
Chapter 10: Intimidation

The forest went silent.

The sound of Carter's labored breaths became disturbingly clear—it was like someone trying to drain the ocean with a straw.

Soon, his desperate struggles stopped, ending in despair, leaving only the sound of blood dripping to the ground.

Then, Todd's furious voice rang out:

"Lord Caesar, do you understand what you've done?!"

Seeing Todd's aggression, Gavin and the others rushed forward, ready to block him.

Samwell realized that now, of all times, he couldn't show any weakness.

So instead of backing down, he took a step forward and yelled:

"Todd Flowers! What's do want to do? Do you actually dare to draw your sword on me?"

Todd's half-drawn sword immediately halted.

Seeing this, Samwell stepped closer, demanding:

"Do you honestly not know what Carter has done?"

Todd's mouth opened as if to respond, but before he could say anything, Samwell took another step forward.

"Do you truly not understand why I killed Carter? Do you dare swear by the Seven Gods that you had no knowledge of his actions?"

With Samwell's relentless questioning, Todd's initial momentum faltered, and his sword seemed stuck, unable to leave its sheath.

Seeing Todd hesitate, Samwell breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

The most dangerous moment had passed.

Todd's hesitation meant his sword would now stay sheathed.

As he relaxed, Samwell noticed his own pounding heartbeat and the queasiness in his stomach. He hid his trembling hands behind his back, struggling to maintain his composure.

Despite the risk, Carter had to die.

Otherwise, Samwell would lose control over the expedition and, more importantly, over his own life.

He couldn't allow that.

Todd, now calm but still looking at Carter's lifeless, hanging body, felt an uncontrollable anger—and a twinge of fear he didn't want to admit.

After spending over a month with him, Todd knew that Samwell, the so-called "useless son" of House Tarly, was anything but worthless.

But he hadn't expected Samwell to be so ruthless and decisive.

Todd took a deep breath, released his grip on the sword, and said in a heavy tone:

"Lord Caesar, even if Carter was in the wrong, killing him was a mistake. It'll anger my soldiers, and in their anger, they might refuse to genuinely help you with the settlement. Some of them might even cause trouble for you. Remember, we're out here in the wilderness, not safe within castle walls."

Samwell replied nonchalantly:

"That's easy enough to handle. Just tell them that Carter was caught in a bandit's trap and died. Problem solved."

Todd scoffed.

"My lord, as a knight, you should know that honesty is a virtue!"

"Oh, is that so?" Samwell's lips curled in a smirk. "Then tell me, honest Sir Todd—why did Lady Olenna send you to accompany me on this mission?"

Todd hesitated, falling silent.

Samwell went on, still smiling:

"Actually, you don't need to tell me. I think I already know."

Todd glanced at him with a skeptical look.

Samwell leaned closer to Todd's ear and whispered one word—


Watching Todd's eyes widen and his breathing quicken, Samwell knew he'd struck a nerve.

"Want to know how I figured it out?"

Todd stared intently at Samwell, a mix of curiosity and alarm in his expression.

"I'm guessing you're a bastard of House Redwyne?"

"Yes," Todd replied. "My father is Ser Desmond."

This wasn't particularly well-hidden, and it wasn't hard to deduce.

After all, Lady Olenna, known as the "Queen of Thorns," hailed from House Redwyne of the Arbor. Sending a family bastard along on Samwell's expedition made sense.

Samwell grinned.

"When Lady Olenna first asked me to settle this land, I had a question—how would this new territory support itself?"

Todd seemed to start to understand.

Samwell continued:

"This area around the Red Mountains is barren, unfit for farming or livestock, and, unlike Casterly Rock, there's no gold mine beneath it. So, what would support the people of this new territory?"

"Lady Olenna claimed the sea offered trade opportunities. Ha! She must've thought I was a fool."

"Trade with what? Rocks?"

"It didn't take long to notice that this territory lies right at the mouth of the Torrentine River."

"Upstream from here are three Dornish holdings—Starfall, High Hermitage, and Blackmont. And it's near the southern end of the Redwyne Strait, right along one of Dorne's busiest trade routes."

"With Dornish ships constantly traveling these waters and rivers, it wasn't hard to deduce Lady Olenna's plan, don't you think?"

By now, Todd's face showed unmistakable alarm.

Samwell continued, "Moreover, I guessed you were from House Redwyne on the Arbor, and that house is known for its warships and sailors. I imagine that's one of the main reasons Lady Olenna sent you along with me."

"And the beauty of it is, if the plan were exposed, I, the lord of the territory, would bear the blame, while House Tyrell and House Redwyne would remain untarnished. Clever, isn't it?"

Todd looked down, seemingly unable to meet Samwell's penetrating gaze.

Samwell sighed, patting Todd's shoulder, and leaned close once more.

"But have you considered? If this scheme were ever revealed, as the knight accompanying me, you'd be implicated too. Even if you weren't executed, would you come out of it with a good reputation?"

Todd stayed silent.

Samwell's tone grew more sincere. "You're a disregarded bastard; I'm a discarded heir. We're kindred spirits! Lady Olenna's plan risks both our reputations and futures. Tell me, are you content to be her puppet?"

Todd finally raised his head, giving a cold, bitter laugh:

"Do we even have a choice? If I don't take risks, how will I rise? And you—do you truly think you can finish this without Tyrell support?"

"Which is exactly why we should work together!" Samwell tried to put an arm around Todd's shoulders, but Todd stepped aside.

Todd responded coolly, "We're already working together. On settling this territory."

"You know that's not what I meant."

"I do. But we have no choice," Todd said, with a flicker of resignation. "As you said yourself, this land is barren. Besides doing as Lady Olenna intends, what other path is there?"

"There is one."

Todd's head shot up, and he stared at Samwell with intensity.

"What other path?"

"A legitimate, lawful one." Samwell gave him a mysterious smile. "If you're interested, swear loyalty to me first."

Todd scoffed, staying where he was.

Samwell shrugged, unfazed.

He hadn't expected Todd to pledge loyalty so readily.

After all, Samwell was only a landless knight and had little leverage to command allegiance from a bastard of the Arbor.

His words—and the decision to kill Carter—were aimed less at Todd than at Lady Olenna.

Seeing Todd's lack of reaction didn't make Samwell falter. Instead, he smiled and said:

"Think about it. Do you want to risk your reputation and future on shady dealings, or join me in making honest money?"

With that, Samwell led his men back to camp.

Todd stayed behind, lost in thought.

(End of Chapter)

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