
Chapter 34: Echoes of the Past

In the boiling rains, a rat demon creature is hiding in a tree stump as Eda in a red cloak runs by jumping over boulders that were halfway blocking the entrance of a temple, taking off her hood to show that she is younger and has holes in her cloak.

"So this is like a younger you Eda, you look nice." Luz asks most of the audience see her different hair color not used to it.

"Wait, those rocks... Oh no!" Eda panicked begging the Titan that hey not go through the story of THAT place.

"Yes, I know what this is!" King squealed excitedly as they looked towards him.

She moves on not noticing the eyes in the boulders.

People looked towards Eda worriedly and she remarked "this was 8 years ago and I am fine now!"

She notices the rock monuments with a banana shaped on top of them but there is a figure speeding by as she demands to know who is there while holding her staff protectively. She looks surprised as she sees something.

"I repeat, I am now fine!" Eda repeated sounding annoyed.

The opening is shown.

Luz is frustratingly drawing different symbols in her book while surrounded by a stack of them when King comes up saying that he needs her help as he thinks Francois is starting a rebellion, it then cuts to the bunny plush toy amongst the others but then a knife falls from his back.

Most of the eyes were widened and Camila remarks "this had better not be a repeat of that stupid boot camp!"

"Francois never really fell in line with my authority." King said shaking his head. Luz however was excited at the symbols and wished that she was able to jot them down.

Luz tells him in a minute as she is getting so close to getting this glyph combo and King asks what is glyphs and portals with her these days and what about King.

"King you know that this is important with me needing to know all the different types of ways to use my glyphs and the portal to get me back home!" Luz chided King lightly as he looks annoyed.

"You already have a home with us at the Owl House! Seriously there is nothing for you back in the human world that you can't just stay with us forever!" King replied but then grows nervous as Luz shakes her head and Camila looks his way glaring harshly at him. "No offense..." King muttered weakly to laughter at his expense.

Luz asks why doesn't she ask Lilith for help since she was in the Emperor's Coven with more experience dealing with unruly mobs than anyone and it shows her crazed as she paints a glyph saying that watching the ink dry is the best part but King shows disgust.

"This is embarrassing...." Lilith mutters angrily into her hands as there were laughter.

"Don't worry mam, I like watching the paint dry as well." Steve told her patting her on the back as there were agreements from some of the students.

"You really run the Emperor's Coven?" Boscha muttered to herself.

They were heard by some and looked towards Cornholio expecting her to remind her with a warning but he is on his phone. "Sorry, I just found out that the Ghost and Molly McGee is now on Disney Plus UK and I have been looking forward to checking this show out myself. The premise caught my eye as being like the Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, an absolutely adorable main character and the fact that Dana Snyder is one of the title characters who also voices Dr Colosso on the Thundermans and Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force one of my fave adult cartoons ever." Cornholio told them apologetically and looked towards Boscha who then sighed keeping the warning.

Hooty gives her a fresh cup of tea for his favourite cup of tea, Lilith calls him a gem while petting him asking how does he always know what to do.

"Seriously I saw how it happened but i still don't know how you two becoming friends become a thing!" shouted Eda exasperated as there were laughs and smirks from Lilith.

Kings asks Luz what is going on and if Hooty is blackmailing her and Luz explains that she thinks that they are actually friends and asks if it's nice.

"It actually is." Luz smiled with looks of agreement from Camila, Gus, Willow, Skara and others though Amity looked unsure as she was trying to process this herself.

"I have to give you that King, which would have been my first explanation as well." Eda told King and they grinned at eachother to sighs from Lilith.

"Don't worry Lulu, our friendship is understood by those that matter to it!" Hooty shouted out looking towards Lilith who smiles at him.

Luz says that it will work for sure using an invisibility glyph on her but reappears realising that it only works as long as she holds her breath.

There were looks of amazement and Luz got out her notebook pleading with Cornholio to show the symbols but then it just appeared in it as she excitedly thanks him, "Impressive Luz." Amity complimented Luz as she and Camila looked amused as King was shouting at her to never do that again.

She asks if it's still pretty cool but then King hugs her leg saying don't ever do that again.

King was embarrassed by the laughter that erupted as Camila smiles telling Luz "I am glad that you have made such close friends Luz, King would be crushed if you went away from your 2nd home forever and I can't imagine me trying to pry you away from it forever."

"Please don't say words you will eat later Mrs Noceda." Cornholio shouted out ominously and Camila, Luz and Luz's friends hated the feeling that they got from it.

Lilith tells her to do it again asking however did she accomplish it and Luz explains that since they discovered that they could make new spells by combining glyphs she has been experimenting, having gotten the invisibility idea from Lilith's history books.

"You could learn a lot from history, on Earth we have a saying that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Hal spoke out loud and a lot of the adults and older teens thought that there was a lot of wisdom in that saying.

Lilith calls it fascinating saying that as she was the lead historical scholar in the Emperor's Coven her aid could be very helpful but she gets distracted by tripping over King's plush toys.

"King, you really should watch where you put your minions!" Eda chided motherly with an amused smile as Lilith glares at his direction.

King calls it an ambush throwing a green elephant toy at Lilith saying to defend their ruler but Hooty blocks it looking stern but then goes into Lilith's arms saying that he is done for, Lilith tells him that it's make believe. Hooty plays dead after asking to avenge him but King throws another toy at Lilith's cheek as King says that the king of demons yields to no one. Lilith retorts that historically demons have never been united under a single rule until Belos and there is no such thing as a king of demons but then another plush toy is thrown at her cheek.

Lilith and King glares eachother's as she then shouts out "come on everyone; this is all just one big fantasy that we have been humouring at best! Does anyone actually believe that he ever was a king of anything? This little demon who needed take advantage of his only friend for years to even take over a Slayground?"

King looks around at the silent looks around the audience and looked hurt as even Luz didn't want to look his way, the looks of pity disgusted him.

King calls it blasphemy and clearly she knows nothing about his reign of terror and says through stained glass windows that he was once a mighty king of demon, beloved almost as much as he was feared but one dark day an evil spell was cast transforming him into this as he is on his knees.

"Impressive looking fantasy but it's just that, all that was probably just some fairy tale that Edalyn told you to make you feel better about yourself." Lilith remarked as King glares at her as the audience looked nervous.

"Don't be like this Lily, the little guy believes it strongly so what does it matter to you?" Eda shouted out loud and Lilith shook her head.

Hooty asks what happened to his crown of power and King replies a trifle as it was just a test to Eda and Luz's dedication to him which they passed and his real crown is still out there but when he shrank his memory got a little fuzzy. Lilith calls it convenient as there is a hole in his memory for each hole in his story and Hooty calls it nice one calling for up-top as she then slaps him in the eye.

There were laughs as Lilith looks to Hooty apologetically as King looked even more annoyed at her direction, she and everyone else will all be sorry that they ever doubted him real soon.

King retorts that he remembers plenty such as armies bowing before him, being served the greatest of feasts and falling from a massive height when the evil hex shrank him and one day he will return to his rightful place and all shall fear him. Luz picks him up and starts tickling him saying that he is going to be such a good tyrant with King laughing.

"Certainly will take him for a tyrant than a certain other one in the Boiling Isles." Commented Camila looking amused at this image and King wasn't happy about the giggles about how adorable this display was.

Lilith says his dedication to this farce would be charming if it weren't so sad and King says not to blame him for her ignorance as he walks off saying that he isn't a liar and he can prove it.

"This should be good...... Did you say ignorant?" Lilith shouted out looking annoyed and Eda gulped when King said that.

"The flashback to that place, please tell me that he doesn't want them to go there...." Eda pleaded in her head, she doesn't know if she could keep the truth from him if they went there.

Lilith is annoyed about being called ignorant and Luz tells them to stop it as the story is really important to him so the least that they could do is play along as she puts his toys back up.

"Play along, come on Luz do you know what it's like to not even have your best friend believe you! Do you think that I would lie to you?" King spoke out hurt as Luz looked guilty about this.

"Playing along with this fantasy doesn't really do him much good Luz." Amity whispered to Luz who whispered back that she knows.

Lilith asks if she means indulge his silly fantasy and Hooty says yeah he is a house of principles and she is asking him to lie calling it hootrageous.

Gus started booing and Luz asked him "wow Gus, you really must hate puns don't you?"

Gus shook his head and Cornholio laughed saying "well then I can't imagine you getting along with Luan Loud in a crossover then."

Cornholio then sighed at the confused stares.

Luz asks if they could please just go with it for his sake but King struggles to go through the door with the staffs but then gets through saying that they will regret ever doubting him saying that they are going to his castle. Luz is surprised as Hooty asks what's wrong since he thought that she said that they should just go with it and Luz interrupts saying that she said that they should just go with him taking Eda's staff.

"Castle, is this the place we saw at the beginning?" Skara asked and King nodded but Lilith noticed her sister looked like she was about to panic.

"What's wrong Edalyn, something that you would like to share with us?" Lilith asked her as Eda shook her head putting on an innocent look with King being weirded out when he noticed.

Lilith takes her staff saying that her historical expertise is being questioned and she will not allow it, inviting Hooty to accompany them.

"How do you expect him to do that since I know where he wants to go and I doubt Hooty could stretch that far and it's not like you could put him into a backpack like that!" laughed Eda amused.

Hooty is excited and says he will get ready as the three looks disgusted as it then cuts to a hole in the door with organs and then down to Hooty in a birdhouse backpack saying that Porta-Hooty is reporting for Hooty with them looking more disgusted and that Luz looks like she is going to throw up.

Silence for a minute as the audience looked grossed out and then those in the front row looked towards Hooty disgusted as he asked "what?"

Luz had to take Amity's hand to stop her from getting up and attacking her as Camila didn't want to look his way, "say Lilith, since you and Hooty, are besties do you want to take over holding him?" Luz asked her with a pleading look in her face as she got up to take him and got back to her seat.

"wait, you could have done that this whole time? When that happens are you still connected to the House? I know this Porta-Hooty thing is different from your backpack but..... Do you put yourself back in the house afterwards and how did you know that you could do that..... I have so many questions now that I really don't want to know the answer to......" Eda muttered.

"He was freaking me out before but now..." Willow stated and they shook their heads.

"If that thing ever goes near me then I will finish what Amity started in that Grom episode." warned Boscha and this time no one wanted to argue or disagree with her on that.

Eda is now out of the shower in a bathrobe and towel on her head as in the window the staffs fly off with their passengers, she gets to the couch in the living room asking where everyone go. Eda notices the mess but lies down separating her feet saying that it's been a while since she had been able to put them up.

The audience looked grossed out as Eda asked what were they looking at.

She notices the note that King left saying off to his real castle, not to wait up and signed her favourite demon overlord. Eda is worried getting up saying not again but falls off the couch, goes through the front door dressed as she finishes putting her feet back on.

"Looks so worried Edalyn." Lilith remarked and Eda didn't look her way.

"Eda, why do you always act this way when I go back to my castle?" King asked as Eda was silent praying that the true story doesn't get brought up.

She goes to the shed and drives out the bathtub with a bike and a propeller on the back. King is leading Eda's staff with Luz as Lilith has Hooty while riding her staff with Hooty demanding if they are still flying since it's been hours and Lilith asks if they should call it a day or perhaps a night saying that Hooty's humour is infectious.

"Wasn't really funny Lilith, I honestly don't get the joke." Luz told Lilith who humphed along with Hooty.

"Perhaps you should give her a chance Luz, have her join you and King's comedy hour." Suggested Hooty as Eda then screamed at being reminded of the blasted comedy hour to the audience's amusement.

King points it out as they see the temple and they fly down with Lilith saying that the island's shouldn't be here as it's not on any of the maps with King saying that it's always been there when he looked for it.

The Boiling Isles residents were stunned as King smugly asked "what do you say now Lilith?" Lilith was just silent.

They get off landing as King explains that after he shrank he woke up here in Eda's arms and she carried him away like a little baby with Luz awing it and motions to Lilith who says fine and just says aw.

"Come on Lily, I know you have a heart." Eda laughed mockingly as Lilith didn't look her way.

Hooty points out the tower with Luz and Lilith amazed and King calling it home sweet home.

King looked at the image in pride as most of the audience looked uncertain wondering if there was any truth in King's stories now.

They go further as Lilith says that the tower is certainly intriguing but then Hooty then puts his head through a tree hole with her thanking him, Lilith continues asking if they could land a little closer and King explains that the tree tops are so thick that this is the only way in plus now he could dramatically do this pulling away plants to show the keyhole shaped entranced which is now blocked by boulders. Luz calls it a door fit for a tyrant with King excitedly saying that it's him and they go closer.

Eda had dread growing inside of her.

King goes to a hole in the cracks of the boulders saying that he will find them another way in, Lilith comments on the strange material that the entrance is made out of and looks at the symbol saying that she had never seen anything quite like it.

Lilith and Hexside students marvelled at the revelation.

Hooty says that he has seen better graffiti and has got better graffiti on him showing some drawings and a fancy purple writing of Luz's name.

"Luz, I know that I am supposed to find this disrespectful but this is funny..." Camila laughed along with others.

"Please do this to me later Luz, it looks nice hoot-hoot!" Hooty begged and Luz nodded his way.

Lilith gets Luz to come closer saying that it predates any language that she knows, saying that King's story maybe a fake but the ruins are a history mystery to her excitement.

"Being in denial won't help you Lily!" King chided her as she then glared at his direction.

The boulders are pushed past as there is king asking what a mystery is and Luz nervously saying that the only mystery is how Lilith could be so smart and so dumb at the same time to Lilith's annoyance. Luz says 'academics, am I right' and King says that she so is and gets them in but Lilith looks extremely cross at Luz.

Lilith glares at a nervous looking Luz but then Amity and Camila looks her way warningly silently reminding her not to keep a grudge on her for this especially after what she had done in the last season.

After going through Luz and Lilith uses light glyphs showing the rock monuments and a carving Jean-Luc on the wall.

"What is that thing? I have never seen anything like that...." Bump asked in shock along with others as Eda moaned to herself, cursing Lilith for baiting King like this.

King calls it the chamber where he would devour the hearts of his foes with the taste being cold and bitter but he bets that Luz's could be sweet, Luz replies that with all the sugar she eat it would better be.

There were giggles at this and Camila was thinking that no creature better dare try and find out.

They explore but Luz spots Jean-Luc's shadow pass by King's shadow to her shock and looks behind just seeing the monuments. King is now on her shoulder saying that she can't believe her eyes and gets off saying that his castle does have that effect to which Luz says yeah, she looks nervous saying so much wonder.

The audience was once again becoming tense at what would be coming.

Hooty points out to Lilith a huge carving of King's father with it looking like him with Lilith saying that the carvings look ancient.

There were loud gasps from the audience as they now looked towards King's direction who stood proud and smug there now being doubt about it being just a story King told. Lilith was in disbelief as Edric pointed out "earlier when we saw him make that kid cry at the Slayground, was it really a deposed demon King you threatened?" Amity wasn't sure and joined the others taking all this in.

Camila knew that this had to be a possibility but Eda was thinking to herself "Is that really King's parent or an ancestor?"

Hooty asks what does it mean and Lilith rationalises that if she never heard of this ruin or the entire island, who knows what other parts of history that scholars have missed. Hooty asks if she is saying and Lilith replies that King may actually have been with them saying at once the king of demons in shock.

King took a bow as the audience was still taking this in, "don't worry I am a humble overlord so I will wait until the next break to gloat and rub it in all your stupid faces!" he shouted with a smirk.

They look as King is poses on top of a large rock saying that he has some bone dust in his eye as he wipes away a tear looking at his kingdom. Luz looks up to a hole in the ground surrounded by a carving of what appears to be a run and the hole is filled with boulders, King says that he can't recall and all he remembers is a muffled roar which was probably some minion praising his name. Luz asks if he wants to head back since this is all so cool but Eda is probably on her 3rd cup of apple blood by now and last time it was really hard getting her off the roof.

"What? Sometimes too much apple blood takes a lot out of me!" Eda shouted in response to weirded out looks coming her way. "This is still preferable compared to what is coming soon..." Eda muttered to herself with her arms folded.

Hooty then knocks Luz over as he comes closer acting like a faithful servant to his majesty trying to claim that he was just messing with him around this whole time to Luz's confusion, Lilith pushes her back saying that it's clear that the ruins are immense historical value perhaps he could tell her more about them.

Lilith and Hooty both gave apologies to Luz while seeing how they were behaving, King was going to be unbearable after this is all over now...

King flattered says that he supposed that he could regale them with some tales but Luz notices a passageway and looks through asking everyone else if they are hearing this as there is a strange sound.

There was much gulping.

King was busy saying to Lilith and Hooty that he would show them where his throne used to be made out of the teeth of his enemies which was awkward to sit in. Luz looks through the passageway asking what are these things seeing the bodies of creatures similar to Jean-Luc, she shows disgust at one but then smiling says that just kidding she would never leave someone hanging giving it an up-top as it then falls on her.

"Luz, I love you and your humour but did you really have to do that?" Camila asked her and Luz realised that playing around like that probably wasn't a smart idea.

She pushes it off seeing al l the others up on the wall. She then notices one body is missing from its hole where the others are to her shock but then spots Jean-Luc walking back through the passageway which she follows.

There were shrieks as no one not even the Boiling Isles residents had seen anything like that apart from King and Eda.

Lilith keeps looking at the carvings as King just finished explaining how he would annihilate his enemy asking who needs due process, Lilith asks what does the image of King's father about to attack a giant creature breathing fire with a spear represent calling him her lord. King says that it's hard to remember but the handsome devil in the carving looks familiar and Luz comes over saying that tour is over and they have got to go now.

Eda was wondering about what it does represent.

Lilith protests that there is so much to learn and Luz retorts that the environment is not conducive for learning and it's conducive for death as King jumps off saying that she saw the horrifying monstrosity room saying not to worry since they can't hurt her. They then spot Jean-Luc on the roof who turns his head around with Luz picking up King running off saying let's go but Jean-Luc jumps down in front of her coming closer.

There were more shrieks as Luz was being embraced by her mother and her girlfriend, "Mija, I am dreading it when the time comes that I just get used to seeing you in danger from dangerous enemies on the screen!" Camila practically cried as Luz knew that it happens way too often. Not like she actively gets into these situations, they do sort of happen.

Then again when she needs to save someone that she cares about...

Jean-Luc throws its claw at Luz with her dodging and then Lilith uses ice glyphs to pin it to some rocks as she helps up with Luz impressed saying that she had been practicing. They run off as Lilith says that she can admire her progress when they get out of there alive but Jean-Luc manages to have the ice picks just go through it as it's now free and gives chase.

"This is terrifying..." Bump remarked and no arguments were made about that.

Jean-Luc gets itself in front of them standing up and transform its hand into a blade ready to slice at them but then its hit from behind by fire as jumping off from the boulders at the entrance is Eda with her potion bottles.

There were sighs of relief at Eda playing the cavalry.

She tells them to get out of here as she will hold it back and meet them outside, Eda throws her potions at it with Luz saying that they could fight together but Eda says that they can't beat the thing and says go.

Luz looked worried for Eda's sake.

Lilith looks towards Luz as they over the rocks at the entrance, Eda smirks at Jean-Luc saying that it's been a while and asks if it missed her as it launches at her.

"How often do you come back here?" Camila asked as Eda shook her head, all the times King felt homesick...

They stop looking at the doorway after going through the entrance with Hooty saying more running and less stopping and Lilith tells him that Eda said to wait here and Luz retorts that they can't let her fight it alone and they have to go back. They then hear noises with them looking worried huddling up together but then Eda holding her arm goes through the boulders with Lilith running up to her to catch her saying that she's hurt.

There were more relieved sighs as Camila was thankful that Luz didn't have to go running back to face that thing.

Lilith asks about the horrible creature but then Jean-Luc goes on top of the boulders with its blade hand ready with Lilith shielding her sister, it attempts to attack but then is caught in a light blue forcefield with it going back with Eda smirking saying that it can't get past the entrance. So they are safe now.

There were more relief about that but most were wondering about the deal with that thing and the place.

Luz remarks that the thing must be guarding the place against intruders and King says that it's his castle so how could they be intruders with him jumping off. Luz looks nervous looking down at King and he remarks that she doesn't believe that it's his castle with her looking guilty. King softly asks Luz if she thinks that he would lie to her.

"Off course, I would never think that King." Luz reassured him and he looked a whole lot better.

Luz is about to say something but Eda interrupts saying that he isn't lying, he just doesn't know the truth as she goes to her knees.

"Eda, what are you saying?" King asks hesitatingly as Eda moaned putting her face to her hands.

"Stupid future me, you just had to open your stupid big mouth..." Eda chided herself.

Lilith tends to Lilith's arm as she says that it's time for her to tell them about how they really met:

Through a flashback Eda explains that 8 years ago she was looking for a price to hide from the Emperor's Coven, she never knew that the place existed but it just appeared in the mist so she landed, she was one hot tomata but the boiling rains were even hotter so she needed shelter.

"I think there was one report that Edalyn was being chased during a boiling rainstorm." Lilith remembered and Steve nodded having been a part of that chase.

When she found the tower she wasn't alone, it shows flashback Eda telling the figure to reveal itself but then spots little baby King who made all the monuments, she starts scratching his cheek asking what is he.

Most of the audience thought that he looked adorable but stayed silent as King was in disbelief.

Eda assumed he was just some stray dog but then Jean-Luc was going to kill them both so she picked him up and bounced with Jean-Luc making an archery bow out of its claws sending an arrow at them which hit them sending them down and cut off his horn.

"Wait what?" King asked shocked putting his claws to his head.

Flashback Eda then picked up King and the horn and against her better judgement she took him home with her. At the Owl House she had gotten him the collar since that is what you do when you get a new pet as she notices King making monuments out of Eda's stuff but then, Eda amused says to look at him a king amongst his subjects and baby King repeats 'king' back at her.

"WHAT? No, this isn't right! You are making this up! You are messing with me!!!" King demanded looking towards Cornholio who actually looked sorry for King.

Eda was surprised to see that he spoke and gets closer asking if he knew what else kings, explaining that they command armies and eat delicious feasts exciting him.

Eda explained that was how he got the idea that he was some despotic overlord but he was finally happy so she kept playing along with him.

"What no, this is a lie....." King said in denial with tears forming in his eyes as Eda muttered to herself asking why did she come here as there were looks from the audience starting to feel sorry for him.

"So he is just 8 years old? Explains so much about his behaviour." commented Willow as King was getting more and more upset.

King upset says that she is lying and Eda replies that she isn't taking out the broken horn from her hair which he takes. King then remembers him on top of the rocks in the tower and that the monuments were his army, the flies were his feasts and says his life throwing the horn back saying to keep it away from him since it's messing with his head.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!!! STOP MESSING WITH MY HEAD!!!!" King shouted out as Eda took out the other horn piece and came closer to him but then started running towards the other room as Cornholio had the door open for him as he then closed it.

Eda gave chased but Cornholio put up a hand after closing the door saying "you are the last person he wants to see at the moment Eda."

Eda looked down as there was Luz coming over looking concerned and then there was Camila and Lilith who had their arms folded and giving her looks. "Sister, I don't need your judgemental comments at this point!" Eda yelled at Camila and then looked towards Lilith. "Plus you, you are the last person who should be judging me! I may have kept the secret from him for 8 years but how does that compare to the decades that you spent keeping the secret that you pretty much ruined my life for a petty reason Lily!" Eda snapped at Lilith.

"I never claimed to be a saint Edalyn but you lived with him for 8 years, the only friend and parental figure that he ever had and you played along with this ruse for that time. How many times had he made a fool of himself with his fantasy? Don't you think that he should have known the truth earlier?" Lilith asked as Eda sighed saying that she is right.

After a few minutes Luz asked Cornholio "You think that if it's alright if I could go and talk to him please?" Cornholio replied by opening the door and tipping an imaginary hat as she went through.

King was sitting in a corner crying openly as she went and sat next to him, "how are you feeling King? Sorry that I lied about what I believed." Luz told him softly.

"It's all true isn't it? All this time, I am not a king of anything.... I am just a nobody without a proper name...." King cried as he then felt Luz pulling him into a hug.

"You may not be a king of demons but you are the king of my heart, you are somebody who I love very much. It doesn't matter whether or not you were the king of demons, it doesn't change the fact that you you're my best friend." Luz told him as he hugged back.

"Why, why did Eda play along with me for so long?" King asked and Luz smiled at him.

"Probably something that parents do, just like what my Mum did when I was young dreaming of being a witch." Luz replied as they kept their embrace for a few minutes. He got up muttering about letting all the eye dust out, "You sure that you are ready to go back out there King?" Luz asked and he nodded.

They went back through the door as Eda had her head down saying "King this isn't easy nor is it thing that I ever wanted to say but i am sorry about all this... I didn't think that there was any harm in pretending...."

"Give it time Eda and I will get over it just like you and your sister." King replied and she nodded understanding.

"Plus I owe you an apology for all the mockery about your stories." Lilith admitted and King just sighed as they all went back to their seats.

"This is all just from the first 3 episodes, can you please tell us that things are much less intense for a while! I think that we may have heart attacks soon at this point." Camila begged Cornholio who was just silent much to her irritation.

Sadly Luz tries to comfort King saying that it's going to be okay and he upset says that they are just making fun of him like usual as he continues to be in denial before he runs off with Luz calling out for him.

Most of the audience just looked solemn now.

Luz is trying to search for him asking for him to please come back and Lilith tells her that she can't fly because the tree cover is too dense and she regrets ever playing a part in this with Hooty unable to hold back his tears for much long asking if it's what regret feels like because he hates it as Lilith comforts him.

"I hate the feeling...." Hooty admitted looking close to tears like his screen self.

Luz sits down saying that she lied to him even though she knew that he trusted her and now he's all alone, Eda says for now they split up since the island is small and he is even smaller so he can't have gone far.

Lilith goes away as Eda comforts Luz saying not to worry because they will find him, Luz wipes away tears she follows Eda. Luz calls out for King but finds him watching the water at the edge of the island while sitting on a log. She sits down next to him as king says that Eda was right, wasn't she that he was never king of anything and he is nobody. Luz replies that he is somebody and she loves that somebody very much and apologised for lying about what she believed.

The audience looked at this emotional scene but Luz and King thought about how this was like their conversation that they had just had.

King sadly remarks that he was too caught up in the fantasy to realise that everyone lied, he has years in his eyes as he says that he doesn't know what to do as he can't tell what's real and what's fake.

Luz looks behind her at the tower saying that something isn't adding up, his memory is faulty and King replies that it's probably another stupid thing that he made up but Luz gets up looking back at the tower asking what if it's a real memory. King asks why does it matter, Luz reminds him that he remembers a roar from up in that shaft so maybe that's where he fell from. Eda had found him in those ruins so there has got to be a clue about where he came from.

"I mean how about those carvings of what we thought was King?" Gus asked and the audience remembered that wondering what was up with that.

King doesn't know and asks what if the story gets worse and Luz replies that he may have been alone before but he has them now so whatever they find up there won't change that.

King smiled thinking about his family the Bad Girl Coven and whatever happens, he still has them.

Luz asks what does he say and he ends up agreeing saying okay, Luz holds his hand as they go back to the others and Eda is relieved as she comes closer but King stares at her. Eda goes on one knee saying that she gets that he's mad at her since she would be too and says that she is so sorry but King boops her nose asking no more secrets saying that she has to promise him.

"Yes King, I now promise only truths." Eda smiled as King smiled back at her.

Eda promises only truths and Luz points to the tower saying that before they leave they have one more thing to check out. Inside the tower Jean-Luc is fixing up the monuments back in place but then looks to the entrance as a potions bottle splashed onto its head.

"So it likes things back where they were before?" asked Boscha's mother and the audience thought that it seemed oddly endearing, kind of like King.

Lilith rides her staff into the air with Hooty saying 'special delivery: Pain' with the 'Pain' word sounding bolder as he then spits out another potions bottle at it.

"Seriously Luz, I think that you were lucky that Hooty didn't fight back when you attacked during the Grom episode!" Skara remarked and Amity gulped remembering that as the audience was freaked out again.

Luz and Eda lets go of their breath as they used the invisibility glyph to speed by with Eda asking if she is sure that they will be alright, Luz gets off the staff with King replying that Hooty knows what to do.

Hooty was pulling through they had to admit and they had forgotten all about the invisibility glyph.

Lilith looks disgusted as Hooty keeps spitting out potions bottle as Eda flies up asking herself if she is sure that they will be alright. Eda put a potions bottle up amongst the boulders sealing the hole as she goes back down to Luz and King. Eda asks if Luz is ready as she holds a glyph saying that she always wanted to do something like this, Lilith tells Hooty to hold his breath as she uses the invisibility glyph on her as Jean-Luc is confused with her fighting it.

There were cheers as this planned seemed to be working.

Jean-Luc manages to grab Lilith by the head as Luz gets the fire glyph and aims it right at the potions bottle amongst the bottles collapsing it as Hooty hits himself against Jean-Luc with Lilith grabbing her staff. Flying off towards the hole with Eda riding hers through it with Luz and King but Jean-Luc follows.

"For once can these dangerous obstacles can please quit!" asked Camila sighing and they were getting that feeling as well.

They reach the top but Eda remarks that there is nothing there, they get off but King notices Jean-Luc coming up towards the top as well and runs to the others .


"There has to be something..." King yelled thinking all this couldn't be for nothing.

King ends up leaning to the door activating magic that opens it and they close it as it then cuts off Jean-Luc's claw. They catch their breaths as Eda says that she thinks that they are safe for now and asks how did they get the door open. King looks to his claw confused and Lilith comments that the room is old, very old as they see a plant at the rope through a hole.

"Something about this feels like..... A nursery?" Gilbert asked and after he pointed it out the audience see what he meant.

On a platform with the hole in the roof shining light through it are shells and Luz excitedly exclaims that she knew that there was something there like the Mystery Whisperer. Lilith looks to the carvings saying that the creature was made to guard whatever was in here.

"Those shells, could they have come from an egg?" asked a human girl and they thought about this.

Luz asks King if anything about this feels familiar to him, King isn't sure but he thinks he knows how to jog his memory. He goes to the platform telling Eda that he is ready and Eda asks if he is sure. King replies that he is as Eda gives him back the horn.

King held his breath readying himself for what was next.

King puts it back in place and realises that he remembers a deep roar as he is in the middle of his egg and something happened but he was too small to do anything so he went back to sleep. Next time he woke up his egg hatched and opens his eyes to see the pattern in the middle of the hole. He crawls to the door and uses his claw his to activate it as there is Jean-Luc, he is picked up by it who then goes through the hole as he tries to reach for the light in the hole.

"Wait...... That creature........ Is King's nanny?" Camila asked as even after everything that the Boiling Isles had to offer, once again it found something to surprise the humans there. Even the Boiling Isles residents this time.

King says that the roar meant 'son' and he doesn't know how he knows that but he does, someone called him his son.

"So was that your dad on the wall?" Luz asked and King was deep in thought about that.

Luz thinks that it was his dad and Luz realises that maybe it was him on all those wall carvings and then Jean-Luc slices the door open but King goes in front of her protectively telling it to stop and it bows before him.

Their were eyes widened about it, "what do you know I have been protecting King from his protector all along..." Eda muttered in disbelief.

Eda says that the thing was protecting King from them this whole time and says 'huh, alright'. There was a flash as Lilith was using a camera to take pictures of the carvings saying sorry were they discussing important revelations she will do it later after taking the picture and Hooty swallows the camera.

"Way to ruin the moment Lily." laughed Eda as she looked nervous at the looks she was getting.

Luz tells King that maybe he wasn't exactly the King of Demons but King finishes saying that he was important to someone and tearfully says that if he is out there then he wants to find him; he's not that old so it could be possible.

There were smiles at King who was thinking about this quest that he would be on now.

King ask Luz if she will help him and she replies that she would do anything for him, King asks if they could keep Jean-Luc and then she, Eda and Lilith replies at once 'no' but Hooty ties them all up saying 'yes' as they look annoyed.

The three then gave annoyed grunts, "Wow Luz, you didn't even hesitate! Not even you wanted that thing around the Owl House?" Amity asked Luz in amusement as Camila had the same look of amusement as well.

"What? You think that I would want that thing anywhere near me? I may like fantasy stories and I have grown to like what the Boiling Isles has to offer but on this matter...... Even I have my limits!" Luz retorted looking insulted at the very idea that she would be for it as Amity laughed along with Camila.

Back at the Owl House, Luz asks King what he is doing as he is using a fork to draw the symbol that was all over the tower onto his collar so what if it's his name, Luz glues his horn back on.

King looked at Cornholio hopefully as Eda then held out the horn and he nodded as King had the horn glued back in its place much to the happy looks of the audience. He then looked towards Cornholio again who sighed and at the end of the row was Jean-Luc kneeling with the looks turning to grossed out looks.

Jean-Luc is sitting by in their name as King is snuggled up in sheets with Francois, King says it's too bad that Jean-Luc stopped moving in the ruin since he liked having a big scary minion. Luz replies too bad as she looks towards Jean-Luc.

"Wow King, are you a Trekkie?" joked Cornholio who became annoyed at the silence. "What? Come on, not even the sci-fi nerds amongst the humans?" cried Cornholio in agitation.

King nervously asks if it's still alright to still call him king since it feels kind of weird when he's not the king of anything. Luz says that he will always be the king of his heart so that's good enough but King looks down.

King does the same.

King says yeah as he says good night as Luz kisses him on the nose and does the same to Francois. King says now Jean-Luc and she nervously goes out saying that she is all out of kisses so maybe next time telling him good night closing the door.

"Will you ever be out of kisses for me?" teased Amity as Luz looked her way.

"No! Never!!!" Luz replied and she laughed.

Eda and Lilith are going over the pictures of the markings with Eda saying that she had never seen markings like them, Luz joins them as Eda asks if it's some kind of ancient language. Lilith asks who the carvings were depicting and Eda calls her Mystery Whisperer asking if she has any ideas. Luz doesn't know but whatever they discover they will be there for King no matter what picking up a picture of King's father with the spear.

"Since I know there has been a lot in these first 3 episodes so let's go for our first intermission now!" Cornholio suggested and the audience all agreed.

Next chapter