
A Very Cold Night Part 3

He quickly turned the bodies into pills, pushing the nagging thoughts from his mind.

The faster they became pills, the easier it was to push the guilt away

He knew it was petty, this twisted reasoning, but in a situation like this, where morality couldn't be afforded, he had to grasp onto whatever he could to keep his mind from breaking, even if it was just a small piece of his sanity.

Next, he focused on the power room. He didn't forget to gather the clothes and tools scattered around, just in case someone walked in.

With a quick glance around, he pushed open the door, the creak of the hinges barely audible. 

Stepping inside, his eyes adjusted to the dim light. In the far corner, the large power breaker was mounted on the wall, just as he'd hoped.

Places like this required heavy-duty equipment to handle the massive amount of power being used. A standard breaker wouldn't hold up under that kind of pressure.

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