
Chapter 59: Starfall

At the dock outside Sunhouse, several merchant ships were anchored, busy loading and unloading cargo.

One of these ships flew a pale purple flag on its mast, bearing a crossed sword and a falling star—

The sigil of House Dayne, the ruling family of Starfall.

"Captain, there's a lord here to see you!"

The captain, Gilmo, stumbled out of his cabin, still smelling of ale, and shouted, irritated, "What lord?"

"No idea, he didn't say."

"He didn't say? Couldn't you look and figure it out? Damn fool!"

"But he doesn't have any family sigils on him, so how was I supposed to know?"

Gilmo muttered a few curses under his breath but shuffled off the boat nonetheless.

When he reached the dock, he saw the "lord" in question: a slender, middle-aged man, handsome and refined, with a neatly trimmed tuft of beard at his chin.

This man bore no sigil, but Gilmo, who prided himself on his sharp eye, would bet everything he owned that he was indeed a noble.

Putting on his best smile, Gilmo approached. "Greetings, my lord. How may I assist you?"

Petyr Baelish tossed him a silver stag and, without waiting for thanks, asked, "This ship is bound for Starfall?"

"Yes, my lord. Are you also heading to Starfall?"

"No, I need to go to Eagle's point."

Eagle's point?" Gilmo scratched his bald head in confusion. "I Beg your pardon, my lord, but I'm not familiar with that place."

"It's just south of the mouth of the Torrentine River, across the bay from Starfall. On your way to Starfall, if you adjust your course slightly, you'll pass by it. If you're willing, I'd like passage on your ship; price is not an issue."

"Ah, I think I've heard of it…" Gilmo seemed to recall something, but hesitated. "But, my lord, isn't that an empty wilderness? Are you sure you wish to go there?"

"Your information is outdated." Petyr gave a small, calculating smile. "A new settlement has risen there."

"A settlement?"

"Indeed. The Knight of House Tyrell, Samwell Caesar, has recently established a holdfast there."

Hearing that a Reachman had built a holdfast, Gilmo's expression changed.

The ancient grudge between Dorne and the Reach was always present, even though Gilmo often traveled to Reach ports for trade. Still, as a Dornishman, he held an ingrained dislike of Reachmen.

"That place is nothing but barren hills and rocks. Are Reachmen mad to try and settle there?"

"Who says there's nothing? It happens to have a silver mine."

"A silver mine?" Gilmo's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"Yes, and I've heard that the settlement is thriving. It already has over ten thousand people."

"Over ten thousand…" Gilmo's expression grew serious. "That's not small… When did all this happen? I've heard nothing of it."

"Only about four months ago."

"Four months, and they've amassed ten thousand people?" Gilmo may not have known much about managing a settlement, but even he grasped the remarkable speed of it.

"Indeed. It's the work of a very capable young knight, and I'm going to visit him. So, can you take me on your ship?"

Recollecting himself, Gilmo quickly agreed, smiling, "Of course, my lord. I'd been thinking of stopping there myself to have a look."

"Good. When does your ship depart?"

"We'll set sail precisely at noon, my lord."

"Very well. I have some matters to attend to in the city; I'll return shortly."

"Understood, my lord."

Watching Petyr's figure disappear into the distance, Gilmo slapped his forehead and muttered, "Forgot to ask his name! Oh well, I'll ask him when he gets back. Wonder which noble house he's from…"

Shrugging, Gilmo wandered back to his ship.


When noon came, Gilmo leaned against the ship's rail, gazing toward Sunhouse, but the nobleman from the morning never returned.

Thinking he might just be delayed, Gilmo decided to wait a bit longer.

What he didn't realize was that the noble he awaited had boarded a ship bound for Braavos, long since setting sail.

As the afternoon waned, Gilmo's patience finally wore out.

With a curse, he hurled his wine bottle against the deck and bellowed, "Enough waiting! Set sail!"

As the ship cut through the waters, Gilmo found himself musing—

Perhaps he might just swing by Cape Wrath after all.


Amidst the blood-red mountains, a grand castle rose in stark contrast to the rugged landscape.

Atop the castle tower flew a pale purple banner emblazoned with a crossed sword and a falling star.

In terms of the oldest families in all of Westeros, there might be a debate. But when it came to the oldest families of Dorne, few could rival House Dayne of Starfall.

Legend held that over ten thousand years ago, during the Age of Dawn, the first Dayne followed a falling star to this place and built his castle at the mouth of the Torrentine.

For generations, his descendants ruled as the Kings of the Torrentine over western Dorne's mountains until the Martells, aided by Rhoynar allies, unified all of Dorne.

"Samwell Caesar?" Starfall's steward, Ser Ulrick Sand, frowned. "Caesar? I don't recall that name among any Reach families."

Gilmo stood cautiously in the hall, answering, "My lord, I inquired about it. This Samwell Caesar is actually the eldest son of House Tarly in Horn Hill. He later renounced his inheritance and became a pioneer knight under Lord Tyrell, setting out to claim Eagle point."

"Horn Hill, House Tarly…" Ulrick's frown deepened. "If he's Tarly's eldest son, why would he renounce his claim to pursue an endeavor like this?"

"Um… well…"

Seeing Gilmo stammer, Ulrick waved him off. "Never mind, you're dismissed."

"Understood, my lord."

Once Gilmo left, Ulrick leaned back in his chair, lost in thought.

While House Dayne's influence reached throughout the Torrentine River valley, their reach was strongest to the east of the river. Across the river, the wild mountain clans held no loyalty to House Dayne.

Further still, Eagle eyrie lay past the Torrentine's mouth, far south across the bay—a Reach holdfast, so close to Starfall, posed a potential threat.

The name Samwell itself carried a storied history within House Dayne. Once, a legendary King of the Torrentine, known as "Starfire," had even conquered parts of southern Reach lands, nearly reaching Oldtown itself.

Now, with a new "Samwell" from the Reach establishing himself nearby, what could this portend?

Ulrick pondered this for a long while. Eventually, he summoned a retainer and instructed:

"Send a few reliable ship captains to Eagle's Eyrie. Have them survey the area and report back to me with details."

"Yes, my lord."

(End of Chapter)

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