
Yagami : First Mission as a Genin and it Sucks

I've decided that I'll write everything in Volume 1 so there's not going to be at Volume 2


The next after getting Promoted to Genin without the Graduation from the Academy Yagami , Kushina and Minato were at the School saying goodbye to his Classmates .

Ikari : So Everyone from now on Yagami , Minato and Kushina won't be able to attend the class with us anymore .

Just as Ikari Sensei said this a Student from Yagami class raised his Hands .

Random Student : And why's that Sensei ? .

Ikari : It's because they've became a Genin now .

Random Student 2 : What ! but how did they become a Genin they've not even graduated yet !

Ikari : I don't know Myself , The Hokage called me and told me that Yagami , Minato and Kushina are a Genin from Today . So it would be better if Yagami comes forward and explain it to us .

Ikari Sensei Looked at Yagami motioning him to come Forward and explain . Yagami without wasting any second came infront.

Yagami : We defeated Three Person who has been Genin for Three Year's to become a Genin .

Random Student 3 : Woah that sounds Cool .

Random Student 4 : I think I should try it too .

Random Student 5 : You wanna beat a Genin huh in your dreams you can't defeat a Genin .

Random Student 4 : What did you say .

Random Student 5 : I said you to keep dreaming .

Random Student 4 : You -- .

Ikari : Ok keep Silence Everyone .

Before the fight was about to begin Ikari Sensei stopped it . And then turned towards Yagami , Minato and Kushina .

Ikari : I think that it's time for you to go . It's already time to start the Class now .

All 3 : Yes Sir !

Yagami , Minato and Kushina saluted Ikari Sensei and then went out of the Academy . In the way to the Academy Minato and Kushina stopped at their Track .

Yagami : Hey why did you two Stopped ? .

Minato : I guess we should decide that who's going to be the leader of our Squad .

Kushina : Yeah , it doesn't seems good that we don't have an Squad leader .

Yagami : Ok so let's choose who's going to be the Leader .

Minato : There's no need to Choose me and Kushina has already decided who's going to be the Squad leader .

Yagami : You and Kushina has already decided about it and didn't even include me in your decision ! .

Yagami was acting as if he was in the verge of Tears .

Minato/Kushina : We think that the Squad leader should be you .

Yagami : W-Wait guy's i don't think that it's right for me to be the Squad leader . I don't like being the Center of Attention and I think it would be good for Minato to be the Squad Leader .

Minato/Kushina : No we've decided that you are going to be our Squad Leader .

Seeing that Minato and Kushina were ganging up on him Yagami looked down in defeat .

Yagami : Ok fine I'll be the Squad leader .

Yagami : * Thought.* They really are the same .

After this They started going to the Hokage Office .

Yagami : * Thought * Hey System , yesterday you said that Kushina has obtained a Seed of the Earth Element may I know what a seed of an Element is ? .

System : The Seed of an Element is a fraction of Power from the Japanese God Amaterasu . Amaterasu, also known as Amaterasu-Omikami, is the Japanese Goddess of the Sun and the Ruler of Takamagahara, the High Plain of Heaven. She is seen as highest and most sacred of al Shinto Kamis and is believed to be the direct ancestor of the Japanese Imperial Dynasty. She was born when her father, the Japanese Creator God Izanagi, escaped from his visit to the underworld and cleansed himself in the waters of the river Woto. Amaterasu arosef from Izanagi's left eye, along with her sibling, the Moon God Tsukuyomi, who arose from his right eye, and finally the Storm God Susanoo, who was born from Izanagi's nose. Due to being too Powerful the Other God betrayed her and killed her but before she died she scattered her Elemental Power's into different seeds and if someone grows that seed to it's full power it is said that that person will become just as Strong as a God .

Yagami : * Thought * Woah so Kushina is the heir of a Goddess now but hey Kushina got a seed of the Earth Element due to Ascension but why didn't Minato got a Seed of an Element?

System : He did get a Seed of the Fire Element .

Yagami : * Thought * If he did then why didn't you tell me about it earlier .

System : I did tried to tell you but you were just too focused on your battle that you didn't even see the notification .

Yagami : * Thought * O-oh sorry about that .

System : It's okay .

Yagami : *Thought * Hey system can you tell me How many seeds of an Element are there?

System : There are a Total of 6 Elemental seeds . Fire , Thunder ,Earth , Water , Wind and Ice .

Yagami : * Thought * So How many People Possess the Elemental Seeds .

System : There are three People who Possess the Elemental Seeds .

Yagami : * Thought * So tell me the name of the Last Person who has the Elemental Seeds .

System : It's you , you have the seed of the Thunder Element .

Yagami : * Thought * O-Ok so it seems that i didn't see the Notification of me gaining the Thunder Element seed either .

System : Yes and apart from the Elemental Power's the God Amaterasu also Gave away her Power's of Life and Death Manipulation . And if the Power of Life and Death falls into the wrong hand it might be the end of the World so you've received a new quest and it is to find th Power of the Life and Death and protect it at all Cost .

Yagami : * Thought * The Power of Life and death huh and this new quest seems a little too Hard for me .

System : Notice the Person who Reached the full power of Amaterasu that person will be even stronger than the Otsutsuki God and the Power to Control life and death is sealed at a Certain Places .

Yagami : * Thought * Well I'll think about it later when I become stronger than Kaguya . So delayed the Quest for now .

System : The quest to retrieve the power of Life and Death has been delayed .

After this they went to the Hokage office and took a D rank Mission this Mission was to gather Herbs .

In the Forest Yagami , Minato and Kushina were seen Collecting Herbs for their Mission but Yagami was starting to get angry at this Mission and a tickmark appeared at his Forehead .

Yagami: * Angry * This is our first mission as a Genin and it's getting on my nerves ! .

Minato: We can't do anything about it Yagami we've just become a Genin so we can only take D rank missions .

Kushina : Don't worry Yagami once we Complete a lot D rank missions we'll be able to take C rank missions .

Yagami Sighs at this .

Yagami : * Sighs * Yeah let's Complete alot of D rank missions .

Minato/Kushina : Yes ...

Next chapter