
Test Administrator

"I'll be your test administrator," The person that appeared beside her said.

Before Anatalia looked at him to ask who he was, the employee threw a book at the figure's face as she yelled, "It doesn't work this way, Sir Nagic!"

As the book hit him, the adventurer crowd that were paying slight attention to this went wild with laughter and murmurs.

"Oh, Lover boy's at it again."

"He's always after the pretty girls! He only volunteers when he sees one."

"Tsk, go get him, Mimi!"

"Yeah, don't let him off easy."

While they were discussing, Anatalia took the opportunity to talk with Finn. 

Talking to a mana beast wasn't impossible; some beast could talk, and some people had an item or ability that helped them. The thing ws that it was just rare, but with the impression Anatalia has given and will give them, they'll believe it was her ability.

"What's going on now? I heard something about us taking a test." 

Finn had heard the whole situation, the only reason he was confused was because of the employee's face when she looked at the paper Anatalia filled.

"I will be taking the test," Anatalia said, emphasizing on the 'I'.

"Wait, what?" Finn blurted.

"You can only fight with me if we're contracted or you're my summon, but in truth we're actually independent." Anatalia explained. "It's my placement so I want to go through it on my own, but don't worry, after I'll be able to register you as my companion."

Finn was dumbfounded. If both of them had gone through this test together their first rank placement will be high and it'll give them more access to services. Now, they might be posted at the bottom of the very rank.

'No,no. Anatalia had fought in that monster filled region and survived multiple times. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.'

Seeing Finn look at her puzzledly, Anatalia hesitatingly gave a bump on his shoulders and said, "You can trust me, Finn."

Still stunned, Finn replied, "Alright. You go knock 'em out, kid."

Anatalia chuckled, "Why am I being called a kid, you're just 2 years older than me."

"Yeah, yeah." Finn shrugged.

Anatalia turned back to look at the ongoing situation, but she was actually disturbing herself with her own thoughts.

There was a way they could have taken the test together, she just had to form a contract with Finn, but there were two reasons why she didn't know if it would work.

The first reason was because of the magic contract that she knew of binded one to a beast, Finn was not considered a beast in his truest form.

The second reason was more childish and due to her past, she wanted Finn to see the strength she had so he could rely on her a bit. 

The thoughts of her strength being unable to please Finn was still there, after all, he was strong on his own. She pondered if she should change the information and attempt contacting Finn then starting the adventurer application process again.

Before she could conclude, she heard someone clear his throat as though calling for her attention.

"Hello. Beautiful young lady, are you here? Nagic, your test administrator speaking."

"O-oh, yes, I am ready." Anatalia saw the person standing beside her.

He had beautiful white neck-length hair, green eyes that were even brighter than Anatalia's, a well shaped face, and he wore a weird styled white and green robe with one of his hands put into the chest opening of the robe.

Using his free hands, he waved, "Alright. In case you didn't hear, I'm Nagic and I'll be your test administrator."

Anatalia glanced at Mimi, the employee attending to her.

"Yes, he'll be the one to do so, he has been given the corresponding authority." Mimi said.

"Alright, Mr. Nagic."

"You can drop the formalities." Without waiting for her to reply, Nagic walked towards a door in this hall, telling her to follow.

- - - - -

Finn trailed behind Anatalia and Nagic without doing too much. Since he couldn't speak aloud, he mumbled to himself, "This guy really gives me a sense of familiarity or am I just thinking about it too much."

After scrutinizing him more, Finn sighed, "I'll just give up. Sense of familiarity won't add anything."

As they walked through a corridor with white walls, he heard a discussion between Anatalia and Nagic begin.

"Pretty lady, mind if I draw you later?"

"Huh?" Anatalia blurted out.

"Don't worry, I'm certainly not perverted," Laughing, Nagic said. "I just lack inspiration recently, but god sent you my way, now inspiration is all over my head. Isn't god wonderful?"

"I guess…" Anatalia found the conversation weird to undergo.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to also draw that mana beast of yours."

Anatalia sharply replied, "No. I am not interested."

"Sheesh, don't be like this," Nagic sighed. 

He continued asking Anatalia if he could draw her and Finn, but she always immediately declined. He also asked questions that Anatalia chose to not respond too.

'This guy is really weirdly outgoing…' Finn couldn't help but judge.

After a bit, they found themselves in what looked like a small training hall.

It was like an indoor coliseum. Seats made from wood at the sides formed a box shape, and a free space with considerable distance from the seat was in the middle. That was going to be the platform where the test would be held.

As they got here, adventurers that Finn saw in the first hall also appeared through another part.

They sat on the seats like he did, planning to watch this match for the fun of it.

A prepared barrier was set around the platform and only Nagic and Anatalia were within.

"You're really going to fight without your mana beast," Nagic said. "What relationship do you have with that beast that makes it yield to you?"

Tired of Nagic and his questions, Anatalia smiled bitterly, "If you're so curious, check the information I submitted."

"Ahh…" Nagic chuckled, "Anywho, come at me then. Go all out, you don't need to worry about damaging the hall or harming those at the seats."

Standing in a battle stance, holding her two daggers, Anatlia tilted her head, "Are you going to fight me like that, without weapons?"

Freeing his two hands from his robe, Nagic said, "Pretty lady, please do not belittle me."

And so, the test began with Finn watching with piqued interest.

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