
Chapter 435: The Beginning

Samwell and Daenerys walked hand in hand along the southern bank of the Blackwater River. Across the wide expanse of water, the towering walls of King's Landing loomed clearly into view.

Built along the water, King's Landing's southern walls pressed up against the Blackwater River, while its eastern edge extended toward Blackwater Bay.

"That over there is King's Landing Harbor," Samwell explained, gesturing across the river. "Behind it is the River Gate, though locals prefer to call it the Mud Gate. And that high ground in the southeast corner—that's Aegon's High Hill. At its summit lies the Red Keep—"

"The Red Keep," Daenerys interrupted, her violet eyes gleaming with a mixture of longing and anticipation.

"Yes, the Red Keep," Samwell affirmed. "The ancestral home of House Targaryen, now occupied by usurpers."

Daenerys gazed at the crimson castle, lost in thought and silent for a long moment.

Nearby, her black dragon, Drogon, paced restlessly. Whether sensing his mistress's emotions or drawn to something within the Red Keep itself, he let out a series of sharp, guttural roars, his agitation clearly visible.

The noise startled the sentries across the river. From the battlements, soldiers adjusted their massive scorpions, pointing the enormous bolts in Drogon's direction, ready to fire at a moment's notice.

Samwell, however, showed no alarm. The river's width made such threats meaningless. Unless the defenders had ballistae with extraordinary range, they wouldn't be able to hit anything on his side of the water.

Daenerys approached Drogon, gently running her hand along his hot, hard scales to calm him. He gradually quieted under her soothing touch.

"Is this where we'll attack from?" she asked, turning back to Samwell.

He shook his head.

"The riverbank here lies too close to King's Landing's walls. Any attempt to cross would face heavy fire from the defenders above. Additionally, the shore on the other side is far too narrow to accommodate an entire army. After consulting with my officers, I've decided we'll cross upstream."

"Upstream?" Daenerys tilted her head.

"About two miles west of here, following the river," Samwell explained. "There's an old crossing there. The river narrows significantly, though the current is swifter. That crossing used to have a pontoon bridge capable of supporting oxen and wagons. Of course, once the Lannisters learned I was amassing my forces at Bronze gate for an offensive, they burned it to the ground.

"However, the riverbanks at that location are broad and flat, ideal for mustering troops. And since the northern side of the crossing lacks any fortifications, it's perfect for establishing a foothold. Once we've secured that position, we can march eastward to attack King's Landing at our leisure."

"So you plan to rebuild the pontoon bridge?" Daenerys asked.

"Yes," Samwell confirmed. "Our builders assure me it won't be too difficult to reconstruct. The real challenge is ensuring the bridge doesn't get destroyed during the crossing.

"With over 100,000 troops, it'll take at least two or three days to move everyone across—longer if you include supply wagons and baggage. During that time, we need to ensure the pontoon bridge remains intact. And for that, we must control the Blackwater River."

Daenerys nodded thoughtfully.

"That's why you've been waiting—to let the Stormlands fleet return."

"Exactly." Samwell's tone was light, even confident. "At this point, it's Tywin Lannister who should be worried. Even though he intercepted the raven from Braavos, word of the unrest there will inevitably spread through other means.

"When Tormo Fregar learns he's been deceived, he'll undoubtedly turn against the Lannisters."

As they spoke, a rider approached swiftly from the north. Dismounting and presenting a sealed letter, the messenger said,

"Your Majesty, a message from House Bar Emmon."

House Bar Emmon ruled Sharp Point, a castle located on the tip of Massey's Hook, directly across the sea from Dragonstone and Driftmark. Overseeing the Narrow Sea's entrance to Blackwater Bay, they were strategically positioned to monitor any movement.

Though Sharp Point technically belonged to the Crownlands, the Lannisters hadn't dared to cross the river in years. As a result, House Bar Emmon and other families south of the river had all submitted to Samwell's rule.

Samwell scanned the letter, his expression darkening slightly.

"What's wrong, Sam?" Daenerys asked, noticing the change in his demeanor.

Samwell folded the letter.

"The Ironborn have arrived in Blackwater Bay. They've just seized the spice town on Driftmark."

"Driftmark…" Daenerys's face clouded with emotion. "That's House Velaryon's domain, isn't it?"

"It is."

Like the Targaryens, the Velaryons had fled Valyria before the Doom and settled in Westeros. Though not one of the forty dragonlord families, they had served as loyal vassals to House Targaryen for centuries.

In the early days of the Targaryen dynasty, the Velaryons had wielded considerable influence, producing the first Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and the first Master of Ships.

Their glory had peaked with Lord Corlys Velaryon, known as the "Sea Snake," who had built a massive fleet and amassed untold riches during his nine legendary voyages. At the height of their power, the Velaryons were said to rival even the royal family in wealth.

But no family could escape the fate of decline.

During the Dance of the Dragons, the Velaryons had sided with the Blacks and suffered heavy losses. Their fortunes dwindled further after the Rebellion, as Robert Baratheon punished them for their loyalty to the Targaryens.

More recently, they had joined Stannis Baratheon's ill-fated assault on King's Landing, losing what little strength they had left. Today, the once-great house was a shadow of its former self. The current lord of Driftmark was reportedly a six-year-old boy, too young to defend his house from the Ironborn.

Knowing the close ties between the Velaryons and the Targaryens, Daenerys looked visibly distressed.

"Don't worry," Samwell reassured her, taking her hand. "House Bar Emmon reports that Lord Lucas Dayne has already passed through the Gullet with his fleet. They'll help the Velaryons drive off the Ironborn."

Daenerys offered him a small smile, her expression easing.

"Since the Stormlands fleet is already in Blackwater Bay, does this mean we'll begin the crossing?"

"Yes, it's about time." Samwell turned his gaze toward the towering castle across the river. Bathed in sunlight, it crouched on the riverside like a massive beast, silently watching.

A fierce determination surged within him, burning hot and almost impossible to contain.

Sensing his emotions, the white dragon Cleopatra spread its wings, stirring up waves of scorching wind.

Drogon joined in, adding his own powerful roar.

The two dragons, one black and one white, bellowed in unison toward King's Landing, their cries echoing over the wide expanse of the Blackwater River, sending ripples across the water's surface.

"Come," Samwell said, taking Daenerys's hand.

"It's time to prepare. Three days from now, we cross."

(End of Chapter)

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