
13.) Giants Agreement. Reeds, Umbers prepare for change

An: Hey guys. Wanted to start writing asap this morning. Again, my title is pretty self explanatory. Need you all to throw suggestions my way. Need some obscure but useful ideas for other magical abilities to start within the north. And tell me what you think of the Icestone? That will be VERY important to Harald and the North itself. And my ideas for skagos' look differ because of the ice stone. Be prepared for that.


Giants Encampment, Valley of Thenn, 128 AC

Harald Pov

After regaining some of my composure at such a useful item that apparently comes from my dragon and ice volcanoes. I've never seen such things except for in a movie about an alien world that had such volcanos.

But they sprayed toxic chemicals to humans. Not condensed into magic crystals.

I have so many ideas on how these could be used. I have a feeling that dragonglass is an important part of Valyrian steel. So what could putting ice-stone into the steel making process produce?

Better than that, I have the blood of the kings of winter running through me. Using such powerful elements to smelt steel might produce something incredible.

Furthermore, I believe runic encryption would actually have results on ice-stone. During my time with Karl Reed at the wall, we found the engramic matrix of the walls magical barrier that kept the Night King above the wall for thousands of years. Ice stone is what the wall is made of.

While meeting the giants was like a kid fulfilling his dream, seeing this ice-stone is making me feel like the man who just became president and is about to learn about all the things they don't tell the public.

This ice-stone will be my red button.

I return my attention back to the cavernous space I, Torrent, and Edris occupy with the giants leader Groot.

I decide to break the ice, no pun intended, on my proposal to him.

""Groot, you claim to have been waiting for me. Would you and your family be willing to follow me south?""

He looks pensive. Something I understand. Leaving all you've ever known is tough. I decide to keep talking while pulling out the map and doing what I did with Turin to him. Show him the location we're at now and where I want to go.

""See these Three islands here? People call it Skagos. It will be renamed Athens when we conquer it.""

Groot turns even more pensive. He responds to me in that deep grumbling voice, ""that place is dangerous Winter dragon. That is the home of the most dominant ice dragons in the shivering sea. The ice mountains give them ample magical energy to consume.""

I now why Fafnir was always nervous about the island when he was younger. However, he showed no such fear now. That can only mean he's confident to deal with whatever we encounter there.

I placate the giant. ""Thats precisely why I want you to come with me. With Fafnir with me in the sky and you and your clan, I believe we can handle any threat we find on the island.""

Groot stayed silent for several moments weighing the words I'd just spoken. After 2ish minutes he replies.

""We will come. It's always been our destiny.""

I nod and ask, ""can you and some of your clan break this ice stone and take it with us back to the coast? This stuff has been sitting here for a long time. It's even glowing. Something not even Fafnir's crystal did when I saw him shoot it. I can only assume this means they've collected more ambient magic than Fafnir. I have ideas for how to make this stuff our biggest and best resource.""

Groot nods his head and makes a subtle gesture similar to me toward the guards stationed at the door. They began walking away while we walked towards the exit.

It's here I decide to explain to him the threats we face. ""Forgive me Groot. But I would be remiss if I didn't inform you thoroughly about the threats we will encounter after claiming and making our home safe.""

He looks to me to continue and I don't keep the big guy waiting, ""there are others south of the wall who fly atop fire dragons. They currently have a bit of a civil war going on that they've decided to drag the entire realm into as well.""

He looks pensive for a moment but shakes his head and replies, ""we've been keeping ice dragons at bay for thousands of years. This is what allowed our bow making and shooting to become so good. We can hit a fire dragon.""

I give a feral smile and nod before responding. ""And with what I plan to do with the Ice-Stone I think it will be even less difficult than we realize.""

Timeskip three days

As we head away from the giants home with hundreds of pounds being carried of ice-stone by their mammoth mounts, I begin to chuckle to myself as I sit atop Fafnir looking at the procession I've built.

Men from all over the world with one thing that connects them. The ice and cold of The North. Hard times make hard people. And there were no harder times than winter here. In 2 weeks or so, my conquest begins.

I thought I would be nervous but I'm more excited. Learning about ice volcanos has me being super ambitious. Crazy ideas like building the winter version of Valyria. Maybe I can. It'll take far longer than I can live, but maybe it can happen.

I let go of this line of thought for now as Fafnir takes his signature stride before falling off one of the frost fangs and into a deep dive over my men. I scream out so all can hear as I pass by, ""To Athens!""

Like the movie 300, shouts return my cry as we make our way east towards the coast ready to take on a new venture. Our first one as comrades.


The North, Winterfell, 128 AC

Gage Umber Pov

Hearing Karl so casually mention his ability to green see is shocking to me.

Sure, I know of many legends of the North. Ice Dragons, Cave Cats, Snowbears, And White Walkers.

However, those are all extinct. They passed with the age of hero's. Everyone knows that.

But hearing my friend Karl Reed, it seems I may have been mistaken.

Lord Cregan asks Karl a question after he recounts the history of houses Stark and Reed. ""Karl, what dream did you have about Harald?""

The Reed looks to me and then seems to come to a decision. ""I saw Harald gain Allies among the wildlings…"" he began and my blood boiled. Why would he want to make friends with those who raid and rape through our lands?

Cregan gave me a look I can only describe as wolf-like. His eyes made sure I held my tongue so Karl could continue uninterrupted.

""…..He also made friends among the giants….""

This time I couldn't hold it in. ""What type foolish man do you take me for Karl?! Giants? Such creatures died a long time ago. With the walkers and ice dragons.""

Karl just sighed at me like a father disappointed in his sons outburst. This makes me even more angry. But before I can continue my Tyraid Cregan speaks. ""Enough Gage. I've brought you here because I trust you. Harald is doing something crazy right now. Please. Continue Karl.""

And so Karl said the craziest thing I've heard since being seated In the godswood under the heart tree, ""….He bonded to an ice dragon.""

Those words made even Cregans mask falter. ""W-what?"" The Lord of Winterfell asked.

Karl sighed and spoke again. Quieter this time. ""He now rides an ice dragon.""

And that's the day my world changed forever.


An: next chapter is the acquiring skagos. I don't know if that's going to be today or tomorrow honestly. Just gonna go with the flow. Hope you enjoy :))

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