
Plans for Damien's Future

"Additionally," Sebas continued, "Master Damien's unique magical trait—his ability to release mana—could be of great use in medical fields. Specifically, it could serve as an emergency treatment for mana depletion."

Damien nodded his head again, his interest piqued. He'd considered this possibility too. If his mana could help people in need, particularly in life-threatening situations, it could be an incredibly meaningful way to contribute.

Sebas's proposal had hit on all the key points Damien had been mulling over.

Although Damien had never needed to rely on it personally, it was clear that healing magic existed in this world for injuries and illnesses. Those capable of wielding such magic were undoubtedly in high demand in medical fields.

If Damien could support such professionals by alleviating their concerns about mana depletion, it would be an incredibly meaningful way to contribute.

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