
Chapter 8- The singing girl

Pov- Ivy 

I slowly poked my head into the door of the bunker and took in what was around. Of course, the first thing my eyes are drawn to is the girl sitting on the floor. She had pale skin and very pointy ears. She seemed to have made a guitar from random objects such as a tissue box and an empty roll of toilet paper. She was also surrounded by boxes and other objects that seemed to have faces on them. 

After shifting my focus from her I looked around the rest of the bunker. Overall, it was very small. Some things to note were that it looked like a lot of the supplies had run out. There were also a lot of skeletons around the bunker. If I had to guess, probably dead from radiation. 

It was then that the little girl stopped singing her song about the blinking light. She then started talking to the boxes that surrounded her. Seeing this broke my heart that this girl was so lonely that she had to make fake friends to talk to. I heard her talk about how her mother left because of something she did to a dog and how she scared her father away. After that she stood up and said, "When people get scared and run away it's because I want them." 

I thought that this was a good time to make my entrance to the little girl, so I said, "Ohh really, do you want me to run away scared to then?" Upon hearing me, the little girl turned around shocked to see another little girl and before she could say anything I just laughed at her reaction. "I'm just joking with you kid," I said to her, "no need to freak out, I don't get scared that easily." 

At that she got mad and yelled, "Who are you calling a kid. You are barley a few inches taller than me" 

She did have a point at that, but I wasn't going to back down so I asked, "Oh really, how old are you then so we can settle this?" 

"I turned 5 a few weeks back" She said to me with a smug smile "How about you?" 

At hearing her answer, I had a wide grin on my face as I answered, "I turned 6 a few days back so that makes me older." As I said this, for the second time I have known this young girl she had a shocked face. "I guess that makes you the child then." I said with a sense of overwhelming victory oozing off me. 

After my victory I sat down on the floor next to the girl after taking the backpack, bow and quiver off my back. The girl was still fuming with anger after losing this little competition, so we sat in silence for a while until I eventually decided to get on better terms with the only sentient being I have seen in a year. "Sorry for getting off on the wrong foot before. That was my fault. I just haven't seen people in over a year, and you seemed so teasable so I really wanted to." I said while looking at her. After hearing my apology, she calmed down a bit and sat down beside me. "Let us start over again. Hello, my name is Ivy, what is your name?" I asked her. 

"My name's Marceline and I guess I can forget about what happened before" Marceline said to me. 

"Hey Marceline, it's a pleasure to meet you properly." I replied to her before continuing, "though, Marceline is a very long name, I am going to call you Mar for short." I told her with a great smile spread across my face. 

To that comment Mar replied, "That is an acceptable nickname I suppose." She then froze and looked down before asking me in a hushed voice, "You planning on staying here or are you going to leave me like everyone else?" 

At hearing her question, I could not help but feel sad for the poor kid. She has been abandoned by everyone around her and has been left all alone. Just like me. At that moment I decided to take care of her to the best of my ability so I replied, "I will stay with you forever Mar, even if you don't ever want me, I will stick with you." 

My reply seemed to have convinced her of my intentions because I saw a tear move down her cheek before she stood up wiped off the tear and smiled at me. "Well new roomie," she said with a new upbeat attuite, "Do you want a tour of your new home?" 

I nodded to her question to her new question. She went ahead to show me around the bunker. She showed me her bedroom which was essentially a blanket fort. She told me I could stay in her bedroom, which I accepted after seeing the expectant look on her face. She then showed me where all the food and water were stored. After telling her I didn't need much food, she had a confused look before continuing with the tour. She also showed me the door I had already seen. 

She then introduced me to all of her "friends". They were just random objects she made to be friends with. I did not want to dampen her mood though, so I played along with it. 

She then ended her tour of the bunker with the light that she says always blinks. I looked at the light for a minute and confirmed an initial suspicion that this red light was just to tell people that there was a message. After confirming this I turn to tell Mar the news. 


Pov- Marceline 

I stared at my new roommate who was looking at the red light. At first, I wasn't so sure about her. She just showed up out of nowhere and started to make fun of me. That was until she apologized and made friends with me. She promised me that she would stick with me, but I know that it is probably another lie. Everyone leaves me after seeing what type of monster I am, but for now, I decided to give her a chance to prove that she means what she said. 

After Ivy stared at the light for a minute, she turned to me and asked, "Do you know what that is?" 

After hearing her question, I stared at her like she was the dumbest person alive. "Well, I think it's a red light, but now that you mention it, it could also be marron" I said in the most sarcastic voice I had. 'I guess my new friend is not the smartest person in the shed huh.' I told myself 

To my response she facepalmed. "Not the light you dingus," she said to me, "I mean the machine attached to it." 

"Ohhhhhh" I said to Ivy before shaking my head, telling her I had no clue what it is. 

To that she just sighed and said, "It's a telephone." She told me and seemed to expect a big reaction from me but honestly, I was just more confused, and that confusion could easily be seen on my face. 

After seeing my confused expression, Ivy did not even sigh this time, she just looked disappointed. "The red light on it means it has a message that has yet to be played." Upon hearing that I still did not really care and just looked at her with a nonchalant face. "Don't you want to know what it says?" She asked me. 

"I honestly couldn't care less what is on it" I told her. I then proceeded to turn around a walk over to my guitar where I left it earlier. I sat down on the floor and started to think up a new song to write. 'I wonder if Ivy can play any instrument' I thought to myself. Upon remembering Ivy I looked up to see what she was doing. 

To my shock, she was currently hanging off the machine with only one arm supporting her from falling and the other was messing around with the telephone controls. 'What sort of monster is she?' I asked myself as I watched her work. I then recalled the comment earlier from her about not needing food and I promised myself to ask her about it later. 

First though I wanted her to get down before she hurt herself. Just as I was about to call up to her and tell her to get down, I see her click one last button before a voice came out of the telephone saying, "One new message." After that was played Ivy dropped to the ground and landed easily on the floor without complaining about any pain. I did not have time to check on her though because the message continued with "Marceline, your there aren't you, brave girl." The difference being instead of a robot's voice, this time it sounded like my mother's voice. 

"Mommy" I sniffled out while crying, not caring at all that I am not alone. 

The message from my mother continued with "I'm sorry I had to trick you, but you're tough enough to handle this world on your own and it's not gonna change you because you have a good heart. I love you Marceline. I hope you can forgive me." 

Way before the message finished, I was crying my eyes out. I curled myself into a ball and said in my head 'I forgive you mom. I love you too.' As I cried, I felt a set of hands curl around me and hug me as I eventually fell asleep due to these exhausting emotions. 

Big chapter readers. This chapter not only introduced Mar but also caused the book to pass 10k words. That means two things. One is that the plot will get a lot better as we got our first character who will be around for a while. When I say a while I mean that Mar will be there a the end of this book. That I promise. This also means that after passing 10k words we become an offical novel in the eyes of webnovel.

With this great news I want to wish everyone a great day (or night).

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