
A Letter of Destiny

Hermione took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and ripped the red seal off the envelope. She lifted the flap but then hesitated before opening the envelope entirely. Whatever was in that envelope would determine the rest of her life. The total weight of the circumstances completely paralysed her. She couldn't move.

"Oh, for Merlin's sake," Ginny said, grabbing the envelope from Hermione's hands and opening it.

Hermione squeezed her eyes shut. The ball of anxiety had become overwhelming. There was no breath coming in or out. Her whole body started to burn and shake.

"Just promise me one thing," Ginny said. Hermione couldn't answer but hoped that the quick nod of her head indicated her promise. "Promise me that you won't ever give me detention."


"Hermione. You got it. You got Prefect!"

A strangled squeal erupted from Hermione's mouth as she and Ginny jumped up and down. Hermione grabbed the letter and started to read.

Dear Miss Granger,

With immense joy and pride, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on being selected as Gryffindor Prefect for the upcoming school year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your dedication to your studies, exemplary behaviour, and commitment to upholding the values of our esteemed institution have not gone unnoticed.

As a Prefect, you will play a crucial role in maintaining the order and spirit of Hogwarts. Your responsibilities will include overseeing the well-being of your fellow students and assisting the faculty in various matters. We do not doubt that you will approach this role with the same enthusiasm and diligence that led to your selection.

To begin the next chapter of your Hogwarts journey, please report to the Prefect Carriage on the Hogwarts Express on September 1. The carriage is situated toward the rear of the train. You will receive instructions from the Head Boy and Head Girl and will be expected to patrol the corridors throughout the journey to Hogwarts. Your commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all passengers is paramount.

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, your responsibilities will extend to patrolling the castle and its grounds. The Head Boy and Head Girl will orient you to your duties and create a patrol timetable.

Remember, as a Prefect, you are a representative of your house and a role model for your peers. Your actions and decisions will impact the overall atmosphere of both the Hogwarts Express and Hogwarts itself, so we trust that you will carry out your responsibilities with integrity and fairness.

Once again, congratulations on this well-deserved honour. May your time as a Prefect be filled with growth, camaraderie, and magical experiences.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"I can't believe it!" Hermione shouted. "I have to go see if Harry got it too," she said after a few more minutes of celebrating with Ginny. Ginny gave her one last massive hug before Hermione raced up the stairs to the boys' room.

She threw open the door and tore into the room. Ron, Harry, and the twins were standing there. "Did you – did you get –?" She spotted the badge in Harry's hand and let out a shriek. "I knew it!" she said excitedly, brandishing her letter. "Me too, Harry, me too!"

"No," said Harry quickly, pushing the badge into Ron's hand. "It's Ron, not me."

"It – what?" It took a few moments for it to register.

"Ron's prefect, not me," Harry said.

"Ron?" said Hermione, her jaw dropping despite herself. "But ... are you sure? I mean-"

She turned red as Ron looked round at her with a defiant expression on his face.

"It's my name on the letter," he said.

"I…" said Hermione, trying to backpedal. "I ... well ... wow! Well done, Ron! That's really-"

"Unexpected," said George, nodding.

"No," said Hermione, blushing harder than ever. "No, it's not... Ron's done loads of... he's really…" No matter how hard she tried, words would not come to her mouth. Thankfully, she was saved by the door opening behind her. Mrs Weasley backed into the room carrying a pile of freshly laundered robes.

"Ginny said the booklists had come at last," she said, glancing around at all the envelopes as she made her way over to the bed and sorted the robes into two piles. "If you give them to me, I'll take them over to Diagon Alley this afternoon and get your books while you're packing. Ron, I'll have to get you more pyjamas; these are at least six inches too short. I can't believe how fast you're growing ... what colour would you like?"

"Get him red and gold to match his badge," said George, smirking.

"Match his what?" said Mrs Weasley absently, rolling up a pair of maroon socks and placing them on Ron's pile.

"His badge," said Fred, with the air of getting the worst over quickly. "His lovely, shiny new prefect's badge."

Fred's words took a moment to penetrate Mrs Weasley's preoccupation with pyjamas, just like Harry's took a moment for Hermione.

"His ... but ... Ron, you're not ...?"

Ron held up his badge.

Mrs Weasley let out a shriek just like Hermione's.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That's everyone in the family!"


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