

I'm truly a patron saint of my family for I just killed a pet sphinx cat named Yan-Yan of a little girl named Olivia Meers. Well, the history is kind of old. My daughter took Fu dog and Betah Null for show and tell. Seriously, I need to talk to Hayley about her narcissism.

She literally craves attention like a drug. She always wants to out stage her big brother but then again it's kind of our fault for giving her too much attention and neglecting Jake. Fu dog got the lucky coin and that fleshy feline abomination will not bother him ever again after all their fights just causes problems for humans. I mean their fight literally caused the leaning tower of Pisa to lean and so many more events were caused by their fights. Now me and Susan are currently sitting in front of Jake and Haley.

Jake & Haley Pov:

Dad is sitting in front of us with his eyes shut and mom doesn't know anything either. Haley is sitting with her perfect smile plastered on her face which is the sign of her self assurance that she can't be in trouble. Dad opened his eyes and his eyes had a chilling sensation.

Dad finally said," Haley we need to talk." Haley's smile fades and she for the first time since Jake could remember looked like she was in trouble." Haley you are narcissistic and crave attention. In order to fulfill your needs you don't hesitate to humiliate your elder brother. Granted you're more academically gifted than your older brother but if you fail to be a good human being what's the point of your academic excellence?"

" I uh.. I'm. Uh." Stammered Haley as she was clearly caught off guard by the sudden reprimand. " Well, it's also our fault as well. I mean we always gave you the best of the best because we considered you the best choice to invest our resources. We sent you to the best elementary school in New York where you are the most excellent in all academics but unfortunately for your character development that place is the worst. Constant mingling with rich kids has created a severe case of narcissism in you. Tell, me Haley what's the point of you being a talented artist if you cannot see the bigger picture? Today you make fun of your brother tomorrow you will make fun of the poor and unfortunate. So, I have decided after finishing this year in your current school I will transfer you to Millard Fillmore Elementary School and no it's not up for debate."

Haley looked dazed and finally said with a genuine smile while shedding tears of happiness," Thanks daddy. Finally you understood me. It was annoying you know to hold back the urge to punch them. When you were a simple salary man my classmates used to mock you so I tried to out-stage them and make you proud but I lost everything that made me myself and I was addicted to attention just like those rich kids. I have no meaningful friends unlike Jake who has two best friends but I don't even have friends. When you became rich I was actually scared that you would make me do things like extra piano and violin classes, no more TV time and only have disappointment etched in your face all the time like my classmates parents. When you became a tech tycoon my classmates and their parents started flattering me in order to make connections with you and seeing their hypocrisy I wanted to punch them right in the face but I wanted to be a goody two shoes all time so I didn't reject them rather elegantly avoided the topic altogether which did end up giving them the wrong impression. I'm sick of that place. I'm sorry for everything."

I noticed the sincerity through her facial expressions, her brainwaves and her mind. Yes, I sprinkled some temporary mind probing nanites in the air after all I don't want to have to get her out of prison when she grows up and for that even if I have to reconstruct her mind so be it.

Haley said," Jake, I'm sorry for everything I ever said to you." " Chill, Haley I always knew that you had my back. No prob." Said Jake and hugged his sister. I got up and said," Jake I'm sorry for not doing anything earlier for you." Jake let Haley go from his embrace and then hugged me and said," Dad, you did do something for me and it was spending time with me. It was me who didn't spend enough time with you." Haley and Susan also joined us father and son in our hug. " Well, the heavy stuff is over and it's time to go and talk with your principal, Haley."

Me and Susan reached Haley's school and met with the principal. She continuously pointed out that she is a truly gifted student and their school will be the best place to turn Haley into a person worthy of the upper class. I replied to the principal," There is no class system in America. Also, brilliance never needs guidance, for brilliance guides itself."

This effectively shut up the principal and she prepared the transfer certificate for next year.

Rose Pov:

Rose is currently training at the huntsclan base and it's a 10 Vs.1 match. Her skills have become even more impressive after training with Jake and Lao Shi. 10 huntschump? No problem!!! " Well done huntsgirl, you can now participate in this year's Grand Equinox Hunt but you must capture the American dragon so you may be able to hunt it in the main event. Of course anyone participating can hunt the dragon." Said Huntsmaster.

" Yes, master." Replied Rose. That monster's nuts were so close and only one kick can reverse that skull wearing freak's gender for all eternity but Rose finally restrained herself after all revenge can wait but she must figure out how they plan to destroy all magical creatures in one fell swoop.

She exits the training room and makes way towards the teleporter and her destination is the alley at the back of Canal Street Electronics after all it's time for her date Ahem! I mean part time job. She pushed through the crowd of customers who were queuing mostly in front of the modification counter and there were barely any people at the Tech support counter.

Jake was doing the harmonious sweeping with a hint of complaints and she must say that it has become muscle memory for Jake. I mean perfect circles of yin-yang every time Jake mops the floor is just incredible. Rose makes way towards them and said," Hey guys, we need to talk." Gramps, the grand equinox hunt is about to begin and I'm tasked with capturing Jake. So, Jake I might taunt you a lot for a few days and no matter what happens don't follow me at all."

" But Rose that will get you in trouble. After all the grand equinox hunt never had a fixed timeframe. It has happened randomly at any time of the year which has resulted in many magical creatures and dragons being killed over the years. If Jake suddenly starts avoiding you then it will look suspicious." Said Lao Shi with genuine concern.

" Eh, they will probably send me back to the huntsclan academy in order to teach huntsclan trainees but there will be chances to prove my worth which will grant me the same meager amount of freedom I currently have." Jake's heart tightened as he asked with sorrow in his voice," Rose, just how hard of a life have you lived?"

Rose doesn't reply just smiled brightly which meant that she was grateful for the things she had. Jake just gently embraced her and assured her by saying," Don't worry we will find a way and everything is going to be fine." " What did I do to deserve such a caring boyfriend like you?" Asked Rose in a happy voice.

" Well, let's see. You're very beautiful, always filled with hope, plenty of kindness in you despite being raised by racist murderers, always cheerful and sociable. Did I say pretty?" Rose let out a hearty laugh and said," Yes!" And she continued to laugh. The day was spent in happiness.

Huntsmaster Pov:

Huntsmaster was having a headache because the entire golden triangle (The Golden Triangle includes parts of Burma, China, Laos, and Thailand. It provides ideal conditions for opium cultivation, which began during the 16th and 17th centuries.) has been razed to the ground including its personnel and what's worse what fell there was actually a plane carrying some kind of rocket fuel and a special weed killer chemical which if applied doesn't let certain kinds of plants grow in the applied area.

The entire place has been set ablaze by the explosion and the same explosion spread the weed killer chemical at the entire golden triangle making that place permanently unsuitable for opium cultivation hell even common house dope can't be grown there anymore. After the fall of their human trafficking rings and now the largest opium cultivation plants have been destroyed resulting in a financial crisis never seen in Huntsclan history.

They had set their sights on Long Technologies trying to acquire it through various ways such as hacking, kidnapping family members or death threats but after every attempt one of the huntsclan's income sources got eliminated and what's worse are those weird high-tech soldiers who bear no insignia which in turn hides their allegiance making them near impossible to track in simpler words for the first time since the establishment of the huntsclan it is not the order of dragons that are causing problems but rather a mysterious force that has put them in the most embarrassing crisis in existence which is the financial crisis.

If they try to compete in the same market as Long Technologies what awaits them is crushing defeat. In the future it's uncertain if there will even be cigarettes anywhere except the museum. It's like the entire huntsclan is being hunted by a predatory organisation and what's worse they steal the dragon birthmark babies they stole. ( Yeah, they are actually necessary for the balance of the world.)

3rd person Pov :

After the cat & mouse chase Rose caught Jake. Jake was put in an armoured truck which carried a female giant who has smelly feet, a brownie with anger issues, a leprechaun with very bad luck and a mermaid who hates water. They were tied up using unicorn chains and Rose somehow took the key from the huntschump and discreetly dropped them in front of Jake.

Little did they know Jonathan was waiting for them to finish their work so that he could start his own hunt. Jonathan was not wearing any special equipment just a Kevlar sleeveless vest in which he kept 550 mil-spec parachord, a plain black combat knife and steel wires, had chemo face paint on his face and he was perfectly blended with the night. While Rose was able to get the key for individual cuffs but she wasn't able to get the key for the link chain because it was with the huntsmaster.

The rattle of the chain caused the huntsclan to wake up and they started the grand equinox hunt little did they know this would be a hunt that will be remembered as The Grand Equinox Massacre by the huntsclan for the remaining duration of its existence.


In order to increase the pressure on huntsgirl huntsmaster increased the number of participants from 15 to 50. After all due to resource constraints it has been decided that a path of elitism will be taken where one Elite hunter will be able to take on both the responsibilities and opponents of one hundred regular hunters.

The rejects will be used as free labour and guards in various surviving businesses and bases around the world. From an impressive 3000 base of operations, 1000 training facilities, 1000 equipment production and research facilities and 600 huntsclan academies only 200 base of operations, 5 training facilities, 50 production and research facilities and 100 huntsclan academies remain operational.

From financial constraints to raiding of the unknowns the huntsclan can barely maintain the current number of bases and academies. All of these bases are located at the American continent limiting their operations and funding also those unknowns loot the equipment as well as the precious babies and their information files both the physical copies and digital copies.

Let's just hope that some good hunters can be selected. At that moment the huntsmaster heard a weird sound and he sent three of his escorts to the direction of the sound. Ten minutes passed but no one came back so he went there in person to check after moving for a while a disgusting smell hit his nostrils resulting in him letting out a snort unconsciously.

The sound started to become clear and it sounded like an argument and the content became clear. " DUCK SEASON!! RABBIT SEASON!!! DUCK SEASON!!! RABBIT SEASON!!!!! " Finally the huntsmaster founded the source of the noise. It was an old black and white television where a cartoonish duck and rabbit were ripping off posters while screaming the content of the posters and finally a poster came which said in bold characters," HUNTSCLAN SEASON." At that moment two thick wooden stakes flew out from somewhere and impaled his two escorts at the head and the television ( Picture of the TV 📺) felt at the back where broken static words were still being muttered," H...HUUU..HUN...HUNTS....CL...AAAN SEASON."

Huntsmaster made his way towards the place where the TV fell and his pupils shrank. He saw a pit filled with wooden stakes which were covered in what he was assuming was rotten shit and the three previous lackeys he sent were pinned in that pit and they have been long since dead. His five lackeys were dead and he was the only people alive in the group of six including him that he brought.

Rose was pretending to be hunting but her neural signals were being controlled by Johnathan to make certain that she didn't hit any traps or ended up in a kill zone. Jonathan was checking the status while he slit the throat of a huntschump.

Jake Pov:

Jake tried his best to train this group of misfits but he had little luck but the huntsclan has found them and Jake is currently captured and he is about to be slayed. Then the huntschump was interrupted by a sudden question. The leprechaun asked in his Irish accent," Is there a dress code? Because all of me clothes are at the cleaners." He tossed his golden coin in the air resulting in it falling to the undesired side which activated his bad luck and multiple huntschumps were electrocuted by the thunder. The female giant used her smelly feet to knock out seven huntschump and the mermaid finally learnt to swim and washed away a few more chumps while the brownie used a rock slide to bury the rest of the huntschumps.

Jake flew up and used his fire breath to provide air cover but suddenly a bolas hit Jake and tied him to a tree a huntschump was about to finish but suddenly a knife penetrated his head finishing the huntschump's life. A figure whose features were obscured by the darkness of the night came to the dead huntschump and took out the knife and made his way towards Jake.

Jake in his panic shot a few fireballs but they were easily dodged by the mysterious man. Jake was preparing for his end and he was thanking his loved ones for everything they had done for him in his mind. Jake shut his eyes and waited for the upcoming end but he felt no pain and suddenly he heard a friction sound and saw the unknown person cutting his bindings and set him free. Jake said awkwardly," Um, thanks and sorry for shooting fire balls at you." The mysterious man just nodded in affirmative and left.

Huntsmaster Pov:

Huntsmaster was running at full speed as he was able to call a huntscopter to pick him up. He felt it, for this year's grand equinox hunt it was not the magical creatures who were the prize rather the huntsclan who were the prize. Steel wire traps slicing off heads, swinging log traps smashing the unfortunate souls in the middle, 550 parachord traps choking hunters to death, hailstorm of wooden stakes impaling hunters and the shit covered pit traps with impaled hunters while flies buzzed created a scene that made Moose River Plains Wild Forest seem like a hell on earth.

48 hunters died in front of him. He must at least get huntsgirl, for she is the huntsmaster's last hope for being able to hold on to any semblance of power and currently his life. Huntsmaster finally found Rose after nearly giving up hope and he just ordered her to follow him. They finally boarded the huntscopter and the huntsmaster showed the footage of his bodycam to Rose and uploaded it at the huntsclan network.

Rose using her watch sent a message explaining what happened and said that she might not be able to attend Millard Fillmore High School for the time being and she also said that she left something to Principal Derceto for Jake.

3rd person Pov:

Lao Shi came to pick up Jake and his companions along with the dragon council but all they found was bloody pits and trees. No sign of any bodies but they concluded by sensing the pheromones of humans in the air that at least 40+ people died here.

Jake didn't care much about it and made way towards the Principal's office in order to get what Rose left behind for him and it was a framed picture of the two of them from their Prom dance. Jake hugged the picture and silently shed tears. Jake vowed that he will find Rose even if he had to search till the ends of the earth.

Jonathan Pov:

Jonathan is looking through the surveillance cameras of the huntsclan. The entire huntsclan council was gloomy after watching what happened at the American grand equinox hunt as it ended in failure. Because this is the only grand equinox hunt they were able to arrange this year due to the financial crisis their losses were immense but the huntsmaster wasn't blamed but Rose came under scrutiny and she was denied of her freedom to go to the outside world.

She had to stay at the huntsclan academy and train the trainees as punishment for her supposed negligence in duty. Jonathan vowed that he will support Rose in achieving her wish.

Storyplot of Season 1 is over. So, the story will go on a break in order to work on the season 2 segment.

Next chapter