bit familiar.

"What is that?" The girl asked.

"It's a pad" Krista replied.

"what do you need that for, plus they don't even look like they could crush your fall," Ymir said dryly.

"Hm...no, they are not that kind of pads," Krista said just a tiny bit flustered.

Ymir looked at her flushed face before saying.

"What are they for?"

Looking as nervous as always, she tried to keep eye contact as her finger touched.

"These are...menstrual pads"

And just like that she gained the attention of every girl in the room.

Akira felt a chill go down his spine, he didnt know why but he felt like something dark and ominous was coming for him.

Nah he was fine, he was sure no one would do anything to him.

Meanwhile, Krista had just finished explaining what those pads were meant for.

"Why would a boy make something like that?"

"Well hum, you see, he found washing blood stains incredibly annoying and time-consuming...so, one day, he kind of just made it"

To say she was flustered while saying that would be an understatement, she wanted to bury herself right now.

She did not expect to be saying this right now.

She wondered if Akira would be mad at her when he found out she revealed this.

Would he be mad at her?

She hoped he wouldn't be.

"Uh, so freaky eyes have other talents huh?" Ymir said with a thoughtful look.

"His eyes are not freaky, they are fine," Krista said getting a bit defensive, Akira's eyes were not creepy, they were just fine, and she found them pretty.

"Jeez no need to get defensive there," Ymir said with a grin, teasing Krista sure was fun.

"So, Krista, why don't you get your precious Hyuga to make some more"

Krista looked a bit confused, why would she need to ask for more, she already had enough for 6 months.

She stood no chance against the pressuring of practically every girl present, truly, never stood a chance since the beginning.

Time skip.

Akira yawns a bit, and the next second someone is next to him.

"Doctor touches a lot, there you are" A voice he recognizes a lot.


"What do you want?" He said his voice sounding serious.

"Wow, what got you so serious" Ymir replied to which his brow furrowed.

"Am I not allowed to be cautious" He added looking at the girl.

"Aw yeah, my name is not Krista Lenz," Ymir exclaimed sighing a bit.

"What do you want?"

"Why do you think I want something"

"Gut feeling"

He gazed at the woman with such intensity that it seemed like he was glaring a hole in her head.

"Fine, the pad, what are you willing to give for them"





"...I am out of stock..."

"That bullshit"

"Well, if that is the truth, I don't go out of my way to look for the material for it, so currently out of stock"

"What would it take then..."

"It's way too much work, plus the measurement thing and having to know how much the person bleeds so I know how much absorbent material to put in it, frankly I will feel better not knowing all that info about a random girl," He said sighing a bit.

"You still haven't answered my question"

Akira yawned a bit before opening his mouth and said.

"Why should I?"

"Knew you would say that," Ymir said as if she expected this.

Akira's brow furrowed, he didnt like this one bit...why did she sound so confident?

Time skip.

Looking at Krista, Akira begins to realize why she is so confident, that bicth using his weakness in Krista to get him to do something.

He couldn't really say no to her, especially when she looked like that.

When she looked so cute.

He groans internally, fine, he will make some more, but he would not gather the ingredients, he would just let them find them.

He wouldn't do it for free, they would owe him some money or favors depending on if they were to break.

All he knows is that there is a certain girl would will need a lot of cotton.

He sighed to himself a bit, sitting in his little house, that he had to himself, granted he was given it for being the best cadet.

This was like a prize for the number one cadet, they did not have to share their room with anyone, plus they had access to meat around once a week, or 4 times a month...which was more than the cadet had access to, that was for sure.

He took in a deep breath as he tossed another pad in the bags.

Here he was, 6 am in the morning making fucking pads, being used like this was no fun, sure he could say no, but Krista asked him to do it, and he couldn't say no to her.

He sighed to himself a bit as he looked at his masterpiece.

This pad was extra absorbent and extra fucking durable.....he wonder how long it would last.

He sighed to himself a bit more.

He wanted this to end faster.

He hoped that this event would pass away soon.....

Next chapter