
Chapter 019:

Chapter 19: Busy Day

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Bandomeer

Location: Bandomeer Space

Inside the Bandomeer system, a small group of three ships was hanging around the edges of the Bandomeer Asteroid fields close to the Hyperlane exit.

These ships were flying the Republic colors albeit heavily faded, and consisted of a single frigate and two corvettes, better known as a Pelta Class Frigate and two CR-90 Corvettes, 

This was clearly a Republic Patrol group; however, the discoloring and disheveled appearance they have would suggest that they were captured ships by Pirates or on their payroll, making them look corrupt.

On the bridge of the Pelta class Frigate sat a human man around his thirties or forties with black hair and graying spots, with a clean-shaven face.

He had a travel warn face with deep wrinkles from long periods of stress, and was wearing a dirty Republic Captain's uniform.

This man is the captain of the ship and leader of this small patrol.

"Captain! Readings show ships coming out of Hyperspace." someone on the bridge reported.

"From where?" the man asked in surprise that someone would use the jump point in the first place due to the chances of ending up hitting rocks being far too high, and only smugglers would sometimes try to use it

"From right in front of us." the same person answered, making the face of the captain and everyone else brighten up, to finally have some pray

"Move towards them and prepare the ship tractor beams, and tell the boarding teams to be ready." he ordered getting excited

However, that excitement was short-lived when a group of ships arrived together with space of some hundreds of meters between them, giving them ample space to maneuver and fire.

"FUCK! BATTLESTATIONS!" the captain roared when his ship started to shake from the fire of these ships.

"THERE MANDALORIANS!" the scared voice of the sensor operator was heard. making everyone turn pale

"Call the others! we need assistance!" the captain roared in fear before getting knocked off his feet.

"Sir we are surrounded! The corvettes are down and report being boarded!" the man on communications cried out

"Shit! Full power to engines get us out of here!" the captain roared, at the pilot who sat with his hands behind his head

"No can do sir… we are dead in the water and will be boarded soon." the pilot told the man

"..." This made the captain pale, and quiet down trying to think of something.

When the pilot's words rang out, the pilot quickly dropped to the ground hands on his head just in time for the doors to the bridge to open.

"Surrender or die." came the harsh words of fully clad Mandalorians who quickly moved onto the bridge

— — — — — 

Location: YT-1930 Light Fraighter 'Wayfarer'

Just before this happened, a group of ships came out of Hyperspace.

On the ship flying in the middle of the formation, inside the cockpit of a YT class ship, Jack could be seen giving out orders, in quick order.

Jack's POV:

"All Fighters harass the Republic patrol in front of us, Corvettes and Frigates target the enemy's left most Corvettes drop their shields, the second one right after they are to far forward." I ordered quickly as the ships mentioned flew past, in quick order throwing fire toward the targets in question

Fang fighters sped up with afterburners and did quick strafing runs, giving the enemy too much to focus on and being in a prime location to deal with enemy fighters, that could potentially still be launched.

"Butch get your men ready to board the targeted Corvette, Lazy bones be ready to board the second Corvette when the shields drop." I kept on ordering while watching Butch's Kom'rk fly close to the first Corvette and quickly dropped their men to board from the side right when the shield failed.

"After that is done all ships target the Pelta class ship, to which Chuck's group will board." I gave the orders, watching how the ships targeted the second Corvette in quick order, soon watching Lazy Bones Kom'rk drop their men onto that Corvette also through a hangar bay on the side.

"We need to be quick to surprise them and take their ships either by capture or by destruction." I told a surprised Sera next to 

"If we destroyed them their ships would be difficult to salvage and could easily be found and reported as lost, however, if the ships are captured, we can even use them to our advantage maybe even dock with one of the bases to freely move about." I explained to her.

"And a nice bonus would be their computers, to find any and all files showing their corruption, and who else could be implicated." I explained, knowing how important files are since my own have assisted me so much already.

"Seems it worked, got messages of the boarding groups saying the ships were clear, no resistance." I heard Sera tell me

'Man that looked so perfect, watching them speed past and take down the enemy ships.' I could not help but think of the current situation.

"Sorry, what? no resistance? none at all?" I asked in pure shock.

"Yes sir, seems all ships were understaffed, and all ships had their bridge crew captured." she told me.

I could only slump into my seat at that in shock. I never expected this outcome and expected a big fight on all ships specifically the Pelta class Frigate, I mean a crew of around 900 is nothing to scoff at if they would fight back

"... send word to lock those people up, and start gathering information from their computers, and tell Butch and Lazy Bones to be free to interrogate the crew even if some might… expire." I told her.

In the meantime, I flew my ship towards the Pelta topside hangar, I'm going to enjoy doing this myself and show Chuck and Nora with their men how I do it and am not weak to dirty my hands.

'Argh… my head hurts again, this time it is showing me interrogation techniques of my old world… there rather vivid. Could I have been a guard or something? or Police? maybe even been an Investigator or something.' I thought, closing my eyes just after landing in the hangar

Sadly for me, the headache was apparently there to stay this time around.

I walked out the door of my ship flanked by Sera and Rin on either side.

We were greeted by three men of the Deathwatch group or former group.

'I should rename them calling them Deathwatch or Former or Remnants, yeah would get annoying real quick.' I thought

"Lead the way to the 'guests.'" I said soon following them through the ship

— — — — — 

Location: Bandomeer Hyperlane exit, Trade route

While we tested our newly formed fleet, elders in the system on the hyperplane exit normally used, Deathwatch came out with their own fleet.

Their fleet consisted of fifteen Fang class fighters and six fully loaded Kom'rk class fighters/transport.

"Sir! Reporting… no sign of any patrols there should have been at least one." a Deathwatch trooper said reading the sensor logs from the most central Kom'rk.

"Look for any traces, one of the patrols holds what we are looking for. Cleaning them up will be good for the main mission, and finishing our mission's second objective would have been good in the long run." the boss said in a gruff voice

"I'm looking, sir, but besides hyperjump exit readings near the asteroid belt's edge, I can't find much… never mind found a patrol surrounded by the Gryphen fleet, we encountered before coming here by jumping ourselves." the sensor trooper said

"Is the target among that patrol?" the boss spoke up, getting agitated and balling his fists.

"Negative sir, their ship identifiers are not showing the target name." the sensor trooper said shaking his head

"To bad we could have made a deal with them if needed." the boss said when alarms went off

"FUCK! Sir! Another two patrols showed up and are moving towards the Gryphen fleet." the sensor trooper stated with a curse.

"Not good! send word to them now, we need them in good shape for that fortress." the boss yelled out

"Done, now we either wait or assist…" the communications trooper said, nervously tapping a finger on his console

"Send all Fangs to assist while all Kom'rk's move towards the main mission." the boss ordered

— — — — — 

Location: Bridge of the captured Pelta class Frigate:

Jacks POV:

'Even though I remember more and more, I never thought I would be that kinda guy in the old world.' I thought, thinking back to the memories of torture and interrogation

These memories showed me I was not a kind man when performing those tasks.

Well, I remember them so might as well use them, for better or for worse.

At least that was my thought process, but when the call of enemies approaching came out I only cared about one little thing.

"Did we get anything from the computers?" I asked and got the answer I liked to hear

"Yes sir, they never used… codes or passwords." a trooper said in a belittling tone looking at the captured bridge crew

"Good take it all, then clean up here, we are getting more visitors." I told them walking away quickly back to my just-landed ship

"Yes sir!" I heard behind me when the shooting started

'Can't have survivors if two patrols come our way, if these idiots get free and take over the ship's controls we end up with three to deal with.' I thought sending the same orders to Buck and Lazy Bones

But of course, things will never be this easy when just before walking onto my ship a bound woman is dropped in front of me… in Jedi robes.

"Found this one trying to sneak away and get to her star-fighter in the hanger." I heard Nora tell me

All I saw was a female Jedi, mouth gagged and eyes covered up, with caramel-colored bound face and hands, on her head something with these flap-looking tendrils for hair.

The Jedi, after looking at her face gave me even more of a headache, and with two enemy patrol groups moving our way I decided on something I should have thought about before doing it.

"Rin, throw her into 'that room', make sure to use the force-resistant cuffs in there while you are at it." I told Rin, who even though was shocked rather happily grabbed the Jedi woman and rushed back onto the ship.

"Nora get your men clean up the crew and take over the ship we need the weapons, if we wish to deal with the groups coming our way." I told her, my voice gruff and harsh brokering

I only noticed her salute before I entered my ship with Sera.

The two of us quickly went to the cockpit and started the engines before leaving, once we got outside I joined the rest of the ships in formation.

"Fangs stay inside the asteroid field and await further orders." I ordered watching our fighter screen move away 

— — — — — 

Rin's POV:

Oh boy! I thought the room would never get used after watching 'hubby's' no my 'master's' face of disgust.

Guess seeing a Jedi made him rethink it… then again… with enemies about to get on top of us, I guess his needs and wishes are put aside.

Now that I'm in the room… where to put this Jedi, so many choices.

The wall? maybe the bed? or the stockade… choices, choices.

Mmmm… what was that little game again? oh right! Eeny, Meeny, Miny Mo.

"The stocks it is." I said sounding maybe a bit too happy but who cares?

The room is getting used already and on a filthy Jedi as well, best way to see what would happen right?

I quickly took off her robes and cuffed her in those anti-force thingies before I threw her into the stockade.

'Gotta make sure she gets to drink it, oh using the frontal one making her backside show to the door so dear hubby my master can just walk in and use her.' The more I thought and did the more happy I became.

I quickly put the mouthpiece on the Jedi's mouth so she could drink to her heart's content after waking.

"Now that is done time to get ready for a fight." I said leaving the room in pure delight and going to the cockpit to report

"Jack… Master, I secured the Jedi as you wished." I said in my chipper voice, but I quickly noticed my dear 'hubby and master' being rather distracted

"Good now secure yourself, All ships focus down the enemy Corvettes to limit enemy anti-fighter support." I heard him call out and seeing the ships coming our way I knew it would be trouble.

I quickly left to secure myself if you will… maybe I should have used some of that special drink… I wonder what it tastes like.

The ship started to shake making me lose my thoughts and focus on the battle at hand, I quickly put on the holo projector so I could watch what happened outside.

Things are getting heated soon, and more will follow :D

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