
6. The Group of Thugs

Yoji entered the university grounds alongside the rest of the other students. He looked at the students walking inside and he could see their nervousness as they were coming here. Though he also understands that being in a public place like this during the day offers them better protection, though that won't help the perpetrators in the long run anyway.

He then spotted Yuki and Rena standing beside each other as they also spotted him. Yuki and Rena gave him a hesitant wave as he waved back, as he watched them. The two didn't approach him as even if he had let Yuki stay by his side, he was still a bit apprehensive about being too close to them at the moment.

He missed to himself about the fact that he has killed people before, but to his delight he doesn't have any lingering regrets regarding taking their lifes. Don't misunderstand, he doesn't like taking the lives of others, but he has no problems with killing douchebags like the three bastards. And in a world like this, well it's not short of douchebags.

'Still though, it's a good thing that I opted for the ability to control technology since I can get all the information I need. Even the more private kind which is very useful.' Yoji thought to himself as smiled to himself.

But his smile vanished when he saw a group of people numbering at least 30 in front of him. And he recognised one of them being the thug that he beat up yesterday as he can see the group wearing similar clothing. He swept his gaze over the surroundings and saw that the students who had reached the university were also watching them as well.

He spotted some professors but they weren't doing anything, as he could also see the other professor and Haruka in the crowd as well. He also spotted the three bastards in the crowd of students as they were looking at the group and he could see Charakawa having a smirk on his face while Nanba and Gida had nervous smiles on their faces.

He looked behind him as he spotted Yuki and Rena walking in his general direction and stopping as they also spotted the group of thugs as their mouths opened in shock and he could also see fear in their eyes. He then looked back at the thugs and he saw the guy he had hit looking at him and then pointing at him.

'Well, I doubt the professors here will call for help. Since having the police come here would not be good for the university and also because of what they are doing here. They're already nervous with the killer and if they bring in the people, then they might fear them launching an investigation, and they probably don't want any of the girls to spill about what is happening due to the fear of dealing with the police.' Yoji thought to himself as he glanced at Yuki and Rena as they also looked at him.

He looked in front of him and saw the thugs coming towards him as he took a quick look at the three douchebags and the professor and Haruka before he found the group standing in front of him as he looked at a man who he assumes to be the leader of the group.

"So, you're the little shit who dared to attack one of us." The leader said with a sneer.

Yoji saw the other guys also sending him glares as they raised their arms and they have also brought weapons like baseball bats, metal rods and such.

"Y-Yoji..." Rena called out in a small voice as she was shaking with fear with what she is seeing.

"N-No. Someone... help..." Yuki said as she was also scared as well.

The two didn't know what to do as they just looked at the scene, too scared by the group of guys to think clearly as their entire focus was on Yoji. The other students and faculty were also there as a large crowd had gathered, but none dared to take out their phones because they were scared that it might make the thugs angry.

"Well, looks like things are going our way. Even if he was able to beat one guy, he won't be able to take care of all of them." Charakawa said with a grin at seeing it.

"Are we sure it will be good for us?" Gida asked Nanba as he is the planner.

Gida had been getting scared due to the appearance of the killer and yesterday by how Yoji had dispatched of the thug. Now he was starting to get second thoughts regarding his actions as the consequences are starting to appear to him.

"We'll see. Even if Yoji managed to defeat one of them, he can't take all 32 of those thugs. At the very least, we might be able to use that to keep Rena and Yuki in line." Nanba said as he has a faint smile on his face.

Charakawa smirked at his words as he and the three looked back at the scene in front of them. Haruka and her professor was also watching as well, as she gripped her bag more nervously while the professor gulped down some saliva in nervousness.

"He was the one who first attacked me." Yoji said calmly as he looked at the man.

"Doesn't matter. Did you really think that you can just punch someone from our group and walk away? We rule this area." The thug said to him with a malicious smile on his face.

"Really? Then I'm sure you can forgive one guy for defending himself. We can end this all peacefully and be on our way." Yoji said to him as he looked at the group of thugs.

'At the very least I am not wearing my glasses right now.' Yoji thought to himself as he looked at them.

The leader looked at him for a moment before he chuckled alongside the rest of the group. But a few seconds later they laughed out loud causing the gathered people to become even more scared. Yuki and Rena watched with terrified eyes as they couldn't believe that this was happening to him.

'This is... No... Why is this happening?' Rena thought to herself in despair at the events happening in front of her.

'Yoji... run away. Please...' Yuki thought to herself as she was shaking in fear as she watched.

"You really know how to piss me off if you thought that you can just walk away after talking to us." The thugs leader said with a grin on his face.

Yoji watched the leader as he snapped his fingers, and the next moment the thug next to him came forward and punched Yoji in the face. Yoji's face was thrown back as the students gasped as he took a step back before another thug came forward, this time with a baseball bat wrapped in chains as Rena and Yuki's eyes widened.

"Yoji! Watch out!" Both girls shouted in fear and worry when they saw it.

But it was for naught as he was hit on his stomach by the bat with great force as he was thrown back as he rolled on the ground as the thugs laughed at his state while the girls cried out in worry and fear as they held each other. The three douchebags also watched as they smiled at the sight of the girls being scared.

As for Yoji himself, he stumbled back a bit as he held his stomach and looked at it before he sighed with closed eyes.

"Oh, you can still stand. Well, you have to be since you did beat him." The thug who hit him said with a glare.

"Gosh do you shits have to always run your mouth like that?" Yoji said in an annoyed tone as he looked at them.

This put a stop to their laughs as they looked at him in surprise with the rest of the crowd also gaping at the tone and words said by Yoji as he looked at them.

"I haven't really been having a good time and now little shits like you come one after another to ruin my morning. Don't you have anything else to do?" Yoji said irritated as he rubbed his head.

It was silent for a few moments after that as all of them were shocked by the nonchalant and irritated way in which Yoji talked to the thugs.

"Oi, are you fucking with me brat?" The leader said with a pissed off look at him.

But he wasn't the only one as the rest of the thugs were also looking at him with glares. The two girls became even more worried for Yoji due to the looks that he was being subjected to as they were also very scared from seeing it.

"I was worried due to how he was acting but he has done it now." Charakawa said with a smile.

"Y-Yeah. He pissed off all of them. Even he won't be able to do anything now." Gida said with a smile as well.

"Well, I guess we don't have to worry now. They'll probably leave him hospitalized for weeks, maybe months. At that time we can fully train his two girls." Nanba said with the same disgusting smile on his face. (A/N: This guy always smiles in a peculiar way and coupled with his face, I find it disgusting, I hate his face and everything alongside the two as well.)

"Alright brat. We had come here to give out a message but now we'll make sure that you won't be able to walk for the rest of your life." The leader said as he grit his teeth.

In response to his words, Yoji just smiled at his words which further infuriated the thugs.

"Beat him to the ground." The leader shouted as four thugs ran towards him.

Two had bats while the other two had metal pipes as they ran towards Yoji as he watched them as two more followed their friends with bats of their own. The douchebags and professor smiled slightly as his defeat would be to their benefit while Rena and Yuki were scared for him while Haruka was terrified of what is happening in front of her. The rest of the crowd were also scared as they watched as some had gotten enough courage to actually record it.

"Times up you bastard!" One thug shouted as the first four jumped with their weapons raised.

Yoji didn't even raise his eyes as he raised his right fist... and the next moment the thug which shouted at him felt an impact on his fact and all four of the thugs hit the ground face first as Yoji calmly brought his fist down.

The people around him stilled when they saw that as Yoji saw the two approaching guys and shot forward, immediately their heads also hit the ground face first as Yoji appeared behind them as he swiped his right arm in front of him. The thugs which he had just attacked were now face planted on the ground and with their legs in the air as they were knocked unconscious.

It took a few seconds for the people around him to finally realise what had just happened as all of the people around him had their jaws dropped at the display in front of them as they couldn't believe what had happened.

The thugs were shocked at how their members were defeated so easily while the douchebags were shocked and terrified at the power he had just shown, something which was mirrored by the professor. Rena and Yuki were standing with their mouths agape at what they had just seen Yoji do.

Yoji meanwhile just stood straight and used his right palm to remove some dust on his right cheek as he looked at them.

"What's wrong? You were all talking big a few moments ago." Yoji said with a little cheer in his voice which caused the thugs and people to get out of their stupor.

Rena and Yuki took this time to walk forward a bit so that they could now see his face, but their eyes widened when they saw that he has a wide smile on his face as he looked at the thugs, and it looks scary and creepy as he looked at them. This smile also unnerved the thugs and the three bastards and professors and other students as Yoji's smile widened at seeing their reactions. (A/N: Charles Choi smile - Cheonliang arc.)

"Ahh, are you scared? Good. That means I will be able to enjoy thrashing you bastards." Yoji said in a sing song voice with the smile plastered on his face.

Those words caused the people from the universe to feel a shiver due to the tone and the face he is making as they felt fear since Yoji had never acted like this ever before. The three bastards and the professor and other students and professors involved with them felt great fear at the smile on his face.

Rena and Yuki couldn't believe their eyes and ears at how Yoji is acting, it was drastically different from how he usually acted with them as it caused them to be shocked at his change, and fear as well since they have never seen him like this.

"Is-Is this because of me?" Rena said in a small voice as she trembled.

"I-I don't know. But, we did hurt him." Yuki said as she couldn't take her eyes away from the scene in front of her.

Haruka was also in the same boat as the two girls but she was merely afraid of the change in behaviour of Yoji as she couldn't help but gulp in fear. She glanced at he professor near her and saw his terrified face as she took a soundless step back as she watched the student.

The thugs were also shocked at the display as the rest also started to feel fear from seeing the speed and strength in which he took down their members as they became more hesitant.

"I-Is he a super?" One thug said in fear.

More thugs and other people began to question that while Rena and Yuki also started to have slight doubts about it. But Rena was more confused since she had never seen Yoji use such strength before. The three bastards and the students affiliated with them also felt more nervous at hearing that.

"A super? Are you guys that moronic that you can't even distinguish between a martial artist and a super?" Yoji said as he looked at them with a raised eyebrow.

"You can't be that strong by just being a martial artist!" A thug said as he pointed at him.

"Not my fault that you guys are weak fucks. Seriously, you underestimate matrial artists too much." Yoji said as he cracked his neck a bit.

It took a few seconds for the people to actually come to terms with what he said. Many people were questioning his words while others thought that he might be right.

"Are you fucking serious right now." Charakawa said with a terrified face.

"He is that strong naturally?" Gida said as he gulped as his body is shaking.

"Fuck." Nanba said terrified as well as any semblance of his usual disgusting calm was not of his face as he looked at Yoji.

'Are you kidding me right now.' The professor who has Haruka thought in fear at his words.

Rena and Yuki just looked at eachother at hearing that as they didn't know what to think while Haruka was open mouthed alongside other students at his words. Even amongst the thugs, they were surprised at his words, but one of them who was the largest of them all, took a few moments to digest the information before he charged at the student.

"Well, even if you are a martial artist, I'm still bigger than you! I'll pummel you you bastard!" The thug shouted as he ran to him.

Indeed, as the guy is a head taller than Yoji and is also bigger in size as it caused the two girls and Haruka to feel fear again while the douchebags and their associates felt that he might work. While the thugs cheered him on as the leader smirked.

The smirk on the leaders face widened while his group shouted happily as the big thugs fist hit Yoji's face as the students and professors winced and gasped at the punch. The douchebags and professor and others felt happy at seeing it while Rena, Yuki and Haruka were worried for Yoji.

Only for Yoji's own fist to hit the giant thugs face as the guy slammed the guy on the ground with his head first as his legs were thrown up as the ground cracked under the force of his punch as Yoji just looked at the guy.

This single punch knocked the wind out of th people who were watching as they couldn't believe what they were seeing right now. As a scrawny kid has just punched a large guy into the ground after being punched in the face.

"How?" Rena, Yuki and many others said in shock.

The three douchebags felt fear at seeing it, something which was mirrored by the ones they had contact with. Even the thugs were shocked and shared at the power of the punch.

Yoji then raised his fist, as his knuckles were coated in blood as a few drops fell as the thugs face was a bit bloody from the punch. He stood back up nonchalantly under the gazes of the rest of the people.

Then he raised his right hand and grabbed hit hair in the front of combed it back, some of the blood getting in his hair as he looked at the thugs with a grin on his face and a look which promised pain as he smiled widely.

"Now, who wants to be broken next? Today's services are free." Yoji said with the grin on his face as the people became more unnerved and scared.

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