
Ch. 12-Adept and the Vacation

Something occurs to me shortly after my team gets their regular checkup by Nurse Joy. They're all fine and that's great. Nothing truly threatened us in the Rocket base. Zaela might need a bit more iron to help grow her already horrifyingly large claws but its nothing bad. Sunny and Query need a bit more supplements for their more esoteric abilities. Training continues as usual. But an idea is in my head and won't go away.

We haven't had a real vacation ever. Some days off and a few attempts to take time off but all of those were within Blackthorn. You never truly relax at home. Well. With the Den as a home. Mom and I had spa days certainly but not my team. So I declare a two week break to do whatever we want. As well as at least one day for me to spend with each of my pokémon individually (Unless of course they request someone else to tag along) doing whatever they like. They insisted I have a day to myself too which I'll get to after all theirs. Before that though we put Joker through his paces as we always do with new teammates.Its easy to see how his fighting style evolved. Quick, savage strikes with subtle uses of his ability. The talent he has in isn't say, giant, amazing displays of epic as most of my team seem to favor but showing himself just a few inches to the side of where he's at in close combat. Coming at you sideways with sharp noises/distractions that make people draw their attention away from where he actually is planning to attack. His illusion is so subtle that I'm being serious. He generally is just a slight bit in different spot than he appears. After the two weeks off we'll train a bit more to get him some fighting moves for the steel gym and we'll see if we can't fake Mars somewhat.I'm imagining the idea of whomever the gym leader is here trying to defeat Mars, revealing Joker, then have to actually face Mars. Using a zoroark in the games was always fun. This is going to be hilarious. I'm a bit spoiled with Joker. He came to us stronger than most. A few amusing bits of trying to explain a gym to him."Fight? Food? Territory?""Its more or less to prove yourself. Show that you are strong to any who after who would stand against you. They give an item that shows you won.""Why? Strong already. Others test it when it comes to you. Show then. Why go seek?""You wanted to seek out evil? Right now we're still getting stronger. So none can stop us when we push forward. Fighting in a controlled environment is a good way of figuring out new methods.""...odd. Still. Think of itPonder. Sure they not have food? Fight for food good fight."Well, he has been eating a lot. I may want to make sure he knows that he's going to get the same amount of food each day."Will go help Wattson and Aurora. Food makers. You eat more? Tiny. Humans larger. I've seen."Excuse me? Wait. Wait. He's probably not seen smaller humans."I'm fairly young. I'll grow a head or more taller than I am now...Also that was sorta insulting. I know you didn't mean it but I'm a bit sensitive about my height.""Why? Hurt small? Easier to duck attacks. Meant wide. Humans big."Rather than answer I sigh and walk away. He'll get it in time. The week we spend outside the city isn't true training. Its to let Joker watch us all move. By the end of the time there he can imitate the fighting styles of everyone save Zaela. Too much raw power there. When we come back after our vacation I have big plans for a move I really should have my starter and Joker teach everyone who can learn it. Dig. But! Onto the vacation!Olivine is huge. Every 'City' is huge that is named such. I don't recall the anime all that well compared to the games. The games, of course, do a piss poor job of showing scale. There is a lot to do in Olivine but what I look for first is a hotel that caters to larger pokémon. Mars' idea is bearing fruit for money and I decide to let us splurge a bit for some pampering. Look. I may be a hard as rock bitch of a person to opponents. I may train endlessly without complaint...But every girl has to have some pampering. Noting exciting. Just some massages but its the point of it!The boys will just have to deal with it. Or revel in it. I'm looking at you Mars. Actually, Zaela probably would hate being in one place like that. Did I just do a sexism? Urgh. Moving on.Mars' money making idea. He's sent Dad, who I haven't heard from in since I left, the idea of Google more or less after hearing about the things I miss the most. The internet here is odd. More email than anything but my Dad thought it was brilliant and got in touch with someone more specialized. Its starting to gain traction especially as Mars suggested asking Devon Corp if they wanted to buy ad space.And the name he suggested to call it made my metagross go silent for days, just overcome with yet a new emotion he wasn't familiar with. Query the search app launched small but is already becoming bigger and bigger in the roughly four months since we left home. Query used Query the first day it launched and couldn't speak. Mars knows how much it meant and they haven't said anything about it. Just the steady pulse of heartfelt humility that Query has. Its not surprising. Everyone knows Query is my inspiration.Mars may be a bit aloof but he knows how to hit home about something when it occurs to him. I'll call it Queryapp from now on if I mention it again. Mars is also asking me a lot of questions about my old life and be the munchkin gamer he is to expand our resources. I don't particularly like talking about the fuzzy memories that my past life is becoming but he's quite persistent and I've never denied him what he wants before. Probably because he's just so smart about things.Zaela I deny things all the time. Mostly with 'no you can't eat that' attached to it until she got older and worldly.The Sea Scale Hotel is where we pick. Its big, fairly close to various parks that my team would be allowed in and has a massive basement for larger pokémon. It even has an in house Joy that works there part time. Check in was interesting."Welcome! May I help you?" This person is one of those asses who just couldn't look away from my eyepatch. Today is Aurora's blue, light blue and white patch. I don't give a shit that it doesn't match my cream and deep pink, nearly red leather outfit. Sunny asked me to wear them together so it felt like she and Aurora got to ride on me. She still remembers being able to sit on my head fondly."Sure. I'd like the biggest pokémon room you have available." The rooms are pretty pricey even if they don't have a huge amount of furniture."Are you certain? The ones we have a quite large. An onix fit in one a few weeks ago my dear." Oh. Don't think a girl my age could have giant mons? Going to treat me like that? I must not be bitchy. Not yet.I eyesmile a bit and push across my pokédex which acts as a credit card. The annoying lady across from me just lets out that soft sigh of frustration that you might express when someone is obviously making a mistake. Her eyes widen a bit at my Ace level clearance. While the pokémon I find myself in is very set on self determination with what partners you can have, this is a hotel and likely has the right to deny someone who can't control their larger pokémon. Ace means I can have whatever I like. And has proven it. She gulps a bit as I let my Zaela grin flash."Something the matter?" She just shakes her head some, face pale at something that pops up from my file. I take the card key silently and without giving a shit for the gasp she gives, reach across the counter and tug the screen so I can see what her eyes focused so hard on. Ah. Apparently my first flight with Zaela in Goldenrod has been going viral within the league. They have that as my identifying picture. My face is savagely happy and Zaela's jaw is open mid-roar. Whoever set that up in the Ace-level information deserves a pat on the back.In addition to catering to trainers the hotel also has official battle halls. Not quite up to Battle Trees, Chateaus or whatever they all were in the games. Its just enough that it qualifies as a league post though."That's a good picture. Mind printing me a copy? I can hang it for Zaela in my room. She looks quite happy doesn't she?" My finger trails slowly down the image of my starter. The massive dragon that carries my tiny form in comparison. Fine. I'm my mother's daughter. Must be growly. The poor woman simply nods and promises to send a picture down for me later.I'll have mercy. That'll be all the punishment. She wasn't that bad all things considered.Down I go in the elevator. I pick the lowest floor to let Zaela feel more at home and hopefully have it cooler for Aurora. She doesn't need help anymore to feel comfortable but its nice to respect her desire for colder areas. None of my pokémon are out just now. Tru spent most of last night with Joker, starting him on fighting type energy and Sunny is a little under the weather from playing with some poliwag we met. She's got a particular soft spot for them, even if the ones at 'Oaky''s lab were kind of mean. And given how she's still so quiet from the Rocket base, I've been letting her do whatever helps bring a smile to her face.The room I come into is kind of like an underground garage in space. Tall ceilings and various sectioned off areas. A sand pit rests next to a giant heat lamp. A fairly decent pool beyond that. I know these are communal areas for the pokémon but no one appears to be using them right now. Our room is a bit of the ways down and is behind a fairly large door. Zaela and Aurora won't fit through without ducking (not very far to be fair) but anything below them would.I find my room and enter to find almost an apartment loft of sorts with the same size of ceiling. My team pops out. Mars immediately takes Sunny, who is listless and sniffling, to a nearby bed he recognizes as fireproof and curls around her so she can nap in warmth. Even as aloof as he can be sometimes, Mars habitually is ridiculously proactive in easing our family's issues when he can. Mostly, amusingly, when they can't be lazy. He spent a week before we left on our journey making an extra strength air conditioner for Aurora when she couldn't nap easily without spending a while freezing wherever she chose to sleep."We're here. Two weeks. Only light training in the mornings to keep up your conditioning. The rest of the time lets have fun." There is a cargo elevator at the end of the hallway for my pokémon to leave if they wish to explore the city, though I warn them to go in pairs if they want to walk about save Tru. No one could sneak up on her. I'm a bit paranoid about how rare some of them are. Even if they are monsters. Okay maybe I'm letting the Rocket fiasco affect me too.Most decline to do so unless I'm going with them. Its always been interesting to me how utterly loyal pokémon are. They just don't want to be parted from their chosen leader."Aurora? You're up first for your day. Anything in particular you want to do?" My aurorus is standing quietly near Mars and Sunny but also careful not to lower the temperature to make Sunny's sickness worsen. The Pokémon Centers can do a lot for physical injuries but colds and diseases are still fairly annoying to deal with. Sunny would be fine in a few days, just in time for her day out."I'd like to save mine for when Wattson and Sunny are both able to attend, if that's fine?" Her voice is very amused at something. Maybe I should be worried?My family more or less picked the order they wanted and Query steps forward."My turn then. Just us. I asked myself for what I wanted." Yes, this is how Query says he used Queryapp. He asks 'himself'. He thinks its hilarious. "Come. I don't mind my day being somewhat started."While the app isn't as crazy as Google was, its remarkable what digital pokémon do when given something dealing with information. Dad and likely Devon set up a lot of porygon to add more and more to the app.Shrugging I set down my pack. Wattson is heading to turn on the TV with Tru following. Joker has taken to sniffing random things and bringing them to Aurora to ask what they are. Once he found out that Aurora had essentially been dead and brought back to life he considered her somewhat of a miracle, just as I do, but also a wise person. Which is quite true. Thus she gets endlessly asked questions about what things are. Considering how new she is to this time it ends up with some strange conclusionsI had to assure them constantly that hot dogs were not houndour or growlithe pups and that the refrigerator was not a pokémon due to it having the same name as Aurora's ability. Joker just looked confused and I'm pretty sure Aurora knew all of this but wanted to tease me. All I got was a serene smile for my accusations.Brat.Query led me out and it was pleasant to walk with him. Massive and shiny as he is. Stares are becoming something I'm just used to. I know most trainers keep their pokémon in their balls. My family say the storage devices are actually quite comfortable to be in but they prefer being out with me. I do my best to not deny them."So where are we going? You haven't told me what's going on?" Just to fuck with people I jump onto Query's head with what must look like an impossible leap. Its not without purpose. Rumors of a girl with powerful pokémon will only help me later this year."Much of our life now is filled with stress. I had thought perhaps we could go buy each of our family a gift. No special occasion. Simply affection."I really shouldn't be so surprised. Other than his board games Query is unfailingly selfless. My slow mental nod fills with appreciation as he leads us nearby mall. People stop and gape constantly but Query just hums low noises of amusement. Other pokémon are around with their partners or even running errands of their own but we take the cake for certain. Metagross are rare in this part of the world after all. No less a shiny.The next few hours are spent in silent companionship. Query's aura sparkles with deep abiding care for me and I make sure to keep a hand on him whenever we aren't adding to the psychic bubble of gifts he easily has hover behind us. I could have put them in my bag but his odd sense of humor likes them all floating behind like duckletts. Its also just good training.For Aurora we buy a few cooking books, mostly simple, but also a thick, insulated blanket five times larger than normal. It'll trap her coldness and the purple it is edged with matches my eye.For Mars we get some notebooks and larger than normal pencils and markers. The notebooks are the type that have large sketching sheets for paintings or portraits but in his hands will be more or less a regular notebook in scale. Query also selects another leather strap for Mars' Mega Stone that is purple tinged as well. I'm sensing a theme.To Sunny we get a large assortment of ribbons to hang on her own ribbons. She's honestly the hardest to buy for because she never seems to want anything for herself except friendly company. Finally I get an anatomy book for a large number of pokémon in respect for her wishes to help Tru in healing. Query picks a sparkly pendant with sequins that you guessed it. Are the purple of my eye.Zaela is nearly as difficult until we come across the monster movies. A deep chill comes over me as if I would pay for this later. Psh. Yeah right. I'm Ella Mita. No fear. Godzilla equivalent tapes make their way to our gift piles and we find a large purple pack I can attach to her saddle.Wattson is the easiest to buy for. A big huge wrestling belt, a fake sword and a massive amount of spices are his gifts. Since that first night he's the one who's always tried new foods and lets himself enjoy the bad and the good. Aurora just tosses berries randomly into his food and he's adored it ever since. The spices will just add to his fun. Query finds a watch meant for electric types to power by themselves and we get it in purple. Of course.Tru gets a thick, comfy mat to kneel on to meditate, a lot more advanced books about medical care and a romance book I hide from Query. Tru hides it well but I know she often will watch sappy rom-coms if no one is looking at Pokémon Centers we visit. I pick her purple leather bracelet. Someday I hope to put a mega stone in it, but for now it just is a pretty thing for her to wear.For Joker I get a visual encyclopedia of every pokémon currently known and photographed. Its huge and bulky but I know he'll enjoy attempting to figure out illusions for them. Along with that is a rather large purple sash he can wear around his waist.And for Query? I buy him a bowtie. It fits his demeanor when he isn't angry and he absolutely adores the 'wtf' looks people give him. Its massive and we have to get a magnet to keep it on him but its worth the effort. My true gift is something I hate but I know he'll enjoy having in his memory. I put on a dress for him to take a mental snap shot of. For his sculpture back in Blackthorn. It matches all the rest of the purple we get and leaves my arms bare with delicate straps to show off my toned form. Even if I am eleven I get stares for how fit I am. Nothing creepy but its obvious that I put in a lot of effort.I refuse to change my boots though. Which would ruin the image for anyone but my boy. At his insistence I let my honey blonde hair down. Yay. I know how much it means to him though.We go home to happily sleepy pokémon and pass out the gifts. Everyone likes them with stand outs of Wattson performing a mock duel with a very hesitant Joker. Once Sunny's giggles (sick and all) cause her to roll around on the floor our zoroark actually smiles and just shifts into the form of a machamp and proceeds to 'wrestle' Wattson for his belt once my electivire explained the gag.Aurora immediately is absorbed in her cookbooks and can't be pried away until she finishes them days later. Query patiently turns every page for her, even rooms away with how delicate his control has become. Yay Psi-Fist practice. Mars just nods his thanks and is in a similar vein as he just jots down notes constantly until its his day with me.Sunny and Tru get into a huddle with their books and spend most of the week figuring out the quickest ways to properly heal injuries. I've never seen Sunny so focused. I also get the pleasure of seeing Tru look very startled at the book I subtly give her but the quick, pleased smile that follows tells me she appreciates it. Even as she hurries off to hide it in my pack.Zaela, who has to be careful moving about the room even more than Aurora, kicks Wattson off the TV for days while she binge watches monster movies. Another stab of dread fills my soul. Wails of despair briefly look over my shoulder. What? Psh. Naw. I'm good. Nothing is gonna go wrong.Joker doesn't show it but his aura fills with appreciation for his gift. The concept of giving is new to him and he spends a lot of time helping everyone else (mostly by delivering food that Aurora makes)."Guardian. Example. Follow. No items. Just me. Give of self. Help. Like you." He fits in fine.Everyone proudly wears their purple gear and I my sniffles as they show me how much they like them. Joker seems to get how much it means to me so he starts sticking snacks into his sash, his instincts still telling him to hoard his own food. Thus making the sash precious to hold his priorities.The next day is Mars' and he just requests we head to a place we can read. I'm actually very fine with this. In my previous life I loved reading almost as much as games. We find a library and I check out books to read just outside in a nearby park. People stare at the black charizard laying on his side, tail swishing as he pages through novels. For once he's taking pleasure in something not towards our purpose at my insistence. I resolve to buy him more books. I'm stupid. He liked video games didn't he? He'll enjoy other things I did alone too I bet.As with all good reading, we don't notice the hours fade away and we head home happily full of new stories. He takes after me a lot.Sunny feels better by the time its her turn and requests we go to a park to meet friends. Wattson offers to come along and of course Sunny agrees. Panicked screams echo through the room as Zaela laughs loudly at the scene of a giant dragonite destroying what suspiciously looks like Saffron City. Huh.We ask around from local pidgey and find out where they find the people who tend to feed them a lot. Sunny just yips about in joy at all the people and books it towards the jungle gyms. My bright girl has taken training to a new level for her, at least before we started this vacation and she's often muttering Tru's advice about emergency treatment under her breath to help herself memorize it. So its good to see her play with no care."Hey Boss. You know how Tru likes me? Do you mind if I spend my day with her instead of you? I still love yah but well. I'm shit at hiding my emotions. Why would I with you two anywayI think its important to make it clear before I muck it up that I like her mon to prettier mon despite that though."My eye shifts to him with surprise. Wattson is always doing that. A jolly goofball one moment then intensely empathetic the next. Of all my pokémon he's the one who says what he is thinking the most and its almost always just plain nice. And while I'm letting my aura senses flow again, I didn't catch he truly liked her. Sure, he flirts ruthlessly with her but it was always more friendly than intent filled. I also do my best not to push hard to dig into everything my family feels. Its a bit too like losing privacy.And Zaela would fuck with me every damn day."Of course. Its your day. Do you want any suggestions?" I'm really happy for him. Its obvious Tru doesn't know what to do with his flirting. Besides like it. A lot."Oh! Yeah. I've never really been after a gal before. Figure I should be myself but you can do that and be considerate too, right?""….I don't know if I need to give you suggestions. Damnit Wattson. You're golden. No pun." I say that last part hastily as he opens his mouth with a grin then shrugs to let the potential teasing go."Hmm. She likes epic stories yeah? About truth? Maybe go see some sort of poetry thing. I mean it doesn't sound overly great to me but I can learn for her. She seems to like calm things….and you don't mind right? That I like her?" He actually seems nervous. I guess I can see why. It would change our group a lot."I'd never stand between you and what makes you happy. Tru does like you. You are aware enough to know that. Just be your kind self and be patient. She was pretty fiery when we first met. I think she still sees her old self with a bit of shame. Its why she's able to be so patient now. Something she doesn't want to repeat...But I also think that as good as she is with the emotions of others that she can't understand her own. I really don't think you have to worry. You're you. But keep it in mind." I'm not going to step in and do everything for them. But I'm not about to let some trope dancing around idiocy happen either. No patience for that. If that's wrong I don't care.Wattson just gazes at Sunny as she starts to push a child on the swings with her ribbons. "Yeah. Never really doubted myself. Even before I met you all. I knew it wasn't my fault about how I ended up in that clearing. Not yours either before your face gets all crinkly. Like a butt head."His booming laugh startles a few people near, as if they didn't see the tall ass electivire. Unobservant idiots. Proud and smug Blackthorn talking there. Oop. May want to work on that."I'm getting better. I can't change what has happened. That said, I'll skip the talk about how if you hurt Tru I'll introduce you to Momma and have her treat you like she did Zaela and I." I'm happy to say that my scary smile is strong. Joker and Wattson haven't even met Momma yet are properly wary of her given our stories of the elder garchomp. Wattson just hastily nods, the smirks, knowing I'm not actually thinking he'd hurt Tru. There is a pleasant air about us as we go to help Sunny preside over her loyal force of children. The hours pass full of simple joy.What my sylveon asks for at the end of the night as I lay in bed is what gets me though."Mom. Can I sleep with you tonight?" We all more or less huddle when traveling and I realize she hasn't slept in an actual bed since Blackthorn. Literal years of sharing a bed with my Sunshine.I've been in maybe two Center beds since then, each when Sunny was in her ball. Usually we sleep outside of them. My throat chokes up and I tug her into my arms. Her ribbons wrap around my waist as we snuggle."I missed this. Its nice with everyone else and I know I said no more little girl...but I don't think its bad to be like this sometimes?" The hope in her voice crushes all sense of self and I simply hug her tighter. She starts purring and snuggling in. For a few minutes we're quiet."I know what we did was right. And I know that you killed people. Bad people. Don't worry Mom. I'm never going to stop loving you. Even if you get sad about it sometimes. I'm a bit scattered but I always look to you. So I see." Ribbons move up to cup my face and pull my gaze down to her bright eyes. "And I feel. No more blame. You're good and I love you."It never enters her mind that her love isn't enough. That it could fail to make me better. Humbled, I nod and let myself fully let go of my decisions made in ignorance of consequences. I'll respect that I may play a part but under Sunny's endless love I set myself on the path to heal. I sleep well that night.Wattson and Tru go out the next day. Her aura is screaming equal parts excitement, bashfulness and nervousness. Wattson is simply confident with a twinge of concern but its more about if Tru will enjoy it than anything. He's stepping into a relationship with someone who can feel his every emotion. Brave mon.I spend the day making notes, relaxing and heading to a nearby spa with the rest of the girls. Its a giant one, obviously, and has a deal with the hotel we're at. Zaela delights in keeping just her fin above water and scaring the shit out of people. I sigh, assure them that she's just playful and get her away before the fog reveals just how massive she is. We're kicked out pretty quickly.When Wattson and Tru return its with deep satisfaction to me that Tru is the happiest I remember her being. She has conviction and a good sense of a job well done as we travel the path. That fills her with satisfaction. But this? This is elation and hope for herself. Something selfish she is okay with. Wattson is simply pleased and his gaze softens around her. I don't ask what they did or what happened. This is for them to explore together. They'll tell me in time.Joker is next and boy is it fun. While wild, Joker, again like Query, is scary observant. Which considering his ability isn't hard to figure out why. As we each take turns having fun together and lazing about he thinks hard about what he enjoys. Even as he protected his little pack it was more about his duty and desire for them to thrive. Nothing stood out as something he wanted for himself. At least the first few days. Once he saw how Sunny picked something simple he found his desire.We went on a run. If there is one thing I know stands above anything else I can do physically it is my stamina. I'm not superhuman fast yet or can bench press a car or something but before I was four I was using my aura. Primarily so I could keep up with the starter I got. Training with Momma and healing up my team for years added to my aura baseline I worked on over the past year have made my stamina superhuman. I've run with my team for hours upon hours. Not fast, but steady. Joker just leads me from the hotel after making sure I've got on my jogging clothes."Tag. Fun. Run. Catch."And with that he's off. Shifting from pidgey to meowth to a butterfree. Forms blur as he starts off around the edge of town. He doesn't speed up fast enough to leave me in the dirt as he could but he doesn't make it easy.Aura gives me incredible spatial awareness and I can't help but think what it looked like as I chase my zoroark across the city. Hopping over railings, climbing trees and waiting impatiently to cross streets. Its a joy I can't explain to be so free and feel my stoic, serious new friend laugh in his mind.I don't notice how long we run, the chase and the experience more than make up for never really defeating him. He lets me get him a few times and chases me but he enjoys showing me how he hides and runs. What he can do for the pack in a way no other in our group can.Its a great day and he starts to give out a small smile more and more often from that day on.Aurora's day has me laughing so hard. So fucking hard. I've told a lot of stories about my old world. Some great and some stupid. Some were me complaining about memes. Or silly youtube videos. Shit. Better talk to Mars about youtube.Aurora has been having Tru go out and buy giant planters or anything she can find that are bowls of size for Zaela level courses. She had my starter dig a bit in the sand in the main room for socializing pokémon as well as create a series of stone tables that stand at the heights of all of my family.From there she got the pots and pans we normally cook with and again had Tru go and buy a massive amount of food that we can dry and store. Mostly meats, pasta and things she can flash freeze to be heated later. Tru, by the way, has access to my wallet for such things. The one that holds cash and not my pokédex. What came about was four chef's hats for myself, Wattson, Sunny and Aurora. Aurora's had to be specially made and she started Tru on that without telling me the day Query and I went shopping.It gets better. She loved Query's bowtie and got one for all the other males and a butler's vest for Joker. I'm not sure how she explained it to him, or used his reverence for her but he stood to the side and would carefully, seriously deliver what we made.And proving I'm infecting my family with the ability to troll... Sunny and Wattson were in on it and I was never more grateful for opening my stupid mouth about a show I watched for a while."Alright. So we're helping you? Got my apron and ready. So what's going on?""What are you doing?! Get the lamb sauce! Are you an idiot?!""….what.""Yes chef! Right away chef!" Off Sunny goes. She takes a spill, carefully replaces her hat with a serious I've never seen on her face and starts pouring with her ribbons into the indicated planter."You! Pink idiot! Get going! I need all that meat in the firepit now! Do you work for a fucking living or not?!" Yes. My sweet lovely, mothering Aurora was yelling at me. My face must have been amazing because Mars and Zaela both, who were playing difficult customers, just started laughing harder than I could ever imagine. Especially my charizard. It only intensified as Aurora started shooting small icicles at me to get moving. She wouldn't of hurt me but...Yes. We were in Hell's Kitchen. Master Chef. Whatever. Aurora didn't get the lines right as I only really commented a bit on it...But oh my."You're worthless! You call this food?! I could cough up a lung that looked more appetizing!"Wattson, strong, giant Wattson who never loses his smile managed to look like his dreams were crushed. "Sorry chef! I'll do better!"Sunny was diligently working in the background, tossing hunks of meat up in the air and flailing about with spices as if she knew something. She did not. But Aurora just used different color salts and pepper to make it impossible for her to truly mess it up."You're sorry? I'm sorry! Sorry you were ever born! Where the fuck is my bisque?!" Read bisque as just heated up chicken soup. Tru refused to buy even anything remotely seafood.I ran about with them for an hour, hearing the results of me cursing around my team and having the time of my life. Sunny would break down laughing every once and a while as Aurora tried and failed to completely be mean. Wattson didn't break once. He played the idiot fool, hilariously tossing food while fake slipping, somehow always ending up in Zaela's mouth. It became an increasing game to have the most spectacular offering to my dragon sister.The food was meh. But it was the most favorite meal of my life to date. Mars has never laughed so much. Query doesn't eat traditionally like us as he doesn't need as much and more actual elements but he tucked in none the less. Probably another sculpture someday about this.. Zaela thought it was funny but honestly she just enjoyed people hand feeding her more than anything else. Sometimes dragon instincts are stereotypes for a reason. She likes being waited on like a proper King.Joker flawlessly played his role as Aurora directed him. The straight man seriousness made his name that much more fantastic."Enjoy. Water? Towel? This made with….famous...Good food. Towel?The lines that Aurora fed to him to say caused two spills alone in the first thirty minutes. Tru? Tru didn't know what to make of it and left part way, the mess making her a tad huffy, but she did give Wattson a wink that made him nearly drop the cake they made. And by made I mean they just tore off the wrapping of it and sprayed sprinkles over it.I can't say it enough. I love my pokémon.Zaela was last and...Sigh. It was glorious but I face palmed so hard when I realized what she did. I won't ignore my instincts again. Or will listen to them? Urgh. She loves it. So I guess I have to keep feeding her new non-battling interest.My starter has her silly side. Its just very, very well hidden. She enlisted Mars' help with the promise of not bothering him for a month with her usual want to battle him pretty much anytime she can cajole him into agreeing. Which is often. So I was betrayed by my son without a blink.Mars drew her some fliers she got that bitch of a receptionist to copy somehow. Probably the most terrifying game of charades ever. I don't even know how she got the woman to come to our room level. I haven't found a buzzer. Just a phone. And it wouldn't have survived Zaela trying to use it.Six days of fliers being posted around town. And I didn't see one while walking around. My luck is weird.Zaela led me and the rest of the family towards the beach with giggles. Yes. My dragon giggled.What I found was a massive amount of pokémon gathered around a giant sand castle. Like massive. It had giant towers, turrets, random spires and gates and was packed well with mud and water to make the sand stay. Zaela still towered over it. Nearly a hundred pokémon with some trainers and families scattered in.Mars picked this time to show me the depths of his betrayal and handed me a flier.'Come one come all this Saturday at 10 AM to Saturn Street Beach. Ella Mita's starter Zaela shall be attacking a custom sand castle! Though she be mighty and deadly, the fierce Mistress of Blackthorn shall be gentle in her destruction against any who seek to save Castle Amazingsauce. Family and pokémon alike are encouraged to bring water guns, balloons and themselves! Steel your heart and gird your loins for the battle of the century!'There was a to scale drawing of Zaela near a few people with a warning (probably Mars) that Zaela is very large and scary but also would never actually harm anyone...And then a chibi version of me giving the viewer a thumb's up.My mouth was agape at the first sentence and Mars just patted me on the shoulder and went to go sit with the rest of my group of traitors. They had a place set up for them to watch. Zaela leaned down to pat me and let out a godzilla inspired roar that was maybe one tenth her volume and then started slowly walking toward the sand castle she probably made this morning before dawn and paused every few feet to repeat her roar and act silly. Just stomping remarkably controlled, but tossing up puffs of sand and gently plowing dragonfire. Even coughing mid flame with a sputter as if she were old and sickly to sell her not being as dangerous as she looks.Not that her corded, muscled form could be that. It just...No words.The crowd, who were initially pretty intimidated despite the warning started to ease and many giggles were heard. Children were starting to cheer. Someone tossed a water balloon. It hit Zaela and did less than zero damage but she staggered back as if slapped and roared again in fake anger. That broke the spell and glee began.Over a hundred pokémon, mostly pets, got into the fun and darted around, dramatically trying to climb Zaela to attack her, nothing over a small bite. She carefully tossed them around and became the clunky monsters she grew to love while watching the dvds I gave her.Kids shot her down with brave faces with water and nerf guns alike. Adults made sure that they didn't get too close at first but then mostly just replenished ammunition. A few got into it too and the energy ignited even further. My starter was covered in teddiursa, sentret, a few growlithe and various other household pokémon. Eventually she smashed a few towers and slipped into the sand to swim about as her final 'form' but forty five minutes or so later with a fourth of the castle left the day was saved.My starter laid defeated on her back, tongue out the side of her mouth and the crowd cheered.I was stuck between laughing, crying and a permanent palm mark on my forehead. Eventually she stirred and kept her head out of the earth for people to come say hello but I waved off touching her, making sure they knew how dangerous her skin is.Another bit of time was spent explaining what little I knew of why this happened, taking photos with her, then much of my team and generally being confused and tired at the same time. It was the most amount of people I've talked to at once since before I came to this world I think.It was amazing and horrifying. It was only later I found out why she wanted this so badly."I am to be feared. I revel in this. But you've always loved being silly with me. Making me laugh. I wanted to see if I could do that too and still feel like me. Those movies gave me the idea….And I couldn't resist trying. Plus it put your name out a bit. Heh. Not sure if in a good way, but maybe people won't be as afraid of me when they need your help now. I saw a lot of people recording it."Zaela never ceases to amaze me. Usually its with her unyielding will to be stronger. I forget that she's the other half of my soul here. Of course she'd be fucking weird sometimes. I love her.GymAfter our vacation we all set back into training with great pleasure. It was good to unwind but it was also time to continue to beat the snot out of anyone in our way. One move was given to as many of my group as possible. Dig. The applications for Joker were amazing. He picked it up quick, followed by Sunny and Wattson. Mars was last because the overachiever figured out Earthquake at the same time. He spent a long while helping Wattson with that afterwards to both protect against and use himself. I may have also bought a TM that Joker took on with such skill that the possibilities had me salivating.Wattson somewhat has earthquake down already from his bunny punching attack from his last gym battle. As this is likely to be my last three on three I plan on Joker, Wattson and Zaela for this battle. Aurora and Sunny have a bit too much weakness to steel types and Tru didn't want to battle this time.For a reason I really want to tease her about. She's going to be cheering on Wattson. Tru style. Which is to carry a small sign she made that says just 'Go Wattson'...It does have a crudely drawn picture of him though.Mars will be a pick if nothing big enough interests Zaela but she does really want a good battle. If there are four then Query will be my last choice. But who knows? Anything could happen. I'm ready.The Gym is vaguely how I remember it. Circular and made of gleaming metal. I'm pretty quickly recognized not as the bad ass rookie with the near Elite team but as the kid who had the funny, but giant as fuck garchomp. Yep. Thanks Zaela. Maybe that's why she really wants to fight today? So she can show the other half of herself? Whatever.I'm led to the main battling field after a few hours. There were some challengers ahead of me. Olivine is a port town after all. Lots of trainers. Eventually I'm standing across from the gym leader and I actually know him. Ralph Aiden. Not very scary sounding. He's rather unassuming and just nods slowly to me. Of all the gym leads besides Mom, him and Pryce are the ones I would worry about when thinking of this journey years ago. Today? I've got his number. It'll be difficult, but I'm good.The older man, perhaps mom's age just nods to the ref. Unlike my last battles with Gym Leaders he's not chatty. He never has been from what mom said about him. Taller with a lean build, he looks more like a businessman than one of the strongest trainers in the region. He tugs on a small, neat hat and waits patiently."This will be a three on three battle between Ella Mita of Blackthorn and Gym Leader Ralph Aiden. Only the challenger may make substitutions."I watch him carefully and he does me a solid by tossing his ball first. Aegislash appears with a rather regal sounding single note and I smile and toss my premier ball.Mars springs into the air with a roar and immediately snarls in anger. Words I won't repeat spill from his mouth and Aegislash is infuriated. Shifting into attack mode I watch Ralph's eyebrow raise for a moment and then clear as his ghost-steel partner flies upwards, blade charging with some type of energy I'm not familiar with. Mars vanishes into a dark cloud and Aegislash bravely heads in, confident perhaps in its durable nature but also humming with anger of my charizard's insults.Double teams fly outwards as Aegislash screams in pain at contact with the cloud. An ominous wind perhaps? Still the ghost continues forward and savage snarling flows from my charizard in the cloud. A shock wave sparks up from the shield and sword ghost drawing another howl from the usually calm Mars.More filthy insults abound and Ralph's eyes wide. "Aegislash! Automize! Swords Dance! King's Shield" His pokémon ignores the orders and continues savage shadow claws and night slashes to try and cut my shiny black charizard into little pieces. The ghost finally uses shadow sneak, the cloud of dark energy finally dispersing and catches the real charizard…..Or would have been.The substitute is revealed. And its not Mars. Joker came out as Mars, bounced into the air and used a night daze around himself to fake Mars' ominious wind tricks. Following that he snarled Aegislash or rather hid the two snarls he managed as Mars' roar. From there he used taunt with the foulest words I could imagine and lured Aegislash into the night daze he illusioned to look as close to a smokescreen/ominious wind as he can for now. The moment Aegislash entered he was confused by the dark energy assaulting his senses. Before this happened Joker hid his substitute as the main Mars' double team and bounced out as one of the spares. As he passed Aegislash he used torment and taunt once more before snarling in the shadow of his substitue again. All while honing his claws.King's Shield and the ability to buff like mad are Aegislash's main points of power. The ghost now had suffered three snarls, a night daze, could not draw on it status effects or stat increasing moves and was hitting a substitute. My fully buffed zoroark used u-turn as he was falling and slammed his claws in two night slashes that clanged the usually defensive ghost into the side of the steel building. I have great respect for Aegislash. I had heavily considered picking one as my Fate partners.Still, I return Joker with a grin as Aegislash is recalled. Ralph just looks like he ate a lemon. It was easily one of the worst steel type he could have sent out for me. A great choice if he did his homework about my team which I think is quite likely. The man saw my fight against Lance way back when."Hmph." Man of small words. Fair. An aggron falls to the floor with a clang and I heavily consider my next move. Shrugging, I release Tru to the sidelines, her sign already ready. Ralph has to worry about my zoroark for the rest of the fight. I can have Joker imitate Mars, actually bring out Mars or for all he knows any of my choices can be a fake.This is why I believe Joker will become my deadliest fighter. Not strongest. Deadliest. It fits his personality to go fast and with intent to take someone down instantly.But I won't do that to Tru. Wattson comes out onto the field and just starts pumping his arms in a flex while laughing already."Alright guy! Let's have a nice fight! Don't go easy on me. My gal over there wouldn't like it if I won without effort. Or lost without effort! She's cool like that." The Aggron gives my jolly guy a 'what the flying fuck expression' (which is oddly hilarious on the craggy face) and starts rushing, automize and iron defense at once. Discharge waves smash against him as he pays for not using a ranged move for cover but the steel behemoth shrugs them off fairly easily.Usually Wattson brawls happily but he immediately speeds away, stamping his foot on the ground in an earthquake that Zaela would laugh at but it does what he wants. Aggron has to slow in order to weather the shaking and Wattson's eyes close briefly, meditating. Before we met it was a poor move in his pool but as he boosts with it now at a remarkable rate. A flash of insight hits me. Perhaps this is how he and Tru got close? Did she coach him?Aggron shifts plans and an ice beam slaps my electivire up the side of his head, though he finishes a few more boosts. Another laugh and Wattson pulses out static that races across the whole arena. My team excels in terrain control. Of course we spent time getting him electric terrain. Using residual energy around him he tosses out thunder waves in controlled bursts that force Aggron to dodge and bring up small rocks to disrupt the bursts. Even if the electric terrain makes it a losing effort.Flash cannons are deflected by thunder punches that start to toss the steel energy in odd ways. Wattson is still hurt a bit but he just chuckles and starts to attack in earnest. Thunderbolts snap into creation in an instant. Aggron raises himself with stone edges to dodge somewhat but glancing hits still land and curve into his steel body. That along with small bouts of paralysis begin adding up the damage.Aggron isn't a gym leader's pokémon for nothing though, directing some of the electricity off of his steel body with pulses of type energy. I'm not even sure of what move it is. Its not metal burst as that'd be very, very dumb to throw at Wattson.Water pulses, icy winds and flamethrowers all try to wear Wattson down. Aggron does well attempting it but is built for close range more than long. Its a worse disparity compared to Wattson's similar build.Finally the steel giant lets out a screech and is speeding towards my thunderbug in a head smash tinged with steel sheen. Smart strike perhaps? Wattson just laughs and uses his boosted attack to slam another earthquake. It would have been utterly devastating if it hit. Magnet Rise bites us in the ass and Wattson is slammed into the wall by the savage crash. Curses and grunts sound out of the dust and my electivire is tossed from the rubble, rolling and sliding to a halt in the middle of the field from bouncing off the strong steel of the gym's walls. He's pretty brutalized but just chuckles despite the pain and stands weakly on one leg.Another smart strike, automized rock head is heading his way and I am ready to return him. Instead I shake my head as he turns and gives Tru the biggest smirk and a playful kiss...And takes the hit even as he uses low kick. Normally this would do shit damage with how much Aggron automizes. And it does. But my heavily damaged electivire pulses the electric terrain and makes Aggron's steel body not like the ground anymore, usurping Aggron's magnet rise just enough. The startled shock that pulses out of Aggron's aura makes Tru giggle. Giggle.Now airborne right above Wattson, my jolly guy snaps a massive thunder straight down that sends the behemoth right back onto the ground, shaking the gym and bouncing the steel giant up to meet the focus punch that this fucking idiot I adore seems hell bent on using to end every fight with. Damned if it doesn't work again. The impact follows most of the end of the fight and cracks the already destroyed floor further until it looks like a rock field in the anime. Everything clears and they are both out."FUCK YEAH! That's my man! That's fucking right you mothe-...I mean. Good job Wattson. Even if you can't hear me."There are no words as I recall my electivire. I'm not sure if I'm going to tell him what Tru just said.Ralph doesn't know what to make of what she just said. And she did say it out loud and with her ability to be understood. Which I don't think she realizes."Hmph." Really. What the hell dude? Nothing? Again?The last pokémon he releases is a Mawlie...And it glows in the bright light I know means mega evolution. I stare as its second jaw becomes truly impressive. And damned if I don't find it cute. I think Zaela is cute. Shut up. I like brutal things. I could bring out Mars. He'd probably wreck her from afar. Very easily.But isn't this what Zaela wanted?She's taken hits from Sunny but Sunny can't be at this Mawile's level."The challenger has ten seconds to choose or forfeit"What would she truly want?"Seven."Of course I know. Before the ref hits five I release my monster of a sister. Zaela's customary roar knocks the ref off his feet and Ralph's eyebrows shoot up. Both of them. Progress.My starter huffs in consideration and shows off a new trick. The earth under Mega Mawile shifts into quicksand and she sends off a flamethrower at the same time to cook the steel cutie. The flamethrower doesn't do as much damage as expected as the sheen of stockpile is reflected, repeating Aggron's trick of using Stone Edge to raise herself up.A fairy wind sprays down the entire arena and doesn't fade as Mega Mawlie sets off a misty terrain in an instant. Zaela roars in pain as it disrupts her control over draconic energy and the lingering wind is almost a toxic field to her. It hits her harder than tanking one of Sunny's moonblasts and she dives under ground. Mega Mawile leaps from her stone peak before it sinks into the earth, swallowed with intimidating ease.Mega Mawile sends her tiny fist into the ground and uses rock smash to drive Zaela out, or would if my starter hadn't have started setting the entire floor into sand. Instead of a cracking of ground Mega Mawile sinks her fist into the earth with a cry of surprise. Zaela goes back to our first combo. The ground simply falls and Furnace starts. Mega Mawile starts to play rough and every ice fang she uses is tinged with fairy energy as she turns sharply in every direction to snag my sister.Its probably the most devastating attack Zaela would ever take since Aurora's first hyper beam against her. If it hit. My starter is proud and strong. She loves showing off her strength but she's not found someone worthy yet of truly going all out. Even spars with Mars and Zaela haven't had the life or death aspect that a dragon truly seeks. But above her strength is her intelligence and willingness to use less direct attacks compared to other dragons.The gible who hated listening to me when she thought she was right has come a long way. Every ice fang hits a double team that come out of the earth like the monsters from tremors on crack. The distraction lets my starter dip her snout out to activate Sunny Day. Ralph finally speaks."Get out! Now!"Zaela may love dragon and fire attacks but her true strength is the earth. I've known that since the first day she dipped into the earth like it was liquid. Every stone edge is denied by her sand or sucked up to pile more weight on the fairy. Every attempt to climb causes the ground to slip away from Mega Mawile's hands. The surprise icy wind is immediately overtaken by a sandstorm as she drags Mega Mawile underground. Ralph looks on in frustration as he goes over ideas left and right. Even an ice beam to attempt to shore up her slowly closing exit from the Furnace pit fails as fire explodes from the wall, Zaela finally making herself known.Mega Mawile immediately attempts to dig her fake jaws in and catch my starter but like the horror movies I so readily associate with my stater there is no escape. The earth closes over Mega Mawile as Zaela gets her jaws on her. We lose sight of what happens as the ground turns solid. Seconds pass and the ground thooms hard with an explosion of some variety and the now normal, burned, partially crushed form of Ralph's partner is tossed onto the arena, no longer mega. The recall ping is overshadowed by my starter emerging from the ground with a slight grimace before making us all wince with the booming sound of her victory.I can't help but notice Tru recalling herself before the sound. At least she could have suffered with me."...I don't like you. Your badge is at the front. Get out." I read his aura a bit and he's just cranky. He doesn't actually dislike me but for him the defeat stings. Mom told me later that Joker fucked up his whole plan when he called to complain about me. That his Aegislash would boost to insane levels and King's Defense itself against my heavy hitters. Mawlie was to be second and stockpile and boost itself as well. And then when I brought out my starter, baton pass to his Aggron who would then go to Mega Aggron and tank my starter's physical attacks and use its surprisingly diverse ice attacks against Zaela. Even if Mega Aggron fell Zaela would have to face Mawile at near full health.One Mega Evolution per fight. With my heavy hitters not fucked by Aegislash he had to match them with Aggron. Mars would defeat his Mawile easily. So yeah. He was pissed. He could have brought out others of his team but none stood a chance against Zaela . Even his skarmory would not match my starter in the air.Zaela got her tough match until she went back to basics. Terrain terrain terrain.This is what we needed after the Rocket Base. To have some fighting that wasn't so serious. We'd spend years in the future in the muck and the toil. Today was a step forward in planning. Depending on the massive strength of my team is great but we always focused on not being fair to the enemy.I couldn't wait to talk to Joker about his first true fight with me. To see how he enjoyed it. He did. It was blaring in his aura. Perhaps that it wasn't life or death made it fun. Wattson and Zaela too. So much to consider.Chuck was next.Tings of bright emotions and a picture of myself walking from the Rocket Base slipped past my mental shields as I neared the hotel. Deep affection that sound like silver bells flash into my head as I turn in shock, again snuck up upon by a pokémon. A series of views of my family being affectionate and an outside perspective of envy. The acceptance of Joker and flashes of desire to follow the feeling of my heart. Not a single word. Just emotion and empathy with crystal clear images of the events. All blaring about my head in droves until a feeling of apology for her eagerness.Number nine is before me. The setting sun halos around her as she steps forward. Her mental pulse showing more images of following our group. Of tasting our emotions and longing to join our joy and companionship. Beautiful and lovely she is. Ethereal and standing just above my height I stare at the Gardevoir. Her delicate green and white body marred by a horrible, jagged, scar across her throat.Like her, I can't speak.Bruno, Liza and the BossWhen Bruno decided upon this path he did so fully. There was no reason not to. A lucario pleading with you for help is not something to be ignored. While he did not have one, he had studied under one for a time. It was a good experience and while he has no talent with the ability to project aura he excelled at focusing it inwards. The discipline and honor in good work were good lessons. Good ways to live.Rather than take routes, Bruno stepped into the woods and went straight. The road less traveled. No road actually. The Valley came eventually and he took his time to carve out a home. He was very literal when he told Ella Mita he would do so.Onix, Machamp and Hitmolee helped but only with physical movement. Moves were to be trained later. Charizard challenged him from the moment he entered. All fell.This pleased Bruno quite a bit. There was no resentment at their loss. Only a burning will to get stronger. It was more primal and less pure than he was used to but he could see the appeal. Bruno would consider catching one for many days after.A promise was a promise though. About a month after arriving he finally went to the peak to introduce himself. Surprise await him as a riolu stood along the path as if to greet him."Master Bruno! I am the valiant partner of Mistress Liza! Sworn to protect her until I die or the world does! Whichever comes first! I greet you! Your aura sings with glorious battle. While I cannot shirk my duties yet, as it is 'quiet time please go outside and kick rocks', I shall happily face you when I am no longer in exile" Towards the end of his speaking the riolu's confident manner fades and lowers into sulking. Bruno does not know how to take this."Hn. Take me to your trainer, even if she exiled you."The riolu just blinks in confusion and shakes his head. "It was not my Mistress who did so. Fair and strong may she be, I was put to exile by the 'Boss'"Was it Bruno's imagination or was there thunder in a clear sky?Shaking off the odd disquiet he just nods the riolu on, who perks up at the idea that perhaps delivering a new minion to the boss could get him out of his plight.Minutes later bring them to a building being constructed by men and women Bruno can tell from a glance have seen combat. Seven charizard line up and aid the seven men and women, obviously partners. Two girls direct the flow of effort. One has a lithe looking charmeleon next to her. Both are covered in dirt from aiding the efforts and the riolu leads Bruno to them."Mistress! Boss! I have brought Master Bruno. Please Boss. I shall endeavor to be worthy of your notice and no longer shall I-"Bruno blinks as the taller of the girls turn around. Pink hair and a familiar presence of safety tells him this is a Joy, if young. The green haired girl with the charmeleon leans down to rub the riolu's ears and talk silently with them."Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?"Bruno blinks a bit at that. "Do I-""Did you promise Ella Mita you'd come and train Liza here?" A finger is in his face as the Joy glares up at him."Yes.""She asked me to be here to set up a Center after she met you. Its behind me. How did you get here after me?" Bruno does not quite appreciate the tone but it is a valid question."I walked straight to-""You walked straight. Not through the helpfully quick routes. You walked straight." There is anger now."Yes.""And you are Bruno yes? Giant man. Learning martial arts. Respected for your discipline?"Bruno senses a trap but answers honestly. "Yes."What seems like a minute has passed and Bruno can't help but notice that who is likely Liza has retreated with her partners. No. Instead they are directing more of the construction. Amazingly, even to Bruno, the charizard perk up and listen to her without fail. Perhaps she is worthy of training.Bruno makes the mistake of missing what the Joy says."So now you aren't listening to me. Fine! You get to do the fun work. Do you have strong pokémon?" Her tone is sharp. It reminds him of his mother when he did something particularly stupid. Youth. Hn."Strong is a relativ-""Do. You. Have. Strong. Pokémon?" Bruno wonders if his teeth are going to rot from the sweetness in the tone. It is not pleasant."...yes.""Well then! Splendid. Since you and your team waited so long to arrive I've had to whip everyone into shape myself. As the bottom of the rung you get to drag our materials from the base of the Valley all the way up. Like we've been doing. For days. Without you. Our physical trainer. Don't worry. Even if the path is covered in rock and thus unable to be helped by cart, you get to walk straight up and down. Just like you wanted yes?"Perhaps he should have gone the road often traveled this time. The Joy turns from him with a parting shot. "And get some fucking shoes on! There are nails everywhere! Idiot.""See! Now I can return. The Boss has someone else to take her anger out on….Please Mistress. Lets go back to training with the charizard. It was far more painful but infinitely less frightening.""….."

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