
Chapter 41 Making A Bomb is Actually possible?

Ariana scooped up a handful of the material from the riverbed and held it up to the sunlight.

The substance was unlike the sand and pebbles they were used to; it was smooth and pliable, with a distinct earthy aroma.

Seeing Ariana's curiosity, Jessica and Layla waded closer, creating ripples in the water with each step.

"What did you find?" Jessica asked as they approached.

"Look!" Ariana exclaimed, holding up the dark, gray material.

The substance was slightly gritty to the touch but still moldable, like dough. It left a residue on her fingers, making her wonder what it could be.

"What is that?" Layla questioned, peering closely at the material in Ariana's hands.

Jessica extended her hand, eager to feel what she was holding. As she squeezed it, she noticed how unusually pliable it was, unlike any mud she had ever encountered.

"It feels like mud," she remarked, feeling perplexed by its texture.

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