
31. We looked at the abyss and saw too much.

Jake and Rose was in their dream date. It was Paris but in a Van Gogh style landscape where they were enjoying crepes. Jake suddenly shakes his head sideways as if he was trying to get something out of his ears. Rose asked with concern," Still can't remember those blurry memories?" " I don't get it you and I both went into my subconscious but apart from the memories of my shenanigans with the Uchrono hourglass there is some form of intangible mist in those specific memories and if I try to interact with those mists in any way nothing happens except I get a headache." Said Jake.

" Perhaps those bits are something that is not meant to be seen by you yet." Said Rose. " Well, enough about my foggy memories tell me something about your first memories." Said Jake. My parents died right after I was born. The first thing I remember is lying on the huntscrib and crying out for her huntsnanny to change my huntsdiaper." Said Rose. Jake in order to steer the conversation and said," On a less depressing note,these dream crêpes are delicious." Jake and Rose had fun in their dream dates and during the Hawaii date before Rose could confess her love for Jake he woke up due to alarm of 8:19.

Jake was late for school and Rotwood said," Mr. Long today was the latest example of your growing hit parade of tardies. Care to explain?" Before Jake could say anything Rotwood slammed the wooden ruler at his desk and yelled," Silence!!! As much as I would like to fail you and hold you back for one year at 7th grade new school policy stipulates that I give you chance at extra credits. So, I will take a written exam on one of the best minds in human history."

" Very well, which one?" Asked Jake. " That information will stay in my noggin." Said Rotwood smugly. " Okay, then how do you expect me to pass?" Asked Jake while knowing the answer in his mind. " That's the thing Mr. Long. I don't." Replied Rotwood and he started giving an evil laugh which in every aspect sounded more like a evil witch's laugh.

Jake and Trixie were breaking their noggin trying to study history and biology respectively while Spud was making a puddle of drool on the table. Both of them are really envious of Spud I mean who wouldn't perfect grades, photographic memory and a never quitting attitude towards what he wants to achieve. I mean he literally proposes to Stacey everyday despite being treated like the patient zero for Black plague.

Trixie finally couldn't stand the snoring and finally yelled," Quite your snoring Spud, I ain't asked for a spit shine." " Ugh, what?" Said the awake Spud and then he yelled," Oh,no!! How could I sleep in the library without my library supplies?" Spud took out a flask containing hot cocoa, put on a sleep mask, a neck pillow and started sleeping. At that moment suddenly a lightbulb lit up above Jake's head and Jake quickly left the library.

Jake after completing his dragon duties for the evening finally went to sleep and met up with Rose. Jake and Rose went on a hot air balloon ride over Tokyo city.


Jake was absent minded which was noticed by Rose and she said teasingly," Hey, no off topic daydreaming during our dream date." " Huh, sorry it's Rotwood it's just I wish I could enter his noggin and get the answers to his make up test because he won't tell me the topic." Rose smiled and said," Your wish is my command, oh great dragon."

Jake was about to laugh but suddenly Rose pelled of a piece of the background which revealed a hallway filled with doors. Rose said," Hop in." As she extended her hand which was taken by Jake and he was pulled in by Rose. Rose in order to add a little drama made a welcoming gesture and said," Welcome to the dream corridor. Where all dreams meet."

" Rose, how did you find this place." Asked Jake with wonder. " I had a lot of opportunities to explore at the huntsclan academy because either it was doing this or chatting with other girls till late night on how to get dragon blood out of blouses." They explored for some time and finally found the door to Rotwood's subconscious.

They travelled through the various layers of Rotwood's subconscious and finally reached the very depths of his mind where the test questions were guarded by a baby Rotwood who burped directly on Rose's face which disgusted her. As they were about to leave they were attacked by a creature with a lion's head in the middle, a goat's on the right and a cobra's on the left. It had the upper body of a humanoid lion possessing clawed hands, its legs had cloven hooves like a goat and it had a long scaly tail resembling that of a snake. Which turned out to be a chimera.

Jake and Rose was able to fight it off and get out of Rotwood's subconscious but Jake forgot to close the door to Rotwood's subconscious.

Jonathan's dream:

Jonathan's mind is a hellscape for anyone visiting because of the bizzare scenes Jonathan plays in his mind for mental defence. In today's dream of improbability Jonathan is a Ultramarine fighting off unending hordes of rainbow coloured Tyranids with a broken frypan while debating Dakka philosophy with Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka and at that moment a three headed dark red bastard breaks in which instantly caused a pause on all sides.

That thing starts to roar in a fatal attempt to get a reaction out of us and a reaction it gets but not the one it wants. Ghazghkull open fired on it while the Tyranids want to harvest its biomass and I take out Crimson Judgement and bonked it's middle head which doesn't regenerate and it quickly flees.

Ghazghkull asked," Oi umie what's that fing? No brutal no cunnin. Grots are more cunnin an brutal than that fing." " That's probably the chimera that escaped from Rotwood's subconscious and it will cause hellish nightmares on whoever's subconscious it can enter." I replied.

" Good fing ol' bale eye ain't ere proly would shoot it for herisi or sumthing." Said Ghazghkull. Both us just laughed it off and I woke up. I saw Susan struggling and I hugged her tight so that she can feel a little comfortable.

The next day:

Everyone woke up in the morning not due to the sound of alarm clock but due to the sound of things crashing and people cursing. The noise was so loud that it reached the 149th floor waking everyone up. Susan while was tired and a little irritated but she wasn't as cranky as in the original timeline. She tried to lash out but Jonathan hugged her making her break down into tears because she felt guilty as she was about snap on the love of her life.

Jonathan simply kissed Susan on the forehead and took her to his lab and put her in a Tessarect vault with normal flow of time and disconnected her mind from the dream corridor using a Electro psionic chi jammer which was reverse engineered from stolen huntsclan tech and later improved by Jonathan.

Susan starts to sleep peacefully. Jonathan goes up as he must cook breakfast for his children. When Jonathan came to the kitchen both Jake and Haley rushed to him and said in unison," Dad, is mom okay?" Jonathan while making breakfast replied," She had horrifying nightmares so she woke up cranky. Don't worry, she's sleeping and I will call her employees to take the day off."

Instead of taking the car or the pickup truck I took out the M2 Bradley fighting vehicle that I purchased a week ago. All of it's armour has been replaced with Nano crystalline Titanium alloy making it near indestructible while in it's weapons hard point carried a retractable heavy Gauss cannon usually hidden and also storm bolters at the sides facing front and back which are also hidden.

I had to plough through streets filled with crashed cars and quarrelling pedestrians. My horn is my own design which can make any sound I decide. The sound it made was, " Standing on the street is gay." Turns out 99% of people have a hardwired instinct of identifying and avoiding anything related to homosexuality. Well, I reached both of our children's school and yes the M2 Bradley did raise a lot of eyebrows but who's gonna say anything to me?

Millard Fillmore Middle School:

Everyone was cranky except Rotwood because he is always cranky. Jake with everyone went to study at the library and at that moment Rose came running and said," Jake!! I know why everyone is on such a bad mood today. Remember the chimera we saw at Rotwood's subconscious? We must have freed it." " Oh please Rose, the words Jake and mistake don't rhyme. Okay they do but you get the point."

Rose raised her right eyebrow and asked," Did you lock the door to Rotwood's mind?" Jake was about to say yes and raised his finger but suddenly remembered he didn't. Jake sighed, took out a box of tissue which he offered to everyone and said," For your ears. Y'all gonna need it."

Canal Street Electronics:

The entire shop was shaking due to the fury of one old, short Chinese grandpa. Lao Shi was screaming so hard in Chinese that every single thing in the shop was shaking and Jake was the unmovable bulwark against the verbal assault for his friends and all of them had tissue stuffed in their ears and they were glad that they did. Lao Shi yelled," Jake!!!!! Have you learnt nothing about the consequences of cheating from the previous year."

Jake just rubbed his neck and gave a weak laugh. " Me and gramps are gonna make a magical snare which you can use to trap the chimera but it's gonna take some time also go someplace else if you all wanna get some shut eye." Said Fu while doing his alchemy work. " So, anyone up for a slumber party?" Asked Jake.

Long Tower:

Long Tower has 10 floors dedicated to employees residence. Only problem is that there are no employees living because Jonathan doesn't need employees. So, the kids asked for a big room which they can use for a sleepover and Jonathan gave them a room under the condition that J.A.R.V.I.S can supervise them which they agreed.

Night fell and all of them fell asleep while holding the dream charms. All of them quickly came out of their subconscious minds and a chimera and dragon chase ensued in the dream corridor and Jake also peeked at Brad Morton's subconscious where he saw Brad in a pink ballerina dress and wearing a silver tiara dancing ballet while saying," Dance pretty pretty."

Finally they arrived at Lao Shi's subconscious to get the snare and they saw a hip hop Lao Shi dancing at a disco party wearing an afro. They finally got the snare and made way towards Spud's subconsciousness and the snare was lost at the Spudson river where a spudken possessed it and Jake went to retrieve it while Rose took the chimera through her subconscious mind and there she discovered that her parents didn't die rather the huntsclan took her away from her parents.

She led the monster out of her subconscious but the monster abruptly stopped in front of what looked like a futuristic sliding door and on top of it was a name which was glitching and had no space between them but it read ' JONATHAN KEYES.'


The monster was scanned by the panel and the door opened with a hiss and white mist escaped from the bottom. The monster's faces had an expression of ecstasy and it entered through it. As Rose tried to enter the door it closed. Rose tried her best to enter this person's subconscious but the door won't budge. Jake with the snare came with Spud, Trixie and Lao Shi. Lao Shi came because he was worried. Rose said," The chimera went through this futuristic door and the door won't budge." Lao Shi came forward and examined the door. After some time his expression became pale as he muttered," Impossible!!"

" What's wrong, G?" Asked Jake. " This door belongs to a person named Jonathan Keyes but as you can see that name is glitching and the door has advanced security and that means whoever is the owner of this door has an unnatural amount of control over his mind including his subconscious mind. Usually people who hold world shaking secrets or a quest of vengeance or something or someone to protect mixed with an indomitable will are able to lock down their subconscious mind like this.

As for why the chimera was granted access it was probably to kill it. All we can do is wait." Said Lao Shi. Suddenly the security panel scanned everyone present the door opened and it chimed," JACOB LUKE LONG AND ROSALINE 'ROSE' JONES ENTER WITHIN 15 SECONDS." Jake and Rose both looked at each other and simply nodded their head and they entered through the door of Jonathan Keyes's subconscious mind.

Both of them found themselves floating in the dark apart from themselves and each other they couldn't see anything and suddenly there was a flash of light. They were looking at what seemed like a baby in a crib. Then they saw how every want since childhood was suppressed in his heart due to financial constraints, how he had to stop studying science because he couldn't afford it, they saw how he met the love of his life and saw his two children being born, they saw how his family died gruesomely at the hands of some rainbow coloured freaks and then they saw 24 year long carnage of a enraged father and husband and they saw how he died after killing the killers of his family.

Suddenly everything went white and there was a dark silhouette holding the mangled up corpse of the chimera. The dark shadow materialised a door and rumbled," Take this thing and leave." He threw the chimera which Jake sucked in the magical snare. Before Rose could leave the shadow put his thumb on Rose's forehead and left.

They came out and the door simply disappeared. Lao Shi asked," What did you two see?" Both of them replied in unison," We looked at the abyss and saw too much." " Let us leave everyone." Said Lao Shi. All of them left the dream corridor taking away the corpse of the chimera. All of them woke up while Jake and Rose had a serious craving of Chocolate milk which was plenty of stocked in the fridge of Long residence.

After Rotwood's Test:

" Mr. Long, how did you do it? How do you know me so well? I mean winning the golden beagle from Baumschtieken university as a devilishly handsome and physically fit person for my discovery of magical creatures might be known to you but how did you know that my mother was a seamstress?" Asked Rotwood in disbelief.

" Don't forget the essay I wrote about your odd shaped elbows and how you smell like wet pigskin for extra credit." Said Jake absentmindedly. While Rotwood was having an existential crisis Jake simply walked away.

Jonathan Pov:

" Damn, who knew Occlumency mixed with my indomitable will would give me precise control over my subconscious mind. Well, hope that information is useful to Rose." Said Jonathan to himself.

Next chapter