
Chapter 441: Dire News

The battle on the northern banks of the Blackwater River had devolved into a brutal war of attrition.

Soldiers from across Westeros—hailing from lands far and wide—swung their blades and thrust their spears, unleashing the savagery and brutality buried deep in their hearts. They shed their own blood and their enemies' alike, all in the pursuit of honor.

The sun sank slowly in the west, only to rise again in the east.

Despite the countless heads rolling at the hands of the Northern army's enforcers stationed at the front, no amount of discipline or sacrifice could breach the Southern defensive lines.

The Southern army's fortifications on the riverbank stood like iron, unmoved despite wave after wave of Northern assaults. All they achieved was leaving scores of Northern soldiers broken and bloodied at their feet.

But holding the line came at a steep cost for the Southern army as well.

The most heavily battered unit was the one from Brightwater Keep in the Reach, which had suffered a casualty rate exceeding 30%. They were teetering on the edge of collapse.

However, thanks to the bravery of their commander, Lord Dickon Tarly—who fought at the very front and took multiple arrows without retreating—the soldiers stood firm and fought to the last man, refusing to yield even an inch.

Upon hearing the report, Samwell immediately ordered the Brightwater forces to retreat and replaced them with fresh troops who had just crossed from the southern bank.

Lord Dickon had no choice but to comply. By the time he withdrew his men, his armor was soaked in blood, with several visible breaks in the metal through which his wounds could be seen.

As he passed the white dragon, Samwell reprimanded him harshly, berating him for his recklessness and reminding him that he was now a lord and should act with more prudence. Dickon simply grinned sheepishly and nodded in response.

Watching his younger brother's foolish yet admirable display, Samwell felt both helpless and concerned.

After breaking ties with the Lord of Light at Bloodstone Island, Melisandre had told Samwell that Dickon no longer bore the influence of the fire god's power.

Yet Dickon's reckless, fearless behavior made Samwell wonder if his brother's courage was innate or if some lingering influence from the Lord of Light still drove him.

There was little time to ponder such questions. During a brief lull in the fighting, Samwell went to the front lines personally to rally his troops.

On the opposing side, Tywin Lannister did not share the same calm demeanor.

Despite launching wave after wave of attacks, the Northern coalition could not break through the Southern army's lines. Tywin's frustration was mounting.

At that moment, a messenger from King's Landing arrived, bringing dire news that stoked not only Tywin's anger but also his fear.

"Lord Tywin, we've received word that the Braavosi fleet encountered the Stormland fleet on their return voyage…"

"The Stormland fleet?" Tywin's voice sharpened. "Weren't they heading to the Reach?"

"It seems the Ironborn lured them this way. The Braavosi observed their battle west of Tarth, and when they approached, the Stormland fleet had enough strength left to dispatch ships to intercept them. It's now a three-way engagement…"

"Why would Euron come here?" Tywin cut himself off mid-sentence, realizing the question was pointless.

Who could possibly fathom the mind of a madman?

The Greyjoys had never been a normal house.

Years ago, Balon Greyjoy had rebelled against a united Westeros, pillaging and declaring himself king, only to be swiftly crushed by the Iron Throne's forces.

And now, Euron "Crow's Eye" Greyjoy, just as unpredictable and unhinged as his kin, was wreaking havoc.

Tywin had initially extended an olive branch to Euron, seeing their shared enmity with Samwell as a potential foundation for an alliance. He had even facilitated a marriage between Euron and a daughter of House Redwyne.

But Euron had turned the wedding into a bloodbath, killing his bride and shattering any hopes of an alliance.

Even without an alliance, Tywin had assumed that Euron would raid the Reach, diverting Samwell's forces—a scenario Tywin could accept.

Yet instead of plundering the fertile lands of the Reach, Euron had inexplicably brought his Iron Fleet around most of Westeros to the Blackwater Bay.

Tywin couldn't comprehend what Euron was thinking.

While war is always rife with unforeseen events, this particular twist was so absurd that even Tywin, as experienced and composed as he was, struggled to maintain his composure.

The chaos in Blackwater Bay had thrown his plans into disarray.

If the Braavosi fleet couldn't break through the Stormland fleet's blockade and provide support at the Blackwater River, the consequences would be disastrous.

The light in Tywin's golden eyes flickered with tension.

This was perhaps the most perilous moment of his entire life.

When the Mad King had stripped him of his position as Hand of the King, Tywin had remained unperturbed, confident in his ability to bide his time.

During Robert's Rebellion, he had patiently waited until the war's outcome was clear before joining the winning side.

Even when Joffrey was exposed as an incestuous bastard and a false king during the previous expedition to Dorne, Tywin had acted decisively—Killing Renly Baratheon, framing House Martell, and forging alliances with House Tyrell—all to stabilize King's Landing.

The Iron Throne remains in Lannister's hands.

But now, he has to face the most terrible enemy of House Lannister, and the current situation is extremely bad.

Tywin knew very well that the Lannisters could not afford to lose this battle.

If the Mad King deposed him, he could return to Casterly Rock and continue to be the Warden of the West. When the Usurper's War broke out, he could watch the battle calmly with the heavy troops in the West. Even if Joffrey's identity was questioned, he had the ability to eliminate the biggest threat and seize the Iron Throne.

But this time was different.

If Tywin failed to stop Samwell's forces from crossing the Blackwater River, the Lannisters' hold on the Iron Throne would be doomed.

The messenger, seeing such rare unease on the usually unshakable Tywin's face, hesitated before speaking again.

"Lord Tywin, Lord Tyrion has asked me to inform you that King's Landing is facing a severe grain shortage. Riots have already broken out several times…"

"I already told him," Tywin interrupted coldly, his irritation erupting. "Suppress all riots. Kill anyone who dares rebel! Or is he too afraid to act?"

"No, my lord… Lord Tyrion said…"

"I don't want excuses!" Tywin snapped. "Tell him this: if he can't stabilize King's Landing, I'll personally have his head on a spike above the Red Keep when I return!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"And don't repeat any of this to anyone else."

"Yes, my lord," the messenger stammered before hastily leaving the tent.

Tywin stood alone, momentarily lost in thought, before steeling himself.

He was not a man to be easily defeated.

If the Braavosi fleet couldn't be relied upon, he would have to depend on himself.

With renewed resolve, Tywin convened a war council.

He did not disclose the full extent of the Blackwater Bay debacle, nor did he mention the riots in King's Landing.

"Send out the order," Tywin declared. "Whoever breaches the Southern defenses will be promoted three ranks. Any man who captures an enemy banner will be named a lord. And whoever kills Samwell Caesar shall have the hand of Princess Myrcella Baratheon in marriage!"

His pronouncements sent a chill through the gathered lords, making it clear how determined Tywin was.

"Place enforcers at the rear of the army," Tywin continued. "Anyone who dares to flee will be executed."

(End of Chapter)

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