
Turn me around...fuck me like animal!

"He is my lover, but if I'm activated I may make him impotent too. I can't hold back myself much longer and Nikola is unable to service me..." She looked at Rick with the same look as a drug addict looking for their next fix. She was almost sick with need.

"It was decided that the damage to the male population would be too great if she was ever used." Laura finished.

"Listen, why don't we just hop in the hot tub and relax." Rick suggested. "I won't do anything to you Anna, I don't want to hurt anyone. If it gets too much for you I'm sure Laura can keep you occupied until Nikola is ready to go again."

"Thank you." Anna said quietly as her shoulders relaxed a little. "Perhaps that will work."

Laura took Nikola's hand and guided him over to the outdoor shower. Both enjoyed the process of soaping each other up and rinsing off. Despite Laura's best efforts Nikola did not become aroused.

Rick sat on the small raised deck with his towel still around him and his legs in the hot water. Anna waited by the table until the other three were in the tub.

Shyly Anna stripped off her tight wet jeans and walked over to the hot tub dressed in only the simple white tank top.

Her small breasts pushed against the material and her hard nipples pushed against it in sharp relief.

She pulled the top off revealing her small pert breasts. As she sat down, legs in the water like Rick, Laura couldn't help but stare.

"I don't mean...I mean are you?...I mean..." Laura stammered.

"That is a side effect of the genetic mutations" Anna answered spreading her thighs apart.

Rick saw what Laura was looking at. Nestled in Anna's neatly trimmed black pubic hair was a large clitoris. Not huge, but definitely prominent.

"You smell wonderful..." Laura murmured, drawn to the other woman. She reached out to touch Anna's beautiful clit.

"Please no...ugh..." Anna was overcome the second Laura's fingers grazed her clit. "I can't...please..." Anna tried, here breathing became heavy and ragged. Her eyelids drooped from a combination of the drinks, pheromones and the overpowering sensations of the other woman's touch.

"I...can't...I..." Laura stammered, overwhelmed by a sudden uncontrollable need to taste the other woman. Without thinking she started sucking on the glorious clit before her.

Anna growled a primal noise, throwing her head back and revealing her short-cropped black hair as her hat flew off.

An uncontrolled look came into her eyes as she put her hands down to hold Laura's head even closer. Rick watched in fascination as Anna started to pant, quick breaths taken in and forced back out, like an athlete at their peak performance.

After a minute of this Anna groaned, pulled Laura's head back by the hair and started to bear down.

Anna screamed through gritted teeth as a gush of clear fluid came out of her pussy, covering Laura's face.

Another groan and Anna forced another gush of fluid into Laura's waiting mouth. Two additional lesser streams and Anna let Laura return to feverishly licking her pussy.

Rick was unbelievably turned on by watching the two women. Dimly he wondered if Anna had been activated. His cock rose from under the towel to stand at attention, his hand unconsciously stroking it.

Nikola was obviously also aroused but because of his physiology did not sport a matching erection.

Anna watched Rick, her attention on his hard pole and the fluid that was already emanating from it. Her eyes kept glazing over and rolling back under her eyelids as waves of pleasure took her.

Unable to control himself Rick stood next to Anna, one leg in the hot tub, one kneeling on the side, holding her erection close to her. Anna was unable to resist.

Between her own genetic sexual imperative and the effects of Rick's inducements she reached over to take his cock in her hand.

Rick was so horny that just this small touch and the look of need on her fine boned face made him cum. He ejaculated onto Anna's arm, shoulder and tank top.

Anna lifted her arm to her mouth to drink in the fluid, moaning in ecstasy as it touched her tongue. Unable to resist Anna leaned back on the deck, pushed Laura away, and spread her slim legs wide to give Rick access to her wet pussy.

Laura was about to try and follow the pleasure-giving nub of the other woman when she felt Nikola take her hand.

Turning, she saw that Nikola was once again erect with cum drooling out of his large cock.

Without hesitation she turned and presented her firm round ass and waiting pussy to him. Nikola stepped up behind her and slid his cock inside.

Anna laid back and felt Rick's massive organ pressing against her cum-soaked pussy. "I'm sorry..." she whispered as she felt him enter her.

She was only vaguely aware of the sound of Laura screaming in pleasure as her lover fucked the voluptuous brunette. The sound faded away as the sensation of Rick's huge cock filling her body sent her crashing into a massive orgasm.

Her gush of fluid slid warmly against Rick's cock and out behind her stretched labia. The effect of her cum only served to spur the two couples on to fuck harder, mindlessly, toward orgasm.

"More! More!" Anna screamed as she became completely overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through her body.

All she could think about was the hard cock filling her body, ready to deposit his seed deep inside her.

Nikola's cock always brought her pleasure, she admitted that she was addicted to the mind numbing taste of his cum, but this was totally different.

The pleasure shot straight to her brain as pushed her body hard against Rick's. Anna held tight, wrapped her agile legs around him and clung to his taught muscular body.

She held so tight that she was actually suspended above the deck swinging back and forth, his huge erection sliding in and out of her.

Anna mumbled something in Russian and then switched to English. "...is different...I'm no blacking out like I do when Nikola fuck, ja...aaaahh..."Anna moaned as her body tightened around Rick's cock in another orgasmic spasm.

"You are different...maybe the virus... I need you to cum in me... Turn me around...fuck me like animal."

* * *

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