
Chapter 104: Lord of Eagle's Nest

On a sunny afternoon three days later, Samwell welcomed the party from Highgarden to Eagle Nest.

Leading the group on horseback was a young man clad in gleaming armor, bearing some resemblance to the "Knight of Flowers," Loras Tyrell, but with a stronger build and a slightly more masculine air.

The golden rose on his breastplate bore two flowers, indicating that he was the second son of House Tyrell—Ser Garlan Tyrell.

"Welcome to Eagle's Nest, Ser Garlan," Samwell greeted him with a bow.

"Ser Samwell!" Garlan dismounted and warmly embraced Samwell. "I heard about your victory; it's truly inspiring!"

"With the blessings of the Seven," Samwell replied modestly.

As they spoke, a familiar figure stepped down from the carriage in the center of the group—it was Margaery Tyrell.

Today, the duke's daughter wore a green dress adorned with a golden rose embroidery at the front. Her soft brown hair was elegantly styled in an elaborate updo, with a black lace hairnet adorned with diamonds draping over it. She wore teardrop-shaped gemstone earrings that complemented the sapphire embedded in the choker around her neck.

"Samwell!" Margaery called out affectionately to her knight.

"Lady Margaery!" Samwell quickly stepped forward and bowed. As he did so, he noticed a delicate, slender hand already extended toward him.

He responded gallantly by placing a gentlemanly kiss on Margaery's fingers.

"Come on! Tell us about your glorious battle!" Margaery urged, her small fists clenched with excitement, as if she wished she could have been there herself.

With a smile, Samwell led them inside, narrating the events of the battle as they walked.

Margaery proved an excellent listener, reacting at just the right moments with gasps, expressions of concern, tension, or delight—whatever suited the story. Her admiring gaze was enough to leave any man captivated.

"What a marvelous fight!" Margaery concluded after hearing Samwell's account. "It must be the most impressive victory the Reach has seen since Robert's Rebellion! Don't you agree, Garlan?"

"Yes," Garlan nodded, clearly approving of his sister's assessment.

"Thanks to my father's skillful command and the strong support of Ser Alekyne," Samwell replied modestly.

"You did wonderfully, too." Margaery smiled. "I heard it was you who led a cavalry charge that shattered the Dornish ranks. I'd love to have seen you in action!"

"You will," Samwell replied, bowing slightly. "As your knight, I'm ready to charge for you anytime."

Margaery's smile grew even brighter at his words.

Samwell then took them on a tour of his territory. Though the castle was still under construction and the place seemed a bit sparse, Margaery remained enthusiastic and unbothered by the estate's modest state. She even cheerfully greeted the local residents, distributing food at the orphanage and speaking kindly with the elders and children.

With her noble status, striking beauty, and warm demeanor, Margaery won over the hearts of Eagle's Nest's people in a single afternoon.

Even the wildlings, who harbored little attachment to the Reach, cheered for her and prayed for her well-being. Perhaps they'd even be willing to fight for her.

It was no surprise, then, that in the original story, this young woman quickly won the love of the people when she arrived in King's Landing.

Watching Margaery in action, Samwell couldn't help but marvel at how some people seemed born to win the hearts of the common folk.

Whether Margaery's actions came from genuine compassion or a deliberate bid to win people over mattered little. Her kindness was real, as was the people's adoration.

In a world defined by rigid social hierarchies, how many nobles would truly lower themselves to speak with the common people? Even Samwell, despite his values from a more egalitarian society and his efforts to improve the lives of his people, doubted he could match her patience—sitting among people who could barely speak properly and reeked of sweat to chat warmly with them wasn't something he could see himself doing.

As night fell, Samwell hosted a grand bonfire banquet in honor of his esteemed guests.

During the feast, Margaery was undoubtedly the center of attention. She even managed to lead the people of Eagle's Nest in a rendition of the "Song of the Seven."

This was no small feat, given that Samwell hadn't enforced a specific faith on his people, and many still followed other gods. But under Margaery's charm, even the differences in faith seemed to dissolve.

"Samwell," Margaery, with cheeks flushed from the brandy, looked radiant in the firelight. "It's so warm here. Will you walk with me by the beach?"

"With pleasure."

They left the crowd behind and walked along the secluded beach.

The cool waves lapping at the shore provided a refreshing counterpoint to the warmth of the fire-lit festivities.

" Ser Samwell, you have my sincere thanks."

"No need to thank me, Lady Margaery. I was just worried I didn't do enough to make you feel welcome."

"That's not what I meant." Margaery shook her head. "I meant thank you for the Reach refugees."

"Oh, there's hardly a need for that. I promised I would help them have a better life."

"You're an honorable knight and a wise lord." Margaery spoke earnestly. "To be your people is the greatest fortune for those Reach refugees, and for the wildlings as well."

"I humbly accept the compliment. But I think they'd be even happier if you were their lord."

Margaery laughed softly. "I can't protect them from enemies; that's up to you, brave knight."

"Oh, almost forgot—time for a new title!"

With a smile, Margaery pulled out a rolled parchment sealed with golden wax bearing the Tyrell sigil and cheerfully instructed:

"Kneel, my knight."

Samwell immediately understood what was about to happen. Though he had anticipated this day, his heart couldn't help but pound with excitement.

Without hesitation, he knelt before Margaery.

"I, Margaery Tyrell, daughter of Mace Tyrell, in the name of the Warden of the South and Lord of Highgarden, hereby name Samwell Caesar as the Lord of Eagle's Nest. From this day forward, House Caesar shall be a hereditary barony within the Reach."

Margaery handed the document to Samwell, smiling.

"Rise, Lord of Eagle Nest. Your baronial signet, seal, formal attire, and other essentials are all in the gift chest—don't forget to collect them. And whenever you've decided on a family crest and motto, just let me know…"

But Samwell was too absorbed in studying his status screen to focus on clothes or insignias. He saw it had indeed changed:


Character: Samwell Caesar

Title: Baron (+1)

Territory: Eagle's Nest

Vassals: Lucas Dayne (Knight)

Strength: 4.44

Agility: 1.25

Spirit: 2.17

Foray: 1/100

(End of Chapter)

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