
Girl’s Power, Marron vs Goten

The Tenkaichi Budokai begins at last.

The youth division where Goten and Trunks were participating started before the main tournament.

With most of their opponent being normal kids, all four of them were able to beat them with one hit.

Goten, Trunks and Bra don't even need to hit them physically to beat them as they could just throw punches that could produce enough shockwaves to knock the kids out of the ring.

Apart from one person. Marron.

Marron was the youngest among all of them.

Not only that she was also the weakest by quite a margin.

Being the weakest among Goten, Trunks and Bra is not a bad accomplishment but the gap is still there.

"Haa." She kicked a boy called Ikose in the stomach and knocked him out with one hit.

"Knock out. Marron wins." The announcer said.

"I might be able to beat her with 2% of my power," Goten said as he looked at Marron from a place not very far away.

Marron also noticed that Goten was looking at her.


It didn't take long for the match between Goten and Marron to take place in the semi-finals.

After all, they beat all their opponents with one hit making the fights extremely fast-paced.

The two kinds got onto the stage.

Goten was six years old and Marron was three.

I should hold back. Goten thought as he looked at Marron who was not only younger than him but also a normal human.

"Please go easy on me." She said.

"I will, but I am not planning on losing," Goten replied.

"And begins." With the announcement, Marron rushed towards Goten.

She then tried to punch and kick him with her little legs and hands.

Not only her power level is much lower than his she also has shorter limbs.

Making her unable to dominate Goten even though he was not using even 5% of his full power in base form.

She is surprisingly strong. I wonder If she is using turtle style like her father? Goten thought as he looked at Krillin who was in the audience stand.

Goten's mind was wandering all over the place during the fight showing that he is not taking her seriously.

Should I just give up? It seems like he is not even trying. She thought in her mind.

18 also noticed that Goten was not even trying when he fought her daughter.

"Ah. Memories." Chichi said.

"What do you mean by that?" Bulma asked her.

"Remember when Goku and I fought in the tournament? He was not even trying and was able to knock me out with just an air fist. I don't know why but this fight reminds me of that moment." Chichi said to Bulma.

"Ah. I forgot that you also fought in the tournament." Bulma said as she remembered the moment that Chichi was talking about.

"Ahh. How romantic." Mai who was also with Bulma and Chichi to cheer for Trunks commented.

"Goten is going too easy on her. He should have already knocked her out of the ring." Trunks who were watching the fight on the TV said.

He was in the waiting room where fighters were placed before their fight.

"...." Bra didn't say anything and just watched the fight.


I should finish this. Goten thought as he decided to start fighting back.

But when he prepared to attack her she used an attack that Goten was not expecting.

"Solar Flare." She said as a huge light covered the whole ring.

Goten was taken off guard by it as he was not expecting her to know or use that technique.

Because of this, he was blinded by her leaving him open to attacks for a few seconds.

"Now. Use it." Krillin yelled out from the stands.

"You can do it, Marron." 18 also cheered.

The crowd becomes wild because of an unexpected situation.


"Kamehameha." She yelled out.

A beam. Goten thought as he decided to tank the ki blast but instead, he was hit in the stomach by something.

It was her head. She used the Kamehameha as a propeller that allowed her to headbutt Goten instead of a direct beam attack.

She knew she would not be able to harm Goten, even if her Kamehameha was ten times stronger than it originally was.

So she decided to use it as a method to knock him out of the ring and make him lose by knock-out instead of defeating him head-on.

It would have worked if she was stronger but the problem is that even without using Super Saiyan, Goten was multiple leagues above her.

He tanked her attack head-on without any injuries and just simply threw her out of the ring immediately after it was over.

It was kind of anti-climatic and Goten beat her without any noticeable injuries but it was to be expected.

Goten was still surprised by her battle intelligence, especially since she was only three years old.

"Contestant Marron is out of bounds. Goten will be attending the finals." The announcer said.

"Are you Okay?" Goten said as he helped Marron get up.

She nodded. She looked like she was about to cry because of her humiliating loss.


Phew. He won. Thank god he was not eliminated because of his carelessness. Bra thought as she felt relief after Goten won.

She was also happy that Marron did not suffer any major injuries after the fight.

"Marron is really strong. I was not expecting her to have that kind of technique. If only we had not participated in the tournament she would have won the whole thing easily." Trunks said.

However, the two of them realized that it was not the time to be happy about Goten's victory as they have to fight each other in the semi-finals.

Trunks was confident about his victory as although he knew Bra was strong he had become much stronger after creating a new technique.

He believed his new technique to be the key to defeat Goten.

Bra was also confident about herself. She knew Trunks was weaker than Goten and she believed she was stronger than Goten.

Of course, she has never seen Goten going all out unlike Trunks so her evaluation of Goten is not as good as Trunks.

But she was already stronger than Android 18 who trained her so her confidence was not something that came out of nothing.

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