
chpater 12

Chapter Text


That was certainly the first word that came into my mind as we passed through the gatehouse and took our first steps into the ancient city of Rome. Men, women, and children of all ages were walking and running about. Shopkeepers called out to their fellow Romans, pitching their lines about having the finest or rarest wares in the city, be it clothing, food, or other items. A sense of normality seemed to pervade in the atmosphere all around us as Nero's soldiers dispersed in various directions, soon leaving us alone with the Emperor of Roses.

Even if only for the moment, I could feel my spirits rise. It was truly a welcome relief to see a city acting like, well, a city, especially after the constant and consistent sights of death and destruction in towns like La Charité and Lyon, when we were in France, or the burning city of Fuyuki back in Singularity F. Turning my head slightly, I could see that I wasn't the only one in our party taken in by the sights and sounds all around us.

Marie's eyes were bright, gleaming with awe and excitement as she swivels her head so rapidly it was a wonder that she couldn't turn it a full 360 degrees. This must feel almost divine for the Flower of Versailles, who had told Ritsuka and I that she was always eager to learn and experience new things. Next to her, Jeanne's expression bordered that of dumbstruck, a reminder of her humble childhood. I couldn't help but wonder how she would react if she ever got the chance to visit on of the major cities back home in America, like New York, or Las Vegas.

Nero's chest was puffed out, hands on her hips as she watched our various reactions with a pleased glint in her green eyes. "Umu! Take a good look and be struck with awe!" Nero proclaimed, and I couldn't find myself to find her boasting to be unnecessary, both as her status as the ruler of these lands and as a source of pride for the Roman. "This is my city, a glorious regime that even young girls extol!"

Next to her, Ritsuka nodded his head in agreement. "The city does seem incredibly vibrant!" My fellow Master gushed, wide-eyed, with an equally awe-struck Mash nodding in agreement with her Master. Nero laughed softly as she wove a hand slightly.

"Yes, yes, didn't I tell you? After all, this is the greatest city in the world!" Nero declared, and again, in her defense, she wasn't wrong. Granted, she didn't know what the cities in the far east were like, so as far as she knew, this was the unassailable truth. Nero motioned towards us to follow her, and we did so, listening to the petite blonde all the while. "First, there was Septem Montes—such words exist like so," Nero said, mentioning the seven hills around Rome. "And that's where it all started. Our glorious history began with out ancestors and those hills." And murder and death. A lot of murder and death. Suddenly, Nero came to a stop, looking eagerly at a stall that was selling apples and other fresh fruit. "And—hey, shopkeeper, I'm taking one of these apples."

I blinked at her actions, and the owner looked up suddenly, a standard-looking smile on the elderly-looking man's face. "Welcome to my…" the man began to say before realizing who he was addressing. His eyes almost bugled out of their sockets as his jaw dropped down, and he bowed slightly. "Oh! Your Majesty! Please, take as you wish. Glory to the Emperor and Rome!" Nero smiled affectionately as the man stood back up, though standing a bit stiffly if I was honest.

"Shopkeeper, you don't have to be so stiff," she said gently as she grabbed a bright red apple and took a delicate bite out of it. Swallowing, she nodded in approval. "Yes, yes, this is a delicious apple," she said, turning to Mash. "Why don't you take one too? We're returning from war, so no need to worry about bad manners. Sweet fruit does wonder for battle fatigue. My wounds won't be healed by it, but my motivation will!" Nero said cheerfully before taking another bite from the apple she held. The Demi-Servant shook her head slightly.

"Oh, no thank you," she politely declined the offer. "But I appreciate the gesture," she added with an equally-polite smile. Nero nodded, before looking at Ritsuka.

"Then how about that man over there?" She asked, picking up a second apple and holding it out to my fellow Master. "They're delicious, don't be shy." Ritsuka gingerly took the apple before biting into it, a satisfied look emerging on his face as he chewed.

"Thank you," he said after swallowing, while Nero finished off her apple. Nero's attention must have been focused on my fellow Master, as she had barely taken any notice of me. In all honesty, considering how I was feeling, I was fine with that.

"Ah, that was a wonderful apple. Umu. Once again, I must say that I like you. While I don't know of this 'Chaldea' that you have spoken of, I cant ell that you are all good and honest people," she said. Mash's commlink chimed at that moment, and the Demi-Servant activated it, allowing Doctor Roman to address our erstwhile ally.

"It's a relief to hear you say that, Emperor Nero. It might be the best for you to think of us as simply a mage and his pupils." His very many pupils, then. Nero hummed in thought before nodding.

"Is that so? Then let's forget this confusing talk of Masters and Servants. You are the mage's pupils, and the mage speaks from a distant land." I found it rather interesting that the blonde was taking this so nonchalantly. Then again, this was closer to the times where magecraft and mages were things that everyday people could witness without even batting an eye. Rather convenient then, to say the least. "You also said your goal is to aid me?" Nero asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Yes," Mash nodded. "That is a rather accurate way of stating things."

"The center of the world, and the world itself," Doctor Roman chimed in, excitement oozing through the connection between us as he began to speak faster. "The name of the greatest empire that rules the world is Rome. In this era, there should be no threat to this city. The Grail's influence must be upsetting events. If I am right, this era's singularity is probably the existence of the great Roman Empire. An empire that greatly influenced later generations. Stopping its destruction would fix the singularity."

While well-intentioned, it was clear that the doctor's words had confused Nero. Hell, I felt a little lost myself, and also finding myself wondering if Doctor Roman should have been a college professor considering the wealth of knowledge and passion he had shown.

"Mm…S-Sorry," Nero finally said, her cheeks slightly flushed as she scratched the back of her head, her confidant persona cracking for just a second. "I don't quite understand. Please speak a bit more in my range of understanding," Nero requested, and we could hear Roman's awkward laughter as Mash shook her head patiently, sighing.

"Sorry, he can be a bit too theoretical. I'll explain. We seek something called the Holy Grail, a magical item with special powers. It's causing a great many disturbances just by being here. There is a very strong possibility that the Grail is the true problem that is eating away at Rome." Nero hummed again once Mash fell silent, a deep, contemplative look oner her features before she looked at us sternly.

"I see. This Holy Grail is damaging my Rome."

"Yes. It must sound astounding to you…" Mash began to say before Nero cuts her off with, shaking her head once.

"No, neither strange nor weird. This Holy Grail. It strangely…worries me," Nero said softly, before shaking her head again. "Never mind, a needless concern of mine. It's just a nightmare I had once. Right, come with me. We can talk freely and in-depth about this in my home," Nero said, before a loud clamor had us looking further into the market place we had stopped in. "Wait, what? Is there something wrong here?" Nero asked.

"H-Hey! What's this?!? What are you people doing to my shop?!?" Another elderly-looking man was crying out in despair as a half-dozen roughly-dressed began ransacking the area. Other vendors were gathering their stuff frantically, wishing to avoid being robbed or otherwise terrorized next. Nero's eyes narrowed, her brow furrowed as she trembled slightly in indignant rage.

"How dare they do this to my Rome! To my people! Are they enemy spies? Either way, it's unforgivable!" She roared, drawing her sword. She sounded rather murderous, though it was in the interest of protecting her people. However, it was too soon to witness more killing, at least if you asked me. Thinking rapidly, I walked over to the Emperor of Roses, bowing my head slightly as I hear Mordred following close behind.

"I beg your pardon, Emperor Nero, but I humbly request that you allow for my knight and I to deal with these ruffians," I asked politely. Surprised yet pleased, Nero nodded, and that was all I needed as I turned to Mordred. "Don't use your sword. There's no need for any more death today," I said grimly. The Knight of Treachery nodded, and then she cracked her knuckles. Behind us, I could hear Nero addressing the others.

"Young man, I wish to inquire if you know what your dour-looking companion has in mind?"

"Just wait and see."

One of the bandits noticed our approach, and shook their apparent boss by the shoulder, pointing towards us.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. Now we've got the pleasantries out of the way, please leave the market. You're causing a scene," I said in a rather genial, though forced, tone, a disarming smile on my lips. The half-dozen ruffians all looked at one another in disbelief, then back at me.

"Go fuck yourself," the leader spat at my feet. I could feel Mordred stiffen next to me, but I nudged her, shaking my head subtly. Not yet.

"Quite an elegant response, truly," I drawled. "Okay, then let's cut to the chase. You lot will  be leaving this street. It's been a long and tiring day for my friends and I, and I have no interest in playing nice to a bunch of thugs. So, you can either leave here voluntarily, or you can be dragged out of here, and to a jail cell. The choice is yours," I said, crossing my arms defiantly. I kept my body loose, though I am still ready to lash out.

The six men exchanged incredulous looks at one another before the leader glared at me before suddenly charging forward. I allowed him to approach within striking distance before I suddenly deliver a firm roundhouse kick to the base of his jaw. A loud crunching noise could be heard, along with a cry of pain, as my boot-clad foot smashed the joint of his jaw.

Dropping his weapon, the thug fell onto his knees, clutching his jaw. I calmly looked at the other five men. "I guess you lot want to go with the second option, huh?" I said dryly, sighing in disappointment as they looked at one another, anger now in their eyes.

"Get 'em!" A skinny man with scars on his cheeks said, and the rest of the gang surged forward, just as Mordred positioned herself in front of me protectively. The first fist to be thrown at her is caught with her armored left hand, causing the owner to stare incredulously at the Saber's helmet, before she forces the back of his fist to contact with the bridge of his nose, breaking it. A 'gentle' kick to the chest sent the injured man flying backwards, slamming into the leader, and leaving the two sprawled on the ground.

A third man wielding a club tries to slam said weapon into the side of Mordred's head, but the Knight of Rebellion scoffs loudly as she blocked it with the vambrace on her right arm, before driving her left fist into his gut, bending the man over as a stream of spittle flew past his lips.

I wasn't able to see anything else, as the fourth and fifth men tried to rush me from either side. Activating my Magic Circuits, I simply close my eyes and throw my hands out to either side, focusing on the moisture between the three of us, before imagining them expanding to one another and solidifying. I open my eyes as I hear two loud yelps of surprise and alarm, seeing that I had succeeded in coating the feet of both thugs in ice.

"Not bad, Master," Mordred said, as she walked over and grabbed the two flailing ruffians, before slamming their heads together, knocking them out. At that moment, a dozen or so lightly-armored men began to surround us, members of the Roman police, or whatever they called it, as they began carrying away the six bandits, and we walked back over to the others.

Nero beamed at Mordred and I, clearly pleased at our display. Honestly, it felt good to be in a fight against someone and not kill them.

"Umu! That was a most impressive display! You have my thanks in protecting my people. Come, let's return to my residence!"

Nero's residence was truly a sight to behold. Regal, elegant, expensive. These words and more echoed in my mind when I first laid eyes on it. It wasn't her infamous 'golden house', but it was no less fitting for an emperor. Said emperor guided us to the central room, which appeared to have originally been used as both a dining room and what we would now call a living room. In addition, however, it seems to have gained a new role, if only temporary: a war room.

"Now then," Nero said, settling down in a regal-looking chair at the head of the table we were around. Over it was a map of the Roman Empire. The blonde ruler gestured for us to also sit around the table, and thankfully, there were just enough chairs for us to do so. To Nero's right sat Ritsuka, and I next to him. Mash sat on Nero's left, with Mordred across from me, finally retracting her helmet, and allowing for me to see her gazing at me intently. I shook my head slightly, reminding her that we will talk tonight, and then gazed at a most serious-looking Nero.

"My Rome is currently endangered. My great empire's territories are now, vexingly enough, ripped apart and scattered all over," she said as she gestured at the map. Looking at it, I noticed that there were a number of circular wooden pieces, bearing one of two symbols on the top. One of them was the famous S.P.Q.R, Senātus Populusque Rōmānus, nestled between two golden wreathes on in a red field. Those pieces must have represented Nero's forces, and were focused mainly on the lower half of Gaul and most of the Italian Peninsula. Of the North African and Hispaniola, the pieces there bore three poorly-drawn golden eagles against an imperial purple field. "On one hand, there is the true Roman Empire, that I rule over. The area centered around this capital, Rome. On the other hand, there is an alliance controlled by multiple so-called 'emperors', who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They declared themselves to be the 'United Roman Empire', when they stole half of my empire," Nero said angrily, jabbing a finger at the pieces that weren't hers.

"What can you tell us about them?" I asked softly, my eyes studying the map. Nero sighed in frustration.

"The United Roman Empire is, sadly, a mystery to us still. No matter how many scouts I have sent, no matter how skilled they were, none have returned. Even the location of the capital where these fake emperors gather is unknown to us," the Emperor of Roses admitted. Mash tilted her head slightly in curiosity as she looked at our host.

"Multiple emperors, you say?" She asked.

"Imposters, actually. In my eyes, they're just a group of treacherous bandits, and…" Nero paused, looking unsure of herself, before she shook her head. "No, it's not worth mentioning. Just rebels spreading their vicious lies." Was she trying to convince us that whatever she was hiding were lies, or herself? "Like I said, they call themselves emperors, when they are nothing but pretenders."

"You looked trouble," Ritsuka interjected. I said nothing as Mash shot my fellow Master a warning look.

"Senpai…" She began to say when Nero raised her hand, cutting off the Demi-Servant once more. Mash, demure and polite as always, didn't even appeared bothered by this treatment. The blonde Roman stared intently at Ritsuka.

"No, it's fine. You saw one of them before. Caligula, the enemy general. The man who singlehandedly slaughtered most of my forces before you arrived. He's one of the traitors who call themselves 'emperors', as well as being my uncle," she finished, the same troubled expression on her face as when we had faced off against the enemy Berserker.

"Shouldn't he be dead already?" Roman suddenly asked, Mash having left on her commlink.

"Yes, dear formless mage. That is correct," Nero said solemnly. "Even our Court Mage was killed by Uncle Caligula and his conspirators. If he was still alive, I am sure the two of you would have gotten along. He boasted about how he had overcome death." Mordred snorted at the irony in that statement, and Nero frowned at the interruption. "In truth, he did show me some impressive spells. And yet, he was killed by the blade of one of these 'emperors'. A master of spells who shouldn't have died, and yet dead he is now. Slain almost effortlessly," Nero said bitterly, a mournful look in her eyes.

"To easily beat a mage of this era," Doctor Roman began to say, sounding immensely troubled by this news. "That's no ordinary human. It's a Servant," Roman added, rather unnecessarily, seeing as how we had already established the fact that, but I held my tongue.

"That must be causing the historical anomaly," Mash instead said. "One of these 'emperors' must have gotten ahold of the Grail."

"It is highly likely that is the cause of this era's singularity," Roman responded in agreement.

"Honestly, the United Empire is very strong. Violent battles are occurring all over, and in the meantime, the people suffer. I've dispatched all my serving viceroys and generals. I have thrown nearly every soldier I can at them, and yet, and yet, their power has remained undiminished. Recently, an expeditionary force of theirs pressed in on the city, even managing to get inside briefly. I was barely able to drive them out with the few troops I had on hand. I hate to say it, but it showed me that this situation is beyond my ability to destroy on my own," Nero paused, and chewed on her lower lip for a second, before looking at Ritsuka, then myself, with new-found interest. She straightened up, resuming her air of nobility, speaking not as a lady, but as the voice of Rome.

"Therefore, I order. No, I implore you! Become my generals! Then, Rome and I shall assist you in obtaining the Grail!" A generous-sounding offer. It was not unlike the partnership we had originally formed with Jeanne when we first ran into her. I hummed softly, looking at Ritsuka, who was looking back at me. I nodded at him my consent before looking at Mordred, silently asking if she had anything against the idea. She merely shrugged in boredom while Doctor Roman continued talking.

"Such a heaven-sent proposal!" The acting-director proclaimed excitedly. "It seems we have a common cause." Mash nodded, looking across the table at her Master.

"That's right. What do you think, Senpai?" Having already signaled my approval of the idea, Ritsuka grinned excitedly at Nero.

"Do we get a salary?" The urge to stomp on his foot was strong, though I appreciated his attempt at levity. To my mild surprise, Nero nodded solemnly.

"Of course. As soon as the United Empire is beaten, I shall give you what you desire," She promised. So, in other words, we will be gone before we get anything. Eh, no biggie. "I shall grant you, Ritsuka, the title of viceroy, and your dour-faced companion" Alright, that title was starting to become annoying. "the rank of praetor, as well as reward the work you all have already done. Rest well tonight. I shall prepare quarters suitable for your ranks and for your entourages. Oh, yes! Will the invisible mage require one as well?" She asked.

"Don't worry about me," Doctor Roman replied in a thankful tone. "Supplying rooms for the others will be enough." He paused before speaking again. "By the way, Your Majesty, have you by any chance heard of the name, Lev Lainur?" Amongst the older members of our Chaldean team, the air grew tense. I instinctively gripped a section of the table, squeezing it tightly as my knuckles went white at the mention of that blasted traitor.

"Lev?" Nero repeated, unaware of my reaction, it seems. "No, I haven't. Who is he?"

"A treacherous piece of scum," I said, trying not to hiss or shout as the numbness from before burned away, to be replaced by the grip of white-hot wrath.

"He is a mage of our era, who betrayed Chaldea and all of humanity. He seeks to destroy both," Mash supplied helpfully as I forced myself to relax. "There's a chance that he is in this era. Although, I don't know if he has revealed himself, or taken any action," the Demi-Servant added. Nero stroked her chin, looking deep in thought.

"A mage from a foreign land? Hmmm," Nero hummed softly before finally looking at us. "It's only a rumor, but someone says they saw a foreign-looking mage on the frontlines only a few days ago."

"It's possible," Roman said, hesitantly. "Your Majesty, I have a request," he asked humbly.


"I'd like for my pupils to be deployed as close as possible to the frontlines." The doctor's words had Nero titling her head slightly.

"I don't mind, but, will Jacob and Ritsuka be okay?" Mordred opened her mouth, probably to either tell the petite blonde to stuff it or something, before Mash interjected once more. Apparently, she was our other diplomat for the day, and a pretty damn good one to boot.

"Yes," she said politely, though there was a clear sense of firmness underneath. "Lev Lainur is our enemy."

"We owe him some payback," Ritsuka added, displaying a rare scowl. My own was already on display as I stared firmly at the now-silent Nero.

"Director Animusphere will be avenged," I growled. Nero looked intrigued by our reactions, before nodding.

"Very well, then. Nero Claudius will honor your request. I shall pray to the gods and the divine ancestors of Rome that your enemy will be defeated." She then gives us a wide smile, standing up. "But first, a feast before you rest! While it might not be as grand as usual due to the war, it will still be a feast where I shall spare no efforts. Viceroy, Praetor, Mash, do you drink? We have something imported from the Orient!" The Emperor of Roses said excitedly, bouncing on the backs of her sabaton/high-heels. Mash blink, wide-eyed at the energy that was reminding me of Marie, who herself was staring excitedly at her fellow ruler.

Well, looks like the Rider is going to get along just fine with our hostess, it seems.

"Oh, uh, no, I don't drink, thanks," Mash said, while Ritsuka shook his own head. Nero stared inquisitively at me, and I too shook my head.

"The food will be more than enough, Your Majesty. If we have to fight tomorrow, I will need a clear head," I said, bowing my head slightly at my erstwhile boss. Huh….now I have two temporary bosses. Strange.

Still, the vibrant blonde began to summon servants, the ordinary kind mind you, and I sat back in my chair, half-listening to the various conversations as we waited for our meal.

The food we had been served had been most impressive, even if most of it tasted a bit like ash. Still, I felt full, and grateful to Nero. Annoying though she might be at times, she was quickly shaping up to be one hell of an ally.

I leaned back against the chair provided in the rather extravagant guest room I had been given. For all of her flaws, Nero had been rather generous, and helpful, since we first met her. She also hadn't shown to be cruel or indifferent as most depictions of Nero do, though perhaps that could still be the case, seeing as how we weren't in the final years of her reign.

I shook my head and tossed my cap onto the desk in front of me, though it was certainly nothing like the desks back home. It was a rather simple flat, table design, though made of richly-colored wood. Sighing, I run my right hand through my shaggy hair, idly wondering if I should consider trying to cut it myself, or maybe turn it into a ponytail. It was certainty getting long enough, and if Mordred could do both of those things growing up, surely I can too, right?

The thought brings a brief, tiny smile to my lips, though that soon fades, to be replaced by glazed-over eyes and a blood-stained mouth.

I had killed a man today. While it wasn't in cold-blood, nor had it been a defenseless or innocent man, the fact that I had committed what many considered to be one of the most heinous of actions still remains. Or, is it the fact that I will undoubtedly have to enact that very deed again that is the cause of my gloom?

We had been lucky back in Orléans and Fuyuki, in that our opponents had been either monsters, undead, or Servants. Creatures that were evil, and that needed to be killed. Spirits given physical form once again, and who didn't truly die when defeated. That was what we had been dealing with.

Now, though, we had to deal with fighting members of our own species. God, this was a mess amidst a mess! I shake my head, trying to escape the mental rabbit hole I was skirting besides, when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," Is aid softly, turning around to see Mordred walking in with her own arms crossed, for some reason out of her armor. Eh, Mordred does as Mordred wants. She gazed at me in concern and determination, frowning slightly, before speaking.

"Alright, Master, ready to talk?"

Chapter Text

Mordred stared intently at the door, a hand hovering over the surface as she stood in thought. Damn, what she wouldn't give to have Bedivere right now. Father's first knight had a reputation for helping out the knights who had suffered form their first battle, as had Tristan, whenever he wasn't making a sappy ballad or something.  Ruler had wanted to talk to Jacob, or at least to go before her, but Mordred had refused to budge. Thankfully, Ruler had realized that, and Jeanne had agreed to letting Mordred handle this.

Now, she was starting to wonder if she should have tried to ask for any advice first. Now that she thinks about it, too, aside from anything combat related, the best people to approach for advice among the deployment members were Marie and Jeanne. Mordred shivered slightly at the idea of asking the exuberant Rider for help. But that wasn't the point of why she was regretting going in without asking for advice.

There weren't many people, alive or dead, who could describe Mordred, the Knight of Rebellion and the bastard child of Arthur Pendragon, as a 'people person'.

Hell, she didn't exactly hold high opinions about humanity. She recalled a conversation with Rider of Black, and that odd homunculus fellow, (Sieg, if she recalled). About how they'll uphold grudges while forgetting debts of honor, and that the only thing that puts them above other animals was the ability to speak.

Mordred still stood by that, though she would (grudgingly) admit that only a handful of humans had managed to earn her respect and care. . For a time, her father. Then it was her former Master, Kairi Shishigou. To a certain degree, Mash and Ritsuka, and of course, her current Master. Her duty as a Servant was to, among other things, protect the one she was contracted to, and she would follow that duty to the letter, damn it!

"Hope this doesn't become a repeating occurrence," she grumbles, before finally plunging forward. She rapped the back of her hand against the door, and a familiar 'come in' was all that she needed to hear before she opened the door and marched into her Master's temporary quarters, seeing that they were just as luxurious as her own, and definitely much more befitting of a knight than a crypt. Her green eyes quickly zeroed in on her Master, and she frowned, crossing her arms as she took in his appearance.

He looked a bit haggard, his rather shaggy brown hair ruffled up, no doubt from a nervous habit of running his hand through his hair, and this almost-always present hat was resting not on his scalp, but on the desk. His eyes, usually gleaming with determination and warmth, were dull, and if she was honest, a bit unnerving, considering how she couldn't recall him looking like that before. He sat with his body slumped slightly.

"Alright, Master, ready to talk?" Mordred asked. She could imagine her former comrades-in-arms facepalming loudly, but when the hell has she ever do anything subtle?

Her Master looked at her with a weary smile that made him look three times as old as he was. "So, is this how it feels to be you in these situations?" He said in a half-hearted attempt at humor. Neither of them laughed. "Well, no time like the present, I suppose. Truth be told, I had expected for Jeanne to beat you to this." His words caused her to snort in mild amusement.

"Well, you're not wrong there. And don't think that doesn't mean you're going to be avoiding this, buster," Mordred growled with narrowed eyes. "We both know what's been bothering you, so let's skip the whole beating around the bushes." Another bark of dry laughter.

"Straight to the point as always, I see," Mordred's Master said, a ghost of a smile breaking through his grim expression. "Yes. It's about that soldier earlier. The one I had to…to kill," he said, gritting his teeth as he forced himself to utter those last two words.

"What about it exactly that is bothering you?" Mordred said bluntly, unwilling to give her Master a chance to slink off into a bout of mental pity.

"Maybe because of how easy it is?" He asked aloud, though more for his own benefit. Mordred couldn't disagree that, at least against normal foes, killing was disturbingly easy, at least in terms of doing so. Coping with it was another matter entirely, and not one she had much experience with, considering her mother's so-called 'training' that she had been dragged through. "No, I think it is just the situation that I have found myself in," her Master finally said. Mordred cocked her head slightly to look at him.

"What do you mean by that, Master?" She asked. He shrugged as shrugged, a bitter expression on his face.

"Now, in order to save humanity, we must kill humans. Such cruel irony," her Master said sardonically. He pinched the bridge of his nose, resting the elbow on the corner of the desk as he shook his head. She was reminded of Agravain after receiving bad or poor news. "I was told that a human soul is priceless, and yet in this case there is a price that must be paid."

"To win means you have to survive," Mordred said, and to her at least, it was true. To win a battle, you had to survive. To win the Grail, you had to survive. And in order to survive, you had to do all that you can to survive. Or at least, almost anything. Even such a treacherous knight as herself had limits on what she was willing to do to win. "When it comes down to it, it was either you or him, Master."

He spun around in his chair, a pair of what only moments ago had been dull-looking eyes now blazing with fire, the faintest traces of a snarl beginning to form as he glared at her.

"You think I don't realize that it is necessary?" Her Master retorted with just a little bit of heat. She didn't take offense to that, not in this case. Again, while she had never directly taken part in these kind of things back in Camelot, that didn't mean that she hadn't a clue as to how they would typically go down.

First, there would be a sense of sadness and/or regret. Check. Then there was occasionally a bout of denial or self-justification, though that seems to have been mostly glossed over in this case. By this point, Mordred could safely say, and with no small amount of pride, that her Master was in some ways a veteran soldier…for a mage.

Then came anger, a sentiment she was all to familiar with, both as a receiver and a giver. After being given her seat at the Round Table, she had sworn that no more would she be subjected to another's anger, though in this case, she would make an exception. Especially if it meant that it would keep his head in the game. After all, there's only so much even someone like her could do to protect a Master who allowed himself to be distracted on the field of battle.

Before she could say anything, however, her Master released a long sigh, his brown eyes closed. When he opens them again, they are closer to his normal calm. "I apologize for my outburst, Mordred," he said, bowing his head slightly. Mordred nodded once. "Honestly, I feel a little silly, getting all worked up over this. I mean, you and I both know that this is far from the first time that I have killed something—"

"But like you said, this was the first time it was a living person. Not a wyvern, beast-man, or even a zombie, but someone with life in their veins," Mordred interrupted. She could see where this path was going to go, and she wanted to cut it off here and now. She stared sternly into his eyes, trying to mimic one of the more lecturing looks of her eldest half-brother that also had a silent statement of 'try and interrupt me, and see what happens'. God, how she hated every bloody time she had to be on the receiving end of one of those glares. What Agravain lacked in personality, he made up with  his sternness.

"If you're worried about this somehow leading to you becoming a bad person, then you're being utterly dramatic. The fact that you've been hung over that man's death is more than enough proof that you regret it. It's fine to regret it, but don't let it control you."

Her Master remained silent after she finished speaking. "How did you deal with it? Killing someone for the first time?"

"Same way I do almost anything nowadays. I do whatever I want, when I want, and that's that, But I'll own up to my actions," she said a bit flippantly. "Maybe you should sleep on those words, and make of them what you will," she added, shrugging, her armor clinking slightly. Her Master nodded again, but said nothing, a thoughtful expression on his face.

After a minute or two had gone by in silence, Mordred grunted softly before speaking, seeing that her Master didn't seem inclined to do that himself, as well as running out of ideas. At the very least, she seemed to have done something, and not make things worse somehow.

"So, feeling a little better now, Master?" Mordred asked, crossing her arms. He didn't respond to her question, instead staring at her. She arched an eyebrow at his hesitation, wondering what's going on this time, when her Master finally broke the brief silence.


"Huh?" Mordred asked, staring at him in mild confusion.

"Jacob. Can you call me Jacob, and not just Master, please?" Her Master

"Tch. Ah, alright Mas—Jacob," Mordred corrected herself as he gave her a dry look, which turned into a small grin as he nodded his head in approval.

"Thank you. For both that, and for listening. I know that out of the two of us, I might be considered as the one best suited for this, but in the end, it's the effort that counts." Jacob smiled at her, this time feeling more earnest than when she had entered the room.

"Well, try to make sure this doesn't become a reoccurring theme. I'm a fighter, damn it, not a therapist," she mocked-growled at him, while at the same time enjoying the rush of satisfaction at his acknowledgement. To her confusion, Jacob burst out laughing. "Okay, what the hell's so funny?"

"No-snrk-nothing much," her Master managed to say amidst his laughter. "You just reminded me of an old show my mom and I watched when I was a kid," he explained before falling back into his fit of laughter. Mordred rolled her eyes at the display.

"Well, I guess that answers my question about if you're feeling better," Mordred grunted, glad to be done with this. Finally reining in his mirth, Jacob nodded, looking far more like his normal self, whenever he wasn't in his whole leader mood on missions, that is.

"Yeah, I think so. At the very least, it should be enough to allow my conscious to be at peace," Jacob admitted, leaning back slightly. "You truly are a wonderful partner, Mordred," he added softly, smiling brightly at her.

For some reason, she felt her heartbeat increase, if only for a moment, and an odd urge to blush, as an alien sensation wormed its way through her body. The hell? She bit back both the urge and the additional, instinctive desire to scowl, instead maintaining her smirk. "And don't you forget that that fact," Mordred said proudly, once again forgoing the idea of modesty. She had a feeling that some of the other Servants in their party might be making comparisons between Nero and herself, but at least she kept her boasting in check.

Still, it was hard to shake off the uncanny similarities, at least in regards to facial features, of the haughty Roman and that of Father. One of the reasons she kept Secret of Pedigree in place over her head whenever she could do so if she had to be in the same room as the talkative brat, too.

"We should probably go to bed soon," Jacob said, his voice interrupting Mordred's train of thought. Looking at the window, she could see that it was indeed rather late at night. While she had very little need to sleep, especially seeing as how she was still in top shape and all, the same couldn't be said for either Jacob or Ritsuka.

"Yeah, probably a good idea. I'm not sure what it will be, but blondie definitely looked like she was cooking up a scheme or something after we finished dinner." Probably an offensive expedition or something along the lines of that, seeing as how she now had new allies, in Mordred's opinion. If that proved true, then who knows when either of the Masters would be able to get a full night's rest.

"Good point. Thanks again, Mordred. Sleep well, and see you in the morning," Jacob said, stretching his back before standing up, looking between her and the inviting bed that she stood next to.

"Good night, Jacob."

Mordred had barely closed the door before she felt a familiar presence, and she stifled a sigh as she turned around to face Jeanne d'Arc. She didn't even have the decency to look a little sheepish at having practically waited to badger her, damn it.

"Did it work?" Mordred sighed aloud this time, rolling her eyes at the concerned frown on Ruler's face.

"Wow, such faithlessness for a saint," Mordred snarked, earning her own frown as Ruler placed her hands on her hips, glaring at the unrepentant knight. "Relax, Ruler, Jacob's doing fine." Jeanne quirked an eyebrow at her fellow blonde.

"You called him Jacob," Jeanne said softly, and Mordred scowled, having the sinking feeling that Ruler was about to say something as her frown was replaced with a mischievous-looking grin.

"What do you want now?" Mordred growls at the smiling blonde.

"Oh, nothing. Or at least, nothing new." Gah, was she still trying to insist on there being something going on between Jacob and herself?!? Mordred could feel her scowl slowly morphing into a smirk as an earlier name she had remembered resurfaced.

"Oh? Is that so? Then, if that's what you want to talk about, how about you go first? That homunculus kid, Sieg or something. I saw the way you looked at him," Mordred leered as Jeanne's face paled, her mouth hanging open slightly. Then the color rushes back into Ruler's cheeks, and then some, the fifteenth Servant of the Greater Holy Grail War looking a bit like a ripe tomato as she began stammering protests of denial. Mordred's smirk widened, feeling quite pleased with the results her words had achieved.

"Huh, I guess not. Well, it's getting late, and I wanna enjoy that comfortable bed the annoying pipsqueak has lent out to each of us," the Knight of Rebellion said with a lazy handwave, walking down the hallway as Jeanne continued to sputter out denials. As those started to fade away, Mordred's smirk began to fade, replaced with the frown from earlier.

Just what the hell was Ruler playing at?

Finally reaching the room she had been given by that loudmouth pipsqueak of a ruler (the non-Servant kind), she shrugged off the frustrations caused by the brief confrontation with Ruler. If the slightly-taller (and bustier) blonde ever dragged her Rider friend in on this, they can waste their time talking to Clarent!

It wasn't that she had an issue with the French Servant personally, mind you, but the past few days, she had been acting a little less like the strict, up-tight Ruler she had encountered in Trifas, and more like, well, a girl. Bah, at least she had yet to re-encounter that damn poison witch.

While she had mortally wounded Assassin of Red, Mordred still had a score that she intended to settle with the one who had briefly tortured her with poison, and more importantly, fatally injured her Master at the time. And she would do so, whether she also answered the Masters' calls or not.

Dismissing her armor in the privacy of her 'room', Mordred threw herself onto the large, soft feathery bed with a soft, satisfied moan. Honestly, as much as she enjoyed her time with Kairi, Mordred loathed his typical choice of sleeping quarters. Not this time, though. No dusty skeletons, candle lighting, or a simple roll of fabric to lay upon whilst waiting for nightfall.

While she had been lucky last time, there was a reason she kept as far away as she could from necromancers.

Mordred stared up at the gilded ceiling. It was a bit too opulent for her tastes, having lived a life staying in rooms that ranged from being described as 'spartan' at best (such as how she kept her bedchamber back in Camelot) to basically a jail cell. Still, a good bed was a good bed. Event hat, however, was not enough to quell the stormy sea of thoughts running through her mind.

It felt good to have another Master who would truthfully acknowledge her actions and whatnot. It really was. Honestly, aside from serving King Arthur before it all came crashing down, and her wish for if she had won the Grail, the only other things in life that she desired most above all else was to have a 'normal' life, and to be acknowledged for her merits and achievements.

Those two men had done so, even knowing that she was considered by many to be the epitome of deceit and treachery. Instead, they had given her something she had lack, but never realized quite how much she had desired it until now: acceptance.

Kairi had, in so many ways, become much like a second father to her, though she would kill the first person to find out about that, even if it was the necromancer himself! He acted more like a parent than either Morgan or Arthur, though she had realized that only at the bitter end. All she could hope for was that the scarred man had finally reunited with that daughter of his.

To be judged as an equal, despite her past actions? That was truly a gift. For that, both Kairi and now Jacob had earned her loyalty. A word that Gawain, Tristan, that womanizing snake known as Lancelot, and even the ever-polite Bedivere would have scowled at her using.

Had she not loyally served King Arthur, despite her mother's desire to slay him? Had she not crushed those who had tried to betray the king without a moment's hesitation? Had she not served without a desire for wealth or power in return for that very loyalty?

That had been loyalty, broken only by Father's rejection. A single sentence, and years of service had proven to be a false as the man everyone in Camelot thought bore her armor.

Loyalty, at least as she had come to understand it, ran both ways, and she would never again maintain loyalty to someone, anyone, who wouldn't do the same for her.

A fallen knight she may be considered by some, but she was still a knight regardless. And, as a knight, she would fight to protect Jacob, not just because he was her Master, and therefore her actual source of existence-sustaining mana, but because he was her friend, her partner, who looked out for one another.

They were friends and partners, nothing more, nothing less, despite whatever damn insinuations she was being bombarded by from Ruler.

Still, even with that thought in mind, as the Saber closed her eyes and sleep finally claimed her, she couldn't keep out of her mind the question of why she had felt her heart flutter, even if it was briefly, at Jacob's words.

Chapter Text

When I awoke, I felt refreshed. At ease. My dreams had been non-existent, just a comforting embrace of darkness. No visions of the past, no bloodied ghosts like in books or movies, nothing. I look out the window, yawning slightly as I blink a few times to chase away the last of my sleepiness.

The sun was shining through the window, though the rays weren't really all that bright just yet, signaling it was probably around 8 or 9 in the morning. A decent-enough time to wake up, I suppose. Remembering the basin of water in the corner of the room, I walked over to it, taking off my undershirt so as to avoid drenching the black fabric.

I cup my hands slightly and bend forward, splashing cool water against my face, once, twice, thrice. I sigh softly in relief, feeling the last vestiges of drowsiness being driven away from my eyes. I paused for a few minutes, lightly gripping the bowl as water droplets run down my face onto my chest and back, before taking one last scoop of water in my hands and throwing it against my face.

"Ah, much better," I mutter, pleased as I straighten up and use the nearby square of soft linen also provided to dry myself off.

There was a knock on my door. "Come in," I said, curious to see who it was.

"Good morning, Mas—Jacob," Mordred walked in as she quickly corrected herself before I could raise my eyebrow pointedly at her. Instead, I settle on a small smile. For the briefest moment, I could have sworn that her cheeks had flushed slightly, but when I blink, they are her typical pale color. I mentally shrug and pull the shirt back over my head. Must have imagined it, then.

"Good morning, Mordred," I replied, leaning against the side of the stand holding the water basin. "Sleep well?" Mordred shrugged lazily.

"Yeah, the bed was nice. Apparently, they also have a personal bath with heated water," Mordred added, sounding a bit more excited about that. Huh, interesting. I guess that is what the door to the side of the room I was given was for. It would also explain her slightly damp hair, too. Her lovely (there's that word again!) emerald eyes glistened with contentment.

"Glad to see that you're enjoying yourself this morning," I chuckled softly, and Mordred raised a fine blonde eyebrow at my words. "Before you ask, yes, I also slept well. So, do you know where the others are?" I asked, quickly changing the topic.

"They're in the main hall with the pipsqueak blondie, having breakfast. I wanted to see if you were up before getting some for myself," Mordred said, rocking slightly on the back of her feet, a hungry gleam in her yes. I release a sound that is a mixture of a sigh and laughter.

"Well, then let's get some food, then, shall we?"

"That's the spirit!" Mordred said with a smirk as I put on and buttoned up the white dress shirt part of my uniform. I chuckled again.

"Just one thing, Mordred."

"Yes, Jacob?"

"Try not to devour everything in sight."

"Ah, good morning Praetor!" Nero greeted us exuberantly from her chair at the head of the table as we entered the main area of her residence. For the second day in the row, Mordred and I were the last two members of our merry band to show up. True to the words of the Knight of Rebellion, there was food. Unlike the feast, which for all that Nero had claimed it being somewhat lackluster under the circumstance but I personally found to still be extravagant, the food was rather simple: a variety of everyday staple food like bread, cheese, olives, and other similar food that required very little preparation. As we sat down in the same seats Mordred and I had used the previous evening, the Emperor of Roses stared at me expectantly. "Did you find your accommodations to your liking?" She asked. I nodded, bowing my head slightly.

"Yes, it was most comfortable. Thank you again for your generosity, Imperator," I said in a humble tone, making sure to use the ancient Latin title. It was a good call, it seems, for Nero's already blinding smile somehow managed to intensify.

"Umu! Yes, it is to be as expected," she replied, closing her eyes and therefore missing Mordred rolling her own

Once breakfast had been finished, and Nero had dismissed the handful of servants as they took away the plates and leftovers, a more serious atmosphere filled the room. "Now, then, to business," Nero proclaimed, waiting only for a moment for her 'Viceroy' and 'Praetor' to reply. "I know you all have only just arrived, but I am thinking of launching an expedition into Gaul. The purpose for it will be two-fold: To aid and to give encouragement to my faithful subordinates that I have left in charge of the defenses in that region. Obviously, I will be leading it, otherwise what point is there in doing so," Nero explained, before looking at Mash and Ritsuka with a shrewd look.

"Will you join me on this trip, though?" She asked, the question for both Ritsuka, Mash, and I, but mainly directed at the first two.

As I had observed earlier, it seems that Rits has made an impression on her, and so seems to focus more on him. The Japanese magus looks over at me, for the briefest moments a look of hesitation on his face as Mash nodded slowly to him. I do the same, and Ritsuka relaxes, looking back at Nero with confidence.

"It will be an honor," my fellow Master responded with a smile. Nero nods in a mixture of pleasure and approval, clasping her hands together.

"Excellent! Your words are most pleasing! It is decided, then!" She exclaimed in a Marie-like manner, before clapping her hands once, loud and firmly. The action hadn't even been finished before the main door opened, and one of her guards, the captain of them, in fact, entered, ready to hear and carry out his leader's commands. "An imperial expedition to Gaul! Prepare at once. We leave at noon!" Nero instructed. Her subordinate saluted her.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" He responded dutifully. "They will be waiting for you at the main gate. Glory to Rome!" He added, before bowing his head slightly at Ritsuka and I. A sign of acknowledgement for the ranks our new erstwhile boss had bestowed upon us.

"Now, then, we have several hours still left before noon, so please, make yourselves at home, and ready yourselves for a long march," Nero said with a more toned-down smile, standing up and heading off towards her room, leaving only Ritsuka, Mash, myself, and our Servants.

"I must admit, I am quite curious to see what Fran—Gaul, will look like," Marie spoke up, her pale blue eyes shining excitedly as she clasped her hands, shaking slightly in excitement. Jeanne shook her head slightly, a bemused expression on her face as she lightly gripped the Rider's shoulder.

"Patience, Marie," the Ruler chided gently. "Remember, we won't be seeing much of the land. Still, I do agree that it will be quite interesting. A pity that we don't have more time to spend here, otherwise I would like to see what Domrémy looks like in this century," she admitted ruefully. Gilles gave a single nod, keeping quiet, a contemplative look on his face while next to him, Medea and Sasaki began bickering…again.

I swear, part of me wonders if there is some sort of chemistry going on between the female Caster and the sole Assassin of Chaldea.

Next to me, Ritsuka coughed into his fist quietly and politely, presumably to get my attention. I looked at him, cocking my head slightly to the side as I stared questioningly at my younger friend. "Something the matter, Rits?" I asked quietly, not wanting to draw the attention of the others. Especially not while there is such a lovely and comforting mood going on. Those were truly moments that in the past few weeks I have come to realize are truly worth both saving and savoring.

"Not exactly," my fellow Master admitted with a troubled expression. I don't call him out on that however, and merely wait as he continues speaking. "Are you okay? You looked completely out of it last night." I nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, I was dealing with…with killing that soldier," I mutter backed softly. "It didn't feel right. Still doesn't feel right," I added quickly, seeing his eyes widen just a fraction. "But it won't affect me, not anymore. Mordred helped out with that," I finished, smiling slightly. Ritsuka returned one filled with relief.

"Yeah, I'm not looking forward to having to witness that stuff myself. I talked with Mash and Doctor Roman last night myself, though." I grunted in approval.

"Good. And we have each other," I said, holding out my fist. Ritsuka's grin widened at the gesture, and he bumped his own against mine. "Now, come on, let's get ready. Looks like we're technically going back to France again."

True to her words, the unit Nero had ordered to be made ready was assembled by noon, as ready for departure as we from Chaldea were. It was a full legion, and if I was reading the identification markings their broad shields bore, it was the Legio I Italica. In the center of each shield was the rendition of a snarling boar, the legion's emblem, no doubt. When we had asked Roman, the doctor that is, he filled us in with a brief history of the unit.

The name translated into English as the 'First Italian Legion'. In the proper timeline, it had been founded by Nero on September 22, 66 AD. It had been raised for a campaign in Armenia as a response to the Roman-Parthian War of 58-63. However, the First Jewish-Roman War had broken out that year, and the exemption was canceled, the legion being re-deployed to crush the revolt. It's members, at least at the beginning, had been all Italics, (the good doctor briefly pausing to explain how the various peoples who lived on the Italian Peninsula being called this) and each soldier was a giant of a man, six feet or more. That height was considered to be even more extraordinary during this period of time, and harder to find in the Mediterranean. Personally, I found it a bit humorous to see the armored men who stood a good foot taller than Mordred. The fact that this legion had been raised six years before they should have been could be chocked up to the whole singularity existence and the civil war which we were now involved in.

Not sure how much of that would prove useful for us in terms of correcting the timeline, but it was certainly interesting to learn some new stuff from Doctor Roman nevertheless. It also allowed for Ritsuka and I to tune out the little speech Nero had started to give, seated on the back of a pitch-black mare. While she was speaking, however, I took a minute or two to observe the Emperor of Roses and her accompanying bodyguard unit.

Spread out to either side and behind her were fifty armored men with imperial purple cloaks and transversal horsehair crests dyed a similar shade. The coloring denoted members of the elite Praetorian Guard, soldiers who served as the personal guards of the Roman Emperors…as well as their murderers for a number. However, it looked like they were loyal to the person they had sworn their oaths too.

Perhaps also the fact that the emperor they had murdered, Caligula, was alive once again was helping cement their infamous loyalty this time. While I can't, won't, speak for Caligula, if I was murdered by people who had sworn to protect me, I would be pissed, to say the very least!

Finally, Nero had conculuded her speech, to a thunderous roar of approval, before declaring to move out, a long column of men and metal, with a will of iron.

Roughly two hours later saw our expedition making excellent progress towards the border between Gaul and the imperial heartlands, where the main base of operations for our side was located. The soldiers seemed to be in good spirits, a testament to Nero's oration skills and her impressive level of popularity with her subjects. Marching cadences amongst the various cohorts could be heard, even those all the way at the opposite end of the column.

In the front, Ritsuka and I, along with Mash, Mordred, and the other Servants. accompanied Nero and her personal bodyguard of fifty Praetorian Guardsmen. The men rode in silence, looking alert at all times, be it on the occasional pause, to allow for Nero's scouts to check for any ambushes or traps up ahead, or on the move.

Once again, Nero looked at Ritsuka and I in concern. "Ritsuka, are you sure about staying on foot?" She asked my fellow Master, the white cloth of his uniform beginning to be stained a light brown at the edges due to the dust. "Or you, Jacob?" She added. Ritsuka nodded while I simply shrugged, relatively unbothered by going on foot. Considering all the running we had to do in France only a week or so ago, a relatively consistent marching pace felt like a cakewalk for us. However, the Roman's words of concern caused Mash to over her shoulder.

"Senpai, are you sure that you're alright? You and Jacob Senpai have been walking virtually non-stop since we left the city. Are you not tired?" She asked, causing both of us to smile slightly.

"This is nothing," I said, pulling a rather Mordred-esque smirk. Ritsuka nodded again before looking at the Shielder walking alongside him.

"What about you, Mash? Are you alright?" He asked his first Servant. Mash nodded, a firm expression on her face.

"I'm fine. As a Demi-Servant, I have incredible stamina," she informed her senpai. I had asked Ritsuka to explain the term to me, and he had gladly given me a crash course on the whole 'senpai' and 'kouhai ' concepts. At least I now understood what she meant whenever she referred to us with that word.

At that moment, Ritsuka's commlink lets out a soft chime, and my fellow Master opened his connection to Chaldea's Command Room. "You should've just gotten on that horse. Were you traumatized when you almost felled off of it?" Our other erstwhile boss asked, his amusement plain. I cough into my fist, disguising the soft bark of laughter that had escaped past my lips.

When our party had been offered our own mounts from the imperial stables, as opposed to having us march like the soldiers, Ritsuka had the misfortune of almost being thrown off of a particularly ill-tempered mare. While in his defense, the horse he would have given had to have been one of the meanest-looking creatures I had even seen, it didn't make for any less of an amusing scene. Fortunately, he had been unscathed, and we had opted to walk on foot alongside him.

Unfortunately, however, that did nothing to prevent the teasing and ribbing some of the Servants had given him, though none of it had been mean, thankfully.

"Hey, it's not my fault!" Ritsuka protested, crossing his arms with a scowl.

"Doctor," Mash said in a firm, warning manner, and Doctor Roman fell silent. I could imagine the sheepish expression on the ginger man's face as Mash continued speaking. "Try not to tease Senpai too much, please." While it was phrased like a question, it was clearly a warning. She also was a bit cross still with the man over him eating her special stock of candy when we had first met Jeanne in the previous singularity. Roman laughed sheepishly before replying.

"Sorry, Ritsuka, but it's no fun just providing intel support," Roman whined softly, and I shook my head slightly. This is a serious matter. Usually, fun doesn't tend to go well with that concept. Before I could  "—Hold up! I'm detecting life up ahead," Roman said, his voice completely devoid of his earlier mirth and embarrassment. Nero, having heard his words, raised her right hand while reigning in her horse with the other, bring the column to a halt as Ritsuka and I waited nervously for Roman to give us more information. "Ok, it looks like there's no Servants, but I think it's enemies. Maybe around a hundred or so. They're starting to circle around."

With no sounds other than his words, we could hear the faint sound of metal and cloth rustling about up ahead. Narrowing my eyes as I concentrated, I could see the faintest reflection of sunlight off of a metal helmet. Soldiers of the United Empires, no doubt.

"Hmmm," Nero said, lowering her right hand so that she could stroke her chin, her green eyes gleaming. "The invisible mage is quite convenient. Faster than my scouts," she mused, before speaking a bit louder, though thankfully not shouting. "If you may, please consider becoming my new Court Mage." Jeeze, is she trying to recruit all of Chaldea now or what? I could hear the loud gulp Roman made.

"Royal service…a promotion?" He sounded contemplative of the admittedly generous offer. A bit too contemplative, in fact.

"…Doctor," Mash said sternly, and Roman gave off yet another bark of sheepish laughter. Now I could imagine the internet idol-obsessing man rubbing the back of his head.

"No, no, I was just kidding," he said, though to my ears it sounded rather weak. "How could I ever accept royal service? Anyways, here they come! Rapidly closing in from the left and right! Prepare for immediate combat!" Doctor Roman called out firmly, just as shouts and jeers began to fill the forest.

"Men, form ranks! Ready javelins!" Nero called out, drawing forth her sword, a manner I also copied even as Mash and Jeanne positioned themselves defensively around Ritsuka and I. The two, as well as Mordred, had quickly developed the reputation back in Chaldea of being the main line of defense for Rits and I whenever we were under attack. I raised my voice, addressing the Mordred and the other Servants.

"Take up positions on the right. Let's let these guys handle the left side," I instructed them, and only Mordred seemed to be truly excited for combat, though Chulainn did smile just a tad bit too savagely for my liking. Then again, she was the closest one Rits and I have summoned to being a Berserker-class Servant, with Gilles a distant second considering his (weak) Madness trait he had informed us about.

"Umu, we'll get rid of them swiftly!" Nero called out as her men diligently took up defensive formations, their broad shields raised, and lead-shanked heavy javelins held in an overhead pose, awaiting the word so that the deadly projectiles could begin raining down. "Behold the might of Rome!"

Chapter Text

"Looks like that is the last of them!"

The initial skirmish was short and rather one-sided. Though the enemy ambushers appeared to have been veteran soldiers, they were outnumbered and without the element of surprise thanks to the doctor's timely warning. In the first volleys of javelins, about half of the oncoming soldiers were killed or wounded, and the survivors had appeared to have been badly demoralized by this. Instead of pressing forward, they had skidded to a halt before turning around, dragging their moaning wounded back into the forests.

On our side, a combination of attacks from Chiron, Amadeus, and Medea had a similar, though far more visually riveting, effect, and possibly even more deadly than those of our Roman allies from what I could tell

However, before we could relax, Doctor Roman had reported that an even larger group approaching from both sides. They must have been reinforcements that had been delayed. Fortunately, at least for us, there was still no signs of any Servants besides the ones accompanying us.

Still, the battle wasn't hard, at least for us. None of the soldiers broke through as Ritsuka and I shouted out orders, hardening our hearts to the fact that we were killing fellow humans. We could feel bad latter if we must, but like Mordred said to me last night, it was them or us.

If Ritsuka and I fell, then all of humanity, past, present, and future, would be doomed to die anyways.

The whole event must have taken no more than perhaps fifteen to twenty minutes. Our Servants hadn't even been scratched, proof of the wide gap in skills and capabilities between the mortal soldiers and the various Heroic Spirits that I was proud to call my comrades.

The soldiers loyal still to Nero gave out almost in unison as they resumed their marching positions. However, the order to resume the march hadn't been issued yet, their leader focused on something else at that moment.

Nero had turned to Ritsuka and I, still looking quite pleased. "You handled those veterans like they were nobodies," she said, a tone of awe underlining her words. "And with such small numbers, too, no less. Was that thanks to the skills of Mash and the others?" She asked, humming for a second as a more inquisitive expression appeared. "Or was it the leadership Jacob and Ritsuka provided? Either way, you're all far more intriguing than I though when we first met," Nero admitted, before suddenly smiling rather mischievously at Ritsuka.

"Listen…Rather than a guest commander, want to serve me?" Ritsuka blinked, startled, while I sighed silently as Nero continued her little sales pitch. "You'll get to savor all the glory of this world by my side. I mean, after we've defeated the United Empire, of course." I idly looked at Mash, whose violet gaze was flickering rapidly between her Master and the Emperor of Roses. She bit her lip, looking a bit adorable despite her troubled and anxious expression.

"Well?" Nero asked in a tone both indulgent and expectantly, hands on her hips even as she sat in the saddle of her horse. "Not a bad deal, don't you agree?"

"True…" Ritsuka said hesitantly, unsure of how to decline the job offer without offending our hostess. At least, I hope that was the reason behind his hesitation. Bad enough that she almost managed to hire Doctor Roman! Nero chuckled.

"Isn't that right? Isn't that right?" She prodded with a massive, bright smile. "You're an honest soul. Umu, I think I really like you now!" Nero said proudly. I fight down the urge to smirk, as well as to ask if Ritsuka was about to be kissed again. What's this, like, the third time now? Mash coughed politely, looking a bit more distressed now.

"Senpai, we have a mission," she reminded quietly. "You haven't forgotten, have you?" The Demi-Servant asked. Ritsuka didn't reply, now being the one to laugh sheepishly, unable to meet her gaze. Mash sighed, half despairingly, half exasperated. "…You haven't forgotten, have you?" She asked again. Ritsuka finally looked back at her with a rueful smile. As he was about to respond at last, however, the local chatterbox continued speaking.

"Once we have defeated the United Empire, I can even grant you Britannia, let alone Gaul." Mordred bristled at the idea of her homeland being used as a battering inventive, while Marie looked troubled for the same reason. Of course, the well-dressed blonde either ignored or didn't notice the unintended reactions her offer had just elicited as she continued her verbal assault. "You know of my generosity, but grand offers like this have been rare," she added, before pointing at a common solder behind us. "Isn't that right, soldier? Do I not excel in splendor among past emperors?" Aaaannnnnd there's the ego showing itself once again.

The legionnary nodded resolutely, standing at attention. "Yes, as you say. Today the brilliance that is Rome shines all the brighter, all thanks to you!" Nero chuckled in pleasure, looking away from the man.

"Umu, an honest fellow. Yes, yes, I believe that even I may shine a bit too brightly," Nero bragged, eyes closed and her free hand held out in a dramatic posture of some sort. Mash looked uncomfortable, perhaps by the attention the blonde has been giving Ritsuka, perhaps?

"Oh? Mash's looking a little—" Doctor Roman began to say in a bemused tone before Mash interrupted him.

"What is it, Doctor?" She asked in an even tone.

"Oh, no it's nothing," the ginger said evasively. "Absolutely nothing. Speaking of there being nothing, it looks like that was it. The path's safe to advance on once again," Roman informed us. Nero nodded yet again. She really was fond of using that gesture, it seems.

"I must say it again, invisible mage, you are most useful. Resume the advance!" She shouted over her shoulder, urging her mount forward as our march began once again.

Now that the locative ruler's attention was no longer focused on us, Mash spoke softly to Ritsuka.

"Good work, Senpai," she said, her earlier irritation at him evidently gone.

"Good work to you too, Mash." His words made her blush briefly.

"R-Right," she stammered. "Thank you very much, but I'm more worried about our allies."

"Don't worry, you're almost there. Just about fifty miles or so," Doctor Roman chimed in, and Nero jumped back in, having heard his words.

"Thrice now I must say this: You are truly convenient! I must have one now in every country. Worry not, though, Mash. We've just entered the territory of Gaul, and as your teacher just said, the camp my forces had established isn't that far away. Once we get there, we can all get a good long rest."

"Can we get a rest from her constant talking?" Mordred hissed under her breath, just loud enough so that I could hear. I look at the Servant standing beside me from the corner of my eye.

"Don't fret, we're almost there. Besides, at least she isn't focused on you or I, like she is with Ritsuka," I said wryly, a dry chuckle my reward from the Knight of Rebellion.

It was early evening when we finally arrived. I was extremely grateful that my boots had been broken in long ago, otherwise the blisters that would be developing by now would have been extremely uncomfortable! Unfortunately, my feet are tired, however. As is a number of the others in our group.

"Man, I haven't been on a march like this since I was training with Scáthach!" Chulainn exclaimed, his spear dismissed as he sat down on a rock, messaging one foot slightly. I cocked my head slightly.

"Scáthach?" I asked, unfamiliar with the name. The blue-haired Lancer looked up at me with a nod.

"Yeah. She was Queen of the Lands of Shadow, and my mentor. Everything I have, I owe to her, including Gàe Bolg," he explained briefly. I could tell by the troubled expression on his face that there is more to it, but that he wished to not speak of it. Accepting his desires, I gave my thanks before walking over to another flat-topped rock to sit down.

"Eh, we're here now, so quite your whining, Lancer," Mordred scoffed. Nero, however, ignored us, nor did she dismount. Instead, she urged her horse onwards, and the faithful stead trotted over to the center of the camp. The red-clothed blonde took a deep breath, straightening her posture and looking even more regal and commanding, before speaking loudly.

"I am Emperor Nero Claudius! I shall allow you to listen carefully!" Nero declared commandingly, and both the men who had been chosen to accompany us, as well as the soldiers already in the camp, paused and looked at her, each and every one of the legionaries stood at attention, eyes riveted to the form of their commander-in-chief. "Soldiers of the Gaul defenses, I thank you for your efforts for me, my subjects, and my Rome! I have now led an expedition of my own here to aid your efforts. "You now have a mighty general here with you!"

Nero paused, and her light green eyes swept around the camp, looking confidant and mighty, especially astride her horse, giving her an increase in stature. While I couldn't see all of the expressions for the thousands of soldiers all around us, the ones I could see were consistently ones of either awe or adulation. "There's no reason for us to lose this battle! Victory belongs to me, and to the Rome you all love!" Her soldiers, both veterans and rookies, released a loud roar of approval before chanting her name. Nero held her arms out to her adoring audience, smiling as she basked in their praises.

"Listen to the crowd," Mash said, trying to be heard over the ruckus. She stared in awe at the charismatic Roman. "So, this is how charismatic Emperor Nero was at her peak?" She asked, speaking into her commlink.

"Probably, but it's also a mystery," Doctor Roman replied. "She's so charismatic now, but in her later years…" He paused, and hesitated. Perhaps the good doctor was wondering if he should mention the final years of Nero's reign, and the descent into cruelty that forever tarnished her name. "No, never mind. I will stop there. Never tell people living in the past about the future. Especially if it is about their futures. That's our policy."

"A wise one, too," I said approvingly. In the meantime, the crowd began to disperse, Nero's fresh troops beginning to set up their own tents to rest while the original garrison carried on doing whatever it was they had been doing. Nero dismissed her guards, instructing them to set up tents for not only herself, but our party as well. Well, at least her extravagant claims of her generosity are not empty ones, as annoyingly boastful as I can find her to be. Honestly, I'm impressed that Mordred hasn't tried to deck Nero yet!

"Thank you for your generosity," I said, bowing my head slightly. As expected, the emperor merely preened at my words, looking quite pleased.

"Yes, yes, no need to thank me. After all, there's something more important that I need to hear," she said, frowning slightly as she swept her gaze once more around the camp, apparently unable to find whatever or whomever she was looking for.

"Where are my generals?" Nero asked a centurion, as the latter saluted his emperor.

"Your Majesty! Generals Boudica and Spartacus went for a brief scouting mission a few hours ago. They are due back at any moment," he reported, standing stiffly. Nero nodded slightly.

"Very good, then. As you were, Centurion," she said. The officer saluted her again before leaving to go about his daily tasks. I blinked, my mouth open slightly in shock at what I had just heard.

Boudica? Spartacus?

I recognized those names, but don't believe what I had just heard. Surely, those names are coincidences?

But what if they're not? If the owners are who I think they might be, they should both be dead historically by now. On top of that, both of them were considered even now as some of Rome's most famous adversaries, along with Attila the Hun, of the steppes, and Hannibal Hamilcar, of Carthage.

Next to me, Fou quivered slightly, releasing a low keening sound. At the same time, we felt the ground beneath our feet shaking slightly. It was subtle at first, but was growing stronger. It wasn't violent enough to be an earthquake, plus I have absolute faith that Chaldean Command would have warned us by now if it was an earthquake.

Then there was also the fact that the only ones at unease over this was our group, with Nero and her fellow Romans acting like this was nothing strange. By now, it was drawing closer, and I could hear what sounded like heavy footsteps synchronized with each vibration.

"These readings I am getting…and Fou's reaction…." Doctor Roman began to say before to figures appeared.

"Well, Emperor Nero Claudius came earlier than I thought," said one of the two, a very well-endowed, and full figured, red-headed woman, perhaps in her early thirties, wearing a skirt and a white corset trimmed with gold. In one hand she had a targe shield, the wood covered in well-worn brown leather, and a gold gilded boss in the center. Sheathed at her side was a longsword, with a gold cross guard and hilt. Set into the pommel, and in the center of the cross guard, were red stones. Rubies, perhaps? Her hair was cut extremely short, and tied up in the back into a mini-ponytail. Her dark blue eyes gleamed with curiosity and intelligence.

"You there," she suddenly said, pointing at Ritsuka and I. "The boy who looks like a rookie, and the swordsman. Are you two the guest commanders I've heard so much about this morning?" Her gaze swept up and down, looking thoughtful. Apparently, Nero had sent word of our promotions almost immediately, it seems. Finally, the woman shrugged, a friendly smile on her lips. "I guess looks can be deceiving. I am Boudica, in charge of the defense of Gaul."

"Boudica…?" Mash whispered the name, but Boudica nodded, her smile looking slightly strained now.

"Yes, I am the 'former' queen of both Britannia and the Iceni tribe. The huge fellow next to me is…" the woman who was supposed to be dead but was looking rather alive gestured to her companion. I blinked in awe at the massive figure.

He had a muscular figure, almost ridiculously so, and was the closest thing to a giant I have had yet encounter! He had blonde hair, and a sense of madness that was sorta thrown off by his armor. To my shame, the first thing that popped into my head about the mass of metal protecting most of his head and chest was that it made him look like a BDSM specialist. He didn't speak so much as roar.

"Another champion who was invited to the battlefield! You should be pleased, this garden of battle is full of oppressors. The oppressors are committing atrocities as they approach. It's time to rise up! Let us battle, side by side! You, who dare defy this unparalleled tyranny!"

"Huh?" Mash asked, taken aback just as much as I was by the speech he had just pulled off. I looked over my shoulder to see the reactions of the other Servants. Aside from three, the others were watching the warrior (for he surely wasn't a farmer or shepherd!) warily.

Chiron and Jeanne eyed him warily as well, though there was a sense of recognition mixed into their body language as well. Retracting her helmet, meanwhile, Mordred grinned ferally at the figure. "So, we finally get to meet in person, Berserker of Red," the Knight of Rebellion said, sizing up the man. Ah, yet another old….acquaintance of the Saber's, then. Small world, I suppose. Honestly, the size difference between Spartacus (because who else could it be?) and my first Servant was quite ridiculous.

"…Right," Mash drawled warily. "His words baffle me, but I have a feeling…" Mash trailed off as Boudica stared wide-eyed at us, then her companion, then us again.

"H-Huh? Whoa!" She finally said as she laughed, the sound having a musical chime to it. "That's extremely rare. Spartacus hardly ever takes a liking to someone at first sight," she explained, eyes closed as she shook with mirth before opening them. "Actually, allow me to correct myself. He hardly ever takes a liking to someone at first sight, without then pouncing on them.

"Doctor…this man right here…"

"Y-Yes, he's definitely a muscle," Doctor Roman responded to the Demi-Servant, sounding dumbstruck. I raised an eyebrow at that last word. "Servant! I mean a Servant. That's what the readings say. Definitely a Servant. They both are. This proves that even in this era, stray Servants do exist. Let's leave it at that," Doctor Roman added both rapidly and awkwardly, before falling silent for a moment. When he starts talking again, he sounds more composed. "More importantly, he doesn't seem to have hostile intentions."

"Warriors of the Rebellion, give me your names!" Spartacus suddenly roared, the Berserker having grown impatient in waiting for replies to come from us without further prodding. Boudica, meanwhile, sighed in mock-despair. Apparently, this was a common routine. "Let us revolt together against the inhumane empire, and shout in triumph under a free sky!" I bowed my head slightly.

"Greetings to you, Spartacus, and you, Boudica. I am Jacob Aronson. These are my Servants who have answered my call: Jeanne d'Arc, Wolfgang Amadeus, Sasaki Kojirou, and Mordred Pendragon," I said, introducing both myself and my Servants, who gave off greetings of their own.

"Did he just ask for our names just now?" Mash asked, staring at me in disbelief. "Is that what is was?" Ritsuka chuckled, rubbing a hand against the her top of her head, ruffling up her hair slightly. The Demi-Servant squeaked in surprise at the affectionate gesture, and I raised an eyebrow, though I felt that, at least in this case, it was nothing more than a friendly gesture of affection.

"It seems so. I am Ritsuka Fujimaru. This is Mash Kyrielight. Behind me are Cu Chulainn, Medea of Colchis, Gilles de Rais, and Chiron. It is an honor to meet you both," my fellow Master said, bowing deeply.

"So, I assume that the man who had been speaking earlier is the famous Invisible Mage Emperor Nero sent word of?" Boudica asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, of course, let me introduce myself. I am Doctor Romani Archaman."

"So, these are your honored guests, then, Your Majesty?" Boudica asked, looking at the surprisingly-silent blonde with a serious expression. Though it wasn't all that obvious, I had a feeling that Boudica was…displeased at the very least to be serving under the Roman responsible, directly or indirectly, for the injuries inflicted upon the Briton and her two daughters. SO, why fight for Rome? It was a question I yearned to ask, but forced myself to not air it. Instead, I opt to gaze towards Nero.

Nero was staring off into the distance, a troubled expression on her features. She looked rather out of it, which was explaining the silence she had been in. Honestly, as much as I would have thought something like that would have been a pleasant change of pace, it felt…wrong.


"Your Majesty?" Boudica repeated, her brow furrowed in concern. Nero blinked suddenly, shaking her head slightly as her cheeks flushed.

"D-Did you say something? It seems I am a little tired. More than I expected, too. Boudica, please take care of our guests," Nero instructed her apparent subordinate in a subdued tone. I narrowed my eyes slightly as the Emperor of Roses continued speaking. "Tell them about the situation here in Gaul. I have a terrible headache." Boudica bowed her head ever so slightly, a soft, sincere smile now present once more.

"Understood. Leave these youngsters to me."

"Very good then. I'm going to retire for the day. Viceroy, Praetor, I will see you both in the morning." With that, Nero turned and walked away, still lacking her previous levels of energy that had been both amusing and annoying to experience, truth be told. We all watched in silence as the blonde disappeared into a newly-pitched tent that her escort had been working on, before Boudica turns around, clapping her hands after dismissing her shield. Her small smile had morphed into a wide, toothy grin.

"Now, then. Let's get you kids some good food in ya!"

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