
The Mini Heist: Fooling The Mob (EC)

Keith continued to chat with the guy until he reached King's cross, which took them almost an hour to reach. He got off the carriage and took out a small ring from his pocket before giving it to the guy, "Here, feel free to sell it for money."

The carriage puller thanked him profusely, which make Keith feel slightly awkward so he left quickly after calming the him down. His destination was still four kilometers away, so he silently walked the rest of the distance as he kept an eye on Vincent's whereabouts. 

'He's already at the site...' Keith thought as he sped up. Masks weren't a big thing in Baroma Kingdom, so he had no choice but to go with other options. He bought a watermelon and tossed way most of it while keeping just the outer part. Two decent sized holes and it was ready to be worn. 

He stared at it for a few seconds and sighed, 'It won't feel good, but at least I can take a bath once I'm done.'

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