
Chapter 12: Calm Before The Storm

(Third Person) 

Lith's soldiers had begun the march back after their successful extermination of the Sentinels, his men in a justifiably gleeful mood as a result of the victory. 

And especially the men that had originally been a part of Sylas's army, glad to have avenged their prior defeat. 

Lith, Avalon, Adaloth, and Lars were all walking at the very front of the line. 

Avalon in particular sporting a noticeably embarrassed look on his face.

"You can put me down now." 

The reason being that Adaloth was currently holding him in a princess carry with everyone able to witness the spectacle. 

"Your legs are tired after all that running aren't they? It's important that you give your muscles ample rest," she countered. 

"Yeah, I think I've gotten enough rest. Now put me down." 

"Sorry, you're going to have to speak up a little. My ears are still ringing a little from all the cheering back there," she said without an ounce of shame. 

The corner of Avalon's eye twitched. "I. SAID. PUT. ME. DOWN." 


"If you can't hear me then you shouldn't have responded!" With Adaloth's iron-clad grip, it was impossible for him to even squirm in place. 

"You should just give it up, I saw this one manhandle a Senintel with her bare hands." Lith chuckled, finding the sight amusing. "There's no harm in being spoiled every now and then, don't you think Young Lady Avalon?" 

"Spoiled my ass! I'm being held against my will! Lars! Do something about this!" 

"The sky is awfully interesting today," Lars looked upwards. Pretending he hadn't heard a thing. 


"Oh, that's right. There's something I've been meaning to ask you, Blindfold." 

"What is it?" 

"Did you learn your swordsmanship from Souji?"

Avalon's brows lifted. "I did, how did you know?" 

"I was watching your fight at the end there against the eight-winged Fallen Angel, and your fighting style reminded me of him. Actually, I was also taught by him a long time ago." 



'Souji never told me had another student. Hmph, that cheater! I'll teach him a thing or two about keeping a side-disciple without me knowing!' 

Of course, Avalon would never entertain the thought that he wasn't the main-disciple. 

"I also wanted to ask about your Demonic Sword if that's alright with you?" 

"I don't mind," the side-piece clearly didn't know about the husband's cheating habits, so he wouldn't hold a grudge against Lith. 

"I noticed that you weren't experiencing any corruption from using the blade, how is that possible?" 

"Oh that? That's simple really," Lith's attentiveness rose as he leaned closer. "Blind people aren't affected by Demonic Swords." 

Lith deadpanned, appalled that Avalon could tell such a blatant lie with no sense of remorse. 

"Fine, keep your secrets." He huffed. 

"What's that?" Adaloth asked while looking at Avalon's hand.

He was holding the feather Eurus had given him before she fled. 

"It was from the eight-winged, I think she called herself Eurus." 

"I know that, I'm asking you why you're still holding onto it?" Adaloth's expression darkened a little. 

He shrugged. "Not sure, I could probably use it as a radar to detect her if she's ever close. Fallen Angels all have unique feathers right?" 

"You can do that with your senses alone, you don't need that feather." 

Avalon hummed, confused why Adaloth was so adamant about something as menial as a feather. 

"Also, don't you think it could go both ways? What if she uses that feather to find you instead?" 

He grinned. "Good, next time it won't be that easy for her to just come and go as she pleases. Let her come after me, I'm already itching for a rematch." 

Adaloth sighed, the only thing stopping her from facepalming being the fact that her hands were occupied with holding onto Avalon. 

Her argument had backfired. 

'Such a troublesome King you are, it's a good thing that I can keep watch over you as your Queen.' 

Avalon proceeded to stuff the feather in between the back of his head and blindfold, earning a lip quiver from Adaloth in return. 

"Lars told me it was your idea to set up the detection barrier around me," Avalon said. "Thanks." 

Fortunately, Avalon had unintentionally uplifted her mood at the right moment. 

"It's only natural that I look out for you," she smiled. 

"But seriously though, can you put me down now?" 

"I'll take it into consideration." 

Eventually they arrived back at the Sylas's camp, Adaloth and Lars resting at the small part that had been reserved solely for their peerage, and Lith and Avalon going to Sylas's tent to make their report. 

"Excellent!" Sylas sat upright the second he got the news. "I knew I could count on the both of you to get it done, fret not, all of you will be rewarded for your efforts accordingly." 

He motioned for his attendant to leave him while they discussed. 

"But I have to say, I certainly wasn't expecting the eight-winged Fallen Angel to make an appearance here. You did well to repel her, Avalon." 

'Can you really call it repelling? She just left of her own volition. Oh well, if Adaloth's assumptions about his intentions are correct then he'll probably just try to gas it up as much as he can regardless.' 

"I'm glad to have been of use," when Sylas felt like praising something, attempting to refute him was naught but a futile effort. 

"Now in spite of your success, I'm afraid we won't be able to advance for at least another week." 

Both Avalon and Lith were caught by surprise. 

"After looking through our logistics and casualty toll, we're in no condition to be pushing further into their territory. Therefore we'll have to spend some time dealing with all the injured soldiers, resupplying, and also waiting for reinforcements." 

"Reinforcements?" Avalon queried. 

"Yes, Klauth Auten and his army will be joining us soon to help with the advance, the Demonic Beasts they'll bring will also help with our movement speed." 

Avalon felt a cold chill jolt down his spine. 

If Klauth was coming here, then there was a chance his daughter would follow. 

"But what if the Fallen Angels try to reinforce or attack our position during that time?" Lith brought up a good point. 

"That's why you're here isn't it?" Sylas replied without a modicum of hesitation. "I'm sure you'll do a stellar job of keeping this position secure until everything's in order." 

His preferential treatment didn't go unnoticed by either of them. 

"Now then, is there anything else to report before I leave the both of you to your own devices?" 

"There is," Avalon said. "I caught a few field researchers that had been present at the battlefield, maybe they'll be of some use." 

Sylas wore an impressed look. "Field researchers? Interesting, we've never seen any of the Fallen Angel's research personnel on the ground until now. Great work, I'll have an interrogation set up for them at once." 

Lith and Avalon both performed a slight bow before leaving the tent. 

"He's treating you like a dog," Avalon didn't mince his words. 

"I know," Lith replied with an indifferent expression. "I don't really mind, I've got reliable people watching my back, and so do you. The Fallen Angels and their Scourges are a much bigger concern than some haughty noble in my opinion." 

"That's true," he nodded. "What do you plan on doing now?" 

"Isn't it obvious? We just won a battle, so of course I'm going to celebrate by having steamy hot sex with Iris all night long!" He pumped his fist. 

His words had left Avalon completely flabbergasted. 

'I'm shocked he's able to say something like that in front of a child without restraint.' 

"If you need a woman or two just let me know alright? I'm sure there's plenty of them that'd be willing after witnessing what you did out there," he tapped Avalon on the shoulder. 

"Uh, I'm quite alright. Thanks for the offer," he replied with a nervous chuckle. 

"If you say so," Lith shrugged, leaving to go do his 'business' with his second-in-command. 

Avalon returned to the small section of the camp that had been reserved for his peerage, one that stored at least 5% of the entire camp's total rations. 

Feeding the Super Devil twins was an expensive endeavor after all, it was like maintaining the cost for a high-level unit in a strategy game. 

When they were five they were already consuming at least three adults worth of food a day, and now that had almost doubled. 

"So, what's next?" Lars asked. 

Avalon relayed what he had heard from Sylas to both him and Adaloth, still perturbed by the Bael's treatment of Lith. 

"We basically have a week to ourselves before we start moving again, so maybe you can use this time to work on some spells or whatnot." 

Avalon started to walk towards the wilderness outside the camp. 

"Where are you going?" Adaloth asked. 

"To sort some business out, I'll be back soon." He shot into the distance without elaborating. 

Lars and Adaloth looked at one another, shrugging as there was no point in trying to give chase. 

"That Fallen Angel wielded a most unusual power," Lars recalled. "I managed to listen in on most of their conversation, it was something about constellations I think." 

"Whatever her power is, the fact that she has it confirms that she possesses a mutation." Adaloth concluded. "I'm not sure whether that alone is enough to classify her as a Super Fallen Angel, but I imagine she'll be stronger than the average Cadre once she gets her fifth pair of wings." 

Even if Eurus was seemingly stronger than Avalon at the moment, had the fight continued it was unlikely that it would be a completely one-sided beatdown. 

That, added with the fact that Eurus was already eighteen, more than double his age, put the difference in potential between them into question. 

"Do you think Avalon can win?" 

Then again, the expected lifespan of the Supremacy War wasn't very long, so it was theoretically possible for him to not surpass her before the war came to an end.

"He better," she replied before returning to her tent to get some rest. 

That Fallen Angel was a nuisance in more ways than one from her perspective, the sooner she was dealt with, the better. 


(First Person - Avalon) 

This should be far enough. 

I can't do this back at the camp, since it'll send everyone into a panic and probably make them think they're under attack.

"I think it's time for us to have a conversation, wouldn't you agree? Tomoe," I said aloud. 

His presence is quite troublesome, at least for other people. 

The white scarf draped around my neck erupted into a bright light, my blindfold saving me the need to shield my eyes this time. 

"Indeed, I believe such a thing is in order." An irritating voice replied, belonging to the humanoid figure that had appeared in front of me. 

He had the same impish grin on his face that he had worn when we first met, looking down at me with a finger under his chin as he licked his lips. 

"That Fallen Angel ambushing you was quite the blessing in disguise little one, had it not been for her then you wouldn't have nearly aroused enough interest to warrant this conversation." 

He crouched down, putting his hand on the side of my face as I felt his sharp nails prick my skin. 

But I remained steadfast, not sensing any outright malinent from him. 

"You know Avalon, there's another reason Souji doesn't like being around me, especially when I'm in my unsealed form." 

"And what would that be?" 

"He can't help but vomit," the corners of Tomoe's mouth stretched, revealing his sharp canines. "It's something that happens to everyone with finer-tuned senses when they come into contact with me, like an impulse they simply can't hold back."

His breath quickened ever so slightly as he leaned in closer towards me, probably trying to provoke some sort of reaction from me. 

"That's what's so interesting about you, you have the most fine-tuned senses out of any Devil, no, out of any creature I've ever come across. Yet you don't even gag a little at the sight of me, you probably don't understand it, but that alone tells me volumes about your character." 

He chuckled, inhaling sharply before continuing on with his monologue.

"Souji also noticed your lack of reaction to me, he didn't say anything, but his opinion of you changed at that very moment." 

"Are you going somewhere with this?" It's obviously just an attempt to get a rise out of me, and I refuse to fall for it. 

"Your eyes are fascinating, however," he slid his hand to the side of my head. "I find what goes on up here far more intriguing." 

Tomoe's demeanor seemed to loosen up a little, hopefully meaning that his rant had come to an end. 

"Now then, you wish to form a contract with me, correct?" 


"Very well, but keep in mind that forming a contract with me will require you to agree to certain stipulations of mine. Some of which are negotiable, and some of which are not." 

"I'd rather hear the 'non-negotiable' ones first." 

"The first stipulation, and the most important one I wish to impose. Is that you may not form a contract with any spirit other than myself." 

"Not even a familiar?" 

"Not even a familiar, though I don't see why you'd even bother with such a thing when you have me." 

Well this is a bit of a problem, I was hoping to pick up something useful in the Familiar Forest when the time came. 

Familiar's are extremely useful after all, they can help with a variety of odd jobs and act as useful support even in combat situations. 

Also, they're cute. 

If it weren't for Tomoe's strength, I'd pick a cute little fluff ball over him any day. 

"You're thinking of something rude at the moment aren't you?" He glared at me. 

"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about," I shrugged. "But if I were to forgo obtaining a familiar in exchange for having you, could I rely on you to do the tasks they would normally do?" 

"That depends on my mood." 

Of course it does. 

"What other stipulations are there?" 

"Hmm, give me a minute to think." He scratched his chin. 

Hold on a second, is he thinking of these on the go? I thought he had already prepared them beforehand. 

"Oh, I also want to be able to appear whenever I feel like it." 

"Can't you already do that?" 

"I can right now since you only have Muramasa under your control, and not me, but if I let you contract me without adding this condition I'll be automatically restrained." 

If you weren't such a problematic spirit, then maybe I would be fine with it. 

But you are an extremely problematic spirit.

"I'd like to amend that stipulation a little." 

"I said it's non-negotiable." 

"At least hear me out first," I sighed. "I want to have control over when you can appear during combat situations, and that includes when I'm training as well." 

Tomoe hummed, seemingly taking some time to deliberate. 

"Fine, I can work with that." 

"Also, you can't harm anyone I deem an ally." 

There's no way I can just let him appear and reappear with no restraint whatsoever, I trust Souji's words of caution. I'd be an idiot to let him have free reign. 

"You're pushing it," he narrowed his eyes. 

"Am I? This stipulation should only be a bother to you if you have any intent of harming my friends, and if that's the case, don't you think it's logical for me to impose it? If you can't agree to this term, then there's no reason for me to even contract you in the first place." 

"And what if someone you deem an 'ally', turns out to be an enemy?" 

I know who he's talking about, and I've already taken that person into account.

"That would be my business, and if you somehow do end up noticing such a thing before me. Then you can just warn me yourself, I don't see the need for you to take matters into your own hands." 

You're not the only one who can set non-negotiable terms. 

I don't care how much back and forth talking we need to do, I want this contract to be as favorable to me as possible. 

"You're fortunate you are who you are," he clicked his tongue. "Alright, I accept." 

"Good, any other terms you want to put on the table?" For some reason, I have a bad feeling about what I'm about to hear next. 

"Yes, there's just one more thing." His grin widened. "I want access to your memories." 

"I refuse." 

No chance. 

"Why not? You've only lived a measly 8 years, I doubt there's anything in that head of yours that can't be shared." He snickered. "Unless of course, there is such a thing." 

"Feel free to speculate, I'm not agreeing to that term." 

"No? Alright then, in return you'll only have access to 10% of my strength." 

Oh for fuck's sake. 

"You can't be serious, you're going to restrain 90% of your strength just for 8 measly years as you so aptly put it?" 

"I am, your reaction confirms that your memories are indeed something I'd be interested in. Therefore I have decided that I want them." 

This damned fox! If I'm only going to get 10% of his strength, then I might as well just go look for another Demonic Sword. 

"What's wrong Avalon? You look flustered," his tails brushed against my neck. "Is your drive for strength so weak you'll let a few memories get in the way of it? I'm disappointed." 

Tch, he's using the same argument as her. 

You two might as well get married. 

But I need his strength to make up for what I'm lacking in, and I'll probably also need it to defeat that Fallen Angel. 

Why must I always be surrounded by people like this? They should've just given me a Zanpakuto instead! 

"If you want my memories, then you'll also have to agree to never share them with anyone." 

"Done, I never had any intention of doing so to begin with. Everything about you will belong to me, and me alone from now on." 

If the only person who has them is my contracted spirit, then I think I can manage. 

Even if said spirit is a huge pain in the ass. 

"You're thinking of something rude again." 

"Maybe, maybe not. Now are there any other terms I need to deal with?" 

"No, that's all." He put his hand in front of me. "I look forward to seeing what you'll do with my power, Avalon." 

We shook hands, letters appearing in my head to make out the terms we had just set for our contract as our powers exchanged with one another. 

Tomoe fell motionless, his eyes gleaming as what I could only presume were my memories started to flow through him. 

"I see! I see now! That makes much more sense! Hahahaha! I made the right choice letting you contract me after all!" He put both his hands on my shoulders. "You really are something, Adrian." 

"Remember the contract-" 

"Don't worry, I'm physically incapable of breaking any of the terms now that they've been imposed onto me. Such is the nature of the contract. Now then, lift up your shirt." 


I'm not about to let myself be molested by this fox again. 

"Don't make me ask twice, I have to put my seal on you so I can dwell inside your body. The same way Souji keeps his Youkai." 

"Is that really necessary?" 

"I have no interest in remaining a scarf from now on, also it'll be easier for you to tap into my strength this way." 

Well, it doesn't seem like he's lying. Nor do I see any reason for him to now that the contract's been made. 

"Fine," I lifted up the back of my shirt as he asked, to which he rested his palm against my skin. 

'All done,' I heard his voice say from within my own mind. His body having disappeared. 

"I didn't take you for the artistic type," I found a nearby puddle and lifted up one side of my blindfold, looking at the design he had engraved on my back through the water's reflection. 

There was a large tattoo of a colossal white fox with nine tails and bright blue eyes, spewing blue flames from its mouth onto everything below. 

I can imagine that Zeoticus and Venelana will have something to say about this. 

'It looks good on you.' 

"You're only saying that because you're the one who made it, now how do I call out Muramasa?" 

'Just will it.' 

I did as he instructed, Muramasa appearing in my hand, this time with bright blue flames with black currents spanning across its alloy. 

'That's Fox Fire, even that Fallen Angel will be in deep trouble if she's engulfed by them.' 


"What about this white light covering me?" I noticed some sort of aura that I had never seen before had appeared around me. 

'That's Touki, it uses Ki, or Life Force to enhance all of your physical attributes. Another power granted to you by me, you're welcome.' 

My body feels lighter, and I feel like I can somehow move even faster than usual. 

My mind also feels sharper, and even my extraordinary senses have improved. 

'Normally my Ki would be far too much for anyone but me to handle, but you're capable of keeping it under control. Therefore you've experienced a power-up bigger than even what Souji got from containing all one hundred of his Youkai.' 

"That much?" 

'Not counting those who ascended to Buddhahood, I'm the strongest Youkai there is. Of course it's that much.' 

You still got sealed though.


'Don't worry about it, you'll probably never end up meeting any of them.' 

I willed Muramasa to disappear, smiling to myself as I admired the new strength I had obtained. 

The power of a Demonic Sword combined with a Kyuubi. 

Yeah, this'll do nicely. 

'Still, you really are quite something.' 

"You've said that multiple times." 

'It's true, I thought I had seduced quite the number of women during my long life, but you went even beyond that in the span of only 20 years. You have my respect.' 

"If you're actually reading my memories, then you'll know that there was no seducing done." 

'Haha, call it what you want. Just be happy that I'm praising you.' 


(Third Person) 

A few days had gone by since the Sentinels had been successfully destroyed. 

As per Lith's request, Avalon was sitting atop a cliffside near the camp watching over everything from above. He was the best security system one could hope for after all.

He watched as the supplies were being brought into the camp, alongside the soldiers dressed differently than both Lith and Sylas's men entering the camp.

They wore silver helmets with white cloths spanning down the sides of them, and armor that seemed like it would be more suited for cold climates. 

These were the Auten Clan's soldiers. 

"Are you still scared of that one?" Tomoe asked while in his manifested form, sitting down next to Avalon as he observed the sight below with only a mild amount of intrigue. 

At the front of the line of soldiers was obviously Klauth Auten himself, and to Avalon's misfortune, he seemed to have brought his daughter as well. 

She now wore a white suit with black lining, and an officer's cap with the Auten Clan's insignia on it. 

"That one, has a tendency to try to take my head off whenever she's close to me." Avalon turned to Tomoe, who had a bottle of wine in his hand for some reason. "Where did you even get that?" 

"This? I took it from Sylas's tent. You want some?" 

"You took it from- You know what, I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear anything." Avalon groaned, looking back down at the camp. "You should be able to tell that there's something special about her." 

"Mhm, she's a vessel for something like you are for me." 

"Any idea as to what that 'something' could be?" 

"It's a Demonic Beast, and a terribly powerful one at that." 

Avalon hummed, continuing to observe Esdeath who seemed to be looking for something, or rather someone, with a frustrated expression on her face. 

"How'd it end up in her?" 

"There's a few possibilities, one is that she was somehow born with it already inside her. Or maybe someone sealed it into her at some point, the Demonic Beast itself could've also turned her into her vessel." 

Avalon raised a brow. "What reason would a Demonic Beast have to seal itself?" 

Tomoe shrugged. "I don't know, it's just a possibility. I could try reaching out to the Demonic Beast and communicating with it if you'd like." 

"No, I don't want to do anything rash. I'd rather let Esdeath figure out everything for herself, if she hasn't done so already." Avalon held his hand up to his mouth, yawning as he found himself plagued by boredom. 

He understood why Lith had entrusted him with watch duty, but that didn't change how arduous it was for him.

"Adaloth, or I suppose I should call her Makima, asked you about bringing that girl into your peerage didn't she?" 

"She did, and now Esdeath's father seems to have deemed her fit for the battlefield. Maybe it's time for me to take that into serious consideration." 

Tomoe grinned. "I look forward to seeing how you'll seduce this one." 

"First of all, she's a child. Second of all, I don't do seduction." 

"Of course, of course. The great Adrian who had hundreds of women fawning over him knows nothing about seduction, it's clearly all just a misconception- Ow!" 

Avalon picked up a rock and threw it at Tomoe's head, causing the Kyuubi to scowl at him while Avalon plastered on a look of sheer satisfaction. 

"You wanna keep going?" 

"I was complimenting you! There's no need to be offended every time!" 

"A compliment from you is the equivalent to an insult for anyone with common decency," Avalon huffed. "Now stay put and continue keeping watch for me, I'm going to go down there and see if I can start a conversation with Esdeath that doesn't involve a battle to the death." 

Avalon took a deep breath, jumping off the cliff and using his wings to slow his fall as he appeared right behind Esdeath. 

"Hello there." 

"There you are," Esdeath didn't even hesitate for a nanosecond, reaching for her now slightly larger rapier with a frightening glint in her eyes. "You've ducked me for long enough, Avalon." 

"Oh come on, you didn't even let me get a sentence out!" Avalon wrapped both of his hands in Touki, catching Esdeath's blade in between them as she struggled to pierce his forehead. 

"Words are meaningless! Actions are the only way anything will get through that thick skull of yours!" 

Ice started to form from Esdeath's feet towards Avalon, clearly trying to entrap him by binding his feet to the ground. 

"But I didn't even do anything!" His speed made it easy for him to evade the attack. 

"You said you'd bring me along for the next mission you were going on! But lo and behold, you ended up going without me!" 

She flashed a vicious grin, firing a barrage of small icicle shards at him immediately after he dodged.

"That was three years ago! Also I said I'd 'maybe' bring you along! I didn't promise anything!" 

Avalon used a combination of his Touki and superb reflexes to read and reflect each of the shards with his bare hands. 

"I don't care! You still ditched me like you always do! It's not fair! You always get to do the fun stuff while I have to sit back and watch!" 

Esdeath flicked her rapier, cleaving each of the reflected shards and closing the distance between them in preparation for a follow-up attack.

"The Blindfold Devil stopped an ambush! The Blindfold Devil destroyed a thousand Scourges! The Blindfold Devil stopped the Sentinels! The Blindfold Devil fought the eight-winged Fallen Angel! It's always Blindfold! Blindfold! Blindfold!" 

She feinted a thrust, shifting into a spinning kick to which Avalon brought his arms together in a cross-guard, absorbing the impact head on with both his reinforcement and Touki to strengthen his muscles. 

"I also want to fight! We're the same age! So how is it fair that you get to experience all the action and I don't?" 

"It's not even my decision whether you get to fight or not, and you're here now aren't you? So there's no reason to complain anymore." 

"Indeed, there isn't any reason to complain." A deeper voice interjected, belonging to a very stern looking Klauth. "You've gotten much stronger over these past three years Esdeath, but your impulsiveness still hasn't subsided. I'm disappointed." 

Avalon heaved a deep sigh of relief upon Klauth's arrival. 

"Hello Avalon, I heard about your contributions during the fight against the Sentinels. Zeoticus and Venelana were just as impressed as I was when we got the news," Klauth rarely ever smiled, but Avalon was able to discern that he meant well. 

Some people were just stone-faced like that. 

"I did what I could," as much as Avalon wanted to go full blown Tomoe and start bragging like there was no tomorrow. He found it in him to restrain himself. 

"Esdeath will be joining the Mortis Campaign starting from today, so I hope you'll be able to show her the ropes as she gets accustomed to the battlefield." 

"I'll do my best," at least he could count on Adaloth to keep Esdeath under control. 

"Splendid, me and Commander Lith have been summoned to go talk with Lord Bael. So if it isn't any trouble, could you also help her get settled in?" As if he'd saying no to a man who looked like he could smash a mountain with his fists alone. 

"Of course," he motioned towards Esdeath. "Follow me, me and my peerage have a small part of the camp set up for us." 

"This isn't over," Esdeath muttered under her breath, which Avalon's hearing was still able to pick up on. "So, how was she? The Fallen Angel." 


"Well no shit, I'm asking for the specifics." 

"She had a strange power, one that allowed her to use constellations or something with different abilities. The fight didn't last very long, so I don't have a whole lot to offer you." 

"Whatever, I'll be the one to kill her regardless." 

Avalon couldn't help but scoff a little. "I'd suggest focusing on the Scourges first, they've taken up the majority of the Fallen Angel's fighting force." 

"I thought you were keeping watch?" Adaloth said the second Avalon returned to their section. 

"I've got it handled, more importantly we've got an old friend that'll be joining us from now on." He stepped to the side, revealing Esdeath who was immediately uneasy upon making eye contact with Adaloth. 

"I see, you were slacking off from observation to duty to spend time with Esdeath. Now it all makes sense," Adaloth's eyes narrowed with scrutiny. "I wonder how Lith will react when I tell him that?" 

"I wasn't slacking off! I literally just returned to camp!" 



AN: Welp, now Avalon's gone ahead and got him his own Kurama. 

Albeit a very freaky Kurama, the poor guy probably just wanted a Zangetsu or something instead. 

I've now got 4 Advance Chapters on p*treon, and I'm aiming to increase that with time so go support me there if you'd like to read ahead of everyone else. 


Discord is here as well, the server is dead as hell so if you want to revive it that'd be cool.


Next chapter