
Chapter 149: A War of Shadows


Mid-morning passed slowly, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation.

The rebels kept watch, their eyes trained on the forest trails, awaiting any signs of the Orkish forces.

Dabi felt his heart race with each passing moment, his senses heightened as he strained to listen for distant sounds.

Finally, just after noon, the first scouts spotted movement in the trees. "Orcs!" one of the rebels shouted, breaking the tense silence. "They're coming!"

Dabi's pulse quickened as he rallied the rebels, positioning them along the prepared defenses.

"Get into position! Remember the plan!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Don't forget our goal. We must follow the plan.

As the Orkish forces approached, Dabi felt the weight of the moment settle over him.

This was it the culmination of their hard work and determination.

Next chapter