
Leaving for Unity Stadium

Elian bade his mother farewell as he boarded the train, heading to London. The Unity Stadium was located in the east of London, alongside many other big stadiums. That was the main reason the English sporting industry chose to host the tournament in London.

Elian inhaled deeply as he stood in the entrance to the train. The moment he boarded this train, his journey would officially start and from here on, it would be do or die for him. Elian released the breath in one single loud puff as he stepped into the train. He stood there, watching its door shut and he couldn't come out again until the train reached its final destination, which was in the city of sports, where football had first made waves.

Elian was the only one in the train, it had been sent by the national team exclusively for him alone. Elian texted Aria, she had to know that he had left.

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