
Turning Harry into a Joke

Ron laughed in a hollow sort of way. "He went completely berserk. He said – well, he said loads of terrible stuff. He said he's been having to struggle against Dad's lousy reputation ever since he joined the Ministry and that Dad's got no ambition, and that's why we've always been – you know – not had a lot of money, I mean—"

"What?" said Harry in disbelief as Ginny made a noise like an angry cat.

"I know," said Ron in a low voice. "And it got worse. He said Dad was an idiot to run around with Dumbledore, that Dumbledore was heading for big trouble and Dad was going to go down with him, and that he – Percy – knew where his loyalty lay, and it was with the Ministry. And if Mum and Dad were going to become traitors to the Ministry he was going to make sure everyone knew he didn't belong to our family anymore. And he packed his bags the same night and left. He's living here in London now. Mum's been in a right state," said Ron. "You know – crying and stuff. She came up to London to try and talk to Percy but he slammed the door in her face. I dunno what he does if he meets Dad at work – ignores him, I s'pose."

"But Percy must know Voldemort's back," said Harry slowly. "He's not stupid; he must know your mum and dad wouldn't risk everything without proof."

"Yeah, well, your name got dragged into the row," said Ron, shooting Harry a furtive look. "Percy said the only evidence was your word and... I dunno... he didn't think it was good enough."

"Percy takes the Daily Prophet seriously," said Hermione tartly, and the others nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked, looking around at them all. They were all regarding him warily.

"Haven't – haven't you been getting the Daily Prophet?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Yeah, I have!" said Harry.

Clearly, he had not been. Hermione tried to be kind and chose her following words carefully. "Have you – er – been reading it thoroughly?" Hermione asked, still more anxiously.

"Not cover to cover," said Harry defensively. "If they were going to report anything about Voldemort, it would be headline news, wouldn't it?"

Hermione tried not to react too much to the name and set Harry off again. "Well, you'd need to read it cover to cover to pick it up, but they – um – they mention you a couple of times a week."

"But I'd have seen-"

"Not if you've only been reading the front page, you wouldn't," said Hermione, shaking her head. "I'm not talking about big articles. They just slip you in like you're a standing joke."

"What d'you-?"

"It's quite nasty, actually," said Hermione in a voice of forced calm. "They're just building on Rita's stuff."

"But she's not writing for them any more, is she?"

"Oh, no, she's kept her promise – not that she's got any choice," Hermione added with satisfaction. "But she laid the foundation for what they're trying to do now."

"Which is what?" said Harry impatiently.

"OK, you know she wrote that you were collapsing all over the place and saying your scar was hurting and all that?"

"Yeah," said Harry.

"Well, they're writing about you as though you're this deluded, attention-seeking person who thinks he's a great tragic hero or something," said Hermione, very fast, because, in her mind, it would be less unpleasant for Harry to hear these facts quickly. "They keep slipping in snide comments about you. If some far-fetched story appears, they say something like, 'A tale worthy of Harry Potter,' and if anyone has a funny accident or anything, it's, 'Let's hope he hasn't got a scar on his forehead, or we'll be asked to worship him next-'"

"I don't want anyone to worship-" Harry began hotly.

"I know you don't," said Hermione. "I know, Harry. But you see what they're doing? They want to turn you into someone nobody will believe. Fudge is behind it. I'll bet anything. They want wizards on the street to think you're just some stupid boy who's a bit of a joke, who tells ridiculous tall stories because he loves being famous and wants to keep it going."

"I didn't ask – I didn't want – Voldemort killed my parents!" Harry spat. "I got famous because he murdered my family but couldn't kill me! Who wants to be famous for that? Don't they think I'd rather it'd never-"

"We know, Harry," said Ginny earnestly.

"And, of course, they didn't report a word about the Dementors attacking you," said Hermione, trying to get Harry to see what she was trying to explain. "Someone's told them to keep that quiet. That should've been a really big story, out-of-control Dementors. They haven't even reported that you broke the International Statute of Secrecy. We thought they would; it would tie in so well with this image of you as some stupid show-off. We think they're biding their time until you're expelled, then they're really going to go to town – I mean, if you're expelled, obviously," she went on hastily. "You really shouldn't be, not if they abide by their own laws. There's no case against you."

Harry looked like he was going to say something but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Uh oh."


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